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Little lost Tiki's Art Chronicles and Stuffs! Page 70!A brief Return,BUT! Some new pieces to Delight YOU!!!

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20th Century Man posted on 12/12/2016

Kinny! SOOOO happy to meet you at Tiki Makeke at Don's HB and score one of your amazing paintings, "Sleeping Island" (photo above).
I enjoyed reading your narrative about the painting and I could have easily chosen another 3-4 pieces to take home but my wallet was already
butt-hurtin' from all the other stuff we bought that day. Your skill as an artist is a gift from God and brings joy to so many - MAHALOS, braddah!!!

little lost tiki posted on 12/14/2016

Aloha Folks!
Lots of DRAWINGS to share today
So let me visit with a few friends and we will be on our way!

On 2016-12-06 06:28, danlovestikis wrote:
http://www.kinnyruzic.com after all these years I clicked here and found so much art that I'm dumbstruck.
I clicked randomly and !!! found art I didn't know you had ever done. Blush.
I'm in love with the "River Totem". I can't get enough of your birds. I couldn't figure out how to order a print.
HELP. Wendy

Mele kalikimaka Wendy to you and Dan!
Thanks for visiting the website.... i plan on dumping a lot more on there in the future,so you might just be able to see even MORE pieces never seen before! to be frank.....i'll completely forget about a painting and then BAM! i'll see a file of it in a dusty computer folder and it;s Like NEW! Thought you would like the River Totem... it's sweet,like you!i have no prints yet.... got it shot nicely,but awaiting the original to get adopted and then i'll tinker with the hi-rez file.... OM me with your email and i'll send you a bigger dpi shot you can print out and gaze at in the meantime! Hugs! :)

On 2016-12-06 07:44, hang10tiki wrote:
Another mind blowing wave of awesomeness

Thanks man! Merry Christmas!
Scroll down for something a lil different
but i suspect,will still delight you!

On 2016-12-12 15:27, 20th Century Man wrote:
Kinny! SOOOO happy to meet you at Tiki Makeke at Don's HB and score one of your amazing paintings, "Sleeping Island" (photo above).
I enjoyed reading your narrative about the painting and I could have easily chosen another 3-4 pieces to take home but my wallet was already
butt-hurtin' from all the other stuff we bought that day. Your skill as an artist is a gift from God and brings joy to so many - MAHALOS, braddah!!!

Thank you 20th century man!
Thanks for the enjoyable chit chat and adopting one of my babies! i hope it will bring you years of soothing restful mana.... Will be vending in january,so come on down to Don's and see whatever else new that may be born! And Thank you for the kind words and yes, it is a warm feeling that this gift can affect so many!

And a big Mahalo to all of youse who popped by to look around...
i hope it was inspiring! :)

Been taking advantage of my work and lunch breaks and just drawing and doing studies
and striving to get better
as well as gather material and ideas for the year ahead's pieces....
a number of these are on regular sketchbook paper
and others are on watercolor sketchbook paper
These have all been conceived since November
and doesn't even record them all here...
(will share those later)

But today it is mostly ENVIRONMENT
and ways to populate these vistas..

I hope you enjoyed these...
The more one studies and strives towards a goal,the more that goal comes into focus...
It is our responsibility to better our talents and to pass that gift on
i hope sharing these lil sketchbook glimpses
has sparked something in you
and makes you smile!

See you soon Ohana!

little lost tiki posted on 12/14/2016


[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2016-12-13 23:46 ]

little lost tiki posted on 12/14/2016

oops! Double post!

little lost tiki posted on 12/14/2016


Will carve posted on 12/14/2016

Beyond words Ken.

hang10tiki posted on 12/14/2016

Yep very Kool
Talented young Man U r sir


hiltiki posted on 12/14/2016

Love your sketches specially the one called Ambush, let us know if there's any progress pictures of that piece in the future.

little lost tiki posted on 01/03/2017

Aloha Ohana
and a Merry Christmas and happy new year to you ALL!
Here's to a wonderful new year,packed with Adventure and opportunity!

On 2016-12-14 03:50, Will carve wrote:
Beyond words Ken.

Mahalo Will!
Sharing these are meant to INSPIRE,not humble
The more we all share and grow and playfully challenge each other
the better our scene/movement/genre/lifestyle becomes!
Thankful for this talent and that it and technology are aligned.
Happy New Year!

On 2016-12-14 06:59, hang10tiki wrote:
Yep very Kool
Talented young Man U r sir

Cheers H-10!
Merry Christmas and happy new Year!
Always a pleasure to serve!
and "young" is a little too generous!
especially the way it feels after an eight hour art tear :)

On 2016-12-14 09:27, hiltiki wrote:
Love your sketches specially the one called Ambush, let us know if there's any progress pictures of that piece in the future.

