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2015 Cap City Tiki Crawl 10-2,3,4-15 (2016 save 9/30 & 10/1 & 10/2-anyone interested in hosting)

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VampiressRN posted on 02/01/2015

We are all looking forward to this years crawl on the first weekend in October (Fri 10/2, Sat 10/3, Sun 10/4). We have some stops we have been to before and several new ones. We are in our 9th year and still going strong. Wendy has the crawl mug list below. Please check for recent time changes.

ANNOUNCING OUR CAP CITY TIKI FEZ. These are a beautiful royal blue, short style with a white tassel. We are blessed to have accomplished Tiki artist, Tonie Jenkins, who has created a beautiful ceramic emblem, with gold font on the banner part of the emblem for our fez. These will be $40, please request your Fez size in this thread. I am posting size and availability, first requests taken, there are limited quantities at this time. If we need to create more Fez after the crawl we can plan on that. (I have requested XXXL from the vendor so will let you all know)

Marlene Cross = M
Wendy/Dan = XXL
Brook = XL
Debbie = L
Sandy = S
Alan = L or XL
Matt K = L
Mike Mac = L
Greg R = XXL or XXXL (if possible)
Tikipopoki = L
Jay Knox = L
Cecily = S

Please don't forget to message me with your email address if you have not received the stop addresses.

Friday, October 2, 2015
~5-7p = Downtown Sacramento/BBQ & Bar at Tankhouse-local business http://tankhousebbq.com/
~7:15-whenever = Sacramento @ Kiki's Tiki Village (Keith's Home Tiki Bar and Bocce Ball action)

Saturday, October 3, 2015
~9:30-11:30a = Crowded House (Bullet Roberts Home Tiki Bar)
~12:30-3:30p = Grass Valley for the Dewing's Bar
~4:30-6:30p = Barbara & Audrey Home Tiki Bar
~7-10p = Jeremy & Stephanie Sherlock Home Tiki Bar

Sunday, October 4, 2015
~10a-12p = Downtown Sacramento with Lauren at Swanberg's-local business
~12:30-2:30p = Elkgrove at Hape Hale - Lloyd's Home Tiki Bar
~3p-whenever = Elkgrove at TheDave & Eva's Home Tiki Bar (Tiki Marketplace)

Marlene Cross (VampTiki)
Wendy & Dan Cevola
Tiki Tonie and Dale
Sandy (Corona Contessa)
Tiki Phil +1
Eric (Savage Tiki)
Vance & Janae (Honu Tiki)
Lloyd (Lloyd*AloHHHa)
Terri & Tom Coleman (TikiTnT)
Dale & Tonie (TikiTonie)
Cecily & Bruce Dewing (Kekili)
Jenny & Cole Unger (Revcole)
Kalu +1
Bullet Roberts(kingstiedye)
Chuck Carroll (Polynesian Paddy)
Mike Masterson (Moai Mike)
Alan Galbraith(Choptop)
Keith & Molly Richardson(muskrat)
(The Blue Kahuna) +1
Jeremy & Stephanie Sherlock (JJ Mai Tai)
Jim and Julie (jdseeks)
Mark & Selena (markmywords)
Dave & Eva (Dr.TikiMojo & Iwa Mojo)
Sarah & Erik Daniells (The Crippled Captain)
Brad and Colleen Carson (Brad&Colleen)
(Mr Aloha) +1
Maggie (Ms Monk II) & J
Denise Marie & Mike
Elliott & Araceli (DaddyLovesTiki)
Mike Remmel (TikiHula)
Josh & Jennifer Hunt
Woodtiki + 1
Tikipopoki + 1
Rea Macsems (cockgrease)
Eileen Bagley Roark

HEY ALL CRAWLERS-please message me with your email address (unless you know I have it), so I can send the addresses of our crawl when we get closer to the event. THANX

I know there are more crawlers, so please confirm by posting and include the number in your party. I am really bad at names, so if I spelled yours wrong or messed it up, just let me know.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2015-09-28 20:21 ]

[ Edited by: vampiressrn 2015-10-25 18:37 ]

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 02/07/2015

Hey Marlene, what day will be Elk Grove's day???

VampiressRN posted on 03/03/2015

Be sure to post if you want a mug...Wendy will track that information below.

[ Edited by: VampiressRN 2015-05-24 20:03 ]

danlovestikis posted on 03/16/2015

The schedule is looking mighty fine.
The crawl mug is in progress. Soon I'll begin posting the step by step photos.

