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Thanks Karl!

Pages: 1 15 replies

tikiskip posted on 11/21/2015

Ok on the spamers you may know this but they all in the From line in members list
have the number 12, and the line that says web stie says Hidden.
Found these on just two members list pages I think it was 302 and 304 maybe.

Most of these have no posts and are from 4/14 time frame.
Can you delete these names and head this off at the pass?
You know it's coming so this may help.

Good luck.


[ Edited by: tikiskip 2015-11-21 04:52 ]

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2015-11-21 19:52 ]

tikiskip posted on 11/21/2015

Here's a new one.
He will be messing with us years from now.

A program to block any Web Site Address: (hidden) may help if that can be done.

Username: Halas1986 [View posts by this user] [Send a Personal Message]
Joined: Nov 19, 2015 (0.00 Messages per day)
Posts: 0 (0.00% of total)
ICQ Number:
AIM: Halas1986
Yahoo Messenger: Halas1986
MSN Messenger:
Web Site Address: (hidden)

tikiskip posted on 11/21/2015


tikicoma posted on 11/21/2015


Hakalugi posted on 11/21/2015

Yes, thanks.

On Friday morning I actually deleted all "zero post" users that had the "12" all over their profile as they were most certainly spammers in wait. They were all from early 2014. Then what happens overnight? It seems more profiles from early 2014 were updated with the 12's and more spam dropped. This morning I made another pass deleting another dozen or so users. I have left some of the accounts active so that Hanford can access them in order to test out some new code. Beyond that I can't really share details publicly, I wouldn't want any watching spammers to be privy.

tikicoma posted on 11/21/2015

bump, Haka and Hanford... I got pissed and bumped the spam on General Tiki to the 2nd page. If you don't want me to do this let me know. I tried to keep them in order but a few of the topics just below this should have been near the bottom of the page.. I guess I lost track of the spam count at about 40!

aloha, tikicoma

[ Edited by: tikicoma 2015-11-21 13:01 ]

Hakalugi posted on 11/21/2015

Bumping is fine! Thanks. But if it gets tiresome, know that the spam posts will disappear soon. There are approximately 450 spambot posts. Hanford is working on a way to remove them in a way that doesn't require one by one removal.

Atomic Tiki Punk posted on 11/21/2015

Thanks Karl!

tikiskip posted on 11/22/2015

Changed the name of thread in case the spamers read stuff on this thread.
BUT dam does that s$%t work?

I did look at a few of the posts just to see WTF.

So thank you for the time you and others put into TC!!

tikiskip posted on 11/22/2015

oanoez page 304

CHAX page 318 is sketchy too.

IgnacioAllen page 319 (http://basiccleanseplus.com/resilient-beauty-review/)

RandyVineyard page 319

PerezJoseph page 319

Drugpernel Pg 319

bulbguy1 PG 319

jontyrodhas Pg 320

zumizumi Pg 320

pimpim Pg 321

revkeala Pg 321

DonnaMelendez Pg 321

EcodivaBeauty Pg 321

SharonThomas Pg 321

belabela Pg 322

councilxvb32 Pg 322

ohjohn Pg 322

BoneyBetty Pg 323

These look like Spammer scum.

If this is not helpful let me know.
Also some of us could take a handful of pages and go thru each page and spot
Not hard to see em as they got names that look like sellers I think.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2015-11-22 07:09 ]

tikiskip posted on 11/23/2015

Here's a new one MaxRiemelt8055 Page 326 one of the tells to a spamer is no posts.
Well this guy shows one post but when you click to see his one post there is none.

They are geting smarter.

tikiskip posted on 11/23/2015

Plus they no longer have the 12 as location.

Hakalugi posted on 11/23/2015

On 2015-11-23 02:30, tikiskip wrote:
Here's a new one MaxRiemelt8055 Page 326 one of the tells to a spamer is no posts.
Well this guy shows one post but when you click to see his one post there is none.

They are geting smarter.

The reason you don't see the post is because it was already moved to the Storage Room. Any posts moved to the Storage Room show in the post count but are not accessible to view unless you are a moderator. I've been deleting quite a few suspects.

tikiskip posted on 11/23/2015

Got it.

Thank you again for your time.
Don't rip on the people working on this fellow TCers.
I hear the pay is low, and not many people working on it.

VampiressRN posted on 11/25/2015

Wow...glad that is all cleared up. Thanks Hanford and Haka.

tikiskip posted on 11/25/2015

Well yes thanks Hanford and Haka for sure.

But no not all cleared up it will be a fight day to day.

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