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Kohala Bay Rum

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djmont posted on 07/24/2014

That's a different animal, Maddog. Koloa is a Hawaiian rum from Kauai. Kohala Bay is an obscure dark Jamaican rum.

I thought about buying some of the Koloa Mai Tai premix, just to give it a try. United serves the Trader Vic's RTD Mai Tai on their fights to Hawaii. If you added some dark rum to it, it wouldn't be half bad.

tabuzak posted on 07/24/2014

Well, I guess the most well known connection to Koloha Rum is the Black Magic from the Mai Kai?

I believe there is a thread here on TC about making that one. :wink:

I would use at as the Jamaican rum component in any good Tiki drink recipe and see how it goes. I was lucky enough to get a handle of that stuff in Florida a couple of years ago. I've been timid about using it up. I should play with that too.

Life is short. :wink:


djmont posted on 07/24/2014

I tell myself that, but it can be hard to fight against the hoarder mentality. :)

djmont posted on 07/24/2014

I notice the Black Magic has 10 ingredients in it.

I needed a drink just reading over the list... :)

Hurricane Hayward is the man. He busts his ass for Tiki.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 08/19/2014
Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/23/2015

Kohala Bay spotted at Beachbum Berry's symposium at The Hukilau ...

More photos and coverage on The Atomic Grog: http://www.slammie.com/atomicgrog/blog/2015/06/22/the-hukilau-photo-highlights-saturdays-cocktail-symposium-tiki-treasures-bazaar-mermaid-swimshow-main-event-at-the-mai-kai-sundays-finale/

More info on the symposium over on the Mai-Kai Cocktail Guide thread:

TikiRog posted on 10/04/2015

Hi folks. I am going to be in Orlando in December. Is there are stores nearby that sell the Kohaloa Bay or Coruba rums? Thanks!

AceExplorer posted on 10/06/2015

TikiRog, I have a couple thoughts:

  1. Show up and do a tour of liquor stores. (Time consuming.)
  2. Do a web search for big liquor stores in the area and call them. Even if they don't carry it in their stores, they may be willing to special-order for you, then hold it so you can pick it up when you're in town.

Lugging bottles of booze home with you (if you're not driving) can be a hassle, so remember you can also mail-order Kohala Bay and not worry about it on your trip down.

Happy hunting!

Scaramouch posted on 10/06/2015

If you're in downtown Orlando, stop in at the Aku Aku. Good drink menu, freshly made syrups, orgeat and juices. Relaxed atmosphere.


I didn't see any Kohala Bay rum in town unfortunately. But i did discover that they are selling it at a liquor store in Fort Lauderdale just a few blocks from the Mai Kai.

enhill73 posted on 10/07/2015

On 2015-10-03 19:27, TikiRog wrote:
Hi folks. I am going to be in Orlando in December. Is there are stores nearby that sell the Kohaloa Bay or Coruba rums? Thanks!

TikiRog: I live right outside of Orlando and the only place I found KB is at a liquor store Ft. Pierce, Florida named Roy's liquor. Google map it, it's about 2 hours southeast of Orlando on the coast. Call, but they had a few 1.75 on the shelves time I was there.

AceExplorer posted on 10/07/2015

Roy's is great! Definitely call ahead - lots of tiki folks have put them on their "must visit" list when attending tiki events in Ft. Lauderdale, and that leaves the more popular tiki drink items out of stock. This happened to me in June this year - I showed up after someone from Tiki Central cleaned out all the good stuff I had on my shopping list.

Roy's Liquors & Fine Wines  
4.4/5 Google reviews
720 U.S. 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
(772) 461-3097
Open today · 9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Sunny&Rummy posted on 10/07/2015

On 2015-10-07 07:34, AceExplorer wrote:
Roy's is great! Definitely call ahead - lots of tiki folks have put them on their "must visit" list when attending tiki events in Ft. Lauderdale, and that leaves the more popular tiki drink items out of stock. This happened to me in June this year - I showed up after someone from Tiki Central cleaned out all the good stuff I had on my shopping list.

Roy's Liquors & Fine Wines  
4.4/5 Google reviews
720 U.S. 1, Fort Pierce, FL 34950
(772) 461-3097
Open today · 9:00 am – 8:00 pm

Sorry about that. The Bum needed Kohala bay for his symposium and I answered the call.

There were a couple of 1.75L bottles on the shelf when I was there about 3 weeks ago.

