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What's your latest rum purchase?

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hiltiki posted on 09/13/2014

Planters Punch with a mixture of dark Myers Rum and Cruzan light, very tasty...

elnova posted on 09/17/2014

latest rum purchase. el dorado 12, cruzan aged white, and coruba. :)

thePorpoise posted on 09/17/2014

El Dorado 21-yr-old.

thePorpoise posted on 09/21/2014

Mt Gay Eclipse Silver. not bad.

KrakenHunterSteve posted on 09/21/2014

On 2014-08-31 21:09, thePorpoise wrote:
let us know how that Cali Agricole drinks.

I'm not surprised that we didn't get a reply. This was my first Agricole purchase, and now I don't remember why I bought it, but I think I needed it for some recipe or something. It is 'pungent' to say the least. Let me elaborate: I bought a bottle of Dillon's White Rhum for $14, and $5 of that is just tax, and this is a much better Rhum. Look, Martinique Rhum is special, and a bunch of guys in California who specialize in Gin and Absinthe just don't have what it takes. That being said, I do like their Absinthe, and love the fact that I can get it in a tiny bottle (since I really don't use that much).

SchuTiki posted on 09/22/2014

Black Mask Original. Probably not too hot but I'm just getting in to experimentation with making Mai Tai's and other exotica drinks. For the cheaper mixing stuff what do you suggest?

djmont posted on 09/22/2014

For a good, inexpensive mixer Cruzan, either light or dark, is highly recommended.

mikehooker posted on 09/25/2014

While in Florida last week I made sure to pick up one of the amazing Tiki Diablo mugs from Mai Kai and a short supply of Kohala Bay. Picked up the Pussers today to make some Painkillers for guests in a couple days.

Duroon posted on 09/25/2014

Cruzan Blackstrap Rum is our latest purchase, loving it after being introduced to it at Hale Pele. Also picked up some of Eastside Distillings "Belowdecks" coffee rum not that long ago.

tikicoma posted on 09/25/2014

Four bottles of Lemon Hart 151. Don't what I'll do when I run out.
Oh, and a half gallon of Myers's Dark.

aloha, tikicoma

[ Edited by: tikicoma 2014-09-24 23:01 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 09/25/2014

Purchased in free-trade Europe:

sneakyjack posted on 09/25/2014

Havana 7
and some Caribbean rums - Ricardo dark and gold

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 09/27/2014

Papa’s Pilar and a bottle of Coruba “Spiced”. The Papa’s was about 10 bucks under list price and I got the Coruba for 5 bucks on the clearance rack (retails for 15 bucks). Both at Hi-Times, Costa Mesa, Calif. I had read DJ’s review on the Papa’s so I grabbed it when I saw it.
Btw, I could not resist the Galliano gift pack cuz it came with a tiki mug.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-09-26 21:32 ]

Hurricane Hayward posted on 09/30/2014

I just picked up a bottle of Angostura 5-year-old and immediately compared it head-to-head with the 7-year-old. It's surprising how different they are. The 7-year is superior, much smoother and better as a sipping rum. The 5-year is sharper and spicier. Both are fine gold mixing rums that I would recommend.

AdOrAdam posted on 10/01/2014

Good hear someone talking about Angostura's rum Hurricane Hayward - I'm never sure about them so I've not brought them, what would you compare them to?

I finally got a small bottle of Tawny Port to try out in a few recipes calling for it & some Neisson Blanc 55% - the Neisson comes highly recommended by all & sundry.