Happy New year Hil!
Thank you. I have a finished and progress pieces on a "Before the Ambush" a piece inspired by that sketch
but a darker,deeper in the jungle painting of the actual Ambush is on the list... Will keep you posted! :)

Well, the path has had MUCH progress since last we spoke
and i plan on sharing all the steps

But for now,here's two shots
merely for crowd placation...

but tonight is the last night of a 5 day holiday
and time is GOLDEN
so I'm just gonna share some Captain Cook goodies..
Well this exhibition came up...
"Dark and Stormy" A Tiki Nightmare
an exhibition coming up in February
At Night Gallery Fine Art in Santa Ana, CA. http://www.NightGalleryFineArt.com
The show will run from February 1st - March 15th 2017
There will be two receptions- Feb 4th & March 4th 2017
and i was feeling the urge to stray from the flock a little
to really get to the heart of a tiki nightmare...
The story of captain Cook,first revered as Lono
fit the bill...
i wanted to capture the savagery of a people and a god betrayed
i had read that he wasn't struck down until he TURNED HIS BACK to the Hawaiians
most still in fear of his strange power,costume,and mana,as a chief,
I wanted to capture THAT
and after some research,found an actual tiki that was created to represent Cook as Lono
a reminder,something to face the audience and say."See what happens when the tiki gods are misrepresented?"

and here's just an offshoot sketch
of an apparition of lono grabbing Cook
holding him while dagger and spears pierced his back and neck

so,how foes one plan such an epic theme?
by walking around and getting a lay of the land...

February 14, 1779, Kealakekua Bay, HI

Different views...from the ship or the shore?

Here's the lava rock tidepool he stumbled into
right before they fell upon him...
there;s a plaque there
maybe someday i'll see it

and a masonic Obelisk! JOY!

Lovin that interesting rise in the hills
that powerful diagonal
tumbling towards the ocean....

Here it is as it curves to the right...

Also, one has to keep in mind that the vegetation was different in 1779

See? much sparser...

Next... How to compose the characters?
How to extract a pathos akin to the desperation and madness of Gericault's "Raft of the Medusa"?
Do i include the subtle obelisk into the composition?

Too ambitious and forced.....

Too close..... the LAND has to also become a character
small signs of occupation,of ownership amidst the brutality...
(and yes, i know that's a Ku,not a Lono pictured...)
their festivals had Ku followed by lono in terms of the way the seasons dictated them
Ku, the god of warfare,was a more suitable incarnation for Cook,in my opinion....

Here;s notes of one of the accounts gathered..

a more detailed Cook

some different musings on composition and point of view

and another.....

and ,of course.there were many Hawaiians gathered
chiefs,priests,warrior,and even the aged king
so some background activity MAY be required
if the piece allows it....

and here are some other wanderings/studies
some from historical sources
attempting to get a feel for the ship
and any other element that might pop up
So here are some sketchbook explorations
that may not make it into the piece
but make it into me
for later sharing....
extra credit!

and here's a drawing i made based on a historical source but depopulated to get a better look at the Island....

and to blow minds even FURTHER
Pyrography with acrylic tinting on wood
is the medium for this piece!
15 x 30"

Fingers crossed!
Goodnight Ohana!
and many Thanks for all the visits and comments!

danlovestikis posted on 01/03/2017

The thought the effort the creativity, I am blown away and this may be the first time I've written those words. I hope so because you deserve higher praise. How you do so much is beyond me because I work all day and it doesn't show like this. I am so happy to know you and to see your work here.

You really did capture the horror of his death.

Great news about your next show. You go there and have fun rocking it. Wendy

MaukaHale posted on 01/03/2017

I really enjoyed ready through your research and analysis. I had read the story of Cook's death but your visual interpretation visual depiction made it more compelling.

The art work is very creative.

Thank you,

little lost tiki posted on 01/20/2017

Aloha Kids!
Good to be back!
A lot of Art and Information to relay
so let's do it to it!
First,let's answers some visitors who were nice enough to leave some comments
Feedback is always nice...
i've shared my heart and inner workings
so it's wonderful to get a peek into how YOUR inners react to the work
no man is a tropical island
and whenever we interact
both sides grow!
:) Sorry! Took a few shots of Bushmills to loosen up the brain filters
so this post MAY get a lil philosophical and lofty at times
but hey! Creativity is all around so let's all have a swig!

On 2017-01-03 06:07, danlovestikis wrote:
The thought the effort the creativity, I am blown away and this may be the first time I've written those words. I hope so because you deserve higher praise. How you do so much is beyond me because I work all day and it doesn't show like this. I am so happy to know you and to see your work here.
You really did capture the horror of his death.
Great news about your next show. You go there and have fun rocking it. Wendy

my dear Wendy,
Such a Serious part of our history should never be taken lightly
(unless satire is the intent.of course)so i'm just paying his life and fate with a measure of respect and gravitas....We'll be discussing that more later on down the post when some FINISHED details of the woodburn are revealed....One HAS to make time because it shows an example to others,and perhaps Cook's spirit will feel a momentary relief,knowing his deeds and death are still pondered....
I'm so glad for this wonderful life and all the talented and loving and insightful and funny people that have wandered thru...
More show news below...
hugs to YOU
and Dan too,i guess

On 2017-01-03 08:04, MaukaHale wrote:
I really enjoyed ready through your research and analysis. I had read the story of Cook's death but your visual interpretation visual depiction made it more compelling.
The art work is very creative.
Thank you,

Hey MaukaHale!
Thank YOU for the kind words and i appreciate the props. An artist's life is lived INSIDE a lot
solitary observations and ruminations over pieces of dialogue and snippets of conversations
roll around this gray matter
bouncing to and fro like a grey bouncehouse
SO it's nice to hear this has helped fluff up Cook's saga and given you some visual references to the event.Scroll on down for some close-ups and a bit of banter
Oh! JUST finished this book a few days ago and it is a great short read that covers the varying accounts of Cook's last voyage,but also the swing from hero to villain to hero
depending on what island you're asking...... Here's a link if you're interested...
and mahalo for the visit,and especially leaving a comment. They're much appreciated
and i thank you.

