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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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lunavideogames posted on 01/26/2016

That guy has a lot of arms! :)

Great job on the Kiss mugs and the LLT bowl is looking amazing.

little lost tiki posted on 01/26/2016

WOw! Always NUMEROUS Top Shelf Work
as usual...
You are a Clay master,darling!
Looking forward to seeing how Jentiki's bowl looks
after firing...it's going to be stellar!
VERY excited!
Such an amazing variety of styles on here
and you nailed them all!
Bravo x 100!

Tyber Tiki posted on 01/26/2016

Wendy, Jen Tiki's little lost tiki bowl looks awesome! I am sure those color combinations will look great once fired.

Oooh, I also spotted a huge Maori lamp lying on its side in your table photo...cant wait to see how that turns out! Its so much fun following this process!

Tyber Tiki

hang10tiki posted on 01/27/2016

That bowl looks great

Walked by this slot machine today and instantly thought of your mugs
Went to post this photo and saw the man himself (4 arms and all) :)

danlovestikis posted on 01/28/2016

lunavideogames he does have a lot of arms. The better to hold 4 mugs with!!!

little lost tiki I'm so glad you think I did your art well. Thank you and everyone for all the wonderful comments. They keep me going even with this cold.

Tyber Tiki I picked colors for Jen's bowl that were as close to Kinney's painting. They will all look different once they are fired.

You did see another one of the lamps. This time it will be green so I'm excited too.

hang10tiki think of me sounding like Elvis...thank you thank you very much.

There's nothing I like reading better than what's posted about my art. I'm a ham and this is just so much fun. I appreciate you all.


I still have the cold but I am better. I hope I'm alright tomorrow because I glazed fro 12 hours today. I can only watch TV for so long before I get bored and I can only read until my eyes go blurry. So I went back to work today.

Since I was considering myself ill I worked on Dan's Wish List #6 projects. He's been taking good care of me so I really owe him some tikis.

I started by glazing the insides of 5 mugs.

Tiki Ano I forgot to answer your question. The Swap mug was glazed with Mayco Safari. It looks great so I used it on this Tiki Bob. This is a reminder photo to always glaze bisque that is moist.

All done.

Next I did a Tiki Bob Dalmatian Dog.

I always do a white underglaze on the Bob faces.

Then a clear Brilliance clear glaze over the underglaze.

This one took most of the time. Doing three layers with so many colors is just endless.

Last step.

It may just be after 8 but I'm so ready to go to sleep now. Good night, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 01/28/2016

Always busy
You work so hard you make me tired

RevBambooBen posted on 01/28/2016

Aloha Dan and Wendy,

Since you have almost 2.5 million views here do you mind if I shamelessly spam our sizzle reel plug for Building Paradise?

Maybe one of your fans is in the industry and will want to pick us up. It's for the Ohana!



Bamboo Ben

TikiVato posted on 01/28/2016

Wendy, I am always amazed with all the wonderful mugs you make. Truly works of art. Every time I see my Cactus Bob you made for me, it brings a smile to my face. I love viewing your thread.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/29/2016

Beautiful work, as always! I love the all white Bride Bob.

danlovestikis posted on 01/29/2016

hang10tiki but it's so much fun to make tikis. I LOVE this work.

RevBambooBen I LOVE your video and I'm very happy you posted it here. Everyone, watch this video.

If you do another one in the future please post it here.

TikiVato I LOVE this photo and your message.

My cold is now in phase three, I'm not well but all these messages make me feel so much better.


Wish List #6 this Tiki Bob based on the pole where the restaurant used to be is for Joshua Bell.

Oh NO another Tiki Bob!

I'm off to rest now. I need to beat this cold. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 01/29/2016

This is my nephew doing something special. He wrote, sang and starred in this video. Wendy
Here's what he wrote.

Exactly 30 years ago on Friday, January 28, our nation was shocked by the loss of the Challenger Space Shuttle and its seven person crew. The loss was particularly hard on the thousands of children following the adventures of Christa McAuliffe, our first "Teacher in Space".

Many of those children and others who knew Christa are making sure her memory lives on to this day. As a musician, I decided to join in that effort with a new music video -- my first. One night before the Challenger anniversary, the video has been completed.
You can see it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PTQSPBzn7JA

Before you get drawn into the video drama, I suggest just listening to the song at http://www.spiritualguy.com While you’re there, you can learn the full story of how "For Christa" came into being. Then come back to the video. See Christa’s beautiful spirit take wing again.

