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mikehooker posted on 07/06/2015

1950 Zombie

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 07/06/2015

On 2015-07-03 20:27, mikehooker wrote:
2070 Swizzles. Took Swanky's recommendation of cinnamon syrup in place of simple and halving the LH151 and adding Smith & Cross. I quite enjoy this.

Mike, Your pix are always awesome but did I ever mention that your barware/drink receptacles make me envious.

The Below Decks posted on 07/06/2015

Three Dots and a Dash at Catch & Release

hang10tiki posted on 07/07/2015

Jalapeño beer at lazy dog on a ballast point coaster

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-07-06 19:25 ]

mikehooker posted on 07/07/2015


hang10tiki posted on 07/07/2015

Two different IPAs
(House IPA and Lagunitas)

hang10tiki posted on 07/07/2015

The Below Decks posted on 07/07/2015

A Pan American Clipper in The Below Decks!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 07/08/2015

After dinner this evening my wife and I felt the need for a good tropical drink. A Rum Babalu was in order.
I inadvertently grabbed a bottle of Bundeberg Passion Fruit (sparkling) beverage instead of the ginger beer called for in the recipe. I thought it was tasty though a bit sweet but my wife loved it. My wife sips slower then me so I wrapped it up wid a Longboard, my fav beer.

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2015-07-07 22:41 ]

thePorpoise posted on 07/08/2015

a Ballast Point Sculpin IPA here for me. very nice.

havent seen any of the Habanero Sculpins out here, i wonder if they get shipped East at all.

the shelves are overflowing though with the Grapefruit Sculpins. Tried one of those, not a fan; the grapefruit is too heavy, the resulting product is not refreshing and the IPA qualities are overwhelmed.

The Below Decks posted on 07/08/2015

A Frank Sinatra-inspired mai tai in The Below Decks!

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kkocka posted on 07/08/2015

Behind on postings - last Thursday at the Tiki Ti I had myself a Pearl Diver, Tiki Ti Punch, Space Pilot, and ...I forgot my last drink. I happened to meet LokiTiki there by chance.
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Follow me on Instagram

[ Edited by: kkocka 2015-07-08 10:09 ]

mikehooker posted on 07/09/2015

Trying my first Shark's Tooth. Used Mount Gay Eclipse and Appleton VX. Was planning to try this drink with an Appleton 12 float but I haven't replenished my stock of that yet and wanted to give it a shot already. The bum calls for 3 oz of ice in a blender so I assume it's supposed to be a slushy type of drink. The big blender was dirty so I used the top down mixer instead which certainly didn't bring the drink to the intended consistency. Still, when I took a sip out of the mixing cup it was tasty. Poured it in a glass and topped with the Appleton float. Wasn't bad. Maybe the A12 will kick it into overdrive. Overall just too much ice for my liking, especially following the recommended sipping technique, rather than using a straw. But I suppose if I used a proper blender that issue would be resolved. Anyone else ever do this one at home? What's your take?

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Jeffitiki posted on 07/09/2015

Hi mikehooker, I have this one in my favorites list in Tiki+, but haven't tried it yet. Thanks for your observations. I want to try one now to see what happens. Looks like you included the optional maraschino cherry jar juice. Cool photo. I love the glass, LP cover and Hi-fi in the background! Nice to see someone enjoying vinyl with their cocktails. Cheers!

The Below Decks posted on 07/09/2015

An Ancient Mariner in The Below Decks!

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hiltiki posted on 07/09/2015

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Aku-Kapo Cooler

mikehooker posted on 07/09/2015

On 2015-07-05 21:01, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
Mike, Your pix are always awesome but did I ever mention that your barware/drink receptacles make me envious.

On 2015-07-08 19:22, Jeffitiki wrote:
Hi mikehooker, I have this one in my favorites list in Tiki+, but haven't tried it yet. Thanks for your observations. I want to try one now to see what happens. Looks like you included the optional maraschino cherry jar juice. Cool photo. I love the glass, LP cover and Hi-fi in the background! Nice to see someone enjoying vinyl with their cocktails. Cheers!

Hey, thanks guys. Owning a vintage shop and priding myself on always having quality drink ware in the store, I spend quite a bit of time scouring antique malls and other places for the goods and then of course am troubled with the decision of what I get to keep and what I have to sell. I think The Below Decks wins the prize for best photos in this thread though.

mikehooker posted on 07/10/2015

Atomic Grog's Zombie.

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I need to make my own passion fruit syrup. Monin seems to overpower every drink I put it in. Maybe halving it will do the trick.

hang10tiki posted on 07/10/2015

Porpoise- I'm not a fan of the grapefruit sculp either

Here's a new one for me
Hops n more hops

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Ps- great photos guys

Lovin shark week :)

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2015-07-09 22:11 ]

hang10tiki posted on 07/10/2015

Another 1st for me

Strong flavor then no after bite

Love the label
Great for shark week

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I like

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mmaurice posted on 07/11/2015

I don't have a picture of it but. . .

Just got a copy of Frankie's Liquid Vacation.

Made their version of a Mai Tai using Hamilton 86 for the Demerera and it was in my opinion pretty damn good.

It was much closer to the taste of what we get at TV here in ATL than a 1944 recipe using either Denizon Merchant's or a Clement/Appleton 12 blend.

Gonna have to try some more from the book.

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Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/11/2015

Demerara 80 Swizzle
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Inspired by Beachbum Berry’s T.O.T.C. Swizzle, as served at the Tiki Tower Takeover during The Hukilau.

