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Shameful Tiki opening in Toronto!

Pages: 1 16 replies

shamefultiki posted on 08/21/2015

Hello everyone
I'm excited to announce that I have signed a lease for a great spot in Toronto on Queen street West. This will be my second location, the first being in Vancouver BC and which some of you have experienced.
This will be a 1,400 square foot, 70 capacity resto/bar that I plan to do my damnedest to knock out of the park. The Vancouver location is going strong and has been blessed to receive pretty great reviews. I head over to Toronto in a week and will begin build out right away, hoping to open before Christmas.
I will keep a bit of a log here, showing some of the process and build as it happens without giving away too much - keep an eye, it's going to be fun!
Rod - Shameful Tiki

El Jefe posted on 08/21/2015

Congratulations Rod. Looking forward to seeing the pictures as this progresses. Is the place going to have any lamps?

shamefultiki posted on 08/25/2015

A little shot of our Shameful Tiki Room in Vancouver, in case you haven't seen it.......Toronto build out starts in a matter of days, a grand opening you may not want to miss.

shamefultiki posted on 08/26/2015
WooHooWahine posted on 08/27/2015

WooHoo & Congratulations!!! WE can't wait to visit your New Location :)

MadDogMike posted on 08/27/2015

Congrats and best wishes

croe67 posted on 08/27/2015

SO Excited about this!!

We had been planning a Montreal Tiki Tour in the way to Ohana Luau at the Lake next year, but I think Toronto now has a distinct advantage....!!!! Can't wait to check it out.


shamefultiki posted on 09/08/2015

Here's the new Facebook page - posts of sneak peeks and updates as we get closer to the big grand opening! Hit the like button so you can stay in the loop

RVICTOR posted on 10/09/2015

Just saw the post...like the photos of the build. Your place in Vancouver is one of the best and I am sure this will get the same careful attention to detail. Toronto is definitely in for a treat.


shamefultiki posted on 10/16/2015

some sneak shots of assorted details, hopeful opening is third weekend of November. This will be a heck of an opening.

AceExplorer posted on 10/16/2015

Looking good, I'm really looking forward to the photos at opening when the build-out is complete. Are you doing the interior design work yourselves?

shamefultiki posted on 10/24/2015

Kahuna Tiki posted on 11/06/2015

I am so stoked about this, I can't describe it! I have waited for SO long for a tiki bar in Toronto. I will definitely be there opening night!

TheFrikiTiki posted on 11/20/2015

See you tonight...and the next night...and the next night...forever and ever Aloha !!. :wink:

TongaT posted on 11/23/2015

Soooo.....how was the opening? How amazing is the place? Where are the pictures so we can see what we are missing?

shamefultiki posted on 12/19/2015

Here's a great article link for the new location in Toronto! We've been open for exactly one month now, things are cookin. Thanks to everyone who's set foot inside and enjoyed the place!

Dr. Coruba posted on 01/01/2016

Fantastic job done in Toronto. Fair to say that you've added another must visit Tiki bar to any tikiphile's list.

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