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Tiki Central / Other Crafts

Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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TikiAno posted on 07/06/2016

So many Bobs make me so happy.

Wow, just got caught up (took a bit) since I've been gone from TC for a while- yes, been seeing stuff on FB but missing tons of the Wendy & Dan show. Looks like a great trip, I think that finding a tiki fan in a thrift store in Oregon happening to you guys is absolutely a kick!

Once again, I watch all of the detail you put into glazing and I'm now exhausted. I glazed a tenth (probably less) of what you did in one sitting today and that was too much for me. Ha!

hang10tiki posted on 07/07/2016

Another great Bob lineup

I want to be in that wedding party


TikiHula posted on 07/07/2016

Wedding crasher!!!

danlovestikis posted on 07/07/2016

TikiAno no kidding to all of that!

hang10tiki off hand this is my 4th wedding that I can remember.

TikiHula this wedding will be on October 1st during our crawl. Hey they should attend as their honeymoon, what could be better! Thank you for the call yesterday. Sorry Dan took me away. The slip was stuck in the mold and it takes two of us to coax it out.


So many projects are going on right now and I'm so far behind in posting. I wish there were a way to do it faster here rather than one photo at a time.

I'll try to do some catch up right now.

When I go glaze shopping there is a couch that Dan sits on while waiting. I snapped a photo as I passed by.

We went to a vintage sale at the Discovery shop in Elk GRove and I found a Hawaiian walking stick. Someone put a rubber on the bottom. Dan going to leave it.

At an antique store I found a 2nd edition of Herman Melville's TYPEE. I plan to read it.

I donated a Sacramento 2015 Crawl mug to the auction at Ohana on the Lake in New York.

The winning bid came from Marlo.

If you haven't joined in on the fun "friend" Theo Stool on facebook. I made a Hawaiian Tiki Bob on Theo Stool during a past Wish List. Here is mine with the original.

Still just cleaning up some photos so I can file them away.

Dan brought me more things to repair.

First up was a chipped mug and a dropped and broken Hawaiian man.

I get out my trusted supplies.

I used a plastic craft glue to put the man together. Simple.

He is ready to go back on the self.

I filled and when the wood putty was dry I sanded and painted it.

Ready to display.

On our last trip we found this cookie jar it has a small chip on the bottom.

The putty sticks best if the plaster is first wet.

The I overfill it let it dry and

then I sand it.

I try to match the glaze with either acrylic paint or enamel paint.

Ready to display.

Now all my odds and ends are done and tomorrow it will be back to projects. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-07-07 15:23 ]

TikiAno posted on 07/08/2016

Boy, I'm glad Dan was able to get some shut eye. You're pushing him with all of the mold making labor! :wink: (Of course, he's still got tikis on his mind....)

danlovestikis posted on 07/09/2016

MadDogMike is running another SWAP this one has the Maori theme. I decided to make a mug as if I had a bar called THE MAORI.

A while back I posted the making of the mug now I'll share how I glazed it. First I chose these wild colors.

I poured in Spotted Kiwi. Oh I just realized how appropriate since the official bird for New Zealand it the Kiwi. Cool!

I did the bottom and top and when they were dry I turn the mug upside down so I could check that glazing and then I started the name.

I glazed around the name.

It looks finished but only because it has now had three layers of all these colors.

Next I started the CN green.

Three layers later it has enough but now I'm

going to remove just enough that the detail will be highlighted by being darker than the rest of the tiki.

I'm done wiping off the front.

I made sure that there were crystals clear to the top so that the design will show up.

All done and ready to swap. Maybe it will be shipped or maybe hand delivered at Tiki Oasis 16.

I am behind in showing all the things I've glazed AND fired. So now I can show the steps and the finished result all together.

Thanks for the visit. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 07/10/2016

I had a couple of casts left over a while back so I put them together into a coconut war god goblet.

Now it's time to glaze and fire it and guess what the glazes went to war with each other.

Layer one of three on the war god.

Between each layer I put it outside to dry. Otherwise you may just be wiping off the previous layer with the new one and not have enough glaze on the mug.

Well drying between layers helped me do a good job of putting too much glaze on the coconut and it ran down and reacted with the red glaze.

I did these black velvet photos to post on my "Gallery" thread. It's easy for me to see every item I've ever made there as long as I keep up with the posts.

