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2015 Cap City Tiki Crawl 10-2,3,4-15 (2016 save 9/30 & 10/1 & 10/2-anyone interested in hosting)

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Update on the Sacramento Crawl mug for October 2015.

I made the glaze tests. We choose the best. I've bought the glaze and will soon begin production. Here are the steps and all the information for signing up for one.

These stops are shown using a couple of the mugs so the color skip back and forth.

First I do the inside and then clean off any that gets on the inside of the mug. This step requires it to dry overnight.

I use a wide brush and coat the mug

once and then

twice. It took two coats for the effect I wanted.

This shows how large the mug is. It doesn't shrink during the glazing process.

Now that the mug is dry I wipe off the areas

that will be painted

with color. So I use a CY glaze for the background and CN glazes for the color.

Painting the palm trunks and the coconuts and

the sign, flowers and

the bird.

This is the one that became the glaze test that I choose.

Here they are drying in the sun.

Fired. The one at the bottom and to your right is the final mug choice.

I am making a total of 60 for the crawl, another 10 were cast for tests and Dan took them, and I reserve the right to change and alter 30 more in the future for Wish Lists etc. where I change or add parts for fun. 100 total plus 1/2 of a bad mug where the top tore off but I saved it. Then I will destroy the mold.

Here's the glaze I found that made Dan and I very happy. The mug looks vintage and it doesn't have glaze runs dripping off the bottom.

This is the glaze test. I will be coloring the bird and other parts even better now that I know this background glaze works.

These photos were taken with a flash. The colors are even better in person. It's actually a bit more green. Since all the additional colors are added there will be differences in how I paint each bird. I need to add color to the chest etc.

Here are the black velvet photos.

I will make the bird more colorful when I do the run. This huge hand carved and detailed mug is special to my Ohana so the price is kept at a low $80 (plus shipping if you don't make the crawl).

Page two of this thread has the list of those who are signing up for one. You can do that here or on my Wendy Cevola facebook page. If you aren't my friend just ask and I'll friend you there. Tiki Central is my home and I post far more here than I do there.

I hope you all like our color choice. It not only looked the best it glazed the best. Cheers, Wendy

Looks great Wendy!


Aloha All:

Please put me down for one of those amazing Bali Hai crawl mugs. My wife and I will be trying to attend this year's crawl but are still working out the details. Thanks.

Rugby Matt, thank you. I love visiting your home and seeing my art there.

Mr. Aloha thank you too. I'll add you to the list. I hope you make it. This year there are homes we have never been to and that's so cool.

Beautiful work Wendy.....as usual!
Looking forward to the crawl.

Dr.TikiMojo looking forward to seeing first hand all the work you did while Eva was away. Thank you.


Update on the Sacramento Crawl mug due the first weekend in October.

There are so many steps to making a run of mugs. While I worked on painting the Zombie Torch mugs I printed out the autograph cards for the mugs. Then one evening while the TV was on I numbered them and autographed them. I used the inspiration for the mug, a advertisement in an old phone book, as the card. Since I will eventually make another 40 I kept writing 100 and then I had to tear up the card. There will be 60 in this color for the crawl. Some of the rest may even have a different bar name when I use it for the Wish List. The mold will be destroyed when 100 have been made.

Dan taped 60 boxes for me. I numbered them

on the top and two sides and lined them up down a hallway.

I added the appropriate card to each box.

Now it was time to start glazing the mugs. First I put a piece of tape on the bottom of each one.

Now as I glaze the layers on the bottom no glaze will reach the areas where the tape is located.

I did this all in my dining room. Scary! No spills.

After the bottoms had a chance to dry some I pulled off the tape.

All these blank areas will be where I number the mugs 1/60 etc.

I hope you are all out having a good Saturday. I'll be glazing away but later we are meeting Mahalo Tiki for dinner.

Cheers, Wendy

Simply amazing Wendy! :o

Indeed...amazing Wendy & Dan. We are so blessed to have you build these beautiful mugs.