[ Edited by: AdOrAdam 2014-10-01 12:57 ]

bigbrotiki posted on 10/03/2014

The good stuff:

tikicoma posted on 10/04/2014

Are those mini bottles! Where did you get them?

bigbrotiki posted on 10/04/2014

At a nice little cigar store here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Landshut

Do you collect mini bottles?

tikicoma posted on 10/04/2014

Don't collect them intentionally, but I think they may be breeding in my cabinet. Interesting though, I lately came across a lady who had a hula troop in seattle that was called "Tani and the South Sea Islanders" in the '60's and "70's. Found out about her from her estate sale listing that in part advertised, "hundreds of miniature liquor bottles". More interesting were her photos including her and a tahitian drummer on stage at Carroll's Reef in Auburn, WA. There were a few other amazing photos also, I need to get back up there to get copies of them and more of her story but to much crap keeps coming up for me to deal with.

aloha, tikicoma

hang10tiki posted on 10/23/2014

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 10/23/2014

I finally attached the doors to my home bar. While dusting the bottles I came across an unopened bottle of Trader Vic’s 151.Didn’t know I had it-didn’t know Trader Vic’s bottled it. Anyone familiar with it?
Btw, I was reluctant to start a new thread and I must have purchased it (probably inadvertently) some time in the past so I’ll post it here.

DarthMalaguti posted on 10/25/2014

Just picked up some Lost Spirits Distillery rum for my annual migration to God's Waiting Room. Went a bit overboard with the 151 but it's surprisingly good in one of my favorites, a classic daiquiri.

kkocka posted on 10/26/2014

Damn, I can't imagine the total on that purchase! I saw the Cuban 151 and almost bought a bottle, but right next to it were 8 bottles of Lemon Hart 151, so I bought 3 of those instead. I mean, if I gotta choose, its not a hard one!

lunavideogames posted on 10/28/2014

Lost Spirits Cuban 151 and Polynesian. New Martinique for my collection and an old Lemonhart 151 gifted to me. I am excited!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 11/01/2014

Had to make a quick stop at Total Wine for bottle of orange flower water. Checked out the rum section and grabbed a bottle (1.75) of Meyers Platnium White for 19 bucks.
At that price you would think it was swill. I use it (thanx to a tip from Hurricane) in Rum Barrel Cocktails and Mojitos. I Luv em!

Zinctiki posted on 11/01/2014

On sale at Bevmo. Comes with two logo shots. Got the last three.

Just need 5 more neat drinkers :/

[ Edited by: Zinctiki 2014-11-02 08:28 ]

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 11/03/2014

Dey got all the Zaya gift pk.s you want at HiTimes. I restocked my Pussers (Painkillers) and Kirk and Sweeneys (Rum Babalu) and “Skippers" Rum caught my eye.
I try to research my rum purchase’s prior to purchasing but the old school label sure caught my eye. It’s a Demerera with a really interesting nose-Anyone know anything bout this rum?

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-11-02 20:00 ]

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 11/03/2014

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2014-11-02 19:58 ]

lunavideogames posted on 11/03/2014

On 2014-11-02 19:50, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:

I try to research my rum purchase’s prior to purchasing but the old school label sure caught my eye. It’s a Demerera with a really interesting nose-Anyone know anything bout this rum?

I bought a bottle. Not horrible, but nothing amazing. I guess it is the rail rum in the UK. Worth a try for the price.

Zinctiki posted on 11/03/2014

On 2014-11-02 19:50, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
Dey got all the Zaya gift pk.s you want at HiTimes.

Ahh. But too far fer me. Well, not really, but for a Zaya set maybe.

Now Costco had these six on the shelf last night. Hadn't seen them there before. Gone now.

Then today they have these in a cool box. Gonna have a good weekend.

[ Edited by: Zinctiki 2014-11-04 14:58 ]

kkocka posted on 11/04/2014

Yesterday bought a bottle of Don Q Cristal and Bacardi 8. Given the price point, I was happy to try Don Q, though after its out I will probably revert back to Cruzan for my light rum.

KrakenHunterSteve posted on 11/08/2014

The Vizcapa has a great flavor, and the alcohol is a little harsh. I bet this one will be excellent over ice or after a little oxidation. Beltran was good, but not great. And of course the others are just necessities.

Wow, first try doing this from my phone.