Okeeeeee Kids...
Let's get on with some art banter and stuff!

Here's a pic of yours truly working on "the Path"
a piece i've had to put down for the time being
as more important projects have arisen...

Here's how far it has progressed...
Time to let it simmer for a bit
before i have to stalk and capture this strange elusive painting some more...

and here is the finished PYROGRAPHICAL stage of
"the Final Moments of Captain Cook"

But that's old news
Because it's finished!
Can't reveal it yet in all it's FULL-ON Glory
until we get closer to the exhibition...

The idol in the woodburn is based on an actual idol that represented
Lono/Cook and was worshipped by the islanders

Here's the temple,with an elevated offering of fruit outside
This gives the landscape a small sense of occupation
amidst the brush....

a close-up of the Tiki. it probably wouldn't be outside like this
but inside the temple,or elevated on a pole.
The reason he is outside is an artistic choice.
Lono/Cook is facing the viewer
a grim host to the ensuing slaughter in da water!
and perhaps a reminder
not to get to big for our britches
do not represent who you are not
"stop frontin" in the strange lingo of you kids...

Alright.... Here we have the moment after Cook is struck,cries out,and is revealed to
experience pain. Again, in the accounts,he is stabbed and falls down on his face into the lava rock tide pool. and again,for artistic purposes,and to give James Cook the dignity he deserved
decided to take the route of the post-mortem apotheosis prints that were everywhere for a brief period
after news of his death finally reached Britannia...
His arm is thrust upward,an unanswered appeal to the Heavens
as spears and clubs and knives flash and splash and glisten around him...

Here's a closer look,at his uniform,stained with blood as he leans backwards
staining a rock and the beautiful blue water...
Shouts and Sinew finish the deed
as Cook realizes that
despite all of his discoveries
and adventures
and selfless advancement of his country's knowledge and acquisition
that he is still just soft stuff covered in bone,muscle,and skin
and even tho our minds can cross limitless expanses
and figure out complex equations
and map undiscovered territories
that we are all still mortal
and weak and all owe our creator a death.

An extra close close close-up
So you can see the actual laying of the colors over the woodburnt part
some of the aqua rim lighting from the water.
Also, his LOOK
i wanted a gasp,but a dignified gasp,
a shock,
but not a completely unexpected one...

Forgot to mention that four other seamen perished during this scuffle
here's one of them floating and lolling in the water....

That's it for now with the woodburn... Thought i should end the narrative with a little piece of peaceful paradise to ponder...

Here's where it will be appearin!
Along with Toesy,Douggles,candy,and a bunch more Ultra talent
that's sure to Soak your boat!

and here are some drawings and sketchbook musings...

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Went on a Solomon island bender for some future projects....

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"Joyful Dancer"
6 x 12"
acrylic on wood

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Here's the original study for the piece below...

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"Nocturnal Nguzu Nguzu"
10 x 20"
acrylic on wood

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Come on down this Saturday!
i'll have these two newbie paintings and a whole lot more!
Hope to see you there!

Well... Time for bed....

Mahalo for visitin!

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Will carve posted on 01/20/2017

I may have said this before.

Beyond words & humbling.

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hang10tiki posted on 01/20/2017

Diggin Cook

Nocturnal colors are eye exploding
As always: AWESOME Bruddah

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danlovestikis posted on 01/20/2017

I like what Will Carve said. Beauty, horror, fun, expressive. Just a wow expelled from the depths of my being. Now one big smile for you. Wendy

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cy posted on 01/20/2017

Always such great ideas and execution Ken, thanks for taking the time to post here on TC!

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 03/26/2017

Has it really been almost TWO months since the last posting?
Sincerest Apologies to you all....
i should have just hopped on here and posted a few things at a time
but ,bring IN THE ZONE
one does not want to disturb the precarious equilibrium
that goes into creating...

Well, here's a list of things done did since last we spoke..
Some i can share
others have to wait...

1 screenprinted mai tai glass for Hidden Harbor in Philadelphia
2 mugs and a bowl for Tiki Farm
FIVE paintings for a bitchin exhibition and other surprises in the FALL!
and,conservatively,about 75 sketchbook drawings
(not all Tiki,but art is art,eh?)
and got thru 2 Vonneguts ( Mother Night/God Bless You,Mr. Rosewater)
and am currently enjoying switching between Phillip K, Dick (A Scanner Darkly) and Rodin (On Art and Artists)
An artist should be constantly feeding and observing and learning
however daunting and laborious that responsibility may be...
So ,let's chat with some friends and then get down to the ReAL nitty gritty!

On 2017-01-20 04:26, Will carve wrote:
I may have said this before.
Beyond words & humbling.

i think you HAVE said that before! :)
Thanks for the visits and I'm glad these offerings captivate the Ohana!

