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Keeping velvet tiki art alive...? TWO PIECES ARE WRAPPED! YEAH!

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Gwen posted on 04/12/2013

Robb, I love your work so much that I wrote you a swooning fan email. I hope you got it. I think you are the god of velvet.

tiki mick posted on 04/12/2013

Though I have been on this forum for over 10 years now, for some reason I never checked out this thread. This is incredible stuff! Wow!

Robb Hamel posted on 05/02/2013

Yes - I finished the architectural piece, "...A Cool Pad, Baby 4". This one was a long, long road (about 4 months), but I feel that it is a real evolution of the original piece I did in 2008.

I also finished the fourth and final copy of the "Tiki Vignette 3", which I did over about 3 weeks. This is one of my favorite pieces to do. It is really, really cool to look at in good light, thanks to the super-luminous paints by Windsor Newton.

This pic shows how I have to work in the middle of a ton a chalk dust and guess how it's gonna look after it is cleaned off.

More chalk dust, and a ton of cadmium red dark.

Here are the two finished pieces:

"...A Cool Pad, Baby 4" - 24"x36" - oil on velvet.

Closeup of left half.

Closeup of right half.

Closeup of sky area. The stars of slightly visible at this range.

"Tiki Vignette 3" - 4 of 4 (final copy) - 36"x18" - oil on velvet.

I guess I've gotten motivated here. It might be a while before I turn out another piece, but I have one I'm working on that oughta be pretty cool. Thanks everyone for the incredible support.

You guys are the greatest.

MadDogMike posted on 05/02/2013

Robb, that "Cool Pad" turned so awesome! Absolutely beautiful. A small group of us were sitting around Mojave Oasis a few weeks ago talking about how amazing your art is :D

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 05/02/2013

OK I will trade you my car for that!
you want a slave i'll get you slave, that's how cool that is!!!!!

Professor G posted on 05/02/2013


And once again, Wow.

Hale Tiki posted on 05/02/2013

Now that they're wrapped up, feel free to ship them to my house, postage due.

hang10tiki posted on 05/02/2013

Hanging on your walls or did they sell n ship to some lucky Tiki Peps?


HowZ about a teaZer pic on next project...

SandraDee posted on 05/02/2013

Robb I have to say I love the yellow hibiscus painting I bought from you a few years back but my ultimate goal is to own one of those gorgeous architectural pieces.

Considering I know how much they drive you crazy to paint because of those super straight lines I thought I would give you fair warning!

Beautiful red tiki in that vignette as well.

Nice to have you back!

little lost tiki posted on 05/02/2013


What a welcome sight after your Hibernation!
you Amaze me,Chum!

danlovestikis posted on 05/02/2013

Robb Hamel = Art Ecstasy. It is pure pleasure to view your work, Wendy

cy posted on 05/03/2013

Unreal work Robb Hamel!

tigertail777 posted on 05/03/2013

The only word adequate is BREATHTAKING! Wow. Your work is just unreal.

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/21/2014

You are a master of Black Velvet! Bravo! (thread bump)

SandraDee posted on 03/21/2014

Dang Slacks I thought Robb was posting an update!

MadDogMike posted on 03/21/2014

Hopefully Robb has e-mail reminders turned on for this thread and we'll wake him up :D

tiki moon posted on 04/04/2014

I hope everything is okay. I happened to notice Robb's web site is no longer active.


Velvet Elvis posted on 09/22/2015

I've lurked here for almost a year, checking this thread periodically for signs of activity. Have I missed an update on some other part of the forum?

I'm absolutely enamored with Mr. Hamel's work and hope that he's well.

MadDogMike posted on 09/24/2015

Sadly Robb hasn't been around in 2 1/2 years and his personal web site hasn't been updated either. I tried to message him and e-mail him a few months back but no response :(

MaukaHale posted on 09/24/2015

Have you tried contacting DaddyKatz in Ohio. He used to sell items at that store.


MadDogMike posted on 09/25/2015

Thanks MH, I remember that now. I dropped Daddy Katz a line and he said Robb is doing well, he's just taking a break right now and hopes to get back into art soon :)

AlohaStation posted on 09/25/2015

Day jobs SUCK!!!

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