And if you feel inspired to, keep it soaring on.

With gratitude,

Jon West

Joshua Bell posted on 01/29/2016

Looking great - thanks! It'll be fun to take a picture of the Bobs together.

I just got over my cold, now my son has it - get well soon!

danlovestikis posted on 01/29/2016

Joshua Bell so sorry to hear you had and your son has this cold. It's a bummer. I've tried not to slow down. A photo of the mug with the pole would be terrific. I need the poles address. If you have it please share. Thank you.


Wish List #6

While doing these project I have confirmed the Duncan Cover Coat Glazes are perfect for detail work such as the rat fink. These have to be covered with Brilliance Clear Coat when the colors are all done.

Now what I need to confirm is how well Duncan Concept under-glazes perform for the same type of art. So I'm doing some experiments before I use them on Wish List Projects. These glazes do a self glossy seal and so there isn't a end step. What I like about them it that they come in a standard 8 ounce jar while cover coats are either 2 ounces or a pint.

So here's the second experiment. The first was the Tiki Bob in Purple with dots. If it turns out it has sold to Doug Christensen for his wife.

I made and fired one of my fogcutter mugs.

I stuck on some post it notes as a guide for keeping the blue painter tape level.

Once it was stuck on I started glazing a base coat of 3 layers.

Next I added other colors.

Then I pulled off the tape while the glaze was still damp. That makes a sharp edge.

Then a did the three base coat layers for the sky.

I finished the sky.

Here's my "I want to watch TV" workspace.

I copied a photo of Diamond Head and printed it in the size I wanted for my mug.

I scratched an outline and began to paint.

I added impressionistic buildings at one end and

then at the other end.

I started some palm trees.

I did the first layer on the palm fronds in black.

All done with many layers of many green colors and even added some clouds.

This experiment will tell me how well these Concept under-glazes stay in place and whether or not they blur. Then I will know how I can use or not use them on projects.

Thank you for the visit, Wendy

bamalamalu posted on 01/29/2016

Oh Wow, is that Diamond Head mug pretty! I hope the glazes cooperate for you.

That Ganesha-style Kiss mug photo is a hoot.
So many gorgeous projects! I can't wait to see the rest all fired & finished.

Bob would look like Alice Cooper with the eyes running black down the face.

JenTiki posted on 01/29/2016

The old Tiki Bob's in San Francisco is on the southeast corner of Post & Taylor streets, two blocks west of Union Square.

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/30/2016

That Diamond Head mug has me intrigued! I can't wait to see how those under-glazes fire. The palm trees you painted are exquisite! Such gorgeous painting.

Danno posted on 01/30/2016

Love the Diamond Head mug Wendy. Beautiful!

danlovestikis posted on 01/30/2016

bamalamalu I would love to do an Alice Cooper mug someday.
Psycho Tiki D wore that jacket as a surprise and it made the photo possible. Usually he hides his extra arms.
I really hope the Diamond Head mug turns out. I would like to do more mugs in this style with these particular glazes.
My cold is just running it course. I am so lucky that I didn't have to return to work after the 3rd day. That is the very best part of being retired.

JenTiki thank you. I posted that information for the woman on facebook.

LoriLovesTiki thank you. I'm anxious to see if it worked. Otherwise I know it will work with Cover Coat under-glazes.

Danno thank you, I should call it Diamond Head Island.


When I make a Wish List I try to think ahead. I use small pieces of clay or I think about how things will fit into the kiln for firing. Here are a couple of extra projects that happened because of the Wish List #6.

I thought one these shapes looked like an egg. That made me think of Easter.

At Easter we make up two baskets for our great niece and nephew.

So I decided to make the kids a necklace each. On the back of one these was a split. I just stitched it up.

Question is which one for the boy and which one for the girl?

My thought process on making this Maori Lamp was that I had to fire the very tall green Tiki Bob and that would require having a shelf moved up high. I wanted then to have at least another tall piece to use up the space in the kiln.

This is the lid that goes on after the guts of the lamp are in place.

This is the forth one from the mold. Three lamps and one jar.

This is going to be the first one done in leaf green.

I've gotten this many ready to fire plus the volcano bowl.
I will do the broken Gilligan and then run the kiln as soon as they are dry.

