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THE SACRAMENTO CRAWL MUGS ARE FINISHED AND IN THEIR BOXES FOR THE EVENT WHICH STARTS ON SEPTEMBER 30TH. FOR THOSE WHO ARE NOT ATTENDING I WILL CONTACT YOU AFTER THE EVENT IS OVER. I HAVE ALREADY SHARED THE SCULPTING, MOLDING, CASTING, FIRING AND WASHING OF THE MUGS SO THE REST OF THE STORY BEGINS WITH THE GLAZE TESTS. I WANTED THIS TO BE A BEAUTIFUL MUG SO I CHOOSE THE COLORS AND BOUGHT A CASE OF EACH. NOW I HAD TO SEE HOW IT WORKS OUT. ALONG THE WAY I DID SOME SPECIAL ARTIST PROOFS IN FUN COLORS. THERE IS EVEN A PURPLE PINEAPPLE. ALL THE MUGS INCLUDING THE ARTIST PROOFS SELL FOR $85 EACH. PLUS SHIPPING COSTS AS NEEDED. I HAVE SOLD ALL OF THE FIRST RUN OF 60 AND DAN TOOK SOME AP'S SO THERE WILL BE 8 OF THE 11 I DID FOR SALE AT THE CRAWL. THIS IS A RUN OF 100 TOTAL INCLUDING THE AP'S AND THE MOLD WILL BE DESTROYED AFTER THE 100 ARE MADE. I HAVE THE OPTION OF MAKING 29 MORE ON THE WISH LISTS.SO IF YOU END UP ON THE WAITING LIST YOU WILL EVENTUALLY GET A MUG. ===========================I had my color choices and now it was time to get to work. I looked at the clock and started to glaze. The top took a long time because I had to get the glaze into all the cut in areas. 3 layers is such a bummer for these glazes. I did all the cross patterns too. Next the triangles and then carefully around the letters. Then I wiped off any glaze that had run over. Next I did the bamboo, the tiki and the letters. The first Artist Proof is done. From each one I will learn what I need to do. It took three hours to glaze this one mug. That doesn't count the time it took to make it and to glaze the inside of the mug which I had already done. Just a close up to show the word Sacramento. Taking 3 hours plus to glaze one mug wasn't going to work well for me. I needed to see if I could find a system or a brush that could do it faster. So one by one as I did the AP's I watched the clock. Here are a few photos I took along the way. I had used water and a paper towel to clean off unwanted glaze now I was sanding it off to see how that would work. I liked it! I did some layering of glaze to see how it would blend. The glazing of the ten Artist Proofs took from 7/6/16 to 7/16/16 from early in the morning until late at night. But now they were done and ready to pose. Into the kiln and fired. Oh no, the glaze that I choose was a runny one. I didn't expect this at all. It was even running off the bottoms. The backs looked fine. The bit of run didn't really mess them up enough to worry about. Not only did I find out what didn't work I found out what did. Since I wasn't going to change glazes I needed to go to work to see how I could repair each of these. If I could do that then I would be able to fine turn any of the final mugs that needed help. I could see this wouldn't be easy. Mug making is a lot of work so it's a good thing I love what I do. Wendy PS if you want to be on the waiting list for the last 29 mugs let me know, these will be done with the next Wish List #7 |
Wow :) |
hang10tiki I do so love the Dole Plantation and all the Dole Whip. ================================= Sacramento Crawl mugs step by steps. So now I had 10 Artist Proofs with varying degrees of run over. I decided to touch them up and fire them again to see if they could be saved. This mug had the very worst run-over of the green glaze called Malachite by Duncan. It's an element glaze. This took an hour but slowly the glaze was ground off. I don't want to have to do this for every crawl mug! I re-glazed the lettering and fired it. It's good enough now to be sold.