AceExplorer posted on 10/07/2015

On 2015-10-07 08:33, Sunny&Rummy wrote:
Sorry about that. The Bum needed Kohala bay for his symposium and I answered the call.

There were a couple of 1.75L bottles on the shelf when I was there about 3 weeks ago.

Oh, no worries at all, I laugh about it! I'll be out there again. Glad you got what you (and the Bum) needed.


thePorpoise posted on 10/08/2015

On 2015-10-03 19:27, TikiRog wrote:
Hi folks. I am going to be in Orlando in December. Is there are stores nearby that sell the Kohaloa Bay or Coruba rums? Thanks!

Ive seen Coruba at some of the Total Wine chain stores, there are some in Orlando. I believe their inventory is searchable via their website, so you could check ahead of time re what's in stock and perhaps call them to reserve a bottle if the branch near your hotel carries it...

AceExplorer posted on 10/08/2015

I agree, the TW web site is pretty good at showing what they have in stock. They also show you if surrounding stores have the product.

Now if we can only get them to improve their special ordering, and get them to stock a few more of the specialty rums we need, like Hamilton's. It kills me that they stock the Berry's line, but not Hamilton. They do, however, routinely carry three versions of the Koloa rums.

TikiRog posted on 10/12/2015

Many thanks for the great tips, I will certainly try to get to get to Total Wines. We are doing the Mouse, so Aku Aku may be little too mature for my 12 year old (though I'd be embarrassed to say how many bars he's actually been in), so it will be Trader Sam"s Grotto for me :)

Hurricane Hayward posted on 10/21/2015

I know I'm preaching to the choir here, but Roy's is awesome. The last time I was there I picked up Kohala Bay, Coruba and Hamilton 151. Now we just need to get them to stock Hamilton 86.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 04/14/2016

Some bad news to report:

Kohala Bay is apparently unavailable for several months. Manager Kern Mattei told me that the supply line got cut off at the distillery, and The Mai-Kai can't get any more from their distributor. They'll probably use Coruba in the meantime.

However, I did hear from one blog reader in town for the Miami Rum Festival who said he found Kohala Bay at both Roy's in Fort Pierce and Sunset Corners in Miami. So at least it hasn't disappeared off store shelves yet. But I would probably recommend stocking up.

mikehooker posted on 04/14/2016


I posted somewhere recently how I tried to order from Sunset but they wouldn't ship to TX. My last bottle is dangerously low so I stopped making Mai Kai tributes til I was able to replenish. Jim, Frank, somebody, help a brotha out!!

CincyTikiCraig posted on 04/15/2016

HH- Kohala Bay is almost certainly produced by Wray & Nephew/Appleton. The label states the KB company is in Kingston, and the label makes reference to “the fertile valley of the black river parish of St. Elizabeth, Jamaica. … Here, Kohala Bay is hand-blended slowly, carefully, and in small batches.” Black River is the capital of St. Elizabeth Parish. W&N/Appleton's offices & HQ are in Kingston, while Appleton's largest distillery is located in the northern part of St Elizabeth Parish, near Maggoty. The product is likely sold off in bulk and is bottled here in the US. I wonder if W&N are cutting off the supply of this fine rum?

[ Edited by: CincyTikiCraig 2016-04-14 20:18 ]

PalmtreePat posted on 04/15/2016

On 2016-04-14 20:14, CincyTikiCraig wrote:
The product is likely sold off in bulk and is bottled here in the US. I wonder if W&N are cutting off the supply of this fine rum?

[ Edited by: CincyTikiCraig 2016-04-14 20:18 ]

Just in case it is I ordered a few bottles from Sunset. It stung, but I don't want to put off trying this stuff any longer.

I-Tiki posted on 04/15/2016

We took a trip from D.C. To Fort Lauderdale two weeks ago to go on a cruise. Stopped at Roy's on the way down and picked up three bottles of Kohala Bay and a few other rums. Really great store. They had a case or two left when I was there.


kkocka posted on 04/15/2016

On 2016-04-14 23:30, PalmtreePat wrote:
Just in case it is I ordered a few bottles from Sunset. It stung, but I don't want to put off trying this stuff any longer.

How'd that shipping treat you? :wink:

PalmtreePat posted on 04/16/2016

On 2016-04-15 14:51, kkocka wrote:

On 2016-04-14 23:30, PalmtreePat wrote:
Just in case it is I ordered a few bottles from Sunset. It stung, but I don't want to put off trying this stuff any longer.

