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Plantation Pineapple rum Stiggins’s Fancy

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lunavideogames posted on 06/09/2015

Okay, so I know some of you have tried this out. I have, it is amazing! For a long while it was not sold to personal buyers, but I have heard it has been released (in small quantities of course) to the general public as of late.


The only place I have officially confirmed that they have it is - Ballsquarefinewines.com in Massachusetts. They are unable to send this outside of their state. I am on the exact opposite of the country, so sadly I am not going to make it there to get a bottle. IF there is anyone who wants to do me a huge favor and grab me a couple bottles, I would be forever in your debt and would gladly send you off some cool Cali tiki mugs if you need some.

Has anyone seen this anywhere near California? Anyone know of a place that would ship it to me that has it in stock?

Please list any sellers anywhere in the US, we can make this the official "find your own Plantation Pineapple" thread.

Thanks for your help!

kkocka posted on 06/09/2015

Yeah you can put me on the list as well - of course thanks to Jason Alexander from Tacoma Cabana. A friend of mine (@larumrunners on instagram) I don't think was quite as impressed. I'm sort of left in the middle but I don't imagine the taste would be too terrible given that Plantation puts out fine fine rums.

lunavideogames posted on 06/09/2015

It was a really great flavor for a sipping rum. I don't much care for 99% of the flavored rums, but this one was great. Throw a couple cubes in it and it is a drink by itself.

Only $28.99 at that place...

kkocka posted on 06/09/2015

I think I'm going to give this a try, which I was already considering doing since it is impossible to get: http://inuakena.com/misc/diy-pineapple-rum/ Basically what I was going to do - use Plantation Dark and infuse it with pineapple. I saw Plantation for sale somewhere recently and now that you bring it up I can't find it. =\

lunavideogames posted on 06/09/2015

Let me know how it turns out. I saw that as well.

Hunterprime posted on 06/18/2015

K & L Wines in Hollywood is carrying it. https://www.klwines.com/p/i?i=1207290 I just ordered some to pick up will call in SF

lunavideogames posted on 06/18/2015


Hi Times said that they should have it by now. Seems like it is getting more common. Tastes great!

lunavideogames posted on 06/18/2015

I found a bottle at Mission Liquor but they are sold out now.

kkocka posted on 06/18/2015

Yes, to confirm lunavideogames' claim I found several bottles at Mission Wine & Liquor (https://www.missionliquor.com/) which have socal locations in Glendale, Pasadena, Sherman Oaks, and South Glendale. I called and had two reserved, as did he apparently, though they went wrong somewhere and he got only one.

Despite the mishap, these are excellent stores that have a very excellent selection of all sorts of liquor and liqeuers, mixers, etc. They're a bit weak on the syrups, typically Torani or similar ilk, but excellent on the booze of any variety. My only real complaint, other than the syrups, is that they don't carry Coruba Dark. They do ship, though when I looked into it, it was an additional $13. For that cost I'd rather ship from Hi Times.

EDIT: Hi Times is now carrying it. Can't say what their stock is however. http://www.hitimewine.net/PLANTATION-PINEAPPLE-RUM-750.html

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[ Edited by: kkocka 2015-06-18 14:42 ]

KrakenHunterSteve posted on 06/19/2015

In was introduced to this stuff through a daiquiri at the Tonga Hut. I was glad to have found it during my last trip to Hi-Time, and I'm even more glad it's been spotted at Mission. Just make a daiquiri out of it. I dare you! At home, I've tried it as the only rum in my daiquiri, and again mixed with another rum. It's outstanding!

lunavideogames posted on 06/23/2015

Just ordered 6 more bottles from Hi Times for just $10.99 shipped to San Diego since my first bottle only lasted one week. Seems like this rum is just about everywhere now. Give it a try. I have a hard time mixing it since it tastes so good with a couple ice cubes.

wupput posted on 08/02/2015

I picked up a bottle of this yesterday at Hi Time. It was the last one, well last on the shelf anyway.