I'm so anxious to see how they look fired. Wendy

LoriLovesTiki posted on 01/31/2016

Everyone is anxious to see the kiln open!

hang10tiki posted on 01/31/2016

I dig these 2 mugs
A lot

JBell- great one

And this one
Way Kool

As far as the necklaces
I kept changing my mind
Area 51 boy
Eye see u girl

danlovestikis posted on 01/31/2016

LoriLovesTiki the Gilligan mug should be all I need to fill the kiln.

hang10tiki that's such a great photo of you with the pole. I need to go there. I want to paint it back to the original colors.

Just what I was thinking for their necklaces.


For Wish List #6 I made a Gilligan's Island mug for Tiki Wahini and then I broke it before firing. So here it is ready to be glazed. This way I have one to practice on before I do hers. Tiki Wahini you can critique this one after it is out of the kiln and I'll do the same. Example: do you want the top of his nose brown like a Tiki Bob or not?

The pieces I started with to glaze.

Here's how he looks if he's not glazed just like a Tiki Bob.

The kiln is full but the art is damp. I'm doing at 12 hour pre-heat and a 13.5 hour slow ramp. This way I'm insured that no glaze will boil.

Bottom level.

Top level.

I ready to start the next batch.

TikiAno posted on 01/31/2016

Holy Glaze Mania!

So much good stuff in there. Wowzers.

danlovestikis posted on 02/01/2016

TikiAno I'm smiling at your comment.


Wish List #6 while the kiln cools I'm working on new WL projects.

This Lanai mug is for Howard Dinits in Maui Hawaii. He went to this place as a child with his parents.

I'm trying to do a mug very similar to the original. As per his request I changed my words for Lanai, San Mateo, CA.

I choose all the glazes that were close to the original.

I started by filling in the words with a darker caramel color.

I let it dry and then I wiped off the excess.

Then I filled in the detail on the tikis.

Then I wiped off the excess on all three of them.

Next I covered the entire mug with a yellow gold glaze.

Then I cleaned off much of the glaze on the tikis because they are close to white on the original.

The last step was to cover the tikis with 2 layers of clear.

I didn't use underglaze on this mug because it doesn't accent the detail. I used IN glazes which fill in and darken in the indented areas.

I hope this works. Once you are committed to glazing the piece there's no going back!

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-02-01 09:38 ]

JenTiki posted on 02/01/2016

On 2016-01-31 08:50, danlovestikis wrote:

hang10tiki that's such a great photo of you with the pole. I need to go there. I want to paint it back to the original colors.

There really should be a late-night clandestine mission to do just that! If there were 4-5 of us each with a paint brush, we could knock that out in 10-15 minutes! :wink:

hang10tiki posted on 02/02/2016

Wendy- nice detail on that mug

JenTiki- that's awesome :)

TikiAno posted on 02/02/2016

Jon, you may want to get that thing checked out....

hang10tiki posted on 02/02/2016

Already did
The Doctor said it was a harmless mole
I nicknamed it GROG


danlovestikis posted on 02/03/2016

JenTiki are you back here?

hang10tiki thank you.

TikiAno I miss GROG. I miss everyone. I'm buried in work!

hang10tiki cute.


I was sure that there wasn't any wall space left in our tiki rooms but Dan proved me wrong. He grabbed all four Frankoma disks and found a place for them.



Now I need to make some Moai to go in-between each one.


Progress Report on Wish List #6.

I have opened the kiln and almost every piece needed to be worked on due to tiny glaze slips that happen from dust. That means I need to re-glaze these spots and fire them again.

I'm going to post them one by one and show the progress I'm making. This is why I don't do deadlines.
Best part was that nothing cracked.

A kiln should not be opened until it is at 130 degrees or less. I peak at 130 and then I leave it until it is room temperature. This prevents crazing and cracks and even then not all the time.

At 130 degrees I took a 2 second peak.

Kiln opened. Top shelf.

Bottom shelf.

First off I looked at Jen Tiki's, little lost tiki aka Ken Ruzic bowl. Right off I could see glaze skips.

Several in the bowl and one where my finger is pointing.

I decided to take black velvet photos even though I hadn't checked every piece for imperfections.

Now it was time to scrub the spots and then to re-glaze. I always figure if I have to do a few spots I might as well spend the time to make the piece the best it can be.

