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A gift for trader sams grog grotto

Pages: 1 17 replies

nomeus posted on 08/04/2015
JenTiki posted on 08/04/2015

One or two blasts from that would have me taking my cocktail "to go!" Whatever happened to the laid back relaxed vibe of a tiki bar? I expect a siren would be the last thing the soldiers returning from the wars in/around the pacific and setting up tiki bars in their basements and backyards would care to have in their soundscape.

kkocka posted on 08/04/2015

On 2015-08-04 09:41, JenTiki wrote:
One or two blasts from that would have me taking my cocktail "to go!" Whatever happened to the laid back relaxed vibe of a tiki bar? I expect a siren would be the last thing the soldiers returning from the wars in/around the pacific and setting up tiki bars in their basements and backyards would care to have in their soundscape.

Yeah I tend to agree here. Even though they occasionally use it at Enchanted Tiki Bar, it sorta teeters on the line for me - if they use it often then I think "ugh I'd love to hurl that through a window" but once in awhile it's okay. Nomeus, I'm surprised you went through the trouble to be honest. Prop department tends to take care of those things, or Property Operations, whoever runs it. Hopefully your contribution is a sturdy one.

Now if only somebody could break some of the cast members there...

nomeus posted on 08/04/2015

this is how it is in both the cali location and florida location. it isnt all the time but both places use the hand crank siren. there are a lot of effects, yelling, water being sprayed, ships in bottles sinking, hippos being shot at etc etc.

i gave it to them because it had been quite a while since they broke the last one and the general consensus was that they werent going to get another. problem was, the old ones were plastic. this one is metal so i hope it lasts longer.

KonaKaiBaby posted on 08/04/2015

Super fun to watch. Many thanks for sharing!

nomeus posted on 08/05/2015

On 2015-08-04 10:28, kkocka wrote:

surely youre the same person that wrote this as a comment to my video on the tikiman poly pages

"Somebody ringing their own siren and then THEY call attention to the bar... Yikes you'd never see that in California, lol. Makes me cherish Enchanted Tiki Bar."


really..youd never see that in cali? having been there several times, not only do i disagree but id say it would be way more likely to happen there than here. trader sams in cali is way more laid back than florida. and whats the problem? whats your issue for the way i decided to present the siren to them? i cranked the siren as my way of making them aware it had arrived and you should have seen the reaction of the staff...it was awesome. they were super stoked to have it.

people be like....

damn that nomeus cranking up his own siren!!

JenTiki posted on 08/05/2015

On 2015-08-04 16:20, nomeus wrote:
this is how it is in both the cali location and florida location. it isnt all the time but both places use the hand crank siren. there are a lot of effects, yelling, water being sprayed, ships in bottles sinking, hippos being shot at etc etc.

I have spent quite some time in the California location, and yes, there are some antics and effects that come with some of the drinks, but none as annoying as a siren. Perhaps theirs "broke" too.

[ Edited by: JenTiki 2015-08-05 07:34 ]

nomeus posted on 08/05/2015

On 2015-08-05 07:34, JenTiki wrote:


call them up and ask them if they still use the hand crank siren. im sure there are plenty of videos online showing it being used.

what im having a hard time understanding here is this general disdain towards a "loud", semi-untraditional tiki bar. here you have 2 tiki bars out of how many "traditional" (whatever that means), chill, quiet, cozy, intimate...whatever you want to call it, tiki bars. folks..the vast majority of your quiet little getaway locations are, well..... quiet. obviously thats the whole point of trader sams enchanted tiki bar and grog grotto. the tiki room (tiki birds) show at disneyland and disney world is not a quiet place. these two bars take on themes of the tiki room, jungle cruise ride, 20,000 leagues under the sea ride, adventurers club (RIP) and cmon....it's disney. does disney do anything quiet? disney is all about a non-stop celebration. i looked up disney in the dictionary and it said the definition of the word disney was non-stop celebration. i know, i was just as shocked as you are now. crazy right?

facts are facts...in this world there exists at least 2 LOUD tiki bars and tons of "quiet" ones. if you dont like the antics, hijinks, tom foolery, monkey shines, shenanigans and general brouhaha...dont go there.

if anyone needs me, ill be "quietly" working on a large warning sign that i will be presenting to both trader sams locations. it will warn everyone that somewhere in the deep dark recesses of this rum parlor, dwells a very loud air raid siren. enter at your own risk!

[ Edited by: nomeus 2015-08-05 09:48 ]

kkocka posted on 08/05/2015
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