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Official Introductions Thread. New Members, Post your introduction here...

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BooLoo posted on 01/26/2004

Greetings everyone,
I finally decided to post an introduction(and become a member)after spending almost a year as a peeping tom.
I think my love of Tiki began when I was 7. I went on a Family trip to Disney world and fell in love with The Enchanted Tiki Room. after that I was afflicted with dreams of dancing tikis & singing birds to the point I had them tattooed on me.
I just wanted to say I love the site, It's informative, fun, and makes me wish I was on the west coast now. I did have the Kahiki for a few years, but like my liver, thats long gone too.

Tiki Diablo posted on 01/26/2004

Youch! Welcome aboard !

SES posted on 01/26/2004

Hi everyone,
So where are these singing birds and dancing tikis now?

schtinkydog posted on 02/01/2004

Hi, I'm new to tiki central. I got my first tiki mug 8 years ago and and have been slowly gathering more ever since. A home bar is in the works, but because of limited space it is in the diningroom. Someday it will have its own place. Dan

Jungle Trader posted on 02/01/2004

Aloha Schtinkydog, and welcome.

TikiGoddess posted on 02/02/2004

Welcome Schtinkydog! Have you made the trip to Philly to the Kona Kai restuantant? Its got a few tikis. Hows the tiki pickins out there in Amish country?

Mganga posted on 02/02/2004

[ Edited by: Mganga on 2004-05-17 17:43 ]

schtinkydog posted on 02/08/2004

Hey Jungletrader,
I'm planning to take my sweetheart to kona kai for valentines day. Is the food good?
As for tikis in lancaster, well not that many. Sometimes I'll come accross one at a yard sale or thrift store.
Thanks for the warm welcome guys! Dan

Polynesiac posted on 02/09/2004

Hi everyone!

I have to say that this is by far the best site on the net. I have learned so much from your collective geniuses that it is beyond words. I usually prowl the "carving tiki" threads, as I am a beginning carver, and in such a short amount of time many of my questions have been answered and anxieties overcome. I only hope I can contribute half as much to you as you have to me. For that I thank you.
See you in the posts!

Jungle Trader posted on 02/09/2004

Welcome to TC MGANGA and Poly nesiac!! :drink:

Benzart posted on 02/10/2004

Welcome Polynesiac,
I have been here only 1 month and it seems like I have been here a year. I had not carved for 10 years until I came here and thru the same inspiration, you can see my new work. Come on in and settle down and join the family. Welcomes also to "I dream of tiki","BooLoo","schtinkydog" and "Mganga" Come on in.

RocknRollGirl posted on 02/10/2004

Aloha there! I'm new to the scene here at Tiki Central and wanted to say a quick hello to you all. My name is Val and I'm from the Burbank/North Hollywood area. Cheers! :drink:

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Kon-Hemsby posted on 02/10/2004

On 2004-02-10 08:55, RocknRollGirl wrote:
Aloha there! I'm new to the scene here at Tiki Central and wanted to say a quick hello to you all. My name is Val and I'm from the Burbank/North Hollywood area. Cheers! :drink:

Hi rocknrollgirl. Welcome to the land of a thousand Mai Tai's.
BTW great name.

rockin regards

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Tiki Chris posted on 02/10/2004

On 2004-02-10 08:55, RocknRollGirl wrote:
Aloha there! I'm new to the scene here at Tiki Central and wanted to say a quick hello to you all. My name is Val and I'm from the Burbank/North Hollywood area. Cheers! :drink:

Aloha & welcome to Tiki Central, Val! I'm sure you'll find plenty of like-minded folks around here - many of them living in your neck of the woods! The Help/FAQ section's a great place to get started.

Tiki Chris

[ Edited by: Tiki Chris on 2004-02-10 09:06 ]

Mganga posted on 02/10/2004

Thanks guys, I'm enjoying my time here... I've learned a lot, as well.

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Mr. Dale posted on 02/10/2004

Aloha ya all!
Just got to say, I've been looking over your shoulders for about a month now and brothers and sisters, you got me inspired!
There are some truly amazing works being done in the creating section!
I carved my first Tiki last year and am working on my second now and then bam! I found ya all!
I'll post it on here as soon as figure all this out and then you can all laugh at it.
This is truly a heaven sent thing to be seeing all this fine work and rooms and bars and lamps and AND AND........!
Thanks for letting this bald drunkard art major hang out with ya all. You're keeping me inspired! Because as you can imagine, there isn't a whole lot of tiki's, rum, bikini's or beaches up here in snowy Colorado!
But man I'm doin' my best to bring it!
I even found a banana palm that will survive to -20 f. if treated right! I'll be the only cat in Colorado with palm trees, tikis and torches in his yard!
Thanks again, sinningcerely, Mr. Dale

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Unga Bunga posted on 02/10/2004

Welcome Mr. Dale!
Have fun.

