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Our trip to Tiki Oasis 15 continues with day 6 part one. This day is so fun it may be in many more parts! We looked off our balcony and saw a camera team and interviewer with Otto, Baby Doe, Shag and company. I guess I have no shame. We hurried down in time to take these photos. We also ran into Eakem Bookum who made the event mug, met another person and Rory who does Tiki Caliente another great event. In front of Notche's moai bar Brenda's Tiki Hut, myself, Cathi W. and Freddie Coester (all the way from Oahu) met up for hugs. Dan posed with this years lobby themed decoration. We went outside to sit in the cool breeze and I ran into Tiki Paka a facebook friend. She had one of Dawn Frazier's beautiful shirts and hand painted purses. Wow, Tiki Paka looked great. Close up of the purse. While I was there she was delivered a Tiki Tabby Tote Tiki Spaceship purse. Close up. Flashing lights, Tiki Bob and a zippered compartment. Another Wow! Now it was time for the Art Show to begin. My piece was placed right under a wonderful floor lamp rocket moai rocket ship. This time the room for the art show is full of vendors so our art is out in a hallway. Because of that there is a guard who sits at the bar where my piece is located. It is very safe! Marina the fire eating mermaid ran into us and was so gracious to pose for a photo. What a sweetheart. Now it was back to our room for a lunch of sandwiches I got at a service station last night after the Bali Hai. Cheers, Wendy |
Hi Friends, the internet is slowing down at this hotel to a standstill. I'm going to wait until I'm home to post. So in a few days I'll be back to sharing the event and what's up with my art. Cheers, Wendy |
It was great to see you guys Here are my Thursday photos |
Friday's It was interesting that the 1st banner I saw was yours :) |
Wendy and SewTikis Enchanted Tiki Room Art Swap photos |
hag10tiki you know I love these photos. Thank you so much. We had a safe ride home. Sundays are great when it comes to driving through Los Angeles. We zipped past. 9 hours on the road and 1 hour for a lunch and we were home. I'll start posting my photos again when we have the laundry done. We did manage to pour 5 molds as soon as we got home. Have to keep on schedule! Wendy |
One evening we were in the Islands Lounge at the Crowne Plaza. Danielle Mann and Even Marshall from Brisbane Australia recognized us from facebook and came to introduce themselves. Danielle is also a tiki ceramicist. You can friend her on fb. The groom a friend and Crazy AL. Some of the guests. Soccer Tiki and Woo Hoo. Tom and Terri Tiki TNT and oops I've forgotten a name. Kari Handler and I. David Kamada and I. Jon and I. Ruth Hughes a dear fb friend who is so totally tiki. Friend her on fb to see her travels. Here comes the beautiful bride. This was one of the best times for us at Tiki Oasis. Cheers, Wendy |
Tiki Oasis continues. My goal was to get photos of old friends and new friends who I'd only met on TC and fb. I have many photos of people rather than entertainment in the first days. Dale and Tiki Tonie who is a ceramicist. You may have seen her outstanding shrunken head monkeys that nightmares are made of! Maui Rob and Gecko found us. Lloyd Alohahahahahah and Gecko. Tiki Roots Rocka and his booth of fantastic art. kingstiedye aka Bullet. One of the best hugs at Oasis and here back home. I stopped by Mahalo Tikis booth where he had my Tiki Bob's for sale and the next thing I knew I was autographing sold mugs. Again and again. That was so much fun. I think I signed 6 before leaving the booth. Loki Tiki and his wife Lori. Doug Horne one of our first tiki buddies from so many years ago I've lost count. Theo Stool from fb bought one of my Hula Girl Hot Tubs. He is with his wife. Chippy and wife apprehending this suspicious character. GROG and Eakem Bookem John Moulder who made the space ship event mug. Outstanding. Annette from the Sacramento Ohana and her sweetheart. Von Tiki of Ventura California. He carved a Tiki Bob for us. We rolled it in plastic for the ride home. 2 weeks later when we unwrapped it we had a mold mush. Never leave a coconut tiki wrapped in a hot garage. It happened because we left on another fast trip. He wants to replace it but it was totally our fault. What a sweetheart! Friday evening on our balcony. EAR PLUGS saved my ears! I'm not done yet!!! Wendy |
little lost tiki