Please sign me up for one Crawl mug, Wendy--thank you! We'll have it shipped when you're ready.

I will make the bird more colorful when I do the run. This huge hand carved and detailed mug is special to my Ohana so the price is kept at a low $80 (plus shipping if you don't make the crawl).

Page two of this thread has the list of those who are signing up for one. You can do that here or on my Wendy Cevola facebook page. If you aren't my friend just ask and I'll friend you there. Tiki Central is my home and I post far more here than I do there.

I hope you all like our color choice. It not only looked the best it glazed the best. Cheers, Wendy

Dr.TikiMojo and VampiressRN it's a joy to make mugs for the crawl each year. Thank you for the kind comments which are greatly appreciated.


Mondo-by-the-bay I will add you to the list, thank you.


Update on glazing the Sacramento Crawl mug for October 2015.

I opened all the jars for glazing the inside of each mug and scraped all the crystals off the bottoms and shook them really well to disperse them.

I sprayed the inside of each mug and then I poured the glaze in and out of five mugs and that used up one $18 jar of glaze. I have 60 mugs to do. The glaze was far too thick and too expensive and I didn't have enough jars.


So for the next batch I filled the mug with water and then poured it into the next mug. I did this for five and I still had enough glaze left to do 5 more. Yippee this looked just right in thickness.

As I finished I turned them upside down so the the bottom of the mug didn't get runoff water.

So now I started again. Pour it in and rotate until all the sides are glazed a couple of times.

I buy glass vases in thrift store in the sizes that fit mugs that I make. So while I'm glazing I have a couple draining into the vase. This keeps too much from accumulating at the bottom of the mug which can cause the mug to crack during firing.

I used a cloth to wipe off any that ran to the outside of the mug. It took one day to do the 60 mugs.

I use the empty jars so I washed them. Two things, you do not want the crystals to go down the drain because they will build up and make a blockage.

Second I just pour the rinse water through the wire mesh and I can add these to other jars of the glaze or save them to mix with clear and have a new glaze. I think I'll save some up from a lot of different jars and then have some fun.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-07-26 20:46 ]

Sacramento Crawl mug update. Glazing the outside of the mugs.

I bought more glaze than I needed but it's now my favorite so over the years ahead I'll use it up.

Here's why I save clean jars. Many glazes are too thick to use with a brush or with the air compressor. I split them in half.

I add water and shake them up. Then they are ready to use. I had enough jars to split 6 at a time.

Remember that even hand oil with make glaze crawl away so scrub your hands before touching your bisque fired ware.

This is the first time I was smart enough to get every wheel I own and to put them in a circle on a wire table. Now I can do nine in a row before they need to be moved.

Dan's my mover shaker. He'll load and unload the table while I do all the spraying.

I will also start the capillary action by spraying the outsides with water before spraying with glaze.

I put all my mugs on top of kiln spikes. I can then spray to the bottom and the build up of glaze on the turntables doesn't have to be washed off until the end of all the spraying.

First the water and

then the glaze. Layer one.

I let them dry for 15 minutes. I don't want any "runs".

Then I do a second layer. Depending on how you want your glaze to look you can do three or more.

We are on the way!

Here is how Dan carried the damp and glazed mugs from one table to the next. He is careful not to touch the outside of the mug.

The last batch at the end of a long day.

They have all been carried back into the house.

You can see that there is over-spray on the insides of the mugs. I'll show the "fix" tomorrow.

Cheers, Wendy

How much are the mugs this year?

Longboard they are appraised by knowledgeable tiki collectors to be worth more than $100 so since this is my home town I'm charging $80 plus shipping if needed. 52 of 60 have been sold. I will be making some specials later, my husband wants 10. The mold will be destroyed when I have made 100 total (crawl/Dan/specials).

Update on the making of the crawl mug.

Update on the Sacramento Cap City Crawl mug. 52 of 60 ($80 each) have been sold as of today and I need one too!