RocknRollGirl posted on 02/10/2004

Thanks for the welcome, all! Much appreciated! :tiki: :drink:

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doctiki posted on 02/11/2004

With a old west outlaw in my past, and a passion for tiki stuff, hence the title of doctiki. I have lived here in Las
vega, Nv. for over 15 yr. but just now getting into sand ,surf, tikis, and rum and coke. So thanks for a place to come to and look around, plan to make guest room oveer into a tiki bar later this year. Aloha Doctiki

Benzart posted on 02/11/2004

Welcome to the new TC'ers. Can't wait to see "DocTiki" carve his first tiki using his trusty Colt 45.
MrDale, If we laugh, it's because we see some of our Own old work in yours..Come on, post some pix, we Love pix..

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velveteenlounge posted on 02/13/2004

Hi everyone! I'm a performer, craftsperson and writer who lives about an hour outside of NYC. I've been a fan of tiki for a long time, but have only started collecting within the past year, since my husband and I bought a house and now have room for all of our stuff. I'm glad to be here and look forward to meeting you!

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tiki greg posted on 02/14/2004

my old username is not working so I re registered. Anyone know what happened?
I did go by dieseltiki before. I hope I haven't been banned!

SES posted on 02/14/2004

On 2004-02-13 19:28, tiki greg wrote:
my old username is not working so I re registered. Anyone know what happened?
I did go by dieseltiki before. I hope I haven't been banned!

Not sure what happened to the old one but there already is a tikigreg so might get confusing...

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ZuluMagoo posted on 02/14/2004

Aloha Mr. Dale. There aren't many of us here in Denver, but we can still hang with the best of them. Check out a previous post about some of the finds here in the Rocky Mountain State.


ZuluMagoo (SE Aurora)

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Bwana Tiki posted on 02/15/2004

Okay Fine, New guy here....
I'm feeling a bit of a rush so... just a note to let y'all know i'ma prowling abouts. I'll stop in the next few days fer a propper introduction, I'm off to the ValenTikiTine thinggy, ah yeah I'm left coast, and I'm half crocked before I even hit mu front door. I'll save the other half fer El Sugundo.

Okay so... ciao

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TikiX posted on 02/20/2004

Aloha all!
I too have been lurking around here for quite a while; although I have only recently been back to visiting everyday, and it's great. What a wonderful distraction at work!

I have been a closet tiki fan, and have a modest collection that I have been working on for a year or so. The past few months I have developed more of an addiction, and have been collecting a broader selection of pieces.

It's hard to say what originally attracted me to tikis besides the kitsch factor, but I would have to say in the end it's the alcohol.

The building that I moved into last year is a 160 year old corner building in the China Town section of a Northern California town. The lower floor used to be a very posh Chinese restaurant called the "King's Inn". It closed in the 1960's sometime, but what was left behind is most amazing. The basement of the restaurant was a private tiki bar for the more wealthy patrons, and it remains in excellent condition to this day (although unused). The mural paintings are even in great shape. I am currently trying to procure the building (more on that some other time).

So that's my introduction. Thanks for the fish!


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Tikiwahine posted on 02/20/2004

Alooooha TikiX!

Welcome to Tiki Central!

I, like you am a serious Tiki Addict. I check out my favorite thrift store pretty much every day on my lunch break.

Can't wait to see pictures of your digs! Sounds amazing!

Benzart posted on 02/20/2004

Welcome Bwana Tiki and TikiX come on in and stay awhile.
TikiX, likeTikiwahine, I can't wait to see pix of the old TikiBar you described. Don't just leave us hanging.

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TikiX posted on 02/20/2004

Pictures soon! Pictures soon!

Thanks for all the kind vibes.