On 2017-01-20 09:56, hang10tiki wrote:
Diggin Cook

Nocturnal colors are eye exploding
As always: AWESOME Bruddah

Well, Cook is done
was exhibited
and is now home at the studio
hanging near where i paint
as a reminder of not to assume any identity except oneself...
and never get too big for your britches...
i will be sharing some pics on here of Cook
i think it went over some heads
but felt the theme powerful and important enough
to merit it's representation of the Dark Side of Tiki...
Colors have been both a friend and a challenge lately
The tension makes for some great energy!
Thank you for the constant Stoke,brother!

On 2017-01-20 10:19, danlovestikis wrote:
I like what Will Carve said. Beauty, horror, fun, expressive. Just a wow expelled from the depths of my being. Now one big smile for you. Wendy

Aloha Wendy!
All aspects of life have their own message,their own character,as Rodin says... So even ugly events have a purpose,a lesson... He describes the flaw,the character of a person,to far outweigh physical beauty at times
because of the knowledge and emotion imparted. A common thread...
One Big SMILE for YOU,Wendy,dear art-sister

On 2017-01-20 14:52, cy wrote:
Always such great ideas and execution Ken, thanks for taking the time to post here on TC!

Mahalo cy!
lways nice to hear from such a brain as yours! And so happy to be able to provide some fodder for it! :) Sorry for the long pause between posts..... Life just kinda gets in the way... Plus,when it's a choice between creating and posting....art always wins....

Well, now it's time to catch y'alls up some
concerning the Art Side of thangs...

"the Final Moments of Captain Cook"
pyrography and acrylic tinting on wood
15 x 30"
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and a few close-ups for you
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Next entry is the earlier-mentioned Hidden harbor Mai Tai glass
which should be out very soon!
But in the meantime,here are some of the roughs i sent to Adam
as we developed the idea of picturing a Hidden Harbor that wraps around the glass...a very fun project,and i don't take on too many!
These were just sketches/concepts and existing sketches sent to inspire and create a conversation with at least some visual reference...
it's always a delight to compare the embryonic stage with the finished product.. Hopefully next posting,the finished products would be public and available to share....
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This was a labour of love and was even graced by a studio visit from Adam and his lady when they visited California a while back!
Very excited to share the final finished product!

Alas,the Tiki Farm new mugs are under wraps during development
and i always give Holden the final word on when to share
but i can say,two of the items were culled from some familiar characters in this strange Tiki world i paint... That is all for now
but i promise you will not be disappointed!

Also, will soon be creating a few prints for Spoonflower
here's a teaser of an element from one...
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a lil Jim Flora,a little Chinese papercut style...

and,with regret,i cannot share the five new paintings that i JUST finished
as they are for a future exhibition and other cool things
That is not to say,that the THEME or idea of some of these mystery paintings may be hidden in these jottings and scrawlings below....
Just sayin...

Which is what sketches are for
Opening you up to new paintings
new places to explore...

So i hope that these sketchbook entries can inspire you
despite the lack of color in the entries...

Kids..... Always keep your sketchbook around
Ideas are ephemeral and with our 15 second attention spans
it's good to jot straight from brain to paper
capture it!

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Asmat Sculpture study and a landscape for a painting someday!

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This one is kind of a visual pun
Anyone who has slowly waded into a cold body of water can
understand this Tangaroa's chilly experience
when water hits that certain AREA....
but i digress...
Below are some more abstracted versions of this theme..
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some misc. studies/ideas to develop
characters to populate paintings...

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a Tiki Bar still Life
just because...
These studies were created on either sketchbook paper
or watercolor sketchbook paper
with an ink pen/waterbrush pen/Copic marker/pencil
in case you was wonderin...

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Profile of Yipwan Figure,Papua New Guinea

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The Stowaways

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Ancestor Figure, Papua new Guinea

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Some waterfall landscapes

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Ways of creating graphic decorative vegetation
thrown into a landscape!

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Rower and a Hidden harbor landscape

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Cave of the Ancestors

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Lono and Hut

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Incomplete Tropical landscape

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Paradise (from the reverse side of the paper)

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Paint or Food container, papua new Guinea

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Imaginary Canoe Prow

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Food or Paint Bowl,Papua new Guinea

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Adoration of the Moai

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Ancestral Face, papua New Guinea

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Ancestor Figure,Papua new Guines

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Pitcairn Island, Bounty bay

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The Secret falls

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study for "the midnight Sentinels"

Well, still have a bunch more to scan
and will share them next time!
Goodnight and Enjoy,my friends!
i hope they give you as much pleasure
as i had creating them!

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danlovestikis posted on 03/26/2017

little lost tiki with such an impressive body of work you can have a day off now and then. I always think your work should be in a big thick book but that we are so lucky to see all the pages first. I did read all of your words and not just look at the art. I did notice the dip in the cold water right away. My crawl mug has no water but it does have a ...

Thank you for the time you gave as a gift to post all these creations. I don't have the words to express how wonderful a day it is to find your updates of art.

Many hugs, Wendy

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 03/26/2017

GROG not sure how you have energy to do more art after doing art all day at work. GROG have to draw a-mile-minute at work and still not have enough time to finish. The last thing GROG want do after work is come home and draw more.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/be83b2067b0de6922aa8b90811fe71c4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
seagoat posted on 04/05/2017

Good stuff as usual. Thanks for sharing all the sketches/ideas/thought process. Will be cool to see the final HH glass. More stuff with Tiki Farm as well, Nice! Still need to take your advice on having the sketchbook around but have been working on things here and there. Cheers!

