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The Kanaloa Lounge

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Pele Paul posted on 05/22/2013

very very cool!!!!
Is that a WITCO outrigger wall art I see?? its gorgeous

Masher88 posted on 05/26/2013

Your bar is amazing! I have a question. Where did you run your hanging lamp cords to get power to them and how did you hide the wires?

Polynesiac posted on 05/26/2013

Outstanding. I have always loved the bar/moon painting/lava rock bar corner too, but this with the "shipwrecked" planks, door frames, lights and tiki realia is awesome. Your home bar/relaxation zone is a home run! I think I would spend quite a bit of time in there!!

Polynesiac - putting the "F" back in "ART"

[ Edited by: Polynesiac 2013-05-25 18:24 ]

Slacks Ferret posted on 05/26/2013

Thanks Polynesiac! And right back atcha! Your Inspiration Point tiki room/ workspace is awesomely amazing! I think I could spend a lot of time in there just getting lost in the details. It is worthy of it's moniker!

On 2013-05-25 17:57, Masher88 wrote:
Your bar is amazing! I have a question. Where did you run your hanging lamp cords to get power to them and how did you hide the wires?

Thanks for the compliment Masher88. And to answer your question; since I designed the room from scratch, I made sure I had electrical outlets installed high up near the ceiling that I could control with the flick of a switch. You know that triple switch in behind the bar and under the mural? The one I covered with a photo of bamboo? That's the switch that operates the hanging lamps. I've also made many of my lamps to have shorter chains so they aren't super obvious. But "hiding wires" is something that I have thought long about, and still could do a lot better.

Masher88 posted on 05/26/2013

Thanks, Slacks! Again, your place is so creative. You really have great vision.

hang10tiki posted on 05/26/2013

Me like

Longboard posted on 05/28/2013

Great room, my Tiki Brother!

Great idea on the floors. Had my doubts when you 1st started it, but you pulled it off. Total Bad Ass!


Dagg posted on 06/24/2013

Slacks, I hope you and yours made it through the floods unscathed.

Slacks Ferret posted on 06/24/2013

Thanks Dagg! Yes, we were among the lucky ones. It's amazing how much devastation has occured to the neighbourhoods near the rivers and in our downtown core. I was just out to see the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion play on Thursday evening and then just hours later (where we were seeing them play downtown) everything seemed liked it was under water. But thankfully, since we're uphill and a few miles from the river, the Kanaloa lounge (and the rest of my house) is dry.

Dagg posted on 06/24/2013

On 2013-06-24 15:04, Slacks Ferret wrote:
Thanks Dagg! Yes, we were among the lucky ones. It's amazing how much devastation has occured to the neighbourhoods near the rivers and in our downtown core. I was just out to see the Jon Spencer Blues Explosion play on Thursday evening and then just hours later (where we were seeing them play downtown) everything seemed liked it was under water. But thankfully, since we're uphill and a few miles from the river, the Kanaloa lounge (and the rest of my house) is dry.

Good to hear, the images on the news were/are incredible! CBC is saying it could take 10 years to rebuild! crazy....

Slacks Ferret posted on 07/22/2013

Some updates on the ol' tiki face that sits on the wall-mounted flat screen:

I was really tired of looking at the boxy Version 1.0...so I changed it. I also went against my own advice and ended up making the whole thing about 10 lbs. heavier in the process.

Above is the TV cover with added foam & drywall paste (that's where most of the added weight comes from).

Above it is painted & finished (for now). I like it a lot better!

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 07/22/2013

It scares me. Tell your kids it'll eat them if they don't do their chores (that ought to screw them up for life).

VampiressRN posted on 07/22/2013

"Fire in the Hole"

Tiki-kitty posted on 07/24/2013

Great googly-moogly! I love your bar! What a killer way to blend your TV into the room. You, sir, are quite the clever one!!!

Slacks Ferret posted on 08/19/2013

I wanted to hide the stereo, PVR and DVD player (see them sticking out like a sore thumb in my last photo post), so I devised a plan to hide them in a barrel I scored off of Kijiji:

Finding the barrel for a decent price wasn't easy, but it was easier than converting it into a cupboard. I found instructions that were very helpful off the inter-webs.

I'm liking this a lot better now. I just need to get more crates (and small barrels) to help stage this area.

jimsflies posted on 08/19/2013

Great job! Looks awesome.

Brandomoai posted on 08/21/2013

Lookin' good, as per usual!

hiltiki posted on 08/22/2013

Very clever and it looks just perfect.

VampiressRN posted on 08/23/2013


Slacks Ferret posted on 10/03/2013

Thanks for the nice replies folks! Here's a few more updates:

I also wanted to hide the record player, and give the LP's a place of their own. Oh sure, the LP's already had a spot in the old record rack, but that thing was kind of lame to use (and a bit off-theme).
Here's a crate I made to hide those components:

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And remember that water fountain I threatened you with? I think it's almost done now. Here's a peek at where it's at so far:

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Mahalo for lookin'

Slacks Ferret posted on 10/04/2013

Hey! I just realized I just passed the 10 year mark on TC! Hooray for me!

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lunavideogames posted on 10/04/2013

Happy decade on TC! looking good. I like the record crate and the barrel you repurposed. Very cool.

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Phillip Roberts posted on 10/04/2013


On 2013-10-03 18:09, Slacks Ferret wrote:
Hey! I just realized I just passed the 10 year mark on TC! Hooray for me!

Hey, congratulations Slacks! I was looking at your thread and thought, hmmm...