[ Edited by: KrakenHunterSteve 2014-11-07 20:41 ]

LoriLovesTiki posted on 11/10/2014

I bought a bottle of Goslings Black Seal and a 6 pack of Goslings Ginger Beer for some Black & Stormies.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 11/10/2014

On 2014-11-09 18:43, LoriLovesTiki wrote:
I bought a bottle of Goslings Black Seal and a 6 pack of Goslings Ginger Beer for some Black & Stormies.

Lori, There’s a ton of ginger beers to choose from. Some will actually change the “character” of a Dark and Stormy. My favs are Reeds and a very good Australian, Bundaberg. Have fun comparing em all.

hang10tiki posted on 11/16/2014

Good friend of mine came to visit us from Pittsburgh
Lil gift

hang10tiki posted on 11/18/2014

Yep, found it here in Vegas

Overproof Mike posted on 11/22/2014

Latest rum purchases were actually driven over to Pittsburgh from California by my in-laws. They brought Lost Spirits Navy Style 68%, 2 bottles of Lost Spirits Cuban Style 151 Proof, Plantation Single Cask Trinidad 1999, Three Sheets Barrel Aged (out of San Diego), and Hamilton Collection Jamaican Pot Still Black. I also have an order of 2 bottles of Plantation Dark Overproof at 146 proof and a friend bringing up a bottle of El Dorado 151. I guess you can probably figure why I go by overproof.

howlinowl posted on 11/22/2014

On 2014-11-07 20:40, KrakenHunterSteve wrote:
The Vizcapa has a great flavor, and the alcohol is a little harsh. I bet this one will be excellent over ice or after a little oxidation. Beltran was good, but not great. And of course the others are just necessities.

Wow, first try doing this from my phone.

[ Edited by: KrakenHunterSteve 2014-11-07 20:41 ]

Been on the lookout for that Galliano gift set. Haven't come across it yet. Tomorrow I'll be hitting the big box store (Total Wine) in Jensen beach.....wish me luck.


Project Questor posted on 11/22/2014

I found a nice rum at Total Wine called BlackMask. They carry the Original Spice and Island Coconut varieties. The bottles look great in a Tiki setup as well.
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kkocka posted on 11/24/2014

On 2014-11-22 14:55, Project Questor wrote:
I found a nice rum at Total Wine called BlackMask.

Is "nice" the phrase to describe it's quality? I only ask because I have seen that all over various liquor stores (the kind that only carry Bacardi, Captain Morgan, and Malibu) and it gave me the opinion that it is average to low quality rum.

hang10tiki posted on 12/03/2014

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hang10tiki posted on 12/04/2014

Found another store that sells it here in Vegas

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mikehooker posted on 12/04/2014

Had a few min to kill before getting into work this morning so popped in an unassuming liquor store down the street and found this bottle of old label Coruba sitting all by its lonesome on the shelf for $9.99. When did they switch the label, around 2010? I noticed there are little speckles of something or other floating around the bottom. Is that something to concern myself with?

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 12/04/2014

Mike, If that were mine, I would try to get to the bottom of this right away.
I suspect that they’re sugar crystals.

mikehooker posted on 12/04/2014

On 2014-12-04 14:45, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
I suspect that they’re sugar crystals.

That's what I'm hoping. I still have an open bottle of the new stuff. I guess I might as well crack this one to "compare" 'em since I've heard mixed opinions on whether or not the formula was changed.

lunavideogames posted on 12/04/2014

Yeah Mike, I would drink it! Good score.

lunavideogames posted on 12/05/2014

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Big score today at Keg & Bottle!

El Dorado 151
Lost Spirits Polynesian (now that I have 2 I know it is safe to drink one :wink: )
Ministry of Rum Jamaican black
Ministry of Rum St Lucian

El Cajon and College location in San Diego. They carry 4 different Lost Spirits and have one of the best rum selections in SD.

mikehooker posted on 12/06/2014

2070 Swizzle time. Bought the Angostura a few weeks ago but haven't been able to find the dram locally. Mentioned it to the store I got that old label Coruba from yesterday and she special ordered it and had it here for me today.

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