SOLD to Bill aka ModernArtifactsNY.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-07-10 09:08 ]

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-07-10 09:09 ]

ModernArtifactsNY posted on 07/10/2016

Love it, will have a place of honor in the collection. Thank you so much Wendy!

8FT Tiki posted on 07/10/2016

Hmmm. Frankoma plus Coconut equals FRANKCOCOSTEIN !

danlovestikis posted on 07/11/2016

ModernArtifactsNY thank you, I hope you'll post a photo when you have it.

8FT Tiki that's a better name than goblet. Munktiki is making steins now.


Dan works for tikis and it was time to pay him something. I'm so busy that I did the fastest project I could think of which is Moai wall hangings.
I just picked out a whole bunch of glazes and got them done.

I must have put too much glaze on these because a bunch ran off onto the shelf.

This is why kiln shelves are coated with kiln wash. A very poisonous powder mixed with water and brushed on. When melted glaze gets on a shelf. You can knock it off. I will have to put more kiln wash on this spot. I just pulled loose the support. Sometimes I take a chisel to get the flatter pieces off.

Here's a couple of close ups.

They are now hung over our back door. That may be the last place we had to hang anything.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 07/12/2016

I have glazed a batch of necklaces. It takes a while because I also glaze the backsides. I start out by choosing glazes.

Fired all the puffers but only half of the rest.

I ran out of room in my kiln.

Thanks for the visit. Cheers, Wendy

DixonAlibi posted on 07/12/2016

I want one of the floats and a puffer! All of them are so cool!

danlovestikis posted on 07/12/2016

DixonAlibi Which ones would you like?


I have been having a comedy of errors. First two Tiki Bob mugs didn't cast right and had to be changed from mug into lamps by cutting out the bottoms and adding tops.

Next I had some glaze that had dried out. I added water and used a blender to remix the glaze smooth. I forgot to photograph the mess in the kitchen as the glaze flew out of the bowl and all over me and the floor, counters etc. Horrors.

I did get the glaze all smooth and started to glaze these future lamps.

No matter how hard I try glaze goes where it shouldn't. This is why I never do the white faces until the end. Even the eye and lips are done first.

It mostly comes off with a wet cloth but the white cover coat glaze will cover it completely.

I finished them and let them dry.

Then I go over them looking for any tiny missed areas that I glaze using a pin.

Next comes the black cover coat on the eyes and lips.

Then 2-3 layers of white cover coat on the face until I can't see anything except the white.

Next I let them dry completely.

Horrors the glaze has cracked. It could pop off during firing. I guess something happens when it dries out and is reconstituted.

To prevent the glaze from coming off I used a clear glaze over the entire lamp.

When fired they didn't come out brown, they came out green. Surprise!

On the top where there were the most cracks the glaze did separate.

Since these are lamps I just took a matching colored felt pen and colored in the spots.

Next I used finger nail polish (clear) and covered over these spots. Not the tops just look rustic.

Done and ready to be wired.

Anyone interested? Just PM me.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 07/14/2016

The next project is glazing the mug for Buddy. This is for opening night at The Jungle Bird that he and the owners of the Tank House will be showcasing hopefully during the Sacramento Crawl.

This is their signature tiki and logo. I just put them together into this mug.

It was hard to carve all the lettering and now I've got to glaze it all

with a pin. A dot at a time.

Three times with it drying between each layer.

It would be nice to be done with the pin but nope I had to use it for all the glazing around the lettering too.

This was done 3 times too.

Next I did the rest of the mug except for the tiki.

When the mug dried I did the tiki.

Close up.

Pictures of the glazing being finished and drying.

Before firing it must be completely dry or the

glaze will boil and bubbles will pop,

Out of the kiln and all is well. These photos turned out

better than my black velvet photos. OH WELL!

I do these for my Gallery page.

Now I'm waiting to hear from Buddy. Cheers, Wendy

zerostreet posted on 07/14/2016

Impressive work on the script Wendy! Great job!

danlovestikis posted on 07/14/2016

zerostreet than you so much. Dan doesn't like the word amazing because its been used so much but I have to say that the number of new and creative projects you've been doing truly amaze me!!!


Hello Again. You've seen most of these projects come out of the kiln so now I can back up and let you see how I loaded each level.

So Many times I forget to wipe the bottom clean. This time I remembered just as I started to load the kiln.

