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PER-ORDER NOW! Martin Denny tribute mug *UPDATE*

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GECKO posted on 01/28/2004

Alooooooha! friends and collectors,

OPEN FOR BUISNESS for the new MARTIN DENNY TRIBUTE MUG!! An exact replica of the tiki I carved for Mr.Denny.

email me @ [email protected]

These mugs will come signed and numbered to 300. They are $35ea plus shipping. Produced by Tiki Farm and will be avail in 45 to 60 days. ONLY 1 MUG PER ADDRESS.

This is the info I will need from everyone.
shippin' address (no po boxes), tel nr (daytime) & email address. Send a email to [email protected] type "buy gecko mug" or something to that effect as the email subject.

First come first serve for my first mug design ever on the market. Available now for TC. These will be avail to the public later.


Heres some update info on the mug. Yesterday I got a call from Christina Denny (Martins daughter) and talk to them both on the mug. Befor I ever gave this idea to Holden me and the Dennys talked first. I told them I wanted to tribute a mug to Martin for all the great stuff he has done for so many people threw his music.
Thats what the call was about yesterday. The lawyer finally drew up the contract and we both signed it yesterday. So, now the mug lables that are going to be signed by me can bare "A tribute to the high priest of exotica Mr. Martin Denny" !!

My Artisit Proofs which I'll call "EXOTICA PROOFS" will be signed by both me and Martin Denny and will be at a VERY scarce edition of only 25 mugs. Sold only threw me. I haven't figured out a $number$ for such a rare run yet? "EXOTICA PROOFS" are not yet for sale! SORRY!

Well thats the new update on the now "Martin Denny Tribute mug." I'm very happy to be able to bring a collectors item like this to you guys! it's been months of waiting but has now paid off.

TO: TC members, Mahaloz for all your support and I will strive to bring you great collectibles in the years to come! LIVE ALOHA!

TO: Mr. Denny and Christina Denny,
If you ever read this post, I cannot even think of a word to explain how great you guys have been to me! Thank you is a understatement!! Mahalo for all the ALOHA you have sent my way!!! Aloha to you both!

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-29 11:26 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-29 11:42 ]

[ Edited by: GECKO on 2004-01-29 11:52 ]

[ Edited by: gecko on 2004-01-30 12:31 ]

8FT Tiki posted on 01/28/2004

It's a Done Deal Gecko my man!
Can't wait to get that beauty :) :)
Hope that email went through ok. ????

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/28/2004

and aol spontaneously combusts from email to GECKO'S account :)

thanks man! lookin forward to it!
mahalo, j$

Tikiwahine posted on 01/28/2004

I hope mine went through too!

Maybe when Gecko's not crazy busy with all the e-mails he could post a list?

Pretty please? :) With sugar on top?

Well regardless, I am SO stoked about this one. Fantastic design man.

puamana posted on 01/28/2004

Done ! Many thanks for making a pre-order
possible. What a great design, looking forward
to it !

PolynesianPop posted on 01/28/2004

Just sent my info. Can't wait to get it!

Bamboo Bob posted on 01/28/2004

I need one, my "order" email was just sent over. MAHALO!

Raffertiki posted on 01/28/2004

I'm in. I have a front-row spot waiting for this one.

SES posted on 01/28/2004

woo hoo!!! The race is on!

Feelin Zombified posted on 01/28/2004

I was all set to have the 1st order in. but hunger won me over and I went out to lunch. As expected, I come back and I missed it by 20 minutes.

Anyway, Can't wait for it!


hula hula posted on 01/28/2004

im in hopefully... #301 just my luck!!!!

Tiki Bird posted on 01/28/2004

God, i hope i made the cut!

tikigreg posted on 01/28/2004

Just placed my order, Woo Hoo!

Tikitronic posted on 01/28/2004

Fingers officially crossed!

OceaOtica posted on 01/28/2004

woke up late, just placed order, hope i did not miss out

SugarCaddyDaddy posted on 01/28/2004

I was just thinking Gecko...

It says that the mugs are signed and numbered. Does that mean you will be here in SoCal in the next 45 to 60 days or is Holden just sending you the little limited edition cards to sign and send back to him to include with the mug?

SES posted on 01/28/2004

You want him to christen one for you?

GECKO posted on 01/28/2004

On 2004-01-28 12:04, SugarCaddyDaddy wrote:
I was just thinking Gecko...

It says that the mugs are signed and numbered. Does that mean you will be here in SoCal in the next 45 to 60 days or is Holden just sending you the little limited edition cards to sign and send back to him to include with the mug?

He's mailing them to me and I'm mailing them back. I wish I was going on vacation!

vwtikigirl posted on 01/28/2004

Just pre-ordered. I'm excited, that mug is sweet! Nice work Gecko.

