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Tiki Central / Other Events

Attn: Dallas Tikiphiles!!

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Reever posted on 01/20/2004

Hey, Unkle John. Are you really the guy that stole the Trader Vic's tiki?

Unkle John posted on 01/20/2004

LOL i wish. But it sounds like something i'd do.

[ Edited by: Unkle John on 2004-01-20 07:17 ]

Reever posted on 01/30/2004

Alright, so is tomorrow night still on? I'm trying to make it happen... gotta get out of some other plans...

Who's coming and what time?

Kenike posted on 01/30/2004

Who's coming and what time?

There's a different thread for this:

I'm not sure who's definitely coming...I still plan on being there between 8 & 8:30.

hazmania posted on 01/30/2004

I plan on coming with my friend Jason (and wives?)but probably won't make it until 8:30-45pm. We have 7:30 dinner reservations in Addison. I'm 6'2",early forties,brown hair. Jason is 5'9",mid-thirties with sleeves of tattoos.

Formikahini posted on 01/30/2004

Y'all have a great time! Next time, try to do this on a Saturday, so we Houston folks can join you (can't do no 4 hour drive on a Friday after work and get there at 8:00!). I'd be there if I could :( .

But there's rumor of a new tiki bar in Houston........YAAAY!!! Then YOU lot can make the road trip!

Someone make sure and do a trip report in Locating Tiki under the thread already there. I want to know how the drinks are, and if they are playing surf music after all now, or not.

hazmania posted on 01/31/2004

Oops! Something came up and I might not make it. Hope somebody gets this. Sorry.

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