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IDoVoodoo very cute. hang10tiki I got a very good response on fb for that hula girl. She's very popular with men. Thank you too. cy thank you-o! ============================ Progress Report on Wish List #5. Everything was finally dry enough to sand. Including a few mugs I haven't yet shown. So I'll do that first and then you'll see the sanding day. I do have a fondness for Rat Finks. As I said before when I was 10 years old I used to carve them out of Ivory soap bars. This is Maori Rat Fink. Here are the step by steps. Dan just keeps on jumping into my work. It sure was fun to make this. I just pretended I was 10 again. Cheers, Wendy |
That is one kool lookin fink |
hang10tiki Mr. Rat says thank you I resemble that remark ============================ I'm going to post three mugs because I'm clearing out the backlog of photos so I can get back to posting the Wish List updates. I have so much fun posting and reading comments that I take lots of photos. Here are examples of three super carved tapa style mugs. Dan calls this first one Tire Tread Bob. I start off by carving all the shapes that will become tapa. All done and posing. ==================================== This second one done on a tall Tiki Bob is more simple with just straight lines drawn down and then the designs added. ==================================== This is Tapa Da Mornin Bob. This is the bottom. I used another of my new fogcutter molds. This one I carved a wide space between each box. All done. ======================== Nope this didn't finish off all my "extra" projects done during evening TV sessions. A few more to come. I hope your weekend is full of fun. Cheers, Wendy |
Me like em all Love the pic above with Dan-0 climbing out of a mug |
hang10tiki I'm glad to hear you liked the tapa. I was hoping to hear from kingstiedye about the Rat Fink but not even he has been hanging around. Must be a fun weekend. But wait I know you have fun. Thank you for your note so I wouldn't be all alone here. Where are all the people? ============================== OK back to posting so I can get on to the Wish List. When we visited hang10tiki in Las Vegas he gave Dan a tiki bowl that had a chip. He knew I started my whole tiki career repairing Dan's mugs. So I whipped out some Elmer's wood filler and filled and sanded the chip. Next I painted it and then when it was dry I sprayed it with varnish. Good as new. Thank you so much hang10tiki. Dan loves his new bowl. On the same trip we found some more items that needed help. This is a different bowl. There was a chip on the arm. I told Dan that since I'd have to paint her anyway I might as well get rid of her black eyes. I changed her to look more like the vintage bowls rather than the China version. At hang10tikis home he showed us a Treasure Craft guy playing a drum. Dan back home had the girl that went with us. hang10tiki was able to find the same drum player on line and we purchased it. The bottom was missing a piece so I filled sanded and touched it up. Dan is ecstatic to have a set. We also found this United Airlines tiki. Someone had livened it up with some paint. Blue on the body and red and white on the head. So I went to work to blend in the blue and white paint colors. Dan said he could live with the red. The white is covered. The logo was half brown and half black. I covered the black so that it was easier to read. Here I was painting with a pointed stick to get into the tiny crevices. All done and ready to display. ============================== I had a coconut bowl left over so I thought I'd so a Should Have Been bowl for Dan. I fashioned the head of a peanut mug. I worked back and forth making the bowl a coconut and carving on the face. All done. Three dents finished it off. =================================== Next I thought I'd take this fogcutter mug and make a Moai. I just started adding clay being careful not to add air bubbles. I thought he was going well but when I turned him sideways he looked like John Malkovich the actor and not a Moai. Just then on TV came a show on Easter Island so I didn't have to go in search of a model. It was the nose that was so wrong. So I was able to look right at the real ones and to fix the nose of AMAZING MOAI. I did this once before on a Tiki Bob. On the back I did the start and finish for a maze. I worked out a really difficult maze. So if you think someone has had too much to drink they have to figure out the maze super fast before you let them leave. Another mug for sale. ==================================== I sure am having a lot of clay days and every one is fun. Thank you for watching. Wish List photos tomorrow. |