I used a wet paper towel to remove this glaze to make a clean bottom. Sometime the glaze ends up there anyway and you have to use a dremmel to remove it.

I like to use these spikes under ever glazed piece. That way if the glaze runs it doesn't glue the mug to the shelf.

Here they are on the shelf.

These are the wedding mugs, lamps and one secret project I'm doing for JenTiki.

Here is the same shelf after firing the load.

This is the second level before firing.

The third level of necklaces.

Showing both together.

After firing.

Removing the goblet I found all the glaze on the shelf. The mug would have been ruined if it hadn't been up on spikes.

If the shelf didn't have kiln wash covering it this would have been fused to the shelf. The kiln wash allows you to pull or knock glaze off. Then you cover the spot with more kiln wash. The Frankoma Coconut goblet ran glaze down the spikes and onto the shelf. Saved again!

The spikes leave little spikes of glaze behind on pieces where they touched glaze. These must be sanded or dremmeled off. These allow me to glaze both sides of the necklaces.

Back to work, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 07/16/2016

The story of the wedding mugs continues first with the anticipation that one day they will be ready and so we bought and put together 18 boxes.

Dan's really happy to not have to box these for shipping.

Out of the kiln the two most important mugs came out just fine.

I didn't find a glaze in the right color of Raspberry to the pink lips and little flowers will be re-done with enamel.

The gold mugs came out just fine too.

Now the flowers and lips are close to the right colors.

There was one more request. I should have thought of it. They wanted the names on the back done in

white and gold.

Now all the enamel was done so I set it by baking in the oven.

7 of the brown wedding mugs had problems so I got out my dremmel.

I had to grind off all the brown glaze that had run onto the white faces. This glaze didn't work well at all.

I was able to grind off the brown while still leaving the clear glaze.

It looks good here but there is no shine in the area where I did the grinding. I tried fine steel wool, nope.

I bought this product but it wasn't good enough.

So in the end it was time to glaze these mugs again and to hope for the best.

First layers of white under-glaze and

let it dry each time.

Then layers of the clear.

Between every layer I took them outside to dry faster so I could keep going.

Out of the kiln I inspected each one and guess what? All the places I had re-glazed were perfect but the brown had now run in other areas.

Mostly it was under the noses. On one mug there was now a huge drip.

I got out the dremmel and went to work again until the runny noses and other areas were ground off.

I glazed with white and then

I glazed with clear.

There were two mugs that didn't need any more work. So my five fingers are crossed for these five mugs that they will be fine after the next firing.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 07/17/2016

Hi Everyone. I would think after all these posts without a comment that I was posting just for the pleasure of posting except for the number of views that I watch going up each day.

I'm very excited to be nearing three million. Meanwhile here are some catch up photos.

We shop at the Cancer Society Thrift store and we hit the jackpot. More tikis on this shirt than on any other that Dan owns.
He won't wear it until winter when it's cool weather.

There was a sale going on at Uline where I get my boxes. So I ordered them for the crawl mugs and the batch of Hot Tub Hula Girl mugs.
I saw this stack and I said to Dan wow that's a big storage problem.

He said you are only looking at the first part of your order. Oh well I'll throw a table cloth over them and have two more tables.


The time had come when I had to glaze the HUGE Tiki Bob Hula Girl Bowl for Owen Wright. This is going to be one heck of a project.

These are some of my instruction pages. I scanned them and asked questions until what he wanted was finalized.

I got out what I thought were all the glazes that I would need for this bowl but I actually am missing a few in this photo.

The first step was going to be very tricky so I wrapped the bowl up in plastic wrap in case I bumped a side or it dripped.

The area I am glazing is under the flowing hair. I put glaze on my finger so I could feel where it was going. I needed to avoid getting any on her back and that was going to be tricky.

I did it from underneath while the bowl was upright but I couldn't know it it was going into all the small areas so I did it upside down with glaze being able to run into all those areas.

Next I glazed the bottom of the bowl

and the bottoms of the Tiki Bobs.

I did my best to use glaze to paint all these words. I hope he's OK with the size.

Now it will dry before I continue.

I hope you are all out having a fun time. I'm ready for a book and bed. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-07-16 20:45 ]

lunavideogames posted on 07/17/2016

Looks great as always Wendy! Those Bobs are being difficult. Glad you got them all fixed up.