This mug had the run-over in just one place. I added more of the green to the yellow and re-fired it. Before and after. Before and after. By making the pineapple immature or more green I believed that I could risk using this runny glaze and still end up with a cool mug. ================================ Here's what you can do if you are willing to stand for 10 hours and work until you drop! I have bought super heavy vases to use as my draining containers. Since the inside of the pineapple will not show up I decided to use a clear black glaze. I filled them until I got to the bottom of the leaves. I let them sit for 30 seconds and then poured out most into the jars and then let some drain by putting them upside down. I am doing this inside left portion in the green color so I used a heavy duty brush to scrub this back off. I got smarter and while the next batch was draining I glazed the bottoms. I leave a small un-glazed box for the mugs number to be placed. I kept going until I had finished glazing the insides, bottoms and cleaned up the leaves on all 60 mugs. ======================================= When the mugs came out of the kiln I was able to choose the best glazes for the different areas and letters of the pineapple. So I went to work on Artist Proof number 11. This mug would be the final Artist Proof and the one that would tell me if I'd chosen wisely. I narrowed down the glazes used to these three. I decided to start at the top and to do one layer. Maybe it wouldn't run as much. All these leaves I cut in took forever to glaze. I covered the entire pineapple in the green Malachite glaze. I let it dry overnight. Then I took a wet paper towel and wiped and wiped and wiped all these areas that I would glaze with a different color. Next I did the pineapple flesh with yellow IN Duncan glaze. IN glazes show detail well. I hoped it would blend with the Malachite to make a pretty blue-green. This would also make any runs not matter. YES I am back to spending about 3 hours to glaze one mug. In these photos I am using a sea green/brown for the bamboo, tiki, wording and every section of the backside. ============================== AFTER FIRING THIS IS HOW THE FINAL CAME OUT. This is how the crawl mugs will look. I hope you like it.
It is a good size pineapple and weighs between 3 and 4 pounds. I will include 2 long straws in different colors with each mug so they can be used at the crawl. Front exposed. Back exposed. 1 hour 50 minutes to post this many photos. In case you didn't know I love numbers and making tiki ceramics! Cheers, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-09-03 14:51 ] |
Love love love this mug!!! Wish I could make it to the crawl! |
Come on Wendy
If the light color of the body is Duncan Concepts, it's an underglaze and you can spray it on when it's greenware and fire it. When you pull it out of the kiln, it's bisque and and the light body color is already done. Then you spray the darker glaze on, wipe it off the high areas so the underglaze shows through, then hand glaze the other colors and, then do your glaze fire. Should save you a lot of time. GROG hate glazing, so GROG try and find as many shortcuts as possible. |
DixonAlibi I wish you could too. We really have a wonderful crawl. Three days of fun with friends. hang10tiki Ya got me! GROG I thought about spraying the green glaze but then with all the cuts for the leaves I decided to just tough it out. The only CN glaze was the yellow and I had to do that one by hand. One day I will think up an easy mug to glaze. Thank you for the suggestions and for showing up here. I hope your vacation in Hawaii was perfect. If you have time share some photos here for us to see. I missed you at Oasis. ================================== I went over the photos of the crawl mug as I made it and there were so many to choose from. I put a whole bunch on facebook because there it's very fast. I'm going to put some of them here. I decided that there really isn't a way to show how much work is involved in making a run of mugs. I'm so happy that we have once again got it done. Here goes. 60 mugs and many steps for each one.
Dan tore up an entire roll of paper towels for me to use. After glazing the entire outside in green the bottom is always a mess. This is as clean as I can get it with the wet paper towel. Drying outside before going into the kiln. It's always fun to unload.