What a Weekend, indeed! Thank you so much again, Wendy, for the fabulous honu necklace! I love it and have already lost count of all the compliments on it. It was really fun to meet you & Dan after reading your thread all this time. And what lucky timing - we were in line so long I was afraid we'd miss you completely (I'm glad you post lots of pictures - it made you easier to spot! :) ) Mahalo nui loa! |
Great photos Wendy I only have a few from Saturday Again |
yay nice treasure trove of event pics, nice to see every ones faces. |
Belated Birthday wishes Wendy! I was away with the family last week in Virginia Beach and Mr. Tiki and didn't get on TC at all. Facebook didn't tell me it was your birthday, boo-hoo! I just caught up with your wonderful thread and saw all your Tiki Oasis pictures. Fantastic as usual! |
little lost tiki will always be the name I think of when looking at you. Such a glorious time we had surrounded by art, music and friends. Of course I had to wear earplugs for the music. I forgot to tell you how much I enjoyed your art show piece. Your art always brings a smile to my heart. Until we meet again. bamalamalu it was a special adventure to be sought out amount the tiki masses. I'm so happy you liked the necklace and wore it at the event. I too received a necklace gift from Tiki Ano. Thank you David and thank you too for the fun candle. hang10tiki thank you for the photos and all the fun meet ups at the event. I wish you two would move to our town. It's much cooler than Las Vegas. Sophista-tiki I wish you could have been there. LoriLovesTiki thank you. I'm looking forward to my next birthday present...Medicare! ================================== Back to Tiki Oasis 15. Friday night. Dan and I only made it to one room party but it had to be one of the best. It was put on by Kari Hendler and Marina the fire eating mermaid. While we waited to enter the room we were entertained by gorillas and HB Tiki. Marina came out to check on the Gorillas and then took us into the room. The deal was eat fire with Marina and Kari would make you green pancakes. Really good pancakes. Jungle Ginger was there to say hello. Did you eat fire? I've always liked to do fun things so I volunteered. First she set my hand on fire. When Marina eats fire she's sexy. Didn't work for me but at least I got some photos taken by Chippy that show I'm brave. Flame to tongue. Tongue on fire!!! This is something I can check off my bucket list. Thank you women it was really fun. More tomorrow showing Saturday. Good night for now, Wendy |
These are the last of the Tiki Oasis photos that I have to share. I'm showing more than you may want to see but my family looks at these too. I hope you like them. This is the crazy music fun each evening. I have to avoid this so I wear ear plugs and read. I already wear hearing aids except at Tiki Oasis! The next morning the tents for all the art vendors start to go up very early. Out walking I ran into this lady and her dog. She said she bought my Intoxicated Tiki Bob because the tongue hanging out looked like her dog. At the end of breakfast I ran into Ron who I've seen at Forbidden Island and other events. He's one of my hug bunnies. We went out back to the car show. My favorite was this "rusty gold" woody and this chrome motorcycle. Looks good from every angle. I found my Tiki Central Swap partner Sandra Ferguson. She's about to be a mom in addition to being a fine artist. Here's Dan with Ron and his wife. He makes great tiki lamps. Next is Gecko'z South Sea Arts booth. It's being raided by hang10tiki and Mondo-By-The-Bay. I can see Tuvara Tiki and hand10tiki in this photo with Gecko. He is the best glazer in the whole tiki world. One look back as I exited the booth. Later on the balcony SewTiki and I exchanged our swap art. We are friends so it was extra fun to swap. Guess who actually gets all our hard work! CY was at Oasis clear from Portland, Oregon where he lives in a beautiful forest. Some of the wood just comes to him via a creek. I ran into Buzzy and Christina hanging at their booth. Yep I got the next Buzzy pinup for the Buzzy Bedroom in our home. Back in the grand hallway we found Fabio and Atomic Chick working hard handing out event mugs. I ran into David Kamada in the same area. Making new friends is so much fun. Back into our room for a rest I looked out at the swimming pool the vendor tents and then the music started and I saw the dancing event head cut loose. Tiki Ano who you all know from the "other crafts" thread came by for a visit. Then back again to check on the art show. Again the music was so loud that Dan wore these, I