That bowl looks like a huge project. Can't wait to see how it turns out!

Hang10tiki is in Hawaii right now and coming back soon. I'm sure tomorrow there will be a bunch of vacation photos to show.

danlovestikis posted on 07/17/2016

lunavideogames the wedding Bob's are horrible because of the glaze. I had to match their colors and that glaze was the best match. I will win the battle eventually. hang10tiki just got back. He said photos soon!!!

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/18/2016

Just saw all the great posts I missed
You have been busy

Did 10 days on Oahu
With 1 day trip to Maui
Had a blast

Hope pics ok...

Here was day 1

The Mai Tai Bar at the Royal Hawaiian
has a new Mai Tai menu
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My 2 favorite new drinks on the new Mai Tai menu
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I had to hunt for the feet at the Royal Hawaiian again.
After I fount em, I removed the plants covering his feet.
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Sadness continued on the prior location of:
The International Marketplace
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And the fun continues
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Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-07-17 19:54 ]

danlovestikis posted on 07/18/2016

Wow hang10tiki those are wonderful first day photos. I hope you got the view of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel that you want on your mug. This is if you still want the one with it and the tiki whose feet you showed off.

I took the same photo of the War God painting at The Tikis.

Did you stay at the Outrigger? We had a view of the Royal Hawaiian that looked like one of your photos when we stayed there.

They saved the huge Banyon Tree when doing the new buildings? That would be one good thing. I will always miss the Marketplace.

I'm ready for day number two!!!


More glazing steps on Owen Wright's HUGE Tiki Bob Hula Girl bowl.

Owen has a fondness for the color of a green coconut. I couldn't find a glaze in the color he sent to me. But I had two glazes that maybe combined would work.
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I would do a layer of one
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and then a layer of the other. Back and forth. I just hope they don't have a chemical reaction and turn purple.
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He requested that the bowl be Blue Caprice but that it not go up the girl like in my Hot Tub Hula Girl coconut mugs.
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After I poured some in I then brushed it up the sides of the bowl with a wide brush. I did this 3 times.
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All done except that
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I used a stiff brush to wipe off the glaze that crept up the girls grass skirt.
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One of the four tikis had a chin tattoo. I used a pin to place the glaze a dot at a time.
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It didn't all go into the carvings but
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after it dried I just wiped off the excess. This is black underglaze. I will use a white underglaze to cover the left behind grey color.
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His next request was that I do a sand color rim around the bowl. This bowl will have four differently colored Tiki Bob's. To blend them together I did a ring of carving around the bowl that also was on the sides of the tikis. In this photo I'm carrying the sand glaze onto each mug. I tried different things with this bowl that over time I changed. I will show that later.
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I always let the glazes dry before starting the next part. That prevents me from messing them up or transferring color where it doesn't belong.
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I've only just begun with this bowl. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/19/2016

That bowl is a monster

Yep, stayed at the Outrigger
Was great
Somehow got top floor ocean view :)

Day 2

Here's a pic I have of me in Waikiki as a kid
And a pic we took this trip in front of the same carving
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Renewed our wedding vows
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I've been looking for one of these old signs for years
Found one :)
Saw price tag :(
1300.00 no thanks
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danlovestikis posted on 07/19/2016

hang10tiki what a wonderful trip and this is only day 2? You were sure a cute kid and it didn't change, well maybe the hairdo! I'm so happy that Janelle wanted to renew and continue on with one of our favorite tiki friends. I think you could make your own sign so you were wise to pass on it. Keep the photos coming. Thank you.


Working on the HUGE bowl for Owen Wright never ends. I have to be so careful. It's really hard to glaze anything because there are so many Tiki Bobs in the way.

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I think it's easy to see that I had to do three layers of glaze for every color. Each layer had to dry completely. I made many trips to put it outside in the heat. At least the hula girl is done. Next up four Bobs and a monkey!!!

Cheers, Wendy

TikiAno posted on 07/19/2016

Great pics Wendy, great pics, Jon, and what a great big bowl!

Wendy, waiting for the runny nose Bob update. Treg, soon (hopefully not too soon) you'll get introduced to a similar runny nose with the little Beachbum. It's no fun, but maybe I'll try a Dremel next time- might help better with Tiki Ari??? :wink:

Jon have a great trip, look forward to seeing more pics. I'll ask my wife the name of this killer Japanese breakfast place in town (if you're still there) and will text to you! So good.

