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Carvings from Frog Island Tikis

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For the Love of Tiki posted on 11/30/2015

The coconut monkey cracks me up :wink:

cy posted on 11/30/2015

Glad you like the shade, I'm getting more used to the shape of it Will. Aloha thanks for representing, I'm sure they told you that the shirt entitles you and your family unlimited E tickets. Also happy you guys noticed the coconut monkey, I have been wanting to do that for quite some time now, this piece of birch was big enough on top to allow it.

TheBigT posted on 12/01/2015

On 2015-11-29 15:43, cy wrote:
Thanks hil and H10, I debated about the colors and the walnut dye was darker than expected, so took it down a notch with some steel wool and also added a glass inlay. Also started a 7 footer, a log of birch from a friend. Heavy and pulpy it will not be my favorite but I love the bark so will leave sections to the finished piece.

Thanks so much to my pal Will carve for the casting/lamp. I have not had a chance to look for the right shade, but decided to use one I had laying around. I decorated it with favorite images from The Book of Tiki using markers. The square shape is not right and I will look for an oval shape, but at least I can now use it.

[ Edited by: cy 2015-11-29 16:00 ]

Luv mr devlin!!! Hmm, steel wool will take off some of the dark tone?! I may have just learned a new trick!

cy posted on 12/06/2015

Much appreciated BT, your work keeps getting better and that is what I always strive to achieve. Here is progress on Mr. D.

nicework posted on 12/07/2015


hang10tiki posted on 12/08/2015

Mr D is killer CY
Great idea, lines and color...

cy posted on 12/21/2015

Gracias Laz, H10, I worked hard on both the flow and colors, thanks for noticing. Hacked on both "Webster", a beauty piece of purple heart, and my favorite wood, jelutong, for the last few weeks.

Will carve posted on 12/21/2015

Hay, I like that guys lil wee wee.
Whos picture you gonna put in that frame?

cy posted on 12/21/2015

It's lil' but he knows how to use it. Thinking on stringing a puka shell necklace across for the mouth/teeth and hanging something for eyes, but I have not figured all that out yet. He will be the top portion of another piece. Happy Holidays to all my TC friends!!!

hiltiki posted on 12/22/2015

Will, you funny!! Cy, nice start.

hang10tiki posted on 12/22/2015

cy posted on 12/22/2015

Awesome mate.

AlohaTexasTikiCo posted on 12/27/2015

Mr. D is very cool. Diggin the whimsical vibe!!

TheBigT posted on 12/30/2015

can't wait to see what you're going to fill that negative space with!

tikiskip posted on 01/14/2016

Sorry to hear of the move bit, moving sucks!
Show pic's of your new gallery if there is one.

PS let me know if or when you may be able to do a trade thing.

cy posted on 01/14/2016

Thanks ATTC, Mr. D still is still lacking something, not sure what, but he is in my room awaiting the final touches. Big T, not sure about the inside portion of the face yet, a lot of times I carve myself into a corner. No room for a gallery I'm afraid Skip, we are now in a shop with half the space as the last one so it's tikis galore in my garage. Let me know on the swap, as we are in full t shirt printing mode once again.

MadDogMike posted on 01/14/2016

That is one of the best looking Tikis I have ever seen!!!!! LOL

Great work Cy

cy posted on 01/16/2016

Thanks Maddog, I wanted a combo of a well-hung bumatay and puffer fish. Last week I experimented with a log that had been down in my yard for a year but left uncovered. It was soaked with rain water but it carves beautifully, reminding me of palm. I know it will crack as it dries, we will see where and how bad.

Also did some work on this heavy, splintery, hard piece of purple heart. I might as well be trying to carve a Fort Knox vault door, it scoffs at any tool I try and throw at it. If it were not so beautifully purple all the way through it would be in the wood stove.

[ Edited by: cy 2016-01-18 10:18 ]

hang10tiki posted on 01/21/2016

Lookin good

Dat purple stuff is sweeeet

Keylo posted on 01/23/2016

Cy, really appreciate the way your stuff shows so much expression with such a mod twist that is the signature of the Cy Style! Are you still going to use back lighting on Lilly?

cy posted on 01/23/2016

Thanks H10, that one is going to take awhile to complete as it is so hard I can only work on it for a half hour at a time before I'm too sore. Keylo I have been experimenting with Lilly (named after that hot ATT chick) and think that she looks better without the lit background. I would be interested to know what you all think. Aloha Texas Tiki I finished "Mr. Devlin's Luau" by adding orange highlights then jamming a brush full of grey into the recesses and wiping the excess away to deepen the contrast. Now it is done.

Also some progress on this small cedar log.

[ Edited by: cy 2016-01-23 14:01 ]

amate posted on 01/23/2016

It hard to believe but you stuff just keeps improving. Those last two finished pieces are just crazy good! I can't wait to see that purple heart completed.

