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Recipe: Damon's Steakhouse's King Kong Sledgehammer

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kkocka posted on 04/15/2015

I saw this recipe nearly posted for all to see behind the bar at Damons' Steakhouse. I can't speak for the taste, but given the caliber of their drinks presently I don't imagine it's fantastic. I will post exactly what I could make out on the sheet:

King Kong Sledgehammer
1 oz Vodka
1 oz Rum
1.5 oz Galiano
.5 oz Peach (That's all it said. Peach what? Nectar? Brandy?)

Cubes up to shoulder. Fill to rim with pineapple juice.

PalmtreePat posted on 04/16/2015

If I had to guess I'd say its probably peach-liqueur in there. I think that a half oz of peach juice or nectar would get totally lost in a drink that's "filled to the rim" with pineapple. A liq might be concentrated enough to be heard above the PJ.

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