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2016-07-19 11:13 ]

hang10tiki posted on 07/20/2016

Wendy- da bowl is looking good
Ano- back already

Day 3 pics

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hang10tiki posted on 07/20/2016

Forgot to post the glass I purchased at the Charthouse
that the "Guy Tai" was in

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danlovestikis posted on 07/20/2016

hang10tiki keep the fun flowing our way. I'm really missing Hawaii. You we'll see at Tiki Oasis!!!


This bowl is very complicated to glaze. I wanted very much to tie it all together so that it didn't look like a circus. First I carried the carving from the bowl onto each tiki. Now I planned to carry the glaze from each tiki onto the bowl. I made some changes along the way.

I started with the blue tiki which ties into all the dark blue specks in the blue of the bowl.
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I continued the blue around the entire bowl. I decided that I wouldn't carry it on to the other tikis which at one point I had planned. Just too busy.
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The next tiki is a rust color and
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I carried this color around the bowl.
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It may look as if each of these bands are done but doing this requires repainting each line three times and then doing it upside down to perfect.
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The bowl is so HUGE that I couldn't set a jar of glaze on my table. Because I rotate the bowl a lot while painting. I forgot once. Of course I knocked it off and it was open and black.
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I had it down my pant leg too. I tried to wipe it up. This is why I have this extra carpet where I glaze. This is the worst accident I've had there.
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Well I really still don't believe it but Dan was able to use Resolve carpet cleaner and to get it all out! Good product.
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The next Tiki Bob is carved in a tapa pattern.
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The color I chose to do around the bowl is orange and an over lay of cream with speckles.
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The last color is Espresso and I started with the bowl and
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then glazed the tiki.
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At his point I have carried a line of sand glaze onto each tiki. This is about to change.
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All of this glazing took a few days to accomplish. Now it sits and rests before I start on the monkey and some changes.
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I made my 3,000,000 views this morning. I was hoping for some congratulations. Oh well, now I'll work hard for the next million.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/20/2016

And congraDs
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I see Dan-0 is bowing to the bowl gods

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Danno posted on 07/20/2016

The Bowl is looking AWESOME!! Congrats on your 3 mil+ views!

Swaying and Playing since 64’

[ Edited by: Danno 2016-07-20 08:50 ]

hang10tiki posted on 07/20/2016

Day 4

More finds

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Best rice I have ever had
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hang10tiki posted on 07/20/2016

Day 5

Hop n pop to Maui for 10 hrs

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Then back to Oahu
La Mariana
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hang10tiki posted on 07/20/2016

Shot glass from da Beach BumZ

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And 2 mugs from La Mariana

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danlovestikis posted on 07/21/2016

hang10tiki thank you so much for all these fun photos. I love the paint on the Beetle. The Gecko'z mugs and Beachbumz shots are fabulous. I like the selfie of you and Janelle together, that was so sweet. 15,000 Aloha shirts, did you get one there? Thank you for the photo of my 3 million views!!!

Danno, I've been working on your Diamond Head Island with Hilton Hawaiian village on it. It needs to fire one more time. Photos will eventually show up here.
I hope I can make your wish come true. I did it now instead of at the end of December because I'm perfecting this technique so I can offer it for others during the next Wish List. I am even doing a HUGE bowl in this manner. Thank you for the congratulations.


The HUGE Tiki Bob Hula Girl Monkey bowl is done being glazed. Here are the final steps.

Dan and I looked the bowl over and together decided that it would look better if those sand colored lines were not on the Tiki Bob's. Tying in still needs to look good.
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So first I used a carving tool to scrap off all the glaze possible.
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I got most of it off. I did this on all four tikis.
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Then I used water and a brush to take off the rest.
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I re-glazed all the areas I'd just cleaned off and then I once again fine tuned the glazing on the lines.
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Glazing the tapa Tiki Bob was really hard.
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I needed to be a contortionist to get to all the places because
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other Bobs were in the way.
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Upside down shows all the places that were missed with the bowl was upright.
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I saved the little monkey for last. I tied him into the bowl and hula skirt by making the coconut the same green. Owen requested that the fez be blue so that worked well too.
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Again the bowl needed to dry overnight.
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I did many layers of white underglaze until all the grey on the bisque went away.
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I did this on all four Tiki Bobs.
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I didn't think this day would arrive. I finally have all the colors on this HUGE bowl.
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The only thing left was to put on the layers of clear.
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The last time out to dry.
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By far this was the most labor intensive glazing job I have ever done. So many different colors.