"Nice job. He and I were newbies around the same time..." and sure enough...

Slacks Ferret posted on 09/19/2014

Now the Kanaloa Lounge has an original song! It's by Forbidden Dimension's Jackson Phibes. Check out the You-tube clip:

Sweet Daddy Tiki posted on 09/20/2014

Swank! Where can I buy the vinyl 45?

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Tiki Tex posted on 09/20/2014


All told...totally AWESOME!!!

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EnchantedTikiGoth posted on 12/24/2014

I am in awe... I was looking up Tiki stuff here in Calgary and came across this and your Facebook (with photos of some of my coworkers from the Glenbow, which was weird ^_^ ). Absolutely STUNNING work. It would be inspiring if it wasn't so overwhelmingly good. At least it's filling me with the envy of an apartment-dweller.

I'm especially liking the way your lava rock features turned out, though that's like picking one jewel out of a crown. Thanks for sharing how you did it... I might try the idea for a smaller, portable thing in my and my wife's Enchanted Tiki Kitchen ^_^

Anyways, wow, amazing!

Slacks Ferret posted on 12/27/2014

Mahalo for the kind words ETG! Seems we might already know some of the same folks. It would be cool to have a fellow Calgary tiki enthusiast over to enjoy the lounge someday. Happy Holidays!

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EnchantedTikiGoth posted on 12/30/2014

On 2014-12-27 08:17, Slacks Ferret wrote:
Mahalo for the kind words ETG! Seems we might already know some of the same folks. It would be cool to have a fellow Calgary tiki enthusiast over to enjoy the lounge someday. Happy Holidays!

Abdolutely! Whenever you feel like having a gathering, just say the word :)

Happy New Year!

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Aloha Daddy posted on 12/31/2014

Aloha Slacks, I just found this thread and your bar/space is amazing! You are an inspiration to the rest of us! I am gathering my thoughts and ideas for improvements for 2015 and your bar is definitely getting my creative juices flowing!! Mahalo!!! and Happy New Year!!!

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Matt Reese posted on 02/24/2015

Gotta say that this is still one of my top 10 best home bars. So amazing.

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IDoVoodoo posted on 02/24/2015

Definitely rad.


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creativenative posted on 02/24/2015

Good stuff Slacks. Tell me about the lava fountain with the red light (bottom of page 11 of this thread), the effect is a lava flow in your photo. Spray foam for lava, painted black, has a realistic lava flow look. My real questions are about the red lighting placement; is the red bulb in the hole of the fountain or under the lip of the top surface of the fountain and is that some find of low flowing fog effect over the pond. Whatever it is the lave, lighting and fog give off a very real look. Believe me I've been on hot lava with fresh flows underneath on the Big Island of Hawai'i and if your a guy, wearing shorts and stay in one place for over 40 seconds two things happen; one the bottom of your shoes start melting and two; your huevos rancheros start cooking (if you know what I mean). Haha! I'll never forget that. I digressed, sorry, anyway good job SF.

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Banana Bill posted on 02/24/2015

I love absolutely everything about your lounge. Amazing ideas. Thanks for sharing!

Slacks Ferret posted on 02/25/2015

Mahalo folks! I appreciate the kind words!

I've added a few pics of recent additions to the bar:

The entrance way with new trapezoid shaped painting showing Polynesian motifs, light up float lamp, and clay tiki sentinels based on the tiki guards at the now defunct Kon Tiki in Montreal:
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Better look at the painted piece and sentinels:
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A better look at the left guard:
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A better look at the "Right Guard" Hardy har har!:
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"Shark Jaws" that hang above the exit. The teeth spell out in binary code: Mahalo for visiting the Kanaloa Lounge:
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Slacks Ferret posted on 02/25/2015

And to answer the Creative Native. I just used one of these LED light Misters for the fountain fog and light. Nothing special, really. I wish I could find one that only did red and orange light, but alas I went with something like this (which cycles through a bunch of colours):


Pele Paul posted on 02/26/2015

id love to know where you got the right hand and left hand figures? did ya make em? cuz they are awesome!!!

Slacks Ferret posted on 02/26/2015

Thanks Pele Paul. Yes, I made 'em out of clay. I'm glad you like them!

Pele Paul posted on 02/27/2015

OMG did you really!!?? just like gumby !!! lol toooooo awesome!!!!

Slacks Ferret posted on 08/06/2015

Added this "Now Playing" record holder for some reason:

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MaukaHale posted on 08/13/2015

That's a nice touch for old technology. Did you use a router to make it?

Slacks Ferret posted on 08/14/2015

I actually made the face and lettering out of clay. The rest is wood...


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W8N2Surf posted on 03/20/2017

Love the "Now Playing" rack! I have that Jack La Dell Record too!

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/17/2018

Found this bamboo love-seat recently:
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Now I just need to have some cushions made.

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MaukaHale posted on 03/17/2018

Nice find, will there be a cushion that goes with it?

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/17/2018

Yes. I'm taking this as an opportunity to upholster all my chairs to match. So hooray for that!

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RichC posted on 03/27/2018

I just finished looking through the pics. I am in awe. You've done a terrific job throughout the whole lounge from top to bottom.

Humbling as they are, these super home tiki bars like yours and others shown on the forum nonetheless inspire me to keep up the work on my own little space, even though I don't feel I have the space, budget, time or skills to even come close. Great, great job!

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/29/2018

Mahalo RichC! Those are nice words to read! I appreciate it.

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