After inspecting each mug for glaze skips I had to touch up with glaze and re-fire almost every single mug. Expensive for me. I really thought I wouldn't have this problem but a tiny spec of dust will do a glaze skip and so I just had to fix them. So if I had to fix a tiny spot I might as well fine tune the entire mug. Good thing I started in January. I will have these 8 Artist Proofs for sale at the crawl stops along with the run of mugs. You may swap or buy one of these as an extra. They are the same price as the crawl mugs. I choose the best colors for the crawl so why would I charge more for the rejects even though they are 1/1's? Table one. Table two. Both tables and all the boxes ready to be packed. It feels so good to have them done a month before the crawl begins. Last year I did the final touch ups in the kiln down to just a few days before the crawl began. Whew,the overview is done. I hope you have a good idea of the work involved. One more set of photos to complete the job. Cheers, Wendy |
Wow Now take a break n go out n find some tikis |
hang10tiki I was worn out after going through hundreds of photos to select just a few! I hope you are all rested now. ============================== The end of the work other than selling them at the Sacramento Tiki Crawl. I printed a photo of the drink ad from The Tropics. I numbered and signed each one. I ordered and received straws to go into the boxes with the mug. Two straws each a different color so couples can share their drinks. We bought packing materials. Dan had already put the boxes together and now it was time to box them up and to number the outside of each box. It was fun stacking them up until I feared for my couch so we moved them all back to the tables in the hallway. I am officially ready for the crawl. If you are ATTENDING the crawl and want to pay me the $85 ahead of time just send it to my PayPal account using the money to friends option and my email address. If you don't have that PM me and I'll send it to you. It would be great to deliver the mugs without having to make change. I don't do credit cards so if you don't do PayPal bring cash! Thank you, Wendy |
Can't wait to see what's next |
hang10tiki I'm always working. I hope my next project turns out. ============================== No step by steps today. Instead we met friends to have a belated birthday party for me!!! It was so kind to just put one candle on the cupcake. Afterwards we went tiki hunting. I found a huge candle. The guy has a ring in his nose? He's too big for my cupcake. I also found a beer glass from Tahiti and a Tahitian (correction, Buzzy said Figi bowl and he and Dr. Tiki Mojo said it's a Kava Kava bowl) wooden carved bowl. We were very happy. Cheers, Wendy [ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-09-11 07:56 ] |
While I am working on the Wish List #7 batch of Hot Tub Hula Girls (a very early start on these, months in advance) I will do a bit of catch up. Dan seems to continue to break things. I remember how excited he was to get these little cups in their original packaging. Well they ended up on the I turned them over and found they all were beyond repair. I told Dan he had others that actually matched the photo at the top of the package. He went on a tiki hunt in our home and was able to fill every spot. He is happy again. Cheers, Wendy |
Good hunting |
hang10tiki look what we found next. In Placerville, CA one of the gold rush towns we went to a thrift store off the beaten track. Dan went through hundreds of albums and found this gem from the Coco Palms. It's even autographed.
Some days are just so lucky! Wendy |
Sorry about Dan's new entry for the Tiki Mug Misfortunes thread. On the plus side, I've never seen those in the original packaging. So that was neat. |
Philot thanks for the link to the broken items thread. I forgot all about it. I have a whole lot of things to repair for friends that will soon show up here. I have to wonder if they are on that thread. I should add them too. ======================== Today we went to the home of kingstiedye aka Bullet. He had gifts for us. Dan and I dated at the Zombie Hut in Sacramento in the 1970's. Bullet scored 2 glasses from a woman who actually worked there. How wonderful that he would share one with us. He also gave me her hula skirts. Dan and I saw that show and may have seen the skirts in action! Thank you Bullet you are a super friend. Hugs, Wendy |
you thought they were gifts, until i started pulling out the stuff in need of repairs! really glad you two are so excited about the glass! cheers! |
kingstiedye Dan did get a gift because I'm doing the repairs!!! ========================= A while back I did a Tiki Bob who was ill. He just didn't seem ill enough so I went back to work on him. I added all these yellow dots one by one and then colored the bags under his eyes yellow. Then assuming he was ill because he ate a huge meal I titled the mug The Night After Out of the kiln all the new detail shows up. This time the glaze did just what I wanted it to. Bed Time, Wendy |
The Hot Tub Hula Girls #61 - #90 are finished. I posted more photos of the process on facebook because that is much faster than here. I think there are enough here to give a good idea of the work to make one of these. First they were cast, then assembled, sanded and bisque fired. Then they were washed and the insides were glazed. Then the outside of the coconuts were glazed. These are the colors of glaze that I use. Some took many jars some less than one. The skin is glazed with four layers and each time they are either carried to the kitchen to dry or the backyard. When all the skin coats were finished I moved them closer to my table. I then did the flowers in red and yellow. I let them dry and the next day I added more glaze in the blue water color around the upper body. Then back to drying. Next day it was time to start on the hair. I outlined it first and then filled it in. One layer done. Every glaze takes 3 to 4 layers. Once all the glazing on the hula girls is finished I do 2 layers of white underglaze on the top rim. When that is dry, again they were carried outside I do 2 layers of clear over the underglaze. Now they are drying outside until I can begin to load the kiln. I can do 16 at a time. Here's one layer before and after firing. These mugs have never been easy. The glazes that I use are CN's and not completely compatible. So each mug is glazed and fired 2 or 3 times. Here's the kind of touch ups that I have to do. One glaze skip at the water line where it meets the hair. A sample of the touchups. These three went into the kiln with some firing for the first time. one blond needed even more touch ups and another firing. All the mugs have been fired at least once and now every load is filled with mugs that were touched up with more glaze. Now it is time to use enamel paint and to do the faces one by one. One by one I got them done. I had one order for a swimsuit top and I got to choose how I painted it.