Prgress Report for Wish List #5 Everything was dry and now it was time to sand. I always prefer to wait and do it all at once because of the mess. I started with the large lamps and their lids. Just that one lamp made this much clay dust. Yes I am wearing a mask. Between mugs I scrap the dust into piles and wet it down and then put it into the garbage. Now that I had practiced on Dan's lamp I worked on Tyber Tikis Lamp. I kept sanding the lid until it was the same size as the top opening. Next up were kingtiesdye's two projects the Franken Fink and the Dave Burke's Death Tiki. Then came the necklace for IDoVooDoo. I did a lot of fine tune carving on this one and then sanded it. Then came his coconut project. Next was the hat for Rasta Bob for Tiki Wahini. I added more texture to the hat. I realized that I needed more space for glaze or the hat wouldn't fit so I carved out some more clay. I hope I guessed right. Here's her mug next to the one for K.G. McNeil. After I sand each mug I take it out to Dan. Here he is blowing off the dust on Professor G's mugs with the compressor. This photo is staged for beauty. When he's really doing it the mask is ON! Now I began to sand the extra projects. Dan keeps working and I keep sanding and sanding. The bottom level of the kiln is loaded. Dan dusted the two lamps and I put them on the top shelf all alone. The kiln is turned on. A preheat of 1 hour (because I'm sure they are dry) and a slow ramp of 13.5 hours. This will take 2 days while they cool down to room temperature. One last mess to clean up! With this load the entire Wish List will have been fired. Fingers crossed that nothing blows up. Cheers, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-03-23 20:45 ] |
Wendy, love it all! "Tapa da Morning..." Ha! You're punny!!!!! Also, did anyone else notice Dan streaking through Wendy's last post???? Oh my! Just kidding, just kidding. Love all of the new pieces (of course), and great seeing updates on the new sculpts. I love the spacing and the symmetry on the photo in this post, too. Moai noses are always the toughest for me. I admit it made me smile to see you go back and work on one, too- if only that it made me feel better about my own general nose (sculpting) envy. :wink: Is that wrong? |
Wendy, I just got back from Texas so I didn't have much time for the internet for the last week. Love the Coconut Hot Tub mug! I feel like I would drink too quickly to see what is going on down there! :) I like the Tapa Bob and the Maze Moai as well. Keep up the great work! Dan's beard is getting long. I just cut mine off. I have a fun project for you. The next time you open up the wish list, let me know. |
Your repair work is awesome. And those lamps keep looking better and better - I have my fingers crossed they come out in great shape. Keep having fun as always :D |
Tiki Ano, I didn't notice. Dan said, "OOPS" while he was laughing. lunavideogames welcome home. The next Wish List will be around Christmas time. It seems I'm just doing one a year along with the crawl mugs and my carving for fun mugs. I look forward to hearing what you have in mind. I like all these challenges that I was given this year. This is Dan's first beard and streaking episode! I fun one enjoy them both! TikiHula thank you for looking at the repairs. Repairing tikis and making Should Have Been bowls for Dan gave me this wonderful hobby. I am so grateful to him that he also helps me with it daily. Today I gave Dan a task that didn't work out. ================================== Tiki Buddies meet Honu Tiki and his wife Jenae. They live in Sacramento and are members of the Sacramento Ohana. They came to our home this past Sunday. We had a wonderful visit and then we gave them a tour. I should have squeezed Dan into this photo. I can't remember if he also wore blue. It's fun for me to take photos of peoples first view of the tiki jungle room. They are working on their tiki room currently. One day we will visit them. =================================================== Here are some miscellaneous photos from my life. Dan and I saw this African mask for sale. It was a similar mask that inspired the first tiki mug we know as Tiki Bob. I love balloons. The auto mall put up several acres of them in Elk Grove. We passed by on our way to my favorite store Alpha. I needed 36 gallons of slip and found a glaze sale and picked up some new colors I'd not seen before. At the grocery store I found a new tool. I'm going to see how well it will cut clay. ==================================================== While waiting for the kiln to cool I decided to get busy on the Hula Girl in the Hot Tub requests. So in two days I had six coconuts. Here's pouring them then after sitting for two hours the excess slip is dumped out and the molds are left upside down overnight. I only have 2 hula girl molds so that took three days to get enough. Here's opening the mold. A perfect cast. I stored them 2 at a time in plastic bags. After my work day it was time for TV. Guess what I decided to get TV trays out and go back to work. I paired up a girl and her hot tub. I cut off this top and turned it over. I carved in my name and date and started the coconut surface. Once I finished the bottom half I smoothed it with a wet brush. Then I turned it over and added the girl and her hair. I then went to work on the coconut surface. Aerial view. Side view. Back view. Side view. I did it all again. In several hours of watching TV, well listening to TV I also made a second one. Front view. Aerial view. Side view. Back view. Side view. I'm making these for: Dan Theo Stool HB Tiki Dale. J. B. R. MacDonald J. Klinke Not bad that I have three down and three to go. I'll try to whip these out tomorrow so that I can also wash the Bisque when the kiln is cool. Tomorrow I get to see if anything exploded! I think I'll rest now. Cheers, Wendy |
