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skootiki's carving log

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skootiki posted on 05/10/2015

I think this one is finished....calling this 6 foot-9 inch tall tiki "Tiki Masquerade"

The upper section

The lower section

hiltiki posted on 05/10/2015

Nice piece.

congatiki posted on 05/10/2015

Very cool...great carve Skootiki. Has a nice "old skool" feeling.

[ Edited by: congatiki 2015-05-10 06:41 ]

cy posted on 05/10/2015

Excellent carve skoo!

skootiki posted on 05/11/2015

thanks.....I'll bring this one and a few more to Tiki Caliente with me..always a great time!

skootiki posted on 05/19/2015

great little cabana vending spot at Tiki Caliente

hang10tiki posted on 05/19/2015

Great to see u at Caliente Bruddah


skootiki posted on 05/20/2015

Good to see you hang10tiki....thanks for stopping at my booth and saying hi. Always a fun time at Tiki Caliente. Rory throws a great party!

skootiki posted on 05/25/2015

some progress shots by Jared Sislin Photography

Thanks for the photos Jared Sislin

skootiki posted on 06/29/2015

Started this 7 footer today. He's based on a TiKi that I saw in Sven's Book Of TIKI. I carved a little deeper than I planned and hit a soft spot....we'll see how this one turns out.

skootiki posted on 07/19/2015

some more work on this guy today

carved a little too deep, mushy and stringy in the middle. This guy might find a home in my backyard... we'll see.

skootiki posted on 07/24/2015

Just a mask, but it's my first successful attempt at a Marquesan....I've tried before, but they always change into something else before I'm done.

amate posted on 07/24/2015

Be careful with the Marquesas. They can become very addictive. Very nicely done!

hiltiki posted on 07/24/2015

I really like your 7 footer, like the two color contrast.

hang10tiki posted on 07/26/2015

Skoo- u be killin it
Lookin good

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-07-25 18:16 ]

skootiki posted on 07/26/2015

thanks amate, hiltiki and hang10 tiki....I'm having fun!

nicework posted on 07/26/2015

I realy love your style . would like to try out some of your cool designs

skootiki posted on 07/27/2015

thanks nicework! i'm constantly inspired by other carvers work....if you like some of my tikis or my style, go for it and have fun!

skootiki posted on 08/03/2015

this one's loosely inspired by the Enchanted Tiki Room's Pele.
Playing around with a little paint....stained him first, then added some paint, then a little sanding and more stain

cy posted on 08/03/2015

Cool carve and I like the color Skoo!

TheBigT posted on 08/03/2015

very cool, i like those colors. he looks authentically vintage!

skootiki posted on 08/04/2015

thanks cy and BigT! I guess I'll need to get a decent paint brush if I'm gonna paint more Tikis. See ya at Oasis cy.

skootiki posted on 08/09/2015

"Take me to your leader, Earthlings."

skootiki posted on 08/11/2015

this chunk of 3x10 doug fir has been laying around my garage for years.
I just had to try out a Witco-ish carve on it. This is the rough cut...we'll see how it turns out after some
flap disk angle grinding, torch and stain.

skootiki posted on 08/23/2015

a quick carve to get those carving juices flowing....callin' him "Mod-Bob"

cy posted on 08/23/2015

Mod Bob is full of personality Skoo, nice!

GROG posted on 08/24/2015

Nice stuff.

You even inspired Bai to make a mug of one of your carvings!!!

You have ARRIVED.

skootiki posted on 08/24/2015

Thanks cy......a pretty simple carve and I was happy to see that he turned out to have some personality or character or something...I never know because they kind of evolve as I carve them.

Thanks to you too GROG.
Yeah, I was very flattered when Bai asked if she could make a mug inspired by one of my carvings. She even came up with a great name for him "Kanuha-the sulky one"

skootiki posted on 09/03/2015

WITCO-ish style wall hanger

Tuga's Tikis posted on 09/03/2015

Very nice sir!

TheBigT posted on 09/08/2015

that BOT tiki is really cool!

skootiki posted on 09/15/2015

working on #3 of this guy

skootiki posted on 09/17/2015

started on a little (12" tall) Bumatay style "slice of pie" TiKi today
just roughed out so far....

skootiki posted on 09/23/2015

a little more work on this guy

skootiki posted on 10/04/2015

another small mod-Bob style

skootiki posted on 10/10/2015

I've come across an un-used telephone pole, actually 2 pieces of the same pole. One's about 17' and the other's about 8'........any of you carvers out there ever tried to carve one of these?

Will carve posted on 10/10/2015

I did one once.
Wouldn't do it again.
It sure will last a long time.
They are tar infused some how.

skootiki posted on 10/10/2015

that's what I thought will carve. thanks!

skootiki posted on 10/12/2015

Bumatay style #4 burnt and stained and ready for his new home

Witco-ish wall hanger finished

AlohaTexasTikiCo posted on 10/13/2015

Loving the wall hanger!!!

skootiki posted on 10/13/2015

thanks AlohaTexasTikiCo

TheBigT posted on 10/13/2015

nice, i'm lovin those new carves

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skootiki posted on 10/14/2015

thanks The BigT....been too busy with my day job lately to do as much carving as I would like. Got a lotta logs in the driveway callin my name!

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skootiki posted on 11/04/2015

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the two glazes available on these mugs by Bai Tiki
"Kanuha" - the sulky one

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skootiki posted on 11/08/2015

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trying another "slice of pie" style TiKi
14" tall

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skootiki posted on 11/10/2015

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progress shot ...27" tall Mexican fan palm log
a smaller version of a previous carve

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hang10tiki posted on 11/12/2015

Lookin good
Man u been busy

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TheBigT posted on 11/12/2015

so niiice

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