Z Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/cd67976564010f19d55603c8c7220017?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
zerostreet posted on 04/11/2017

Amazing work Ken! Looking through your posts I wonder if you've thought of collecting your sketches and notes in a book?

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 04/24/2017

whoops! Mis-posted this!
scroll down one for the GOODS!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2017-04-24 06:46 ]

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 04/24/2017

Aloha Ohana and Fellow World Occupants!
Well, got a lot to share
a lot to go over
lot to cover
so let's get to it,m'kay?

But first,allow me a moment to answer all my lovely friends
who were so kind as to leave some words here on this post....
As much as i appreciate all the views
sometimes it feels like these offerings are observed by a handful of humans
and a Mothership of Mute sentient Watchers... Silent Observing Mysterious...
So,Watchers,allow me a few lines to thank and chat with those kind enough to stop by for some chit-chat...

On 2017-03-26 07:40, danlovestikis wrote:
little lost tiki with such an impressive body of work you can have a day off now and then. I always think your work should be in a big thick book but that we are so lucky to see all the pages first. I did read all of your words and not just look at the art. I did notice the dip in the cold water right away. My crawl mug has no water but it does have a ...
Thank you for the time you gave as a gift to post all these creations. I don't have the words to express how wonderful a day it is to find your updates of art.
Many hugs, Wendy

Hello Wendy! Seeing your steadfast comments and sweet support always makes me smile ear to ear. Thank you for all the visits here AND for not only talking the talk,but seriously walking the walk! Your drive,output,and happy heart is SO inspiring! Big Hug to you and Dan! So happy about all the media attention you have received! The world needs to meet you and your beautiful ceramics!
i KNEW you would "get" that little visual humor and i like how you've left your crawl mug "attribute" as a ...
So funny!
ALSO, LIKE MINDS THINK ALIKE... Been thinking more and more about publishing these creations...for now,i'm contemplating a few volumes of Tiki oriented sketches...
paintings,i'd like to wait for full-color Taschen level collection,so that may be awhile....
But for now....
Prepare yourself,as i am going to unleash another tsunami of sketches,paintings,and whatnot.... Crust never Sleeps! :)

On 2017-03-26 12:46, GROG wrote:
GROG not sure how you have energy to do more art after doing art all day at work. GROG have to draw a-mile-minute at work and still not have enough time to finish. The last thing GROG want do after work is come home and draw more.

Hey Ernie!
Great to hear from you!
Discipline,my friend....Discipline to make the most of my work breaktime and lunch break to read/research/fill the current sketchbook..... These Tiki drawings are just the tip of the iceberg as i also have been doing studies of work by Cellini,Blake,Bruegel,Benton,etc and other things read or discovered during the week. What is life but an opportunity to push our talents and skills to their utmost? To always strive for betterment? To wade thru the molasses of stuff that keeps us from art?
When one's heart is dedicated towards What they were created for,what could go wrong?
GROG just Lazy. My secret wish is that GROG would be less lazy and add more to the visual betterment of our strange scene...

On 2017-04-05 12:42, seagoat wrote:
Good stuff as usual. Thanks for sharing all the sketches/ideas/thought process. Will be cool to see the final HH glass. More stuff with Tiki Farm as well, Nice! Still need to take your advice on having the sketchbook around but have been working on things here and there. Cheers!

Aloha Seagoat!
Thank you for your words and happy i can share what i make with a grateful audience...
I do believe you were able to see the Hidden Harbor glass in the reals at Don's marketplace last Saturday....When you make it to the studio i can show you the Top Secret stuff that's in the works!GET THAT SKETCHBOOK! Even a small one.... Thoughts are fleeting,especially in today's ADD world....Write down and sketch anything that FEELS like a great concept.....one can always cross out the "not so good" ones later,but get them written down as inspiration is a fickle and flighty creature
and can disappear at any time....

On 2017-04-11 06:21, zerostreet wrote:
Amazing work Ken! Looking through your posts I wonder if you've thought of collecting your sketches and notes in a book?

Hey Robert!
Like i said to Wendy earlier....it will happen,but would probably be a few volumes... Thinking of trying to publish at least one collection for Oasis this year... There's just so many to sort thru! I guess manic output is both a blessing and a curse! You've got the publishing thang DOWN and are an inspiration to "hobbyist" publishers like myself... Keep cooking out the goods,Robert... I see at least 7-900 more paintings outta you before hitting that studio in the sky!Thanks for the visit,Sir and hoping you can make it to Cali again sometime....

Well, it is now PUBLIC and i can share some shots of this...
You've seen the development,but now you get to see the GOODS!
may i introduce Hidden harbor's new screenprinted mai Tai glass?