should have too. My Spaceship with the topless hula girl was right under an incredible floor lamp by Tiki Pops. I got to meet in person for the first time Lynn Bloom aka Tiki Wahini (spelled as she likes it). She is the person who makes me stretch my skills each year during the Wish List. Think Rat Fink at Disneyland and the Bob Marely Rasta Bob this last time. I also had a chance to speak with Christine Benjamin and to view her art. She had a booth with Woody Miller. What do you know, there he is. Also Eric October and Brian Boskind. This is Brian's artwork for the show. So much terrific detail work and it also glowed with a change in lighting. Here's Brian with little lost tiki Ken Rusik. Talent everywhere you look at Tiki Oasis. This is zerostreets art for the show. Tiki Pop, who can be found at Woo Hoo and Soccor Tiki International Marketplace at the new location. Tiki Al was there too. I just went from one hug to the next. So exciting to find MadDogMike and his wife Teresa just roaming the art show. As many of the artists for the show came together for this photo. I noticed that Tiki Pop was hiding but we got a second shot and there he is along with a very bright light behind his head. Remember the HUGE Homer Simpson mug I made? It was for Sean and Cassandra. He goes by SMBacon. Now I went back to see Gecko. Dan said it I want to go to Tiki Oasis 16 I had to bribe him with this bowl. Of course as soon as we got home he took it and it's only 2015. I ran into Woody and a photographer for Tiki Magazine. Then into a room to say hi to Thor. He makes those incredible shrunken heads and Island paintings. Hey I just noticed that Doug Horne photo bombed the AX MURDERER from our Sacramento Tiki Crawl. It's a good long story. Ask me in person and I'll tell you the details. Tiki Oasis wouldn't have been complete if I had missed my hug from Sven. He makes it special. He was interviewed at the table right next to ours. Thank you Sven for promoting tiki so well it's become a way of life. 5 am. One last look outside before we left the hotel for home. In the car and heading out of San Diego. 9.5 hours to go in the car. We stopped at Split Pea Anderson's for lunch and to stretch our legs. Now we are at home. This is my haul of loot. Most are supplies for my ceramics. Firing spikes, paint brushes, carving tools and a big turn table. Swizzle gave me a skull necklace and Tiki Ano gave us both Moai necklaces. They each made these so they are very special. Annette gave us Sacramento Ohana badges and of course there's the Buzzy pinup. This is Dan's loot. He's slowed way down now that our home has no more rooms for him to take over. Just by luck I found this keychain. I haven't researched it yet. Maybe a surfer? The salt and pepper set was a gift from hang10tiki and SewTiki. A super nice couple. Here is the magnificent Gecko Bowl. It's based on my favorite Coco Joes statue. Gecko is the finest glazer ever just check this out. Amazing. Well now I'll be back to work on finishing up the Sacramento Crawl mug and organizing the next Wish List and Hula Girl Hot Tub orders. If you have something in mind it's ok to write to me now. I have a binder started and I'm taking in information. I hope you all have a super evening. I'll be with Dan so you know I'll be a happy camper. Cheers, Wendy |
fantastic pictures, wendy! i'll have to come get a close look at the new gecko soon. |
Wendy, I think you know what's on my wish list... a far out spaceship with a topless pilot! |
hang10 to stockbroker "sell, sell, sell! i need more gecko'z!" |
kingstiedye it's a wonderful bowl. Come on over any time. IDoVoodoo I have to get the space ship back from Mahalo Tiki. It didn't sell at Oasis. I sure got a lot of compliments so it was worth taking it. I have one person in Australia who wanted this one. I'll let you know how that turns out kingstiedye say what??? =========================== I just noticed that I have 450 pages on this thread now. That's a whole book. Thank you all for your comments and 2 million plus views. My best friend said not to get excited it's probably only 10 people who look over and over again. Works for me! =========================== Time to do some catch up posting since we are home from Tiki Oasis 15. I have been firing the Sacramento Crawl mugs. Opening the kiln on each batch is really fun and scary too. At long last all 60 are in the house and ready for inspection and numbering. I then pair the mug with the box and signature card. We love our cat but she tears furniture to pieces