One of the experiments I did was to see if a Duncan CN glaze would stay put when painted on top of a Duncan IN or Specialty glaze. It did not. In fact it even ran. So to add color to my Sacramento Crawl mug I must scrub off the sprayed on glaze wherever I want to add a CN glaze.

I cut up a scratchy backed sponge into little pieces. I wet them and scrub with the green scratchy side and then wipe with the sponge. Wash the sponge and start on the next mug. These little pieces last for 2 mugs and then are thrown out.

I times it and I can scrub 5 mugs in one hour.

The white areas are where I removed the glaze. Front.

Palm Tree.

Palm Tree and stake.

Here's one hours worth of work.

When I finish 5 then I put a coat of the Mayco Crystal glaze on top of the over-spray I talked about before.

Five done 55 to go.

At the end of a long day I brought some to the table where

I had put out all the CN glazes I will use for color on these mugs.

This is why I started these mugs the first week in January. I'll need all the time I can get to finish them.

Cheers, Wendy

Update on the Sacramento Crawl mug for October 2015.

Now that the places that need color are ready I start the slow process of painting with CN glazes.

The first color was caramel for the name, tiki and the palm trees.

I'm just working on the first 25 due to lack of space to spread them out. So after this color was done in several coats I let them sit overnight to dry.

The next day I painted all the coconuts.

Then the next day I turned them over and started on all the flowers. First all the red, then the orange and then the yellow.


Then the next day I started on the birds.

The next day they went outside for a final drying session on this table and

around the corner.

Now into the kiln they went.

They fire overnight and then it takes a couple of days to cool down.


Update on the Sacramento Crawl mug for October 2015.

While the kiln fired and cooled I started washing the glaze off the last 35 mugs.

Kiln Open. Top shelf.

Bottom shelf. I can fit in 21 mugs at a time so it will just take 2 more loads. Then I'll check for those needing more glaze and hopefully I can fix these in one last load. There are always small glitches with glaze and I like to deal with them.

I got to the last one after three days of washing.

Now they are all ready for the glazing marathon.

First mug shows the over-spray. The second mug shows how I painted over the over-spray. The third mug shows how this worked and the mugs look how I wanted them to look.

This shows how the mug will look now that the colors are finalized.

I worked too hard and now I am having back spasms with knots. Mahalo Tiki and Mary came over last night to pick up their purchases for Tiki Oasis. Check out their booth. Anyway I could hardly stand or walk while they were here. I want to glaze so this is a bummer.

I'm still smiling, I wish you all a day full of them, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-08-02 09:09 ]

J and I will be there and, of course, we'd like to be on the list for a crawl mug.

Update on the Sacramento Tiki Crawl mug. Every year I make 50 mugs and 40 sell and the last 10 go slowly over time. This year I made 60 and I only have 2 left and the crawl isn't until October! You'll see on this page that I'm making four more in different colors. If I run out at the crawl I'll have these as backups. I will destroy the mold when 100 have been made. The crawl run of 60 will not have their colors repeated.

After scrubbing off the glaze on areas to be glazed in colors I re-glazed all the caramel areas. Tiki, Palm Trunks and Bali Hai.
35 mugs ready for the next step after I eat my breakfast.

Next I did the bird and the flowers. I use shot glasses to hold the glaze for each color and a paint brush for each also.

I did 6 at a time and then Dan would swap trays for me and I would continue.

This part took 6 hours and I finished all the colors on 35 mugs.

This photo shows areas that lost glaze, in areas that need it, when I washed off the areas that needed color.

The next day when all the birds and flowers were dry I started adding background color to fine tune and to cover the accidentally washed off areas.

Even thought I go over each mug there may be areas that are thin and show up after firing. I will have to do more to those mugs.

More spots covered.

On 8/1/15 I have fired a load. Bottom shelf and

top shelf.

I can do 22 mugs and these had to wait. Tomorrow I'll be glazing them.

When I cast mugs I cast 64 in case any cracked when fired. None did and it left me with four extras. I am glazing them

in different colors as backups in case I run out at the crawl. 58 are already assigned. The mold mold will be destroyed when 100 have been made. 60 in the crawl colors.