Wow Great shows We are on a road trip I'll post pics when home Love the repair pics All the new stuff looks great I shaved too. Lol Wahine coconuts look great Hugs Jon |
Love everyone's reactions as they enter the Jungle Room. Look forward to seeing my own one day... ha! Love how the Hula Girl's hair melds into the coconut.... but wait- since there may be minor lurking around TC, it seems that the censorship department has caught this page once again flaunting nudity. Tsk, tsk... Okay, maybe the only minor is this guy, who isn't complaining too much about said nudity. (Finally got a photo of him in his cabana set). If you figure out how to drill out a bisque fired piece, let me know. I'd be curious. I've heard a few things but none have worked out. |
Tyber Tiki
Hi Wendy, Just catching up on the thread, as I've been buried at work trying to finalize a massive 465 page project proposal. Your artistry is simply amazing. We just love the hula girl/hot tub mug, and your tapa style bobs look awesome! Regarding wish list #5 what a long way you've come. The table shot of all the wish list mugs together made us drool :) Thanks!! Tyber Tiki |
Tapa Da Morning is super clever! (and punny!) I think it is beyond amazing how much better the wahine on the bowl looks now that you painted it! Seriously!!! The before looks like a kindergartner painted it. LOL It's always great to catch with your thread after I've been busy. Keep it up! |
Ano- Back from a quick Portland trip Hale Pele Da fun Da goods The Alibi Trader Vic's Da fun Da goods A couple other fun spots Bookstore finds Other finds Sorry to take up so much room Now back to the regularly scheduled program |
hang10tiki oh no! Dan's beard is still growing. I'm thinking about adding fertilizer. TikiAno I hope every one who reads this thread will stop by one day for a tour. Tyber Tiki drooling is good! I will have more photos as they come out of the kiln tomorrow. I got side tracked with those Hula Girl Hot Tubs today and that put me behind. LoriLovesTiki it's always fun to fix something up for Dan. He helps me so much doing all these ceramic projects that making him happy is one of my other goals. I'm glad you liked it. hang10tiki those are wonderful photos. We have been to every one of those places and it was fun to see them again. I didn't see that Trader Vic's moai bowl. Did you get it at the restaurant? Those books look good too. I'm glad your trip was so much fun. Thank you for sharing with all of us. Hugs. ==================================== So sorry Wish List #5 people. I didn't open the kiln. I thought I could make the rest of the Hula Girl Hot Tub mugs today but after 11.5 hours and a headache I still had work to do. I took over the kitchen, nook and family room. I cleaned up these four hula girls and then accidentally tore one in half. So I cast a couple more that will come out of the molds tomorrow. I carved the name on the bottoms and then added the surface detail on four mugs. I was able to add three with the additional hair and finish the carving. Now they are all in plastic bags to slowly dry. I'll make one more tomorrow and OPEN the kiln. Even though I don't have a deadline I do try to keep a reasonable schedule. Today was over the top busy. Tomorrow will be easier. Good night, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-03-25 21:07 ] |
After another 12 hour work day I'm about to go to bed and read. Of course Dan's staying up until he's seen the Vikings do battle. Today I finished the rest of the Hula Girl Hot Tub Mugs. They will now dry for a few weeks to prevent the added on hair from falling off. Time to open the kiln and wash everything. First we wash our hands so remove all oil. Any oil put on a bisque fired piece will make the glaze crawl. So it's important to have dried out skin when glazing or even just handling the pieces. First out the two Maori Lamps. None of the added on doo dads along the sides came off. Success! Next I carefully unloaded the bottom shelf and inspected each piece. Each went onto a tray. The pieces have clay dust from when they shrank in the kiln. So these trays can be wiped off but not totally free of dust. No blow ups at all. Old friends piling up. These were not Wish List pieces but came along for the ride. Now it was time to scrub. One tub for washing and one for rinsing. Not a speck of dust can be on the pieces when they are glazed. All together waiting to be scrubbed. I scrub them hard. If anything is going to pop off it's going to be now. Nothing popped off any of them. Each piece is rinsed and then put on a black tray that was pre-washed and dust free. Dan carried them all into the house. Now I uncovered the other batches