Six colors and Eight screens,it may be one of the most intense screenprinted glasses in all of Tikidom! and i got blisters on my brain and fingers because off it! Gladly, and Joyfully,i may add....
Here's some photos of it.. printed by the Infamous Mean Gene,it truly is a technological marvel of the Modern Age! These aint no 2-color old school screenprinted Smuckers jars your grammaw had! :)
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and here's a couple of views of the continuous landscape wraparound of this Beauty!
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and here's the art!
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You may have noticed the Tiki in the foreground
it's a Crazy Al Wonder that resides at hidden Harbor in Philadelphia
Adam, the owner,asked that the bar's mascots,the tiki and a Siren figurehead
be showcased amongst this scene..
Here's the Siren...
i put her on the prow of a shipwreck of shore,a warning to those who dare to enter this Hidden harbor!
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and here is a sketch of Al's Tiki for this project...
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Here's the link if you'd like a few! Tell Gene that Kinny sent cha!

and here's some drawings as i attempt to populate the pages of a current sketchbook...
"Nocturnal Village Attack" a future painting for certain!
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Another few hut studies to put into environments and SITUATIONS later!
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the Secret Island
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"Mani Prow Ornament"
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"Night Idol"
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Moai and Orongo Birdmen
You'll see another piece with these elements as we scroll downward
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"Canoe Prow-Yapen Island"
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studies for idols in"Moonlight Guardians"
That was the last entry of the last post if you care to see further development...
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even MORE Moai Orongo Birdmen studies!
Easter Island just doesn't get old..it's a lot MORE than Moais and Birdmen!
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"Meeting House"
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a lil landscape Papua new Guinea Massim Area
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"the late Night Ceremony"
studies for a future painting?
a painting that's finished but not made public yet?
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Man! Do i love HUTS!
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Re-visitation of an old concept for a yet to be finished Children's Book
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study of Rano Raraku,where they would carve moais out of the mountainside...
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This was a fun study,just becoming absorbed into the mastery of carving and textured weathering was well worth the time put into this sketchbook entry!
"Waka Koiwi"
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Alright! You're "fairly" caught up on the sketchbook entries....

Now here's some actual DRAWINGS on WATERCOLOR paper
which i've been adding to my drawing vending collection...

"the Little Lost Tiki Sat Down..."
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"Ku and Palm"
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"the Waka Brothers"
my girlie called dibs on this one...
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There's more,but i need to clean up the files first...
my apologies...

i DO hope there's enough here already to keep you occupied
and mayhaps transport you to some distant tropical world...

Oh yes! Now onto the paintings!
Been working on FIVE hi-quality pieces for a secret thing in the Fall
(Got em all done and more on that later)
so it was a bit frustrating to only have mostly drawings
to share these last few postings...
Don's Tiki marketplace was beckoning
and one can't vend with OLD inventory

Which gives yours Truly
a chance to play
to mixup colors in ways that are almost criminal
and then wrestling them back into the corral....
Some you may recognize from sketchbook studies
others just pop onto the surface
or are hastily channeled with a white pastel pencil
onto the surface.....

acrylic on black gessoed canvas
8 x10" i think...
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"the Conversation"
acrylic on wood
12 x 12"
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This dialog between fish and surface dweller is a theme that has
bubbled up every so often in the paintings
as far back as the late 90's/early 2000's...
Here is the first incarnation of "the Conversation"
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and here is a more recent woodburn that expands the narrative...
"Song for the Fish King"
pyrography on wood with acrylic tinting
20 x 20" ?
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"the Likely Candidate"
acrylic on artboard panel
10 x 20"
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Crocs and Birds... How could i not revisit such a theme?
This one is more sight gag than anything,but radiates a "high art" moral observation
Those who have the most are the likeliest prey of those in need...
or flash your winnings around and it's liable to attract someone who wants it...
Any other suggestions?
Love it when i can get lofty in this Tiki genre!

Here's two older Croc/Bird pieces with the same hungry anticipation
"Dusk on the Sepik River"
acrylic on wood with a Bamboo Ben frame
forgot the size but i think around 2 x3'
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"Morning Meals"
ink and bleachpen on ink and tissue paper colored watercolor paper
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Here's two simpler offerings
"Tiki Moderne 1 and 2"
acrylic on wood
6 x 12"
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/58fd92c5.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=0fe2cf80877b43b5159346cb8c7b26c2 Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/58fd92d0.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ef880ba8d466d579aaf85188a768f297

Here's one inspired by a sketchbook entry of a while back...
"Ancestor Figure"
acrylic on artboard panel
10 x 20"
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Nocturnal Tropicali
acrylic on artboard
16 x 20"
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"PNG mask bought in the market in Melbourne"
acrylic on artboard panel
10 x 20"
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Been meaning to do some studies of some of the masks in the studio
thinking of doing a few more!

"Spirit of the Drink"
acrylic on artboard panel
10 x 20"
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and my favorite...
"Cave of the Ancestors"
acrylic on artboard panel
10 x 20"
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This was merely cannibalizing some background elements from one painting
and transporting them into a different environment
but it turned out so well!
i was all rocking in place doing a slightly autistic joyful jig
after finishing this one!
Sometimes everything just falls into place

and here's where these fellows were kidnapped from..
"Moai on the River Styx"
acrylic and paintpen on canvas
36 x 36"
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and the drawing it was inspired by!
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The skull shields were a great way to reinforce the overall River of the dead vibe....

aaaaaand That's all kids,for now
i have around 25 drawings awaiting cleaning up
and then we will meet and talk again!

Thanks for a fun evening Ohana!

EJ Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/5a1878ad9866d0145abf45dfc046ce13?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
El Jefe posted on 04/24/2017

All looks stellar as always. The glasses came out top notch. I always enjoy looking at your art. Thanks for sharing.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8f5088418f70de46f901538b3580a3c4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MaukaHale posted on 04/24/2017

The color in some of these is phenomenal.