Keylo posted on 01/25/2016

My take on Lily is it works either way, with or without lighting.....but I vote for the lighting because I think it accents the movement of the shape, giving off an aura of the character you created.

cy posted on 01/26/2016

amate even though we have never met, I consider you a friend that has encouraged and inspired me from my first days here on TC, thanks! Besides doing my best to keep tiki moving ahead, my goal is to keep improving so I appreciate your kind words. Keylo, you changed my mind and will finish Lily with the lit background. We had a day without rain on Sunday, so I uncovered this heavy, pulpy, 7 foot piece of birch and did a bit of chainsawing.

It is not will carve massive, but trying to stand it up is a major chore.

Will carve posted on 01/26/2016

"It is not will carve massive, but trying to stand it up is a major chore."

They get like that. Hu?

Keylo posted on 02/05/2016

That Birch Mondo 7 footer looks very cool! As far as it not being as massive like Wills, I think he is holding out on us. I think he is the one responsible for making the pyramids.

danlovestikis posted on 02/06/2016

I really enjoy the art and the comments. CY I love this last one with the monkey on the head. All that lifting is keeping you strong. The tikis look great in your beautiful yard. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/07/2016

Aloha CY
Killer page here my man

hang10tiki posted on 02/07/2016

I posted that on page 53

But I know page 54 will kick ars too

cy posted on 02/07/2016

I may be as dense as some of the wood I carve H10, but I did get that one. If the pyramids had nice asses carved into them than I would agree with you Keylo. Thank you Wendy, you and Dan are welcome back any time. Here is a new one started, a portion of a plank of khaya. Also "Dewey" is done and ready for paint.

hang10tiki posted on 02/09/2016

Awesome dude
I can't believe how much you get done
Been workin on my last 2 pieces forever
U are a machine
See you in Palm Springs bruddah

cy posted on 02/21/2016

Hang10 if I am one thing it is consistent, and manage to include a few hours every day for carving. I get too bored working on the same thing, so have many going at the same time.

These are commissioned walking sticks carved from wood brought back from Hawaii.

I was not happy with "Jack" so stripped him of his paint, did a better job of finishing, and re-did the bottom light box as the first attempt was too flimsy.

I carved it from a solid block this time, and will be able to detail the pillars with something.

Here is the old version.

I added a bottom light to this mahogany piece.

Slowly working "Webster", a plank of purple heart.

I finally found a tool that works well on this hard as Hades wood.

[ Edited by: cy 2016-02-21 15:43 ]

amate posted on 02/22/2016

If you haven't done so yet, you should try one of those carbide tipped wheels on that mini-grinder. I never went back to the standard blade after I tried one.

cy posted on 02/22/2016

Thanks amate, I will most certainly try those as I find these wear quickly and start burning the wood.

TheBigT posted on 02/22/2016

Wow cy, just wow. All these pieces you have going are just incredible. The walking sticks are gonna be really cool. I also have one i started that's hanging on the wall of my garage waiting for me to finish. You're a brave man to tackle refinishing a piece. Been there. It sucks.

That grinder, is that the abortech one? Or can you attach that head to any angle grinder?

AlohaStation posted on 02/22/2016

The carbide bits work well on Purpleheart - but it is still hard as petrified dog sh*t to carve.

cy posted on 02/22/2016

Thanks Big T, that is an Arbortech, one of my favorite tools. That blade will not work on anything else. I use it mostly for sanding, as it has small disks that fit on also, but that little chain saw blade is bonus and I was able to do all the carving on the sticks with it. Aloha if purple heart was the only wood available on my island I would NEVER carve and would grab a stick out of the fire and doodle on a rock for my art fix instead.

Tuga's Tikis posted on 02/22/2016

Love the angles of your work. Awesome!

cy posted on 03/12/2016

Thanks Tuga! I have made some progress on "Jack", mostly on the bottom base section.

Next is paint.

skootiki posted on 03/12/2016

Very cool base.......love the 4 tikis and they're all different.

hang10tiki posted on 03/12/2016

Cy- jacks bottom looks good
Wait, did I just say that

Will carve posted on 03/12/2016

That base is cool.
Kicks it up a notch.

cy posted on 03/12/2016

Thanks Skoo and Will, that base caused me many disappointments but am now confident it is strong enough to withstand the weight of the tiki.
H10, you are right, his rear is kinda cute.

cy posted on 03/13/2016

I named this guy "Nightlight" because I was going to use one of those sea shell bathroom lights for the top portion but decided to work on a paper one instead. It's my prerogative.
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hang10tiki posted on 03/14/2016


Keylo posted on 03/14/2016

The Island of Amphibians is kicking toad!

hiltiki posted on 03/14/2016

Nice one, love it.

cy posted on 03/20/2016

Thanks for the comments H10, keylo and hill!
Still a bit cool on the island for the toads yet.
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You can see them in their pods just beneath the water.
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Except for the shade I am finished with "Nightlight"
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Also painted "Jack".
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