One down and most of the kiln load to do. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/03/2016

Sorry bout the glaZe skips
More work instead of rest?
That bowl is awesome by the way...

lunavideogames posted on 02/03/2016

Wow Wendy the bowl is looking great!

JenTiki posted on 02/03/2016

I'm very happy with the glaze choice for the inside of the bowl, Wendy! I think it looks great with the blues.

danlovestikis posted on 02/04/2016

hang10tiki when I worked in Nuclear Medicine my work day was 8 hours. I retired to do ceramics and my work days are 12 hours at minimum wage. But guess what I've been lucky in that I loved my first and second jobs!

lunavideogames thank you. If it survives firing #2 it will look even better.

JenTiki me too. The painting that little lost tiki did has a red interior too. I didn't notice that until after you picked the red. I'm so happy it looks so good.


Wish List #6 the out of the kiln and re-glazing continues.

Out of the kiln comes the first Gilligan that I broke when it was just dry clay.

Also the necklaces for the kids.

Gilligan needs his wheel painted. This glaze was too dark and CN glazes due not highlight detail like the IN glazes. On the next Gilligan for Tiki Wahini I will use IN glazes on the little tiki and the wheel.

Black Velvet before it's done.

I'm going to use Liquetex Glossies to fill in the lettering.

I did it again. I pressed on the wheel and broke it loose.

It was now easier to paint the tiny words with the tooth pick.

This time I used glue to stick on the wheel.

All done.

Thank you for the visits, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-02-03 19:40 ]

TikiAno posted on 02/05/2016

Wow, JenTiki's bowl is awesome. Ya done Kinny proud. I hope. :wink:

Hope all goes well with the next firing.

Gilligan looks great, too. Glad you're working so hard, Wendy- well, at least it's a treat for all us looky loo's.... (sp?)

danlovestikis posted on 02/05/2016

TikiAno I'm waiting for Kinney to comment. I'm glad everyone likes it.

Wish List #6 the reasons for re-glazing all these mugs.

I actually didn't find all the defects right off. So I took some black velvet photos and then looking them over I found a spot here and there.

First the green Tiki Bob for Joshua Bell.

I took it outside to look it over and found

that the mug only had thin lips. So I glazed it to re-fire.

Then I took photos of these Tiki Bob's front and


This mug had glaze that was too thin at the bottom.

Then I found this glaze skip.

So I re-glazed the entire mug.

This one had two skips and

some thin areas.

So I re-glazed the entire mug.

That took a long time.

A new problem came up with this mug. Some of the crystals didn't melt. There were rough rocks here and there. Dan used a dremmel and removed them for me.

Then I re-glazed this one.

The Dalmation Bob was fine and he's been put in my to-sell pile.

Work Work and more work but that's Okay. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/06/2016

Some of those colors are amazing

danlovestikis posted on 02/06/2016

hang10tiki it's so much fun to see how they look when I pull them out of the kiln. Check out the next one.


I am so happy. My experiment worked. So now I can add this to the type of mugs I will do for the Wish List.
Of course Dan said this one would be a perfect gift for his Valentines Day.

So here's what I did. I painted the blank fogcutter mug with Duncan CN glazes. I showed that before.
None ran and the mugs turned out just right.

I present Diamond Head the Island.

Any white streaking you see are just flash lights. I should have used my MadDogMike portable studio.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 02/06/2016

Wish List #6 always includes Dan since he works for tikis. This green Maori lamp is for him. It's already been taken to be wired.

Maori Lamp #4.

After the first firing I found a few thin areas. You do 3 layers and sometimes it runs and sometimes it's too thin. You just never know. However that is what happens with glazes. Under-glazes can be applied thicker and they won't run.

So I got out the glaze again and applied one more coat and a little more to the thin areas.

All done and fired the second time.

Remember the volcano bowl that kept having the glaze crack and peel as it dried? The glaze finally stuck and I fired it.

Volcano Island.

There were some glaze skips on the outside. So I re-glazed and fire it a second time.

No skips and the whole bowl is fine. $100 plus shipping if anyone is interested. It is large and heavy.

I'm always happy to post here. Thank you for looking, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 02/06/2016

Love the Diamondhead mug

WooHooWahine posted on 02/06/2016

WooHoo!!! I Love The Lamp!!

kingstiedye posted on 02/07/2016

green lamp looks great! nice glaze work on diamonhead island!