I did two blonds this time and one with tattoos on a breast and on one arm. It took me three hours to do these tattoos. Either a toothpick or this metal point is how I paint the faces. The last of them to be completed. Now I have to gather all the address and get these boxed (with Dan's help) so we can ship them.
The last time they are together. On no one blond is missing. I wonder where she's gone. Thank you for the visit, Wendy |
Very cool Wendy, keep those Hot Tub Hula Girls comin. I brought my Hot Tub Hula Girl #15 out to False Idol last night. Needless to say she was the talk of the town! Everyone wanted one and asked me questions about it! I met a lot of new friends just by bringing good ole #15 out for the night.
Just got back from a lil Florida trip Hula Girls look great Treg- awesome :) Edit to posts
I'll post bar purchases and fun stops later [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-09-17 22:12 ] |
The Mai-Kai
Da goods brought back home
Hit a few beaches here n there
More shells than sand :) |
Off to Orlando Disneys Polynesian Village Resort
Mugs I picked up at the gift shop
A few stops at Trader Sams
They wouldn't sell me a menu,
lunavideogames love the photo. Thank you. That girl sure gets around. hang10tiki I have been relaxing while you did all the posting work. I really enjoy your photos and the presentation. I'm looking forward to all the photos when Tiki Hula has his return visit to see you. ======================== Catch up photos. This past week we have been working to box up the Hot Tub Hula Girl mugs and to get them into the mail. We did that today but I forgot to take a photo. There was a long line behind us because we had so many boxes to mail. On Sunday we went to an antique fair in the gold country. We don't think these are old skulls but made into lamps they sure will shine. Here's their card. I found my Christmas present from Dan. I got to hold it and then he wrapped it up and hid it. I am starting to pour mugs again for the next Wish List #7. If you have an idea for a mug or bowl or head or painting or whatever it's OK to send your idea when you are ready. Cheers, Wendy |
Looks like you guys are having fun WDW
Back to the regularly scheduled program |
hang10tiki those photos of the Enchanted Tiki Hut just blew my mind. I didn't know those slit drum tikis are still there. Could you please send me all of your photos from there that show tikis especially the last ones. I have orders for more black velvet paintings based on those tikis and I only have a couple of photos. You will really help me. Thank you ahead of time. ============================== Well it's getting near time to let orders come in for Wish List #7. I won't start really working until the end of December and then it takes 6 months or so to get to the finish line. I also start the next crawl mug in January by sculpting and molding it. I worked on the binder today so that I can keep track of the orders. I will also do black velvet paintings. I've started to pour a few items ahead and then I wrap them in plastic. Today I learned something. I know that if the slip is not just right that it hangs up in the bottom half of the mug when you go to pour it out. That's why I've made torch lamps when I couldn't make a mug because the bottom had to be dug out to remove the wet clay. I decided to pour a HUGE Maori lamp. When Dan started to pour in the slip we both noticed that it was too thick. I said well this lamp is so HUGE that it probably won't matter. When Dan poured out the slip a couple of hours later he didn't check the insided. Well I learned that thick slip also hangs up in HUGE casts. When I opened the mold the next day the lamp melted like the Wicked Witch in OZ. I caught all the clay in a plastic bag and I will be able to use it when I hand build. I like slip made clay better than buying a big block of clay. The next day we poured the lamp again and a big bowl. I wrapped the lamp up so that it will keep until I'm ready to work on it. Same with the HUGE bowl. I store it upside down. The air trapped inside will prevent it from collapsing. Cheers, Wendy |
Sorry about the lamp Can't wait to see the next wish list creations |