This is the Sacramento Crawl mug inspiration for 2015. It is a huge fogcutter mug.
It's lot's of fun bringing back these past places.

So far we have made mugs for:

2010 Zombie Hut

2011 Tiki Bob's

2012 Hawaiian Hut

2013 Coral Reef

2014 Albert's Tiki Village

and this year it will be

2015 Bali Hai

Another fun crawl to look forward too. Thank you Psycho Tiki D for starting this event and VampiressRN for keeping it going. Cheers, Wendy

TikiTnT posted on 04/08/2015

Aloha everyone! Just wondering if there's a chance we will not be crawling on Saturday? (hope so!) Big bike ride is possible, but "Crawling Mo' Bettuh"!

TikiTnT posted on 04/08/2015

. . . ha ha! that almost sounded like like we were hoping there wasn't a Saturday Crawl, not the case, oh no no no!

VampiressRN posted on 04/11/2015

If you are crawling, post in this thread with the number of people with you.

[ Edited by: vampiressrn 2015-05-24 20:02 ]

danlovestikis posted on 04/13/2015

Hello Ohana. We've been working on the Crawl Mugs since December 2014. At the same time I've been doing a Wish List (#5). When I'm done with the Wish List and the photos have been shared I'll start showing the mug in progress. It's very large Fogcutter and I've had to completely carve the outside each time we pour one. Well I didn't have too, I wanted to. I want this mug to be the best one yet. It's a labor of love! The crawl is so much fun. Cheers, Wendy

PS VampiressRn maybe Bullet would let us crawl to his home on Saturday, I'm nudging him

Honu Tiki posted on 04/17/2015

Aloha everyone!
My name is Vance and my wife and I, Jenae live in Sacramento. We are fairly new to the Tiki world and in recent months, we have met some amazing people! Recently we had the pleasure of meeting Wendy and Dan and we look forward to meeting you.
We would like to attend the Sac City Tiki Crawl in October and please count us in. We look forward to more details to come.
Mahalo everyone!


danlovestikis posted on 04/20/2015

Hi Vance, we sure had a fun visit with you and your wife. This crawl is the ultimate party. Marlene will update as there are changes. One of these days I'll start posting photos of the Crawl mug currently in progress.

I'll be posting your Honu mug on my thread tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 05/24/2015

Looks like our schedule is getting full for all 3 days.


Tiki Tonie posted on 05/25/2015

Tiki Tonie and Dale are going and we want a mug too!

Tiki Phil posted on 05/25/2015

Hello, we live in Vacaville and would love to attend

Savage Tiki posted on 05/25/2015

This has been a harrowing and traumatic process. I've forgotten my log in info for TC. As an AOL user (no comments from the peanut gallery)it doesn't play nice with TC so I have to use my yahoo account that I only have for this. Never fear I have saved all pertinent info to my smart phone.

Yes I'm in for crawling around Sactown for all 3 days and looking for a place to stay as usual. Who wants to put up this gypsy from Napa? Or should I reword it to put up with?

I would love one of the illustrious Wendy mugs too. Can't wait to see it and all of my Sac ohanah.

Kekili posted on 05/25/2015


I wonder is our tiki bar can be added to the list of stops. My husband and I built a wonderful bar, located in Grass Valley. Our home is halfway between downtown Grass Valley and Auburn.

Please let me know, thank you!
Cecily Dewing

revcole posted on 05/25/2015

Jenny & I will be Crawling and want a Wendy Mug

kingstiedye posted on 05/25/2015

i'm in for sat and sun at least. and a mug.

Kalu posted on 05/26/2015

Wife and I will be there, especially for the Elk Grove stops, and would lke a mug - #31 if possible.

Polynesian Paddy posted on 05/26/2015

Please add Chuck Carroll (Polynesian Paddy) and Mike Masterson (Moai Mike) to the list of Sacramento Cap City Tiki Crawlers. Thanks.

danlovestikis posted on 05/26/2015

Marlene what an outstanding lineup for the crawl. We are so excited!

This years mug is going to be the best mug I have ever made. I will begin posting in a few days. I am writing down the names of those who want a mug. Everyone needs to be on the list so that I have an idea of how many to make. Those who have always had an assigned number will get to keep their number or if your number request is a high number you will get it. Otherwise it will be first come first to get them at the crawl stops. We will go to every home for sure with the mugs in our vehicle. If you want a low number grab me when we arrive.

The list will be on the first post I make which will be on my "other crafts" thread and I will put a link here to make finding it easy.