so we always keep it covered unless we have company. Out of the 60 I found 16 with tiny glaze skips or thin areas that needed to be worked on. The worst were two mugs that looked like the bird pooped on the sign on the back of the mug. See the center mug on the bottom. Crystal glazes which I used inside the mugs can spit during firing. That's what happened to some of the mugs. I'm not sure that can be fixed. I took each mug and went over them and re-glazed any areas that could be improved. I got carried away! I then dried them in the wind and loaded the kiln. At Psycho Tiki D's backyard tiki marketplace I bought a Crazy Al Mug that wasn't glazed with more than a pink underglaze on some ropes. Thank you Duane for letting me have it. He picked it up first. I have always liked this mug and now I had the opportunity to play with one. It has a lot of detail. Those he painted in multiple colors are beautiful. I went to the shed and picked out all the colors I wanted to use for the mug and went to work painting it. Hours passed. More hours passed. I had to turn it upside down to prevent missing parts. It took more than four hours. Crazy Al even did more than I did by painting the designs in the tapa. Into the kiln. I'm looking forward to seeing it the glaze stuck or sloughed off. I'm only guessing this will work. Thank you for all the joy this posting brings. I have so much fun being here and interacting with you all. Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-08-21 16:55 ] |
That green glaZe inside your mugs looks great |
hang10tiki you know what's cool? None of those spots are in the identical place in the mugs so they are really all 1/1's! ========================== [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-08-22 13:26 ] |
Opened the kiln and removed the Sacramento Crawl mugs and the newly painted Crazy Al mug. I inspected these mugs and found all but three were fine with the tune ups. I now have 57 boxed for the crawl and I'll make three new ones from scratch. Dan is super happy with how the Crazy Al mug turned out. I hope I did it justice.
It is very important that this mug never becomes a forgery. I made it for my husband. I noted on the bottom that I did the glazing. It took so many hours to accomplish and I didn't paint the tapa. No wonder he gets a hefty price for these. Thank you for the visit, Wendy |
Love the glaze on the Crazy Al mug! It was great to see you at Oasis. What a fun weekend! Hope to see you again soon. |
Wendy - Your customization of the Crazy Al mug is great. It's too funny because I bought one of these same "unglazed" mugs on eBay about 2-3 months ago with the same intention. It's just one of the coolest mugs ever made...Crazy Al is just a crazy good artist that just keeps on getting better and better. The Hei mug he just rolled out may just be the best mug ever made to this point...well, at least it makes a compelling argument for itself when you see it in person. I am having buyers remorse for not buying the one he had in his hand when I met him. anyways... The one I am "working on" (which I say loosely because finishing the project hasn't really been a priority to this point) had the same pink color on one side. I ended up doing a coat of brown underglaze over top of the pink color first...then I did two coats of DC bright ginger (interior and exterior) to give it the look of bamboo.
My plan is to paint the outside with enamel and bake it. Maybe your mug will inspire me to finish the project out? |
RVICTOR, that's so funny. Great minds think alike??? Looks good. I like your version. Wendy Lunavideogames, great to see you too. Glad you like the mug. I always regretted not having one in Dan's collection so now I can check that off the bucket list. I'm back to work in clay so I'll have some fun photos up soon. Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-08-23 20:48 ] |
Wendy. Great seeing you and Dan at Tiki Oasis. Thanks for the hugs (and the kisses----shh, don't tell Dan). Now back to work!! :) |
GROG gosh I only remember one kiss. I think you are remembering that sexy hula girl at the art show! It was good to see you too and I hope that we all see you on here more. ================================= WISH LIST #6 HAS UNEXPECTEDLY BEGUN. I was going to start at the end of the year but I need to cast, fine tune and fire some replacement mugs for the Sacramento Crawl. Because of those 3 mugs I need to make more tikis to fill my huge kiln. WHAT DO YOU WISH FOR BUT NEED HELP HAVING IT MADE? HERE ARE THE RULES.