Next it will need to fire. Oh I so hope the glazes do not run on the faces of these Tiki Bobs. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-07-21 08:05 ]

hang10tiki posted on 07/21/2016

I did get another long sleeve aloha shirt at that store :)

The giant bowl looks great
I can't wait to see it come out of da kiln

Day 6

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This bird was drinking out of a plant on the table across from us
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hang10tiki posted on 07/21/2016

Day 7

Macadamia nut pancakes

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Tour time

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One of my favorite Tikis in Waikiki

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danlovestikis posted on 07/21/2016

hang10tiki those are wonderful photos of a terrific trip. I don't want to see them end. When do you move to Hawaii? Nooooo we'd miss you in Las Vegas.


The HUGE Tiki Bob Hula Girl Monkey bowl is finished and none of the Tiki Bob's had problems. I need to make the glaze I used on the wedding mugs NO BOBS.

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The black glaze did not like the sand glaze and the writing spread out. I just touched it up with some enamel paint that I will back and set in the oven today.
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What do you all think about this bowl? Wendy

DixonAlibi posted on 07/21/2016

That bowl is so amazingly beautiful!!! I love everything about it!

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cy posted on 07/22/2016


hang10tiki posted on 07/22/2016

Pics will end
Just not yet

The Giant bowl looks great
Two thumbs up...

hang10tiki posted on 07/22/2016

Day 8

Rented a car to go around the entire island

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ebtiki posted on 07/22/2016

Wow, Wendy - what a gorgeous, iconic bowl! Thank you for walking us through the process AND giving us something to aspire to!!
Cherrs! e.

TikiAno posted on 07/22/2016

Wendy, wowzers! The bowl is spectacular- though seeing it fired makes me realize just how much work (and coats) went into that piece. Holy moly!

Jon, great pics. How many times did you guys go to La Mariana on this trip?? Jealous!

hang10tiki posted on 07/22/2016

Ano- only 3

hang10tiki posted on 07/22/2016

Day 9

Good news: Hilton Hawaiian Village put the timeline back up

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Sad News: Another lost Tiki
Hilton Hawaiian Village had 2 giant Tikis
One now gone
I asked 3 employees where he went
1st guy has worked there 15 yrs and didn't notice it was gone
Other 2 were new and didn't know what u was talking about

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hang10tiki posted on 07/22/2016

Almost forgot
Found another mug

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1 day left

TikiHula posted on 07/22/2016

Congrats on 3 mil Wendy!! So awesome!!! And can't wait to see that huge bowl completed!

Hang10 - looks like you and the wife had an amazing time in the islands. White wash drink looks great, La Mariana's, the palace, Maui...OMG I'm envious!!!!

danlovestikis posted on 07/23/2016

DixonAlibi thank you. Owen looked this page over so I'm sure he appreciated all the very nice comments. I sure do.

cy as said above. I sure am enjoying watching you create all your wood carvings.

hang10tiki thumbs and Hawaii photos are much appreciated.

hang10tiki did you pay and go inside the Hawaiian Cultural Center. We have gone through it once. Now we just tour the gift shop and outside tikis.

ebtiki ahhhhhhhhh all you men are making me blush.

TikiAno this was a horrible amount of work with so many colors. I'm just glad that Owen is happy. He did have one more request. See below.

hang10tiki the days are passing by too fast. I bet you are ready to return.

hang10tiki how did I get so far behind?

hang10tiki I love the photos of you both and her holding the flowers. We like that mug. We had one and got one as a gift too.

TikiHula thank you for the congrats. About the HUGE bowl...

I would have said, "hey, those ARE the pictures of the finished bowl" except that today Owen requested one more thing.

Here it is. I did a miniature painting of the Kahiki Fireplace on the Monkey's fez as close as I could using a toothpick to paint with.

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Tomorrow I bake it in the oven then off it goes to New York.


Robyn came over to pick up some mugs and so we took her on a tour. It was her first time to see the tiki jungle room. We had a fun visit.

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Time to rest, thank you all for the fun comments and visits, cheers, Wendy

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