How'd that shipping treat you? :wink:

Not only did it eat my lunch, it made me throw away the trash.

Loki-Tiki posted on 04/16/2016

On 2016-04-15 14:51, kkocka wrote:

How'd that shipping treat you? :wink:

Not only did it eat my lunch, it made me throw away the trash.

Considering the weight (3.75 pounds per 1.75L bottle), and it's cross-country, I didn't think it was THAT bad. It costs north of $12 to ship a mug from CA to FL. Shipping for two bottles of Kohala was $26 if I remember, you're also not paying CA sales tax, so that knocks about $6 off the total effectively making the shipping $20.

As the people that ship things regularly know, shipping is expensive. I think we tend to get used to free shipping on Amazon, then when we actually have to pay, it's like "why so much?". Just MHO :wink:

Just make yourself a Zombie or two, you'll feel right as rain about it.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 04/16/2016

On 2016-04-14 20:14, CincyTikiCraig wrote:
I wonder if W&N are cutting off the supply of this fine rum?

From what I was told, it sounded temporary, so I'm not worried yet. Perhaps W&N had to shift production away from Kohala Bay to some of their more high-profile product lines for a short time. We'll see.

kkocka posted on 04/16/2016

On 2016-04-16 08:42, Loki-Tiki wrote:
Considering the weight (3.75 pounds per 1.75L bottle), and it's cross-country, I didn't think it was THAT bad.

The real bummer is that to ship from Miami to Orlando is about the same cost for whatever reason: maybe $24. =\

swizzle posted on 04/17/2016

On 2016-04-16 14:37, kkocka wrote:

On 2016-04-16 08:42, Loki-Tiki wrote:
Considering the weight (3.75 pounds per 1.75L bottle), and it's cross-country, I didn't think it was THAT bad.

The real bummer is that to ship from Miami to Orlando is about the same cost for whatever reason: maybe $24. =

Once it's loaded onto a truck it makes no difference whether it's travelling 100 miles or 1,000 miles. It's still going through the same amount of handling.

AceExplorer posted on 04/17/2016

On 2016-04-16 19:38, swizzle wrote:
Once it's loaded onto a truck it makes no difference whether it's travelling 100 miles or 1,000 miles. It's still going through the same amount of handling.

True. And some use the "shipping" to make profit above and beyond the cost of the item. How many times have I bought some light-weight thing online and been charged $6 to ship it. Then it arrives in a first-class letter envelope. It does keep merchants in business, otherwise I just might not be able to buy all the cool stuff that's out there.

PalmtreePat posted on 04/18/2016

Bad news. Sunset just emailed me to say that the item I'd ordered is out of stock.

kkocka posted on 04/18/2016

Bummer Pat! You'll have to drive down to Santa Clarita to try some. :wink: I'm glad I got it just at the cutoff then. I opened it last night and tried a bit and couldn't make an immediate judgment. It sorta tasted cheap, but then I don't drink dark Jamaican rums neat. It had a strong burn but not like Meyers's.

Quince_at_Dannys posted on 04/27/2016

On 2016-04-18 13:08, PalmtreePat wrote:
Bad news. Sunset just emailed me to say that the item I'd ordered is out of stock.

Uh oh. Just checked their website and "Kohala Bay" no longer returns search results.

Uncle Pat posted on 05/02/2016

I had a bad feeling when Star III in Stuart was out last week......

P. Duarte posted on 05/10/2016

Yes - I checked too. Sunset Corners is out. Roy's is out. Star Liquors III is out. RNDC currently don't have any in stock and have no time frame for when it will be back again. Furthermore, Carriage House Imports in NJ won't be getting anymore in stock. In short, looks like the distillery in Jamaica has well and truly ended production of this classic rum. Anyone who has an unopened bottle - don't open it! Long live Kohala Bay!

[ Edited by: P. Duarte 2016-05-10 14:14 ]

CincyTikiCraig posted on 05/12/2016

On 2016-05-10 14:11, P. Duarte wrote:
Yes - I checked too. Sunset Corners is out. Roy's is out. Star Liquors III is out. RNDC currently don't have any in stock and have no time frame for when it will be back again. Furthermore, Carriage House Imports in NJ won't be getting anymore in stock. In short, looks like the distillery in Jamaica has well and truly ended production of this classic rum. Anyone who has an unopened bottle - don't open it! Long live Kohala Bay!

[ Edited by: P. Duarte 2016-05-10 14:14 ]

I think some inquiries to Wray and Nephew are in order.