hang10tiki I've started on the binder, organizing orders. This should be a fun one. No big deal on the lamp, just a one day set back. Thank you again for all the wonderful photos of your latest escapades. ============================ Time for more catch up photos. Yesterday Dan and I took his sister Kathi to a town we had never visited before. DIXON, CA. Only 45 minutes from our home. Dan found an Amway bottle. This was the first time he found one with the label on the bottom and the fluid inside. It's a wow On our last day trip to Folsom I found this fork. It was in such good shape I bought it. The dining room is filled up with all the sets of forks and spoons that I had to find a place for this one elsewhere. It is now in the Buzzy Bedroom. In the same room we hung up some grass skirts. We are decorating crazy. You can see Buzzy in this photo. When we were in San Diego for the Tiki Oasis 16 we went to Old Town. I picked out a couple of hanging birds. These two small birds in rings finished off our bird area. I love a challenge. I have to organize and fit all of these Sacramento Crawl mugs and Hot Tub Hula Girls into our vehicle for the crawl that starts on the 30th. I will really have to get these organized. That's one reason I'm asking everyone who can to pay me via Paypal before the event. One less thing to do when paring mugs with owners!
We continue to pour mugs for the next Wish List. More crawl mugs and bowls. We have now poured another 9 bringing the total to 80. I will keep these wrapped until I begin to work in December. Well that's my catch up for today. Cheers, Wendy |
Hi Wendy, The pineapple crawl mug is gorgeous! I so wish I was able to join you and get one! Great pics Jon! |
LoriLovesTiki I am going to make more of the run for the Sacramento Crawl during the next Wish List #7 since it's a run of 100 and I just made 71 so far. =========================== I've just been doing odd jobs while and getting ready for the Sacramento Crawl. I went to Alpha Fired Arts to get some more glaze and that's my kind of store. But when I go there I always find new glazes and then I have to do the glaze tests. This started a big project for me. I needed more of the strips I started cutting up the blocks of clay and turning them into small slabs with holes in the top for hanging on nails. I used this metal tool to make these indentations. This way I can see how the glaze will react to carved detail. I got this many done and then I spent a couple of hours cutting up all the clay and putting it into plastic bags with a bit of water which should keep it good for a few more months. They are now on the shelf with all the bowls and mugs I'm pouring in anticipation of the next Wish List #7. I am taking orders now. When I reach 50 projects I will close the list. Cheers, Wendy |
That's a lot of work to do before the work even starts Thanks Lori....... Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!! [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-09-25 19:17 ] |
Brian K
Long time lurker here (for the most part) How does one submit a request for the wish list? Do we post in this thread, or a private message? |
hang10tiki the shelves are filling up by the day. Summer is so much better for pouring than winter. Winter takes longer for each cast and for the molds to dry. It's best to start pouring right now! Brian K welcome to being visible although lurking is appreciated too. You send me your idea using Personal Messages at the top of the page. Then I will share my email with you so you can send me a drawing or photo of your idea. To see what I have made in the past check out my "Gallery" page. The most recent Wish List is on the last few pages. ============================== I think I have 25 or so sign ups so far. I will contact each one of you again before I start work. Cheers, Wendy |
Hey Wendy! Glad to see you're busy as always! :D |
