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Tiki Central / California Events

Kirby's Rumpus Room 10yrs. & still going strong!

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Tabu Todd posted on 07/16/2015

Is anyone planning anything in August? Are people still thirsty on Wednesdays?

geedavee posted on 07/16/2015

How about a bikini beach party at the Topside Club?

heylownine posted on 07/26/2015

Yes indeed, but after Oasis please!


Hiphipahula posted on 08/01/2015

Peter is hosting stay tuned!

Hiphipahula posted on 03/07/2016

There Will be a Kirby's Traveling Rumpus Room on Saturday March 26th at Trader Tom Morgan's Hoodoo Hut in West Hills Ca. This is also a House Warming to welcome the Morgan's back to California!
Please bring some pre squeezed lemon & lime juice for entry to the Rumpus Room. We will also be very appreciative of any donations such as ice, juices and alcohol. It looks like we will be gathering more often now that Tom is back in Ca. and I'll begin work on my tiki room this spring after a 10 year wait long story. Text me, call me, Facebook me or Tom for the address. This will also be a great chance to taste test a couple samples of a few of the new cocktails that will debut in our book coming out the end of this year /. 2017 a couple more notes:
These parties tend to be very adult orientated.
Bring your own mug it really helps us and it's more fun!
This is Easter Weekend we understand some folk have family obligations
Our founder Kirby will try to be there, we'd love to see him. We hope to see you!

GROG posted on 03/08/2016

Yay. Tom and Ilene are back. GROG look forward to seeing the Hoodoo Hut.

GROG posted on 03/25/2016

GROG need address.

Trader Tom posted on 03/25/2016

On 2016-03-25 10:26, GROG wrote:
GROG need address.

Check your personal messages. See you soon!

heylownine posted on 03/27/2016

Mahalo Trader Tom for hosting the latest traveling Rumpus Room, and extra mahalos for mixing up a couple of delicious cocktails for us late arrivals.

It was great to see so many familiar Rumpus Room faces again and hang out and chat.

Okole maluna!


Hiphipahula posted on 03/27/2016

Thank You Friends of the Rumpus Room it was a great night at Trader Tom's Hoodoo Hut!
Thanks to Tom, Ilene & family. Wonderful to see old and new friends from all over the map, Mike & Marie Stutz from Ohio and not so far such as Jake Geiger the Bearded Bastard driving from around the block must be nice, Adrian, Anders & Danny hittin' us via the Tiki Ti as usual. Those insane party animals the Ding Dong Devils from Downtown and Long Beach, San Bernardino represented not to mention the crazy Santa Monica, Slymar. Then the party goers who had to be at work at 6 am this Easter morning or Wonder Com! Shout out to ALL and to John-O ( Special old school Cupid Hot Dog Run) for the awesome spread of high calorie, high in fat, bad for you Ridiculously Tasty Rumpus Room Snack Table Goodness!!! Bravo!!!!!

Great turn out somewhere in the 50-60 count I missed seeing some beautiful faces this go round but we will catch up with you guys soon. For me a highlight was chatting with our founders Kirby & Polly Fleming and some old timers sharing old Rumpus Room stories, Kirby's RR is SO laid back, nothing like it and there will never be, I laughed!

It was wonderful to mix cocktails and cordials for you all ( the Rasberry you had a taste of was the cordial) Tom and I are writing a cocktail book together as you might already know, we chose 2 cocktails 1 cordial to introduce last night that will be included in the book just for some feed back and new is always good. The premix on the patio was a old favorite "Mug Cracker" we created about 7 years ago.
Again thanks Tom for hosting Thanks to all of you for coming out! What a great time see you all again very soon! Photos to follow I hope!
In the Aloha Spirit! Kelly Hiphipahula Reilly!

TNT posted on 03/28/2016

Thank you Tom & Ilene for hosting a great evening and welcome back. Thank you Kelly for mixing those incredible cocktails. So great to see everyone, I've missed you all. We really must get this shindig back on some sort of regular basis.

Trader Tom posted on 03/31/2016

I just updated some current photos of the Hoodoo Hut to the end of my home bar thread here:


Ilene took a few shots from the party, but not too many because we were too busy talking and having a good time.

Here's a few, though:

Hopefully there are a few more floating around out there.

We'll take more next time. Promise!

Hiphipahula posted on 04/06/2016

Thanks again guys and thanks for the photos T&T! Xo
I wil get them posted on the RR page on Facebook as well. Stay tuned for a couple of summer RR events. We miss you GROG!!! :(

heylownine posted on 06/09/2016

Really traveling Rumpus Room this week you guys.


GROG posted on 06/09/2016

When and where? PM GROG.

heylownine posted on 06/09/2016

Whoops, sorry for the confusion Grog. I took my Rumpus Room pendant to the Molokai Bar on Wednesday night as an homage to Rumpus Wednesdays.


geedavee posted on 06/09/2016

Cocktail tease.

A Frame posted on 06/09/2016

Just a little Black Magic from Kevin...

heylownine posted on 06/19/2016

You got it, Anders. :wink:


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