Danno posted on 02/07/2016

The Diamond Head mug is awesome!!!

little lost tiki posted on 02/07/2016

You are out of control!
the Maori lamp-such detail!
the Jentiki Orongo bowl
SO many beautiful pieces!
and the care you take when ANY imperfection comes along
is a testament to your professionalism and huge love and care you have for each of these objects of art!
i am humbled by the attention and skill you have dedicated to
translating the orongo bowl from painting to reality..
You make me smile,sweet art sister
as well as Inspire!
Keep doing what you do
and HOW you do it!
There can never be too many Wendy pieces on this beautiful planet!
Hugs to you and Dan!

TikiAno posted on 02/07/2016

Wow, the lamp looks fantastic. Volcano Bowl super cool and volcano-y.

I have to say, I'm really digging the one color Bob. I mean, REALLY digging it. Really, really digging it. Could this be a new angle on new Bobs moving forward? Am I alone in this?

LoriLovesTiki posted on 02/07/2016

I just LOVE the green Maori lamp! I loved the others but that green shade is just fantastic. And as I said on FB the Diamond Head mug is perfect. I shouldn't be at all surprised that Dan nabbed it. :)

Tyber Tiki posted on 02/07/2016

The Green Maori Lamp is simply fantastic!!! The green glaze, detailed carving, and the extended top look great. Love seeing how these continue to evolve.

Joshua Bell posted on 02/08/2016

Column Bob has arrived! Su is thrilled - a photo with the big Bob coming when we have a chance.

danlovestikis posted on 02/09/2016

Wow, I miss one day on Tiki Central and I come back to so much fun reading. You all give me such a grand gift of happiness I can't believe it has happened except that I know I'm grinning like a fool! Thank you all.

hang10tiki it was fun to do something entirely new. I think that I will do a bowl experiment next.

WooHooWahine me too. That's a favorite green. Duncan's leaf green. It always works well.

kingstiedye ahhhh, thank you. See you in a week or so. I hope your cold is gone.

Danno it feels so good to do an experiment and to have it turn out and to be "liked". Thank you.

little lost tiki THANK YOU!!! It's so wonderful to have you as my art brother. It was a joy to make your art into the bowl. You know I'm crazy for your birds and your words.

TikiAno it is a unique Tiki Bob for sure and without Joshua's wife it would never have been made. This is why I really enjoy doing the Wish List. I get to tap into so many creative mind.

Your comment is the only one I received about the volcano bowl so I am very thankful to have it.

LoriLovesTiki I'm hopeful that on the next Wish List I'll be asked to do more projects like the diamond head mug. Or even one just like it. Dan said he wouldn't mind.

I like the green lamp a lot. It's being wired right now. Dan decided that he would use the shade I decorated with the felt pen for it. I approved it.

Tyber Tiki one of my all time biggest challenges and best wish ever. I always think of you when I make one. Four total. I wonder if anyone will want one in purple someday.

Joshua Bell how fun that your wife looks like she could be my sister. For many years while working at the hospital I kept my hair at that length too. I'll look forward to the next photos, this one is perfect.


Is it OK if I mention that I have the honor of being the "featured artist" in the next issue of Tiki Magazine? I hope you all have subscriptions. This magazine is so special to us that this is a dream come true for me. I hope that I get many comments about the article.

It was written by Psycho Tiki D aka Duane Orzol and photographed by Tiki Hula aka Mike Remmel. They both did such a fine job that I'm forever in their debt. I hope you can have the chance to see what a fun journey it's been to get here.


Back to work.

I made sets of Tiki Bobs for weddings on this Wish List but these mugs were for an anniversary celebration.

All done and out of the kiln. They have already been shipped.


This is the second "Fun Fake" mug I've made for Kenneth Graham McNeil.

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I don't do tiny lettering very well but I'm willing to try.
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Fired and out of the kiln.
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On the bottom it says fun fake and my name and copy write. No one will be fooled for long.


2nd time the green on the lips filled in and all was just fine.

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Thank you all so much for making my life so much fun. You are all wonderful friends, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-02-08 18:59 ]

hang10tiki posted on 02/09/2016

Love the colors on the two Bobs (greenish n purple)

JoshuaBell- that mug color is dead on

Nice to see the planter ends in photo
That was a fun project :)

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