that were already bisque fired and I put all of the Wish List #5 piece together. On the other end of the table are the pieces that have not yet found a home. I will glaze them after the Wish List and present them for sale. Most are on page 406 of my thread. A photo of all the projects together on the table. I'm going to be very busy. This year we will miss Tiki Kon, Tiki Caliente and maybe even Tiki Oasis. Now I have covered them with dust free plastic table clothes. They sit for a couple of days to dry before I start to glaze. Next up I have to clean up the nook and dust until I can't find any with a white glove. Then I'll start to glaze these. I did more projects besides all of these and I'll start to post them tomorrow. Thanks for the visits, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-03-27 07:55 ] |
Wow Yep, got the big bowl from Trader Vic's |
That's an amazing display of ceramic goodness! |
You are going to be very busy. That's a lot of pieces to glaze. And if you miss Tiki Oasis then you'll be missing me. |
hang10tiki when we were there last summer we didn't even think to check on available ceramics. We'll have to try Emeryville sometime this year. That's a really nice bowl. LoriLovesTiki ahhhh swizzle I'm missing you now. If we don't go are you going to hop a train and arrive here? ============================ I've been working so many long days in a row I decided to take the weekend off. That just meant that I would do whatever I wanted to do rather than keep to the schedule. So far here's my weekend. I started with Amazing Moai. He needed his mouth deepened and some nostrils added. Such a handsome guy. Next I remembered that I wasn't really done with the Hula Girl Hot Tub mugs. Each one needed the strands added to their hair front and back. That was a lot of carving. Remember this flame where Dan attempted to drill a hole? Well since I have two mugs that needed the flames to be complete I got the cast ornaments out to work on. I use these as a base that makes the flames hollow. I just keep adding sticky clay to the top and the bottom of each one. I got four made, it's good to have extras. This took an hour and a half and they are just started. I brought into the house the boxes of new glazes that need test strips done and in one box I found two flames with the holes. I thought I'd done them but where did the other two come from? A mystery of life. At lease these are ready to be glazed. I took all the projects to the garage and made room to have them sit and slowly dry in open plastic bags. Next I spent an hour scrubbing this room to get ready to glaze. The plastic table cloth was repeatedly scrubbed along with all the turn tables and even the floor. The last project of the day was to set up to do the glaze tests for all the new glazes that I have recently bought. This was my first day off. I wonder what I'll do tomorrow before the work week begins!!! Cheers, Wendy |
Always such great ideas, design. and dedication to the craft. Looking awesome!!! |
Moai is awesome |
VampiressRN thank you. Soon I'll start the photos of the Crawl mug in progress. hang10tiki thank you. He's very thick, if he cracks I'll just say he's a cracked stone mug. ======================================= On my second day off I took every one of the Hula Girl Hot tubs and moved them to the garage. I left them uncovered for a couple of hours and now they are covered with plastic. I'll do this each day to slowly dry them out.
The other project I did was to do glaze tests on all the new glazes. When I have a load to fire these will go into the kiln as well. First I label all the bisque test strips. Next I spray them with water to start the capillary action to pull the glaze tight to the bisque. I do this with all my ceramics as I glaze. Batch one. Batch two. Each test has three strips. The first has three layers, the second has two layers and the third has one layer. That's a good amount of information when I choose glazes for my projects. Tomorrow is Tax day. I hope it goes well. Cheers, Wendy |
Hi! I've been so busy with work I hadn't been on here in a while... Wow, tons of awesome progress! I am very excited! Hopefully my Bar to Lounge remodel will be done in time for my new mug and necklace! |
IDoVoodoo I keep saying I'm going to start glazing and I really am. kingstiedye is coming over tomorrow morning and I'll start with his projects first. To do yours I need some direction. Do you want any of the colors of your actual tattoos used on the mug? Or??? ==================================== Today I finished the flames that I didn't need to make. I ended up with a little ball of clay that I'd removed from the flames so I made a necklace. The sticks are for holes that I can put some thread through. This is what I call playing with clay. ============================= When I made the Hula Girl Hot Tubs I had one too many girls so I decided to cast a bowl and put the two together. I matched the air escape route between the two. I added a snake and a design around the outside of the bowl. I did a design on the snake. All done.