Thank you all. I appreciate being allowed to make the crawl mug each year. It means so much to me. Wendy

PS and thank you VampiressRN aka Marlene for taking this on

VampiressRN posted on 05/27/2015

Im on vacation this week so will be sure to update the crawl list next week. We are so blessed to Wendy onboard for our mugs. I am also working on a Cap City Tiki fez for us...more to come later on that.

Choptop posted on 05/27/2015

In for the crawl and as always, mug #47.

slowhandtikiman posted on 05/28/2015

Thanks for announcing the dates so early Marlene!
I'm in for Friday night and Saturday, not sure about the Sunday venues yet.
I definitely want a 2015 Crawl mug!
Really looking forward to seeing everyone this year!
still wondering..."why is the Rum always gone???"

muskrat posted on 05/29/2015

me (keith) and molly will be in of course.

danlovestikis posted on 06/01/2015

Hello Sac Ohana and tiki crawlers. I am starting the list for the mugs right here. The mugs will be available at all the stops. You need to be on the list so I have an idea of how many to make. They are for sale to crawlers and those who can't make it (out of town or state) if you are on the list.

To get the lowest numbers you need to be at the locations of the crawl and grab me. I will have the mugs in the car. Only those who have purchased a certain mug number in the past or want a big number will have an assigned number. The rest are first to the car gets it. The mugs will have the more expensive glazes used on them this year. I have asked for opinions as to what I should charge for one of these mugs and all came back at $100 or more. So I'm selling them for $80 because this is for all my friends.

The mug is huge and heavy and required so much detail by hand work and with glazing in multiple colors that in our opinion it's the best mug we've made so far. I'm starting to show the step by step photos on my "other crafts" thread beginning on page 435.

Here is the link.




Here is the list in no set order:

Duane Orzol
Gregory Ramirez aka The Blue Kahuna
#13 Laura R.
#41 Muskrat
Moai Mike
Savage Tiki
#47 Choptop
#11 Vampiress RN
#12 Corona Contessa
#31 Kalu
Matt Hull #25
Tonie Jenkins
#50 Lloyd*AloHHHa
Loki Tiki
Bob Fourbearz
JJ MaiTai
Debbie Moretton
Jim Donahue aka jdseeks
Dr.TikiMojo aka Whylee Raven
TheCrippledCaptain aka Erik Daniells
Cole Unger
Jenae Klinke
TheCrippledCaptain aka Erik Daniells
Cathie Wartelle
Matt Hull
Diana Kerr
HB Tiki
Ruth Hughes
Paul Grande in AU
Brad&Colleen aka Colleen Aruba
Debbie Whitaker Moretton
Tiki Bob
Brenda Ray aka Brenda's Tiki Hut
Chuck Burns
Paul Grande
Tom Duncan
Freddie Coester
Tadpole Lo Bue
Mr. Aloha
Mahalo Tiki
Bob "Rum Dog" Burt
Gabriel Baldwin
Miss Monk-ii
Mike Mac
danlovestikis (for Joanne)
DaddyLovesTiki requests #60
Tiki Hula



Marone Tiki
Laurie West
Brian Goddard

If you want a mug post on this thread, on my Wendy Cevola facebook or send me an email or PM to danlovestikis. If your name doesn't show up holler at me!

Thank you all for allowing me this honor of making your crawl mug. I look forward to making it each year but most of all to
seeing you at the crawl. Wendy and Dan

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-09-18 05:12 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-09-29 21:05 ]

danlovestikis posted on 06/02/2015

First set of photos of the crawl mug in progress.

Second set of photos of the crawl mug in progress.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-06-02 09:46 ]

Lloyd*AloHHHa posted on 06/03/2015

#50 for me! Mahaloz!!! :D

danlovestikis posted on 06/03/2015

Got you added LA but that might not be the end of the run. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-06-02 20:40 ]

TikiTnT posted on 06/03/2015

Hello Sacramento Ohana! TikiTnT here, just wondering if anyone is going to the Tonga Hut Parking Lot Sale this coming weekend, June 7th? We can't make it, but if you're driving down we'd like to talk to you! We're looking for large glass float lights....

The Blue Kahuna posted on 06/03/2015

Hoping to crawl this year Marlene, me plus one!

JJ Mai Tai posted on 06/03/2015

Please add Jeremy and Stephanie Sherlock to the list.

danlovestikis posted on 06/04/2015

JJ Mai Tai as a crawler or for one of the mugs or both?

JJ Mai Tai posted on 06/04/2015

Both please. I should clarify this post. Two crawlers, one mug.