============================ If you wonder what I've made in the past go to my "Gallery" page here on Tiki Central and start on the last page and work back. ============================ I'm ready to hear from you. Post here or send me a PM. I will take orders until Sunday August 30th midnight PST. It's time to go to work! Cheers, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-08-24 20:59 ] |
Hi Everyone. I have started making items for Wish List #6. I'm hard at work but I'll not post until after I close the Wish List on Sunday. I keep updating the Wish List #6 binder. After Sunday the fun begins. I have about 40 things to make so far. Some are so far over the top that once again I am being challenged to pull them off. Some are easier so I'm tackling them first. Thank you always for checking in on my artwork. I appreciate your visits. Wendy |
I think I forgot to mention that the Hot Tub Hula Girl mugs are part of the Wish List #6. If you are on that list I want you to know they are being worked on. If you want to add to the list or order something special let me know. Wendy |
That Crazy Al mug is amazing. So much detail. You did a fantastic job. |
LoriLovesTiki thank you. The ones that Al did were far more detailed. I did this for Dan and hopefully everyone else can eventually find one done by Crazy Al one of our favorite artists. ============================= Wish List #6 is underway. We are pouring every day without fail. My garage is filling up and so is my kitchen nook. This will be a really fun one with so many challenges which you all know I love. It's tempting to close it down and to just go with the current orders but I posted it was open until Sunday midnight so I'll stick to it. But this time no more accepted after the shutdown. Just examples of the orders so far: Anniversary mugs for Jason and Krista Led Zeplin for Bullet aka kingstiedye Gorllia's male and female with the female all blinged out...based on zerostreet original paintings Hot Tub Hula Girls aka Hula Girl Hot Tubs. Frankoma small tiki bowls in many different colors Mermaid mug HUGE Maori vase Bride and Groom mugs Octopus holding a Bob little lost tiki bowl with permission for Jen Tiki There are more but I'll work hard so that everyone has fun as we make them. Cheers, Wendy |
Wendy, Thanks so much for taking on the Little Lost Tiki Bowl! I know it will be amazing and the folks on your page will love watching the progress on that one! Kinny will be watching too! It's wonderful that you're so committed to making so many tiki mug dreams come true for people! |
JenTiki, this one will be so colorful that it will be joyful. Thank you for asking both Kinny and I. =================================== Hot Tub Hula Girls aka Hula Girl Hot Tubs copy write 2015 Wendy Cevola, the next batch has begun with Wish List #6. Here is the list of those of you who wanted one in the past. If I got it wrong please let me know. If you want to add your name to the list you have until midnight Sunday the 30th to let me know. They are $100 each plus shipping. The face is enamel and can not be washed with hot water. The rest is glaze. Jason Martin
i hope that's not how you spell zeppelin on my mug! i'm really excited about it! the kona club looks great! here's a pic of my crazy al kona club mug for comparison. i wonder how much time al spent on each one? [ Edited by: kingstiedye 2015-08-27 10:15 ] |
Tyber Tiki
Catching up once again on the much tiki goodness, oh my!!! Wendy, the crawl mugs look awesome and wish list #6 looks like its going to be very interesting to follow. I hope to add to wish list #6 later tonight :) Tyber Tiki |
kingstiedye those are terrific photos. I wish I'd had them when I painted the mug. He did a tremendous job. If mind took more than 4 hours to paint his may have been double! Tyber Tiki I have your Wish in the binder. Thank you. ======================= This is shaping up to be a HUGE Wish List with many fun and challenging projects. This week I've poured the needed molds and organized the binder on a twice daily routine. I'll be sharing soon. Jason and Krista yours will be first up. ======================== This show is tonight. I hope that Michael will share photos since I'm home in Northern California. Anyone else that attends please post photos here.