Tomorrow starts the glazing but I still have one more clay project to share as well. Cheers, Wendy |
Wow |
I'm not too sure on the glaze... Do you want to do a single color? Multi colors? I love purple, blue, and black... but I'm not a huge fan of red. Natural colors for the coconut and bamboo lettering is cool too. You're the expert, what are your thoughts? :) |
hang10tiki thank you. It was a fun bowl to make and it isn't for Dan. IDoVooDoo I can follow what you have written here and make your art look good. I remember you wanted the necklace to be purple. How about purple for the octopus? This Hula Girl with Snake bowl is yours if you really wanted it as mentioned on facebook. Let me know. =================================== March 31, 2015 the day I have begun to glaze the Wish List #5. To kick me into gear I needed one of the Wishers to come over. kingstiedye arrived early and was a constant help in choosing glazes for his first piece. I got the supplies in order. I couldn't get him to take his eyes off Franken Fink long enough for this photos. I started by filling the mug with a spotted glaze by Mayco. After 10 seconds I poured out what hadn't stuck. Next I used both a pin and a tiny brush to add black to all the indentations. All done. Watching put Bullet into a trance! Looking at my glaze tests he choose to have me do two layers of glaze. I did one horizontal and one perpendicular. That helps to eliminate streaks. It passed his inspection. Hopefully tomorrow I can finish his Franken Fink. I worked the rest of the day and it's not done yet. Thank you for getting me started Bullet. We all had such a fine time while you were here. Wendy |
Da Wendy Da King Vegas baby |
I always learn from your posts! Today I learned that alternating layers with horizontal and vertical strokes helps eliminate striping/brush marks from your pieces. |
It's all looking great as always! So looking forward to seeing you glaze those Maori lamps! They may just be my favorite pieces you've ever done (excluding my Al Dead bowl) :D |
hang10tiki Da thank you for blowing up a good photo of me, da king and da Tiki. LoriLovesTiki it really makes me happy to see that sharing works. When is your next project? TikiHula I think I may glaze and fire Dan's first to make sure the glaze doesn't hide the carving detail. Sometimes I can't believe I made something that large! ================================= I have been missing here for two days due to a lot of tikis and furniture being moved and stored in my computer/art room. We had workmen running all over the place. Now our attic has new equipment and our house is back in order. Later today I'll post Wish List progress. ================================= Lori I'm sharing this tip of the day. Always mix and shake up your glaze very well before painting it on your pre-moistened bisque fired pieces. However before shaking make sure the lid is on tight. Or....this was yesterday.
It doesn't show well but all the tikis, the shutters and the wall behind the shelves had to be washed. I didn't take photos of the table but a whole box of brushes were covered with glaze. The one thing that didn't get any on it was the tiki I was glazing! Time to work, Wendy |
Ive done that with hot sauce before |
Our new system has a short and our home is torn up again as they have searched for four days. He's here now and he just told Dan I think I've found it!!! I'll be back with photos as soon as I can. We have to put things together again because today is Easter with our family. I wish everyone a wonderful weekend. Hugs, Wendy |
hang1tiki that would have been way worse. None of this stained the floor or walls nor did it give me a hot flash! ================================== Here's kingstiedye aka Bullet with his Wish and all the color instructions. We are making a mug version of a toy Franken Fink. I sat him down and surrounded him with bottles of glaze. First I painted all the black places and then moved on to do some of the green. Ankle. Head. Stones. Next I started with the coat in front and then in back. Once I finished the first layer of colors I started on layer two of three. He is now done with three layers of glaze everywhere.
Here he is with the toy version. I just noticed that I didn't do the tiny black stitches. Do you want them? It's not too late. Bullet here are your two mugs posting together. Now it is time to rest. Cheers, Wendy |
oh man, i love him so much! i'm beyond thrilled! let's go with the stiches on his head. |
Awesome.... |
Tyber Tiki
Wow Wendy, the Franken Fink Mug looks great, in my humble opinion it looks way better than the Franken Fink toy! Really love the eyes! Tyber Tiki |
kingstiedye and I am so happy that your Wish came true, that is if it survives firing. Check below for his doctors visit. hang10tiki just like you! Tyber Tiki those were fun to do. Thank you! ==================================== Our heater is working just in time for a rainy day. I have a few things to show you and here they come. First off Walmart or here it was Lyons Club collect eyeglasses and get them to those who can't afford them. We found four to donate.