I keep repeating this information so that there will be no misunderstandings. Thank you for the visit and comments.

I'm so happy to be near the end of glazing. Cheers, Wendy

My wife and I would love to join the crawl. We are first timers, looking forward to meeting everyone. Also, Wendy, we would like a mug if you have any left. Pleased as punch to request the last one if available.

danlovestikis that's us then came LoriLovesTiki and now DaddyLovesTiki. Does this make me a grandmother?
to the crawl. Each year it becomes more fun. You'll have a blast.

The only numbers I am holding are for people who have for the last five years purchased specific numbers. After that it's first come first serve. So if you are at the first stop and ask for a number that is not reserved for long time crawler and it's still there then it's yours. Otherwise it may already be grabbed.

I am down to 1 left.

Question. For next year. Since our Crawl is in October would anyone think a scary tiki crawl mug would be a fun change or should I still search for another Sacramento Tiki Restaurant as the inspiration?


[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-08-02 10:27 ]

We are pretty excited. Her first question was, what should I wear? When and how do I pay for the mug, we would love to have a mug for our first crawl. Hope to add many more...

Casual, most of us wear Hawaiian shirts with shorts or pants or a Hawaiian dress. Some parties are indoors and some are outdoors. It's October so it could be hot or cold.

You pay for the mug with cash or a check on the day you take it from me at the crawl. $80.

Have a full tank of gas because you will be traveling all over the place. One year I started with my car at 0 and it ended after three days at 403 miles.

It's a blast. Wendy

Great info, thank you Wendy. Sounds like a blast.


Somehow I forgot to add myself to the crawl list and mug request on this thread.

So I'd like a mug if possible Wendy, but if I missed out then I understand.

I will be crawling on Friday and Saturday - looking forward to it!

Tiki Hula you got the very last mug. 60 of 60 are spoken for. Thank you, Wendy


Woah - just in the nick of time!! :D

Close one Mike!!!

Time to do some catch up posting since we are home from Tiki Oasis 15.

I have been firing the Sacramento Crawl mugs.

Opening the kiln on each batch is really fun and scary too.

At long last all 60 are in the house and ready for inspection and numbering.

I then pair the mug with the box and signature card. We love our cat but she tears furniture to pieces so we always keep it covered unless we have company.

Out of the 60 I found 16 with tiny glaze skips or thin areas that needed to be worked on. The worst were two mugs that looked like the bird pooped on the sign on the back of the mug. See the center mug on the bottom. Crystal glazes which I used inside the mugs can spit during firing. That's what happened to some of the mugs. I'm not sure that can be fixed.

I took each mug and went over them and re-glazed any areas that could be improved.

I got carried away!

I then dried them in the wind and

loaded the kiln.

Until next time, Wendy

Opened the kiln and removed the Sacramento Crawl mugs and the newly painted Crazy Al mug.

I inspected these mugs and found all but three were fine with the tune ups. I now have 57 boxed for the crawl and I'll make three new ones from scratch.

Not too many weeks away now! Wendy

Looking gorgeous!!!


The finished mugs look amazing Wendy - love the inside glaze so much!

Working on a top secret project with a fellow Wahine....more will be revealed once the prototype is complete.

CHEERS :drink:

GB posted on Sat, Sep 12, 2015 9:34 PM

Hoping to make it to at least one night of the crawl-me plus one!

VampiressRN that sounds like fun.

GB welcome see you at the crawl.


I'm working on the last three crawl mugs which replace three that had a small glaze runs.

Here are the three mugs that had some mess from the glaze I used on the inside of the mugs. Sometimes it explodes and goes to unexpected areas.

Here's how I painted them with enamel. I will fix this paint by baking them in the home oven.

These three mugs are marked down to $50 each.


I will also bring the glaze tests for sale for the same price of $80. I'm not charging more for a one of a kind because I chose the best color for the actual run.

