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is this kinda a South Louisiana Swamp Tiki...?

Pages: 1 8 replies

Mr. Ooga posted on 02/15/2004

...piles and piles of beautiful scavenged hardwoods - pecan, live & white oak, cypress...and the ooga-boogas started talking to me...

So, might these be sorta an off-shoot colony of tikis? Or are they some other sort of critter?

At any rate, I'm having enuf fun with 'em to put 'em on the web (along with some other odds & ends) at: http://www.ooga-booga.net ...the oogas are not finished, I'm learning as I go, and am taking suggestions...

...cheers for now

Alpha Ooga

Bravo Ooga

tikitony posted on 02/16/2004


tikitony posted on 02/16/2004

Oh! I see now. keep on choppin'

Polynesiac posted on 02/16/2004

Ooga Booga INDEED!

What about Charlie Booga...or Delta Booga...or, alright I'll shutup. :)

cool stuff and keep the posts coming!

Mr. Ooga posted on 02/16/2004

I started Charlie Ooga last week. He'll prob'ly make an appearance here in the next few days.

Thanks fer the encouragement -
cheers...Mr. Ooga

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/16/2004

I take it by the "Alpha" and "Bravo" call signs that you're a military man (or ex military?). Keep carving! It's the most fun anyone could have..

Mr. Ooga posted on 02/17/2004

Not military, humanitarian assistance with a specialty in "complex emergencies" and "conflict areas". Refugee camps & bush hospitals & such. HF radios are invaluable tools...

And I just gotta love my radio-initials - "Delta Romeo"...

The oogas deigned to be temporarily named, and they liked radio-speak better than most sequentials (they're not big on i.d. numbers, and they seem to like vowel-endings...).

And, yep, I love carvin', too. I mean alot. I really just came into it maybe a month-or-so ago. It's amazing how the wood really does talk to you...

You ex-military? Been carvin' long?

cheers, Mr. Ooga

Basement Kahuna posted on 02/17/2004

Not ex-military, but the son of a one-time army man. Carving...he he..not long, maybe 2 years, but a lot. Somewhere around here on "Creating Tiki" there's a "Basement Kahuna" topic; but I've sort of been on a Hale Tiki retainer for a month or so, so not much going on there lately.

Mr. Ooga posted on 02/19/2004

Two years? You are...prolific, yes? and your work is beyond impressive.

I have a coupla pieces of oak that seem like they'd might render-up in'eresting percussions. The ooga-boogas tell me that they prefer the result to be more than thumping on a hollow log.

chop-chop, Mr. Ooga

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