SES posted on 01/28/2004

WOW it went from 80 views at 1:41pm when I ordered to 200 at 2:18pm eastern time... TC is going to catch on fire at this rate!

TikiGardener posted on 01/28/2004

Just Pre ordered mine, Hope I got in in time.
Thanks Gecko!

Johnny Dollar posted on 01/28/2004

On 2004-01-28 12:14, susane wrote:
You want him to christen one for you?

is there perhaps an appropriate or even specifically-created DRINK to go in GECKO'S mug? should that be a new topic mayhaps?


Unga Bunga posted on 01/28/2004

Gecko Man!!
I just PMed ya.

GECKO posted on 01/28/2004

There are still lots of mugs avail! I dont think I've hit 75 yet. It's 9:29 AM Honolulu time. Calli I think is 2 or 3 hours ahead. I think they will still be available for a few more weeks.

Mahaloz to all that has pre-ordered already. I cannot wait to come visit you at your homes and drink a maitai with you and see da mug on your shelf!

SallyandJay posted on 01/28/2004

Placed our order earlier. Glad to know we made the cut!!

Andrew posted on 01/28/2004

I knew there was some reason I was supposed to check TC this morning. Damn work! Looking forward to getting it.

OnaTiki posted on 01/28/2004

We're in like Flynn. Can't wait.....

Kono posted on 01/29/2004

Hey Gecko, could you punch "reply" when mine comes thru? I've been having troubles with my email outbox. I put Kono in the message. That way I know it got through. Thanks. The geckos that get in my apartment are gonna love it.

Shipwreckjoey posted on 01/29/2004

Hey Gecko, I keep tryin' to send you a confirm on the address in your post but I keep getting an Error code and it won't let me send. I'll PM you instead...damn computers!

tiki junkman posted on 01/29/2004

Just put my order in for one Gecko mug! I have to second the idea of posting a list just for us to double check our order and make sure all is well. Great mug Gecko!

tiki junkman

OceaOtica posted on 01/29/2004

yes gecko, please put up a confirmation list on this post when you get a chance

Larry Lava posted on 01/29/2004

We just sent our e-mail. Hope we are not too late!!

GECKO posted on 01/29/2004


I had a few peeps ask the question "when do we pay?"

I'm giving Holden the list on the 1st of March and he will be getting in contact with all of you for payment ya.

If you hane any ?'s feel free to ask.

Tanks to everyone who has ordered! I hope you will be happy with your new mug! I something special to tell you because I got A call from Christina Denny(Martins daughter) about some good news that I will tell you about later. It has to do with the mugs.

Kono, I didn't receive a email with kono typed in the subject box. PM me brah!

I can email everyone that has a pre-order in so you know I got you email if you want. I'll just type "got it". I don't have the time write now to tell you all the #'s of wot mug you get, sorry. Maybe later.

Their still is plenty mugs avail.

Live Aloha

Benzart posted on 01/29/2004

Well Gecko, Ya' got me. Gotta Have it, Gimme gimme gimme, I puit my order in, Yipee

TikiGardener posted on 01/29/2004

Send me that there confirmation email baby, ease my paranoid mind!


Atomicchick posted on 01/29/2004

Put me down for one too! That mug is the bomb!!!

SES posted on 01/29/2004

Did you send the "Got it" replies yet? I'm not seeing one in my mail.

mattfink posted on 01/29/2004

Right on!!! I'd love to have one!

Andrew posted on 01/29/2004

So if we didn't get a reply e-mail we should resend?

GECKO posted on 01/29/2004

I will send out the "Got it" emails tonight!

I updated the first post on page one of this thread so go and take wun looks!



McDougall posted on 01/29/2004

How do we get the Exotica Proof? Pleeeeze give me one at any price...

Andrew posted on 01/29/2004

That's really cool about Denny! If the Exotica Proof edition isn't too $ crazy I might want one of those.

tikimug posted on 01/29/2004

that's great getting the "seal of exotic-a-proval" on the mug!

You are sooo full of Aloha Spirit that when I look it up in the dictionary I see a picture of your face! HA! ;D

Feelin Zombified posted on 01/29/2004

Very cool tribute. How about the first 25 people on the waiting list get first dibs?
:D :lol: :D

no seriously!


Thank God The Tiki Bar Is Open
Thank God The Tiki Torch Still Shines...

[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified on 2004-01-29 12:26 ]

[ Edited by: Feelin' Zombified on 2004-01-29 12:26 ]

GECKO posted on 01/29/2004

"Exotica Proofs" nfs....yet

GECKO posted on 01/29/2004

I've been asked if theres any more mugs, YES! plenty!


SES posted on 01/29/2004

That's wonderful news! I'm going to print out the photo of the two of you and place it near the mug with the history behind the mug!

emspace posted on 02/01/2004

Just got back into town after 4-day trip, and email is away! Got a feeling '04 is gonna be a good year...

:), em.

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