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Bwana Tiki posted on 02/20/2004

Okay Fine,
I’ve been skulking around, sometimes posting, reading, and even showed up at Valen-tiki-tine at the PO. So I guess it’s high time I introduce myself. But before I do I have to say you TCers have made quite an impression on me so far. I am struck by the amount of truly fine artists who make TC a regular stop. Believe me when I say this is no small complement coming from the likes of me. I have been involved in art in one form or another my entire life, in fact I could count on one hand my non-artist friends. Almost every job I have ever had has been in art related fields and art is something I take seriously, (I’m not that thrilled with the choice of the word “seriously” as I’m not a serious person, but I’m attempting to make a point so it will have to do). Anyway I wanted to say up front that as a group you have already earned my deepest respect. But enough about you… this is an introduction so lets get to it.
Anyone who knows me knows that Tiki is a big part of my life. It has been this way for quite some time. At the tender age of seven I carved my first Tiki from a piece of fire wood, I have no earthly idea what became of it, but I remember it fondly to this day. Alas it was also the only Tiki I ever carved, but it was an important thing, and someday soon I hope to get back to it. I have a rather modest Tiki bar, but it holds a special place in my heart as I have been drinking at this same bar literally my entire life. It was originally owned by my grandfather who purchased it upon his return from the south pacific after WWII. I started out as a nipper with a penchant for grenadine rickeys. As time wore on I moved on up the food chain. A few years back my grandfather passed away and the “monkey bar” was passed on to me, it is my prize possession and no other can take its place. And then there is the matter of the uke… no such vintage whooie in this category. I play a fluke and love it. Its big as ukes go, its loud and brash and has more than its share of plastic. Not much on vintage song either. I tend to seek out songs that seem somewhat ill suited for uke and deconstruct them until they work out, sort of a square peg approach. I spend a lot of time circling my pool, playing uke and scowling at the water for having the unmitigated audacity to be cold, endless summer my eye. Most recently I have undertaken the study of the landscape and am about to earn a degree in landscape architecture (BSLA). For work I design and consult on high end pools and fountains. So far I have found no Tiki clients, but feel sure that Tiki will show them the way when the time is right.
Well that should be enough to get you started. I’m thrilled at the prospect of associating with such an active group of like minded people, people who won’t ask me to “lay off that damn toy guitar already”.

Keep the faith,

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floratina posted on 02/20/2004

"I spend a lot of time circling my pool, playing uke and scowling at the water for having the unmitigated audacity to be cold, endless summer my eye."

I love it! I remember you from Purple Orchid. I was happy to see your fluke. You were playing it at the bar and I told you I had one, too. I love your enthusiasm for the world we have created here.

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Unkle John posted on 02/27/2004

I'd like to introduce my dark side: Evil John

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I will scare your children, I will make your wife cry, I will drink all your booze and steal your teenage wahines.

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8FT Tiki posted on 02/27/2004

Now now Unkle John, your'e really just an old softie. I bet that this picture was snapped just after Mass on Ash Wednesday. :)

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Dimethios posted on 02/27/2004

New member,
just wanted to pop in and say hi. I am 32 and have loved tiki and everything beach like since I went to Disneyland (1st and only trip thus far)when I was 5! Plus the Brady Bunch Hawaii episodes sealed my fate! :)

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Johnny Dollar posted on 02/27/2004

On 2004-02-27 10:21, Dimethios wrote:
New member,
just wanted to pop in and say hi. I am 32 and have loved tiki and everything beach like since I went to Disneyland (1st and only trip thus far)when I was 5! Plus the Brady Bunch Hawaii episodes sealed my fate! :)


aloha! check out http://www.tikicentral.com/viewtopic-new.php?topic=3983&forum=1&vpost=36622

all you need to know...

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Johnny Dollar posted on 02/27/2004


[ Edited by: Johnny Dollar on 2004-02-27 10:45 ]

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chisel slinger posted on 02/28/2004

new member here, ive looked at this website a few times before finally giving in, seems like my kind of people, im carving in columbus ohio tikis bars etc..big kahiki fan since i moved here in 96 (soo sad) any way maybe some of you remember me from the luau i had after the closing of the kahiki? or the hukelau in atlanta or ft. lauderdale i had the tiki booth called exotica arts, i would love to hear from any one in columbus, me and a few friends are still trying to get a tiki scene together here.

Benzart posted on 02/28/2004

Welcome to the new and New-Old guys who been hanging around and finally decided to come on IN. Unkle John, My kid might scare you..
Dimethios I don't think you can Ever lose Tiki
ChiselSlinnger, you were here before you new it and Bwana Tiki, Really glad to know you and you will fit in Just fine here but the Peeps will ask you Not to stop playin the uke
Look for Jungle Trader, he does some fine Tiki Pools
Welcome All

[ Edited by: Benzart on 2004-03-01 14:27 ]

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ZombieTiki posted on 02/28/2004

Hi, I'm ZombieTiki from Willow Street, Pennsylvania. I started collecting tiki when a friend of mine introduced me to the artwork of Shag a couple of years ago and now I'm hooked. Nice to be a part of this fine community. I like to read what others have to say mostly, but hopefully I will post more in the future.