First to the car at each stop gets their choice of mug. Those who had numbers for the past years will still be able to get their numbers.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-09-14 09:49 ]

Aw, sad I missed out on the mug, but I am planning on being there +1. We haven't been to the Sac crawl before but we went to the South Bay one last year and had a great time!


tikipopoki if you make it to the event and still want a mug you will get one. I have to take care of crawlers before I honor the requests by those who do not come to the event. I'll put your name on the waiting list just in case.

I will not destroy the mold until 100 have been made but no more will be done in the crawl colors.

No one has signed on for a 1/1 or those with the small back of the mug runs that I covered over.

Thank you, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2015-09-16 10:25 ]

We're working furiously over here at THE HEADHUNTER'S HIDEAWAY AND VOODOO LOUNGE :tiki:

Here is the link to our Facebook page for the house to get a sneak preview:


Dr.TikiMojo and Iwa Mojo

Last Stop for Everyone Sunday October 4th


I'm hoping to make it this year. Is there anyone we need to sign up with? Or just show up? Looking forward to seeing some Sac Ohana!

VampiressRN is running the show and she checks to here to see who is coming. She'll add you to the list and send you the addresses for the crawl. You could make it easy and PM your email address to her.

I think it wonderful that you two are coming. See you there, Wendy

Thanks Wendy! I'm very excited to go and also to get an awesome mug :)


I would like a XXL fez ... XXXL wound be better for my big noggin if you have!

Ok, I want a fez too, in a large.

Hope I have captured all the Fez orders. There is room for more, so please let me know.

Addresses have been emailed to crawlers, if you did not receive it, please let me know.

Only 1 week away....


On my end it may be more Garage Sale than a Tiki sale so be aware of that. If others start messaging me with Tiki items for sale/trade then I will re-post.
Here at The Headhunter's Hideaway and Voodoo Lounge these are a few of the items we are LOOKING FOR in trade:
old nautical items buoys, glass fish floats, life preservers, wooden crates, old ropes, LOTS OF ROPE - MANILA ROPE, bamboo poles, bamboo fencing, Thatch, Live Bamboo or water plants, old salvaged boat, old fish nets, abalone shells, Giant Clam shells, Tiki, lumber such as plywood and/or posts, old military surplus - jerry cans, ammo boxes, helmets, flight suit, parachute. Wooden poles, pier posts, Lava rocks, driftwood, found beachcomber items. Yurt or old Canvas tent. Boat Mast, skulls, shrunken heads, oddities.

Wow Dr. Tiki Mojo you must have a wonderful project going on. Your home is already over the top fun. Now I can't wait for next year.

Hi everyone, please bring $80 cash to the crawl for your mug. I don't do credit cards. I will be at the tank house. The mugs will be dispensed with the first in line getting their choice of number unless it's one of the reserved mugs for those who have always gotten the same number.

CD tiki and Laura I have your extra mugs too.

I'm so excited that the crawl is at the end of this week. The last three mugs come out of the kiln tomorrow. Imagine that! I started these mugs last January and it's taken until now to complete them. These were the hardest mugs we've made for the crawl. 100% glazed so the dishwasher can be used on them.

There is a signature card inside the box on the bottom.

See you soon, I hope you bring me some hugs and cash, Wendy

Unfortunately my wife and I won't be able to make the crawl this year. Wendy, we originally had requested mug #60, go ahead and make it available to someone else. Thanks

i'll be serving coffee, juice, punch, donuts and pastries. if you wanna bring your own booze, that's fine with me. almost finished with everything. a deadline helped me get some things done that were a long time coming. see ya soon!


On Saturday night 7-10 join the Sherlock’s at Kupua’s Lair. Come hungry, as we will be serving dinner. Pulled pork sandwiches on Hawaiian roles, pineapple coleslaw, potato-mac salad and dessert. Tasty tropical libations will also be served. Parking is available on 9th street, if you cannot find parking on 9th Street, check around the block on 8th. South Side Park has plenty of parking options.

Marlene, are the fezzes available during the crawl or do you HAVE to preorder? I haven't decided if I can swing it yet...but they look super cool!

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