H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/21154/649119ceb7046.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=200302534909fce323ced4bdc72e29c6
hang10tiki posted on 04/25/2017

Like I needed another reason to visit Pittsburgh
Great glasses
Time to book a flight

Love it all sir

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fd5eae298d1131eb2381bc5c69f202ec?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hiltiki posted on 04/27/2017

Love, love, love your Hidden Harbor Mai Tai glass and everything else collectively.

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 04/27/2017

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Send to GROG.

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little lost tiki posted on 07/05/2017

Aloha Ohana!
a quick drive-by art dump that should catch you up to mid-May's output and observations...
Will slowly catch you up to July over the next few weeks....
My apology for the lack of posting
domestic matters and whatnot had to be attended to.
Enough time for art
but not enough time to post it all...
i Thank you all for the visits and wonderful comments.
You kids are the BEST!

On 2017-04-24 11:07, El Jefe wrote:
All looks stellar as always. The glasses came out top notch. I always enjoy looking at your art. Thanks for sharing.

Mahalo El Jefe! Here's some more sketchbook musings for you to absorb below! Glad you enjoy my humble scrawlings...

On 2017-04-24 12:25, MaukaHale wrote:
The color in some of these is phenomenal.

Why Thank You, MaukaHale! So many color combinations to explore! There's a few more paintings near the bottom that will help satisfy your Colour Cravings! :)

On 2017-04-24 20:00, hang10tiki wrote:
Like I needed another reason to visit Pittsburgh
Great glasses
Time to book a flight
Love it all sir

Many Thanks Hang10!
It was quite a fun project and such a pleasure to see in the reals!
Hope this latest batch will inspire you,my friend!

On 2017-04-26 17:02, hiltiki wrote:
Love, love, love your Hidden Harbor Mai Tai glass and everything else collectively.

Thanks Hil!Happy i can bring smiles with my art to all my friends!

On 2017-04-26 23:15, GROG wrote:
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Send to GROG.

Newp. You didn't show up at Don's as promised...

Well Folks! Here's some April thru May sketchbook entries and drawings for you to enjoy...
backlogged a good 50-60 more pieces,but i will post more and sooner than later...
in the meantime,Enjoy these scribblins!

"Three Shields"
Sketchbook entry
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"Free Ride"
Sketchbook entry
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"Hut and lazybones"
ink on waterolor paper
4 x 8"
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"Hut by the Waterfall"
Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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"Koa Looked Up"
ink on waterolor paper
4 x 8"
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"Lamps at Don's"
Sketchbook entry
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"Lamps at Don's 2"
Sketchbook entry
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"Moonlit Palms"
Sketchbook entry
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"Nature Studies"
Sketchbook entry
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"Maprik Panel" Papua New Guinea
ink on waterolor paper
5 x 8"
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"Silent Morning"
Sketchbook entry
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"Sketchbook April 20"
Sketchbook entry
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"Skull Shields"
Sketchbook entry
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"Sneaking a Drink"
Sketchbook entry
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"the Crowded CAve"
Sketchbook entry
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"the Guardians"
Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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"Waterfall at Don's"
Sketchbook entry
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"Whiner Shield"
Sketchbook entry
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"Wooden Canoe Ornament"
Sketchbook entry
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"Bar Scene"
Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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"Dialogue" and "Hut"
Sketchbook entry
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"Two Faces"
Sketchbook entry
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"Three Faces"
Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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"Island's Afternoon nap"
Sketchbook entry
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"Jungle Scenes"
Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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"Koa" and "Umu"
Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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"the Likely Candidate"
Sketchbook entry
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"Melanesian Shield"
Sketchbook entry
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"Misc. masks"
Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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"River Gods"
Sketchbook entry
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Sketchbook entry
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"Skull Shield" and "Birth"
Sketchbook entry
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"Wicker Ones"
Sketchbook entry
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and a few paintings to please those who desire color...

"Stealer of the Flame"
Acrylic on masonite /artboard
10 x 20"
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"the Runaway Canoe"
Acrylic on masonite /artboard
20 x 10"
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"Bird Shield" with detail
Acrylic on masonite /artboard
10 x 20"
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"the Crescent Moon"
Acrylic on masonite /artboard
10 x 20"
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"Tropical Trio"
Acrylic on masonite /artboard
10 x 20"
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"Cave of the Ancestors at night"
acrylic on wood
6 x 12"
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Well, that is it for now....
More sooooon!
Aloha Dear Ohana and Thanks for the visits!

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hang10tiki posted on 07/05/2017

Closer is awesome
Umu would make a kick ars mug

Thanks for posting all this goodness

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2017-07-05 06:28 ]

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/fd5eae298d1131eb2381bc5c69f202ec?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
hiltiki posted on 07/05/2017

Very nice, love them all. You should do a book with all the drawings.

H Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/7fa7882eb04d476e2993f65401e38144?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
HopeChest posted on 07/05/2017

I always love your stuff but "Stealer Of The Flame" is just fantastic. I love that so much.

D Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/02fda1af943fa800b4526bf84202312a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
danlovestikis posted on 07/06/2017

I get so excited when I see that you have posted. Eye Candy. So much joy comes from your art. You have so many great ideas that you must be one of the most creative people I have ever met. See you at Oasis. Wendy

G Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e20517aacd2c64067ce90679f1db07a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
GROG posted on 07/06/2017

Newp. You didn't show up at Don's as promised...

