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Disneyland Enchanted Tiki Room Wedding

Pages: 1 3 replies

Loki-Tiki posted on 07/31/2015

I know couples sneak their ceremony in without Disney's involvement (fees) frequently, so I'm not sure why this made news, but glad it did:


kkocka posted on 08/01/2015

I don't think I'd enjoy random guests, children, and strollers in the back of my wedding photos. :P

wizzard419 posted on 08/02/2015

If I were them, I probably wouldn't want it making news as the park staff have a tendency to get revenge after the fact, which would suck if they received a warning or ban.

Enchanted Tiki Guy posted on 08/10/2015

I think this was a very cool idea! Whatever makes the bride & groom happy is all that matters. Too bad they couldn't get the tiki birds to sing, "Here comes the Bride"!

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