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motiki posted on 02/29/2004

Hello everyone, came across this site about a week ago and I love it, especially creating tiki. Carved my first tiki last summer, a moai ,thats where my name comes from. (short for moai tiki) Good to know I am not the only one who hears the call of the drums. I have collected for years and have been working for about a year on building a part time soap business which will launch soon on ebay. (moai shaped of course) tikisoap.com designed by my son will be up and running soon. I work as an organic torpedo residue removal specialist (custodian) in rural NJ. Can't wait for it to warm up so I can get this years tiki garden going. Will be posting pics as I get more tikis done, glad to meet friends to share my work with!

[ Edited by: motiki on 2005-02-20 05:06 ]

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Formikahini posted on 02/29/2004

On 2004-02-27 19:23, chisel slinger wrote:...im carving in columbus ohio tikis bars etc..big kahiki fan since i moved here in 96 (soo sad) any way maybe some of you remember me from the luau i had after the closing of the kahiki? or the hukelau in atlanta or ft. lauderdale i had the tiki booth called exotica arts, i would love to hear from any one in columbus, me and a few friends are still trying to get a tiki scene together here.
Hey Jim! Glad to have you on board! You're being WAY too modest; folks, this man THREW the after-Kahiki-closing luau! For anyone and everyone who'd been the night before to the big bash! There's mess of us here who appreciated you and your lovely wife Elise's hospitality that day.

And I still love the tiki I got from you at Hukilau, Atlanta. I have yet to get you a copy of my (now ex) band Clouseaux's CD, on which your beautiful carving is the cover art. (Which also means that a large number of the folks on here have seen your work, whether they knew it was yours or not!). Coming to Hukilau 2004? If I don't get it mailed before then, I'll DEFinitely bring it out.

Glad you're here - Welcome!
alice b

[ Edited by: Formikahini on 2004-02-28 20:24 ]

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PEDDRO posted on 03/01/2004

Hi everyone,
I never thought I'd join this forum as I'm not very knowledgable about tiki (not having been exposed to it as a kid other than relative's trips to New Zealand) and the knowledge of others here is a bit overwhelming.
I've been lurking for about 3 years and check in almost daily to see what's happening. Seems like the same old deal that occurs on the only other board I frequent...a bit of hazing, a bit of arguing and....a great deal of fun!!
No doubt I'll get lashed for asking a stupid question (or at least one that's been asked before...I notice you guys/girls are pretty harsh on that!!) but I hope not too often.
My main interest here is to learn about the mechanics and science of carving (having only just started.....and been inspired by a carving friend) and generally become more aware of the tiki world.
Wayne.....aka PEDDRO!

Benzart posted on 03/01/2004

Welcome Pedro. Just keep kangin;' around and Look at as many old posts as you can, especially in "Creating Tiki" forum. There's Lots of good Info and Inspiration there.

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Pakelika Mikela posted on 03/08/2004

aloha from the land of cleves,

I'm new to TC but wanted to say hello :) I first became interested in Tiki when I got together with friends in Vegas and was introduced to the fun of sharing a Scorpion Bowl at the Venus Lounge. Later that month I met back up with my Tiki crazed friend in San Jose and he showed me his collection of Tiki mugs and we drank Mai Tai a plenty. I have been a fan ever since and picked up my first Tiki at a goodwill in San Francisco(a Harvey's Sneaky Tiki)...I have been picking up pieces here and there, only through thrift stores or as gifts. I enjoy the fun a good Tiki drink can bring and love keeping my eyes peeled for new Tikis to bring into my home. I look forward to participating here and sharing my Tiki adventures with you.


[ Edited by: Pakelika Mikela on 2004-03-07 18:47 ]

Benzart posted on 03/08/2004

Welcome Pakelika Mikela,
Sounds like you will love it here, especially in collecting Tiki forums. Come on in and share some fun.

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tikifish posted on 03/08/2004

Bwana Tiki, are you into Garrett Eckbo stuff? My love of tiki crossed over into a love of mid century modern design, architecture, and landscaping, and now I know more than I ever I imagined I would abou the subject!

Mganga posted on 03/08/2004

Welcome aboard, Pakelika Mikela! Be sure to check out all the great reference material in "Locating Tiki" if you're interested in searching out new locales!

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Pakelika Mikela posted on 03/10/2004

Thanks all for the warm welcome....I figured I'd share some pics of my makeshift bar and tiki/asian mug display:D
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On 2004-03-07 21:09, tikifish wrote:
Bwana Tiki, are you into Garrett Eckbo stuff?

I have not checked out Garrett Eckbo, but will....my love for Tiki and vintage has brought me into a lot of things such as classic video games, mod furniture(Saarinen, Burke, Panton) and vintage audio :)

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