Delicious on ice. Cocktail suggestions?

Bumboo posted on 08/02/2015

Interesting article on the history behind this rum in the NY Times last month:

Includes a nice daiquiri variation as well (adapted from Freddie Sarkis at the Broken Shaker in Chicago):

Pineapple Express
1.5 ounces Plantation Pineapple Rum Stiggins' Fancy
.75 ounce 100 proof rhum agricole, preferably Neisson
.75 ounce fresh lime juice
.50 ounce 1:1 simple syrup

Shake with ice and strain into a chilled coupe glass. Squeeze a grapefruit twist over glass and discard.

kkocka posted on 08/02/2015

On 2015-08-02 13:11, wupput wrote:
Delicious on ice. Cocktail suggestions?

Neat, basic daiquiri (rum, sugar, lime), and really good in a Jungle Bird. See 5minutesofrum.com for the Tacoma Cabana-provided recipe. So good. Jason Alexander knows how to use this rum in pretty much anything, a shame he's up there in Washington.

swizzle posted on 03/04/2016

Last weekend one of the bars here held a Zombie Cocktail Challenge that was sponsored by Plantation rums. I happened to know one of the judges so i was standing behind them and got to talking with one of the other judges who was the brand ambassador for Plantation here in Aus.

I found out that there are two harvests a year of the Victorian pineapple that is used which yields approx. 20 tonnes of fruit which produces about 60,000 bottles of the rum annually. Of that, Australia receives 1,200 cases.

Here's a pic of one of the 'garnishes' that was used, just because it's so awesome.

(The drink itself was served in an old-fashioned glass that was placed in a recess that was cut out just behind the first sail. I couldn't get a photo of that because of the angle i was on).

mikehooker posted on 07/13/2016

Seems like distribution for this, in my neck of the woods, is much more widespread with the latest batch. 6 months ago there was only one retailer I knew of that carried Stiggins and it was strictly reserved for wholesale to bars. Now atleast three different liquor store companies in Austin are carrying it. I was hoarding 4 bottles and using it sparingly. I feel at ease now. Hopefully this is a product they keep in production for a while to come.

oroborean posted on 07/15/2016

On 2015-08-02 14:19, Bumboo wrote:
Interesting article on the history behind this rum in the NY Times last month:

Includes a nice daiquiri variation as well (adapted from Freddie Sarkis at the Broken Shaker in Chicago):

Pineapple Express
1.5 ounces Plantation Pineapple Rum Stiggins' Fancy
.75 ounce 100 proof rhum agricole, preferably Neisson
.75 ounce fresh lime juice
.50 ounce 1:1 simple syrup

Shake with ice and strain into a chilled coupe glass. Squeeze a grapefruit twist over glass and discard.

Also excellent in a mojito in place of plantation 3 star. yum.

Hamo posted on 07/19/2018

Today a coworker gave me a clipping from the August 2018 Bon Appetit, which includes a mention of Stiggins’ Fancy:

Hamo posted on 12/24/2018

I picked up another bottle of Stiggins' Fancy a couple of weeks ago after emptying my last bottle a few weeks prior. It seems to me that the new bottle tastes differently than the last one; it seems sweeter and more floral. Is it just me, or has anybody else noticed a difference?

Hamo posted on 08/31/2022

Anybody found and/or tasted the Stiggins' Smoky Formula?

Yep. It saw good distribution in DC, where I live. A number of retailers in the area got it and I picked up a few bottles.

The verdict I can give you is that it's good. However, if you are expecting assertive smokiness in the profile, this might not align with expectations because the smoke is very delicate and subtle---more like an undercurrent. It adds some depth to the sipping experience, but to be honest I've found very few recipes where it doesn't get lost upon being mixed with other ingredients. Definitely worth a try as well as the extra couple bucks asking price, But don't get FOMO over it.

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kevincrossman posted on 09/10/2022

I was told the smoky version was a limited edition and it isn't expected to be a regular part of the Plantation lineup.

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