Saturday we heard Chainsaws in our backyard. Actually it turned out to be our neighbors having their palms cleaned up. Two men were up those trees. It was something fun to watch. ===================================== The Wish List #5 glazing continues... kingstiedye's Franken Fink before and after stitches photos. Now he'll heal properly. This Brotherhood of the Blue Bob's (Professor G's club) was ordered by a friend of Tiki Vato's. I've forgotten his name. Four glazes for this Bob.
This year Professor G ordered two Fogcutter mugs. No Tiki Bob's just lots of palm trees. They have been glazed in Royal Blue.
Now it's bed time. We both have early appointments. Cheers, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-04-05 21:29 ] |
I forgot to post one more Brotherhood of the Blue Bob mugs ordered for this years Wish List #5.
One by one I'm getting them done. Soon I'll have a kiln load to fire. Cheers, Wendy |
Great glaZing update And who finished their tree 1st
Wowwww.... I've been out of the loop for a bit, just working too much and a little family time. Great to do a quick catch-up on all of the Wish List stuff (I agree, Wendy, the new Rat Fink mug is AWESOME, and all that other great stuff. Can't wait to see these all fired. Jon, looks like a great trip- with, obviously, lots of cool goodies found. I hope to get to the ceramics studio soon, my hands are too clean from not playing with any clay. Okay, they're pretty coffee encrusted but that's just work.... |
hang10tiki GROG won. You've seen his strong arms haven't you? Tiki Ano babies take a lot of time. I'm so pleased that you make it back here at all! Thank you. ============================= Back to glazing Wish List #5 and having fun. First is IDoVooDoo's necklace based on his arm tattoos. His favorite color is purple. I also did the back in case it ever flips when he is wearing it. I used all underglazes. After putting on all the purple I wiped it off the raised parts and then I painted them similar to the tattoos. IDoVooDoo I can change any of these. Let me know if you like it or not. All the colors are darker after being fired. Since Dan is working for me every day I need to do one of his Wishes every so often. So I've done his Maori lamp. This is the bottom. This is the top piece so that the lamp parts can be put inside and covered. I always spray my bisque before the glaze goes on so that it will stick better. It's called a capillary starter. I just did one layer of this glaze to see how it looks. I don't want it to be such a thick amount as to hide the detail of the carving. This one is an experiment so that when I do Tyber Tiki's lamp we will know if this flat brown works or if a glossy glaze is better. I'm starting to make a dent in the Wish List! Wendy |
Love! |
IDoVoodoo I can't ask for more than that! ==================================== Wish List #5 Progress Report I finished two mugs for Paul G. who lives in Australia. The first is a Maori Tiki Bob. I glazed the inside and then I started filling in the carvings on the face using a micro dropper. You have to keep a constant flow of glaze. Air bubbles can make it spit. This is all done in underglazes so that nothing will run. White underglaze and black underglaze. Now he needs to dry before I paint him with clear gloss glaze. Three layers of underglaze and 2 layers of clear. I could have taken a lot more photos! Next I started on his Fish Scale Tattoo mug. Once that was finished inside and out I began to paint on the clear layers. Both are done and joining the projects waiting for the kiln. One by one I keep making a bigger dent. Cheers, Wendy |
Wendy, be careful to look out for Grog when starting your capillaries.... you never know where he may/ may not be hiding. Lurking, even..? :wink:
Okay, I KNOW I'm not the only one who noticed this uncanny resemblance here....
Thanks and have a great evening.... Good night! [ Edited by: TikiAno 2015-04-07 22:10 ] |
Tiki Ano I loved that photo of Kiss and put it on my facebook thread. I have been wondering where GROG has been hiding. We have all been missing him. ==================================== Wish List Progress Report IDoVooDoo second of three projects has been glazed. I'm not sure how it will look after firing. If it's bad I'll just re-do whatever needs fixing. On the other had I hope it works. To start the inside and top rim were glazed white because this is a coconut mug. Then the entire outside was covered with 1 thick layer of glaze.
After this dried I used a wet cloth to wipe off some of the glaze where I want to add color.
I used the photo of IDoVooDoo's tattoos for choosing glaze colors. Now I'm ready to begin. This is the first time I'm using glaze and underglazes together. We'll find out together if this was a good idea.
Now it sits while I do more Wish List Projects. Soon I'll have enough to load the kiln. Cheers, Wendy |
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