[ Edited by: jj mai tai 2015-06-18 08:42 ]

danlovestikis posted on 06/10/2015

VampiressRN please note:

Hi Wendy this is jdseeks from the tiki central forum. Please put me in for one mug and two crawlers - Jim and Julie. I'm messaging you here because I'm in the process of changing my tiki central name to something more tiki as I prep to share my home tiki lounge build. Thanks! Jim

Here's how the 2015 Crawl mug looks lined up with the mugs from 2010 - 2014. Of course this one is still clay and not yet fired.

For a lot of the step by steps to making this mug, check out this link.

MORE STEPS on the mug.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-06-12 09:04 ]

markmywords posted on 06/11/2015

Hi everyone.

First the fun stuff -

Cap'n Sal and I will be crawling on Saturday. Yay!

Wendy, please put us down for one of the wonderful crawl mugs.

The not-so-fun stuff - It is with a heavy heart that I have to announce that Sal and I will not be able to host our stop on Friday evening.

Some of you might be aware that we've had some pretty major upheaval in our life recently. After much talk and consideration, we came to the decision that it just wasn't possible to host our stop in any way, shape or fashion that we had originally envisioned when we signed up. :(

On the brighter side, we fully intend to be back in the game for 2016!

I'm looking forward to seeing the Ohana at the crawl.


VampiressRN posted on 06/12/2015

No worries Mark...life happens...sending positive vibes your way. Glad to hear you will be able to do some crawling with us.

I am thinking we will place the Gas Museum on hold too until we can get include Woodland in our crawl in the future.

Friday is open now if anyone wants to volunteer to host. Just send me a message. CHEERS

Dr.TikiMojo posted on 06/12/2015

Sorry I so rarely go to the TC threads anymore I wasn't following.....I assumed if we were Hosts that people knew we were also Crawlers.

So for all the things that we need to register for.....CRAWLING - Dave & Eva (Dr.TikiMojo & Iwa Mojo)

Wendy's AMAZING mug! For God's sake YES! We want to be on whatever list for a mug.

:tiki: Hoping to plan a "Set Breaking" Party soon and tear down a lot of what we currently have on display for this year's installation. :drink:

VampiressRN posted on 06/13/2015

Got you down as crawling Dave and Eva.

TheCrippledCaptain posted on 06/13/2015

I'm so excited!! You can definitely count on the missus and I joining the crawl this year. I would love to host but I probably need one more year to really put some detail into Cripples' Cove.

Oh, this is Erik Daniells by the way. My first post on Tiki Central. It's getting serious, folks.

Oh, and I would LOVE to buy a mug!

danlovestikis posted on 06/13/2015

Dr.TikiMojo and TheCrippledCaptain aka Erik Daniells I have put you on the list for a mug. Thank you. Keep tuned for progress as I head to the day of glazing.

Cheers, Wendy

VampiressRN posted on 06/13/2015

Congrats on your first post Erik. I have you and Sara down for crawling. Once you do this you will want to host, so I'll count you in for 2016.

TheCrippledCaptain posted on 06/13/2015

Totally. I've been testing the waters at a lot of tiki events and now I'm ready to dive into the deep end :wink: we would LOVE to host next year...perfect motivation!!

Kekili posted on 06/14/2015


This is Cecily Dewing. Bruce and I are hosting the Grass Valley stop on the Crawl. We would love to have one of Wendy's mugs for our Aloha Hut.

Thank you!

danlovestikis posted on 06/16/2015

Thank you Kekili. I'll put you on the list. There is a party in Grass Valley on the 27th of this month. You are invited since I was told to pass the word. Check out Colleen's post on the Sac Ohana page on facebook. If you are not a member let VampiressRN know and she'll get you hooked up. I hope to see you and all of our group at the party. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/17/2015

Update on the crawl mug.

To see the first glaze test which actually failed. Go to this page and scroll way down to the bottom.


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Brad&Colleen posted on 06/18/2015

Please add Brad and Colleen Carson to the list. We would like to do the crawl on Sunday and would like to request 1 mug please!! thanks and can't wait!

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Brad&Colleen posted on 06/18/2015

Cecily and Bruce Dewing: we're trying to get in touch with you as you're super close to us! We live on Rattlesnake Road in Grass Valley and are having a Tiki party on June 27 that we'd like to invite you to....you can email us directly if you like at Aruba_ala_nar@yahoo.com thanks!! Colleen and Brad Carson

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danlovestikis posted on 06/18/2015

Brad&Colleen you are on the list. Thank you, Wendy

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