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Tiki Central / Home Tiki Bars

Blake's Bahooka

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I've been rebuilding the bar area and changing the room a bit over the last year. Here are some photos of my progress. Enjoy!

First, I had to empty out the entire room (not an easy chore...and one that upset my wife when I had tiki stuff all over the house for 3 months!)

Next, I built the structure for the bar (the main inspiration/idea came from Hula Sue's bar build)

Next, came building the bar top (for a fuller account of how this was done, see topic "A River runs through it" under other crafts

I had to flush trim the 3 layers to they would exactly match (which entailed carrying the bar top up and down to the basement...a real pain!)

Next, I had to turn the bar top upside down and cut out channels for the Phillips Hue LED light strips (4 in all)

Finally, putting the bar top in place:

I am decorating the base of the bar to look like part of an old sunken ship (at least to have some nautical elements...)

Porthole has bubble panel, LED light strip to give effect of underwater

Tiki guards outside watch over the new build

Now, to kick back and enjoy some refreshments

More images to follow soon!!


WOW. Incredible.


Wow is right love everything about it.

Amazing looking! Awesome Job! You can't help but relax there.

Spectacular job! I am mondo impressed! LOVE that bar and all the wonderful creative details! Beautiful lamps and lighting too! You've got all the right elements goin' there!

But WHERE did you get that small bamboo fish-tank with the pagoda-style roof? That would be SO perfect for my own lounge which has limited remaining space. But a tank like that one could actually work for me.

Oh -- and are those chairs from the late great Kahiki? They look just like them! Koolamundo!

[ Edited by: KreepyTiki 2015-06-01 01:13 ]


What you don't see is every time Blake has us over he
makes tons of food and makes all these drinks.
Blake really works his butt off.
He is a great bartender and cook.

I feel bad to see all that effort, Thanks Blake!

What We never see is the cleaning of all that glass wear and dishes.
Next time chips and dip Blake, take it easy on yourself.

It really is one of the best home bars we have ever seen.


wow! a really awesome build! love your floor and your bar top is INSANE!!! youve really done an outstanding job!! i noticed you and i have the same ugly green 1970s ice bucket in your first pic! and I thought I was the only one with Carol Brady's ice bucket!!!

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