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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Practice Makes Progress. Have A Nice Day ( Laz)

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nicework posted on 09/29/2015

Hello Tiki Central Other Crafts,

My name is Laz and I started carving tikis september last year, I have a Ice carving back ground and decided to start carving palms, So i started with the tiki designs they do here in florida, I have not done to many traditional tikis, I am a full time artist and its been quite a challenge considering i did not know anything about tiki or carving palms and wood,.

All my post are in tiki carving, and you can check out my thread on how i have developed the skill of tiki carving and how i have progressed ,

The reason I am moving to OTHER CRAFT is my hands hurt right now and some times my back. Carving 6 to 8 hours a day non stop is very hard on the body. I know i will not be able to work like this for long, Some carvers start carving smaller pendeants and things as they get older. Some paint . I have done my home work, only because this is how i make a living and i need to edjucate my self if i am to survive,

So I have decided to paint, I do not draw very well and I have never done a painting yet, I bought a starter kit so i can develop painting skills . I believe if i continue to make a name for my self as a carver i can also do paintings down the road, but i have to start now .

Tiki Central is how i learned about carving ,palms wood tools designs stain every thing I know as a carver i learned here,At Tiki Central,

So I am here at OTHER CRAFTS to learn and build relation ship with painters , I am excited and scared at the same time because I am so new. I am 46 years old and I have started my life all over again. I am off to a good start thanks to Tiki Central,

Thank you so much

Here is a link to the pictures of the carvings i made in one year, Please LIKE Face Book Artist Page!


amate posted on 09/29/2015

On 2015-09-29 01:49, nicework wrote:

Carving 6 to 8 hours a day non stop is very hard on the body.

Amen to that brother!!! I've just about given up on the wood.

hiltiki posted on 09/30/2015

Looking forward to seeing your work.

ZeroTiki posted on 10/02/2015

2-D tiki art can be quite rewarding! Can't wait to see what you come up with - and if you need any tips or just wanna say aloha, drop me a line!


danlovestikis posted on 10/02/2015

Hi Laz, here's a painting tip. Since your paints can be layered you start with painting whatever is furthest away from you. You can thin those paints with water so that you don't have brush stroke lines that show up from the back to the front.

I keep a spray bottle of water and every so often I spray my paints so they don't dry out. You can save your paints by spraying and covering with plastic wrap.

I'm looking forward to seeing your art. MadDogMike has started to paint and he has his step by steps on his thread.

Cheers and best wishes, Wendy

nicework posted on 10/07/2015

thank you wendy and Zero tiki, it was very comforting for the advice support and incoragement, I have really been carving strong, I sold the carvings I had and will be doing my first art show in november, at this time i do not have any invetory for the show . I want to have at least 30 carvings,, The Tiki carving forum is for my carving and this one is for my paintings and drawings, I have had no time to draw or paint but today I bought two burlap squares, I have also been thinking of what I am going to paint,.My first paintings are going to be paintings of my carvings, So I have 35 days before november 14 the day of my first art show, I might be able to at least have 2 paintings for this show, I am a little late on replying to your comments because I have not started but it was a treat to see the support , Love and respect, practice make progress have a nice day

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