========================= Back to the clay! Wendy |
which piece is in the xiem show? is a great resource for tiki mugs. here are some more pics of crazy al's kona club. [ Edited by: kingstiedye 2015-08-29 10:45 ] |
Can't wait to see all the GREAT tiki mugs you guys make in the next wish list... |
Holler Waller
Tick Tock |
kingstiedye thank you for all that you have shared. I looked at OM and it was a blast from the past as far as most of my ceramics that were posted there. hang10tiki I've gotten a good head start and I'll post the beginning of the Wish List starting tomorrow. Holler Waller 3 hours 35 minutes to go! Goodnight everyone. The fun starts tomorrow. Cheers, Wendy |
Orders for Wish List #6 are in and I'm making the binder and writing out the questions I have for each project. While I sort out the start up photos which I'll post later today here's something fun. I think I've found MadDogMikes doppelganger! Here's are dearest friend at work. Here's your look-a-like! I found him on the show Dating Naked!
Back later today or tonight. I'm off to work, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-08-31 07:50 ] |
The Wish List is going to take a lot of ceramic slip so we have loaded up. ============================== kingstiedye aka Bullet came for a visit. He wanted to go over his Wish with me. We had a fun visit.
Man Cave. Now back to work, Wendy |
Like! :) |
Since I am still new around here, I didn't want to press my luck by putting in a request, but I do have a fun little idea for whenever Wish List #7 comes around. :wink: You guys really do astonishing work. I cannot wait to see what comes next! |
IDoVoodoo I often look for the "like" button when I'm on here reading. Thank you. Comicbookhero thank you. It's all fun. Dan is a collector and I'm an artist with a greedy husband. I do the Wish Lists so that he can't take off with what I've made. You can send me your idea and I'll let you know if I can work it in. Welcome to all the fun we have on here. ============================ Wish List Progress Report. The first projects I've started are anniversary mugs for Krista and Jason (secret from Jason) and The Hot Tub Hula Girl mugs. This is a marathon of pouring, drying the molds and pouring again. I did 6 of them to begin with and this time I'm doing 24 more so that I will have completed 30 at the end of this Wish List. This is an open ended mug meaning I number them as I make them but there is no end to them unless I quit. I will have a few extras so if you are interested let me know and I'll add you to the list. Mixing water into the slip. Pouring the molds. dumping them and leaving them upside down. Opening the molds. Storing the casts. Drying the molds. We have been doing this ever since we got back from Tiki Oasis. It took 8 days to make the coconuts and 12 days to get enough of the hula girls. Now the detail works begin. ==================== While in the pouring mode I went to work on the anniversary mugs. I just clean up the basic mug removing mold lines and then I start to carve. The requested mugs have their names and anniversary dates on the back.I clean up the carving as I go with a wet brush. Once this part was done it is set aside to firm up. Now I started on Krista's mug. During the next two days I did all the super carving on the mugs. This is Krista's and This is Jason's. Now it was time to make the little Moai mugs that will be held in added hands. A couple of days later the mugs were firm again and I cut out squares where I wanted to add the hands. After putting the Moai mugs into the hands I supported them with little balls of clay. Next I did Jason's little Moai. Close up showing the supports. All done.
Without the flash.
Krista, please examine your Wishes and see if you are happy with them. They will now dry for a few weeks until it's time to bisque fire. As hang10tiki has said in the past...busy, busy, busy. I love playing with clay. Wendy |
OMG OMG OMG I LOVE THEM!!!!!!! I don't know how I'm going to make it till my anniversary without showing these to hubby!!! Hahaha - it took me all of 3 minutes before I spilled the beans. I went in to talk to him and I was all giddy and he knew something was up. We are SO bad at surprises! He loves them too - and got all teary eyed. Thanks Wendy! Enjoying life - one tiki drink at a time! [ Edited by: creepykbear 2015-09-01 16:47 ] |
Those r sweeeeet |
Wow, I come back to visit Wendy's thread and my mouth drops open. Love Krista's and Jason's mugs- I thoroughly enjoy all of the Bobs-holding-stuff (mugs/ coconuts/ ukuleles). The moai mugs are awesome. More to catch up on, but I have to run to work late tonight then come back home then go back before the sun comes up. Ack! Forgive my soon-to-be-very-late comments on posts from long ago! I will also have to work on a good visual reply to Dan's every growing beard. Jon, you may have to help me with that... :) |
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