PalmtreePat posted on 05/18/2016

I just got an email from sunset saying that the item I had ordered is avaliable again. False alarm? (I sure hope so.)

Uncle Pat posted on 05/29/2016

Kohala Bay back on shelves @ Star III in Stuart as of yesterday. Someone just purchased 3 bottles.

mikehooker posted on 05/29/2016

Can anyone confirm if Sunset Corners has it back on the shelves in the actual store? Sending mommy to go pick me up some since they won't ship to TX.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 05/29/2016

On 2016-05-29 08:13, Uncle Pat wrote:
Kohala Bay back on shelves @ Star III in Stuart as of yesterday. Someone just purchased 3 bottles.

It will be interesting to see how long it lasts. I'm guessing it's just a backlog in the supply chain.

The Mai-Kai remains out. They can't get their supplier to tell them how long the outage will last, so they're actively seeking a replacement. More info to come.

jokeiii posted on 05/31/2016

On 2016-05-29 10:05, mikehooker wrote:
Can anyone confirm if Sunset Corners has it back on the shelves in the actual store? Sending mommy to go pick me up some since they won't ship to TX.

Mike, I'll go no later than tomorrow afternoon. The website wasn't returning any results, but since it's pretty close to me, I'll go and do a flyby reconnaissance to see what's what.

mikehooker posted on 06/01/2016

On 2016-05-31 12:31, jokeiii wrote:

Mike, I'll go no later than tomorrow afternoon. The website wasn't returning any results, but since it's pretty close to me, I'll go and do a flyby reconnaissance to see what's what.

Highly anticipating the reply. My mother lives in Lauderdale and I asked her literally days before it was announced that the rum was going on hiatus for a while if she could pick me up a case next time she's in Miami. Sadly that didn't happen in time and I'm reluctant to use my last few ounces til I know more is on the way.

jokeiii posted on 06/01/2016

Just got back from Sunset Corners, and I bear bad news...KB is not currently available but they expect production to resume "before too long" although they have no specifics as to when that may be.

They DO however, have Hamilton 86!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/18/2016

The latest word from The Mai-Kai: Owner Dave Levy has been told that the outage is temporary, but still no ETA on its return. Unfortunately, they have not been able to find a decent substitute in their many cocktails that depend on Kohala Bay's funky flavor, so they're exploring other options. Rum experts are being consulted, and the possibility of a proprietary blend is being explored. Stay tuned for more info.

In the meantime, I've updated the blog with tasting notes on all the possible substitutes for home mixologists, including single rums and multi-rum blends: http://www.slammie.com/atomicgrog/blog/2012/05/08/rums-of-the-mai-kai-legendary-lemon-hart-returns-to-the-promised-land/#dagger

If you're visiting The Mai-Kai in the near future, check out the "Updates to The Mai-Kai Cocktail Guide on The Atomic Grog" thread for further tasting notes on all the Kohala Bay cocktails in their current state:

Also worth noting: Kohala Bay appears in Martin Cate's new book, "Smuggler's Cove: Exotic Cocktails, Rum and the Cult of Tiki," as one of the nine recommended "black blended" rums. Highly recommended reading.

happy buddha posted on 06/18/2016

Thanks for the research as always Hurricane! Always something with these rums; the Mai Kai should have their own brand, like Vic's but good.

mikehooker posted on 06/18/2016

Not sure how I missed the Dagger radio ad on that page.


Truly aweome!

When's 151 Swizzle v.5 gonna be posted?

jokeiii posted on 06/20/2016

I'm playing around with 3:1 Coruba to Gosling's 151 blend, to see how that stacks up against KB. Reports to follow...

Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/17/2016

Still no updates on the Kohala Bay outage. It still may come back, The Mai-Kai's manager, Kern Mattei, confirmed last night, but in the meantime they have finally been able to get Coruba from their distributor. They hope to begin using it soon in all the cocktails that call for Kohala Bay.

mikehooker posted on 07/21/2016

Coruba as a direct replacement for Kohala Bay? I don't see that working out too well. It doesn't have the punch or the funk. I recently made Atomic Grog tribute Swizzles using a 50/50 El Dorado and Smith & Cross combo. Gotta say, they came out excellent. Haven't tried it in any other recipes that call for KB yet but if that does the trick and KB doesn't come back soon I might end up just batching those two rums together so I could start enjoying all my favorite Mai Kai tributes I've been neglecting the past couple months.

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