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Tiki Central / Locating Tiki

George's Surf & Sirloin, Waco, TX (restaurant)

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Name:George's Surf & Sirloin
Street:2803 Franklin Avenue

I have always been intrigued by the matchbook images from George’s Surf and Sirloin located in Waco. Texas. I finally found one so I decided to start a thread on locating Tiki.

The matchcover shows some cool signage.

And advertises the Beachcomber Room with a view of Diamondhead.

Back of the matchcover, closed one day a year.

I picked up a postcard showing the interior and exterior.

The restaurant started out as George’s Chef and then changed names to Surf and Sirloin.

The interior with some nice monkeypod tables and the bamboo and thatch encased Beachcomber Room shown at the back.

I also found another image showing the actual signage that was depicted on the matchcover - tres cool!

A little more history, the original George’s Chef signage.

And a discussion of the restaurant with some Black and white photos of the interior.

Not the only Tiki place in Waco.


Great stuff, as always, DC. It made me want to check GoogleMaps to see if the building is still there. It turns out that it is! It's now a restaurant called Michna's Bar-B-Que.

Even the sign is still there... sort of.

GoogleMaps. Image dated March 2013.


Great research DC. Your files must be bursting at the seam by now :D


ill have to run north and check out this spot and grab some current images of both exterior and interior.

I'll be in Waco on Tueaday. Will try to make time to stop and check it out. I go to Dallas somewhat frequently and there's a burger place off 35 with a big A frame structure that looks real old and I always thought could have had a tiki past. It's south of Waco, can't think of the city or name of the burger joint at the moment of course but I did write it down once and google it without much success outside of a yelp and Facebook page and some modern photos.

An a-frame Texas burger restaurant sounds like a Whataburger.

[ Edited by: tikilongbeach 2015-08-01 09:51 ]

Ha, yeah, typically that's the case. It's possible it was once upon a time, but I think the top of the A Frame on this structure protrudes out more than the old Whataburger buildings did. The current tenants seem to have only been around for a few years. It might be in Temple or a city around there. I'll see if my trip allows for stopping, photos, a bite and some questions.


I came across this alternate (earlier?) matchbook on the SMU Image Database.


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