Review, recipe and back story:

mikehooker, FYI, when I make the Shark's Tooth I mix it like I would The Mai-Kai's Shark Bite ...

hang10tiki posted on 07/11/2015

Had a visitor yesterday
Max here direct from Taboo Island :)

Herbs and Rye

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lunavideogames posted on 07/11/2015

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Found myself in Palm Springs Tonga Hut and drank this Pi Yi as well as 3 others and some rum.
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Yesterday I went to Bootlegger Tiki for the first time. This is a Poison Dart.

I really liked Bootlegger. Had a fun time! All the drinks are good and the place was nice. They stray away from the regular drinks you would find at most tiki bars (although they do have some classics) but they use every liquor and add some pretty unique ingredients.

Palm Springs was fun and I got free stuff everywhere I went. Fun town to visit!

thePorpoise posted on 07/12/2015

drinking a Sculpin right now...

HT- that looks a whole school of Sculpin...

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hiltiki posted on 07/12/2015

Dark and Stormy at Musso and Frank, Hollywood.

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 07/12/2015

Messed with the Cosmopolitan recipe and used Absolut citron and a couple of dashes of cranberry bitters. Liked it very much.
Finished the night with “Rum Barrels” Liked em mo betta.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 07/12/2015

On 2015-07-11 20:37, hiltiki wrote:

Dark and Stormy at Musso and Frank, Hollywood.  

Hilda, I ‘ve heard nothing but positive comments about M and F’s. Your pix make we wanna go soon.
Tanks for posting.

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lunavideogames posted on 07/12/2015

On 2015-07-12 01:14, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:

On 2015-07-11 20:37, hiltiki wrote:

Dark and Stormy at Musso and Frank, Hollywood.  

Hilda, I ‘ve heard nothing but positive comments about M and F’s. Your pix make we wanna go soon.
Tanks for posting.

Same here!

mikehooker posted on 07/13/2015

Hurricane Hayward's V.4 151 Swizzles in my neighbors pool. He rated it a 9.5 out of ten. I've never rated anything above an 8.5 including $100 Mai Tai, jet pilots, zombies, etc til I made one of these a couple weeks ago. I gave it and still give it a solid 9. 10 is the unobtainable. So basically this is about as perfect as a drink can get. Great work sir! I just hope my supply of Kohola Bay and LH151 don't diminish too soon.

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Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/13/2015

On 2015-07-12 18:55, mikehooker wrote:
Hurricane Hayward's V.4 151 Swizzles in my neighbors pool. He rated it a 9.5 out of ten. I've never rated anything above an 8.5 including $100 Mai Tai, jet pilots, zombies, etc til I made one of these a couple weeks ago. I gave it and still give it a solid 9. 10 is the unobtainable. So basically this is about as perfect as a drink can get. Great work sir! I just hope my supply of Kohola Bay and LH151 don't diminish too soon.

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Mahalo Mike! Be careful you don't tip that over. That would be a shame.

I only have a handful of "10" ratings in my book ... Zombie, Barrel O' Rum, et al. My reasoning is that in my mind, these are perfect cocktails as they are and could not be improved, hence the 10 rating. I've never tasted a "10" Mai Tai, but Vic's original with 17-year-old Wray & Nephew might come close.

You never know, though. Someone may one day turn something up to "11". One louder.

The Below Decks posted on 07/13/2015

A Sylvain Sidecar in The Below Decks!

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lunavideogames posted on 07/13/2015

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Gallon growler of Sculpin

mikehooker posted on 07/14/2015

Can't get enough of these Swizzles.

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finky099 posted on 07/14/2015

A Three Dots and a Dash and a Crosswind at Ironside in downtown San Diego.
Great Three Dots. Never had a Crosswind before but it was really good. Reminded me of a drink called Any Last Words. Crosswind is Navy rum, green chartreuse, falernum, lime, Angostura bitters, and allspice. Sombody put together a nicely crafted bar and bar menu here.
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thePorpoise posted on 07/14/2015

AdorAdam's The Boulevardier.

Had the 1:1:1 version, and the 1.5:1:1. liked em both.

used Wild Turkey 101 proof bourbon as the whiskey

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Kahiki Guy posted on 07/14/2015

Watermelon Mojitos to cool you off on a humid summer evening at the Freaky Tiki Hut...

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The Below Decks posted on 07/14/2015

A Catch & Release Del Rey Daiquiri!

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mikehooker posted on 07/15/2015

Ancient Mariner.

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AceExplorer posted on 07/15/2015

Sipping a simple Uncle Val's Peppered Gin on the rocks. I've recently bought both their "peppered" and "restorative." (I already own their Botanical.) I like the "restorative" better than the peppered. While both are good, to my taste, I clearly prefer the Uncle Val's Botanical. So these are my one-and-only purchases of these two bottles. These are tasty sippers, which is very weird for London Dry gins, but not for New World gins like Uncle Val's or St. Augustine.

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Okole maluna!

thePorpoise posted on 07/15/2015

for Bastille Day, let's throw together some French (Martinique) rum, some elderflower liqueur, and some lemon juice, stir on the rocks, and call it an "égalité"

hang10tiki posted on 07/15/2015

Porpoise- :)
Luna- nice growler

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The Below Decks posted on 07/15/2015

A Hatchet Hall Coconut Mojito!

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Kahiki Guy posted on 07/15/2015

mmm...coconut mojito sounds awesome...I think that's my next drink!


hang10tiki posted on 07/15/2015

Da big Bruddah in town

Ars juice x2
Hop Rising x2
Guinness x 2

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Oxybeles posted on 07/16/2015

Nothing better than a Aku-Aku Zombie on a Wednesday evening...
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mikehooker posted on 07/16/2015

Donga Punch.

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The Below Decks posted on 07/16/2015

A Hatchet Hall Corpse Reviver No. 2!

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