zerostreet you too! Have fun vending at Ohana on the Lake event. Wish we could be there. ============================= The Sacramento Crawl is so close. This is a wonderful time for us. One we get to deliver all the mugs and to see all of our friends but I also have time to catch up on projects and to prepare for the next Wish List #7. My project yesterday was a vanity project. I decided that since it was such a thrill to be the featured artist in Tiki Magazine that I should make sure that I never forget that feeling. I had a frame with photos that I had taken of plants in Hawaii more than 10 years ago. I emptied that frame and filled it with my article and pieces I cut off of the photos that I removed. So I began cutting and taping. All done. Now where do I hang it? AHhhh there was a perfect spot in the hallway with all the crawl mug boxes. Done. Now I have a vanity wall! I couldn't bare to cut up a magazine so this was done with photos. ================================== As of this morning I have 31 of the 50 places filled. I decided to do it by person rather than by object because some people order as many as 8. As soon as I hit 50 the Wish List is closed for orders. Cheers, Wendy PS I will contact each person before I start to check for changes |
STOP Here. I've passed the 50 limit so I have to say Sorry to any of those who hesitated. Thank you everyone for the overwhelming response. It may take more than 6 months to fill all these outstanding and creative ideas. I'll do my best for each of you. Wendy Cevola |
I like the Wendy wall Wow Let the next wish greatness begin Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!! [ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-09-27 12:39 ] |
hang10tiki thank you. ============================ The crawl is starting this Friday. I'm super busy getting things organized to make the mug distribution work easily. I am going to bring two cars to Dave and Eva's. One car will have the mugs already assigned and sold by numbers, the Artist Proof mugs and Hot Tub Hula Girls. The other car will have the rest of the crawl mugs. First there gets their choice of the lowest numbers. #1 is waiting for the early bird. When this party is over I will get back to work. Cheers, Wendy |
Can't wait! I may not be at Dave and Eva's though since it's my last day at work... |
TikiHula I tomorrow is nothing but fun for you and the start of a wonderful life that is really close to the Magic Kingdom of Orlando. ============================== I am married to such a good sport. I like to document every time we have to buy a huge bag of peanuts for shipping mugs. I asked him to pose and he did He was so nice to do it again. It took me all day to organize all the boxes and misc. things I need to transport to the crawl. I am starting out with 2 cars at the first stop. This car has all the mugs that are first come first choice. This car has all the mugs whose numbers have been assigned to crawlers and all the for sale artist proofs. You may give up your crawl mug to get one of these or you may buy one to own more than one mug. Same price $85. Bullet scored a real Hawaiian grass skirt from a dancer at the Zombie Hut. I am transporting it to Psycho Tiki D. I was only able to fit everything into the two cars by leaving the mugs to be shipped at home. Once the crawl is over and I have shipped out all the mugs I will start on the Wish List #7 binder. It's going to be a really good time this year. Many creative ideas that will be a challenge to make. See you at the crawl or here. Wendy |
Have fun u crawlers |
hang10tiki it starts today!!! ============================= Dan, his sister Kathi and I have been going to nearby towns to go to thrift stores tiki hunting. Last Monday we went to Vacaville. I found this but didn't buy it. Next was Fairfield. We found two of these hand made all wood plaques. Many pieces were missing but that was OK. The first one is a bone in the nose figure and the second looks like a lion. At the same thrift store he found records. We had a wonderful day trip. Today starts the Sacramento Crawl and even greater fun. Cheers, Wendy |
The crawl is on one day down and two to go. Then I will start posting. VampiressRN's mother took a very bad fall so if you have a chance please send Marlene a note of support. She was up all night in ER. Wendy |
Ouch |
hang10tiki she is now in a very nice rehabilitation center. We all hope for a speedy recovery for her. ================================== Today Dan and I are contacting those on the list for the Sacramento Crawl. The messages are posted here or on facebook. Once we have these shipped then my posts will be back to normal. I have many fun photos of the gang at the crawl. It was perfect. I got enough hugs to make each day special. Cheers, Wendy |
Can't wait for the pics |
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