I never "Promised" , and I told you why I didn't make it down there. You're just mean.

C Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
cy posted on 07/06/2017

Fantastic page Ken, so many of your drawings would make great carvings, inspiring!

PP Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/82095/624db20eb0169.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=0904428c62184e25eb190aa7d8259363
Prikli Pear posted on 07/06/2017

Simply astounding, so much creativity bursting forth. SO MUCH! Wow.

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8f5088418f70de46f901538b3580a3c4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MaukaHale posted on 07/06/2017

Your creativity is endless. I enjoy looking at your art every time you post.

LLT Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0f93b835d9c966d014229fe343bb928a?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
little lost tiki posted on 10/05/2017

Aloha kids!
Been extra busy as of late,so i'm just gonna pop in quickly today and will reply to all comments in the near future when i have a slice of time....Thank you ALL for the visits and wonderful insights and comments you leave here....

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Looking for something INCREDIBLE to do Friday Night?
There's an Art opening and Book Signing
10/6 starting at 6pm at La luz de Jesus Gallery!
I'll have three paintings up with two more at the ready when wall space arrives....
The Opening is until 11pm.
I'll be there to banter and sign books with my art brothers and sisters AND Otto and Sven,the Legendary men behind the exhibition and book!
Come on down,Have a drink,Buy a book,Buy some art,or just check it all out!
It's gonna be a GREAT NIGHT!
THE ART OF TIKI - 21st Anniversary Art of Tiki Show and No False Idols
Exhibition: Oct 6-29 at La Luz de Jesús Gallery 4633 Hollywood Blvd,LA http://laluzdejesus.com/tiki-21/#more-22395

Here are the three pieces they have chosen for the opening
"the River Guardian"
15 x 30"
acrylic on wood
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"Moonlight Sentinels"
16 x 20"
acrylic on wood
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"the Ice Cold Drink"
10 x 20"
acrylic on wood
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We were told that we could submit up to 5 paintings..... Three for the wall and possible catalog inclusion
and two more for backup,to fill the spaces of previously Sold art.
Here's the other two,which I'm sure you recognize from earlier sketches posted a while back...

"Adoration of the Moai"
16 x 20"
acrylic on wood
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"Sharing a Cocktail"
16 x 20"
acrylic on masonite
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and if you'd like to see BOTH the paintings and the studies
you can visit my website because i put them all together in a nice little area....

Hope y'alls can come to the show
either Opening night
or during the duration of the Exhibit....
See you there!

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http://www.kinnyruzic.com Art Blogs Wishes Fulfilled!
I'm on Facebook and now Instagram under Ken Ruzic
AW Jeah!

[ Edited by: little lost tiki 2017-10-16 18:55 ]

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danlovestikis posted on 10/05/2017

Shock and awe! Cold water shock and all the awesome art!!! Beautiful and creative. Our Sacramento Crawl starts Friday night but we will all be thinking of you. Bask in the glory of being a art genius. I just love all that you do.

Wishing you a successful and fun exhibit with all the tiki greats, Wendy

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hang10tiki posted on 10/05/2017

Sharing a cocktail
Wow, love it
Awesome bruddah

Made me thirsty

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little lost tiki posted on 11/07/2017

Aloha Ohana!
How y'alls doin?
Well, i have a little time before bed
so i'll reply (very late) to all of you who were kind enough to write
and then will share some more work from ANOTHER Awesome exhibition
i have the luck to be thrown into!

On 2017-07-05 06:27, hang10tiki wrote:
Closer is awesome
Umu would make a kick ars mug
Thanks for posting all this goodness
[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2017-07-05 06:28 ]

Thanks Hang10! Umu WOULD make a killer mug!
Will have to put that on the list as i have three to be released near year's end and beyond,and a couple of other commissions and collaborations.....Phew!
i did get to finally meet and feel my TikiFarm Cannibal king mug at the Art of Tiki exhibition (after a frazzling 2.5 hour book signing)!
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Year's End Release on this one so keep your eyes peeled!

On 2017-07-05 09:42, hiltiki wrote:
Very nice, love them all. You should do a book with all the drawings.

That is in the works.. I've been gathering up all my landscape sketches and plan on compiling them into a book,so your request has been acknowledged and answered! :)

On 2017-07-05 09:47, HopeChest wrote:
I always love your stuff but "Stealer Of The Flame" is just fantastic. I love that so much.

Mahalo Hopechest! That was one of my favorites of the batch as well! The ones that have a lil bit of mischief always stick in my mind long after they've been adopted!

On 2017-07-05 19:32, danlovestikis wrote:
I get so excited when I see that you have posted. Eye Candy. So much joy comes from your art. You have so many great ideas that you must be one of the most creative people I have ever met. See you at Oasis. Wendy

Wow! It's been THAT long since i've replied to anyone! My apologies..... A boy gets busy...very busy!
It was great to see you and Dan and get some hugs! You always fill my day with Happys!

On 2017-07-06 06:28, cy wrote:
Fantastic page Ken, so many of your drawings would make great carvings, inspiring!

Thanks Cy! Makes me wish i had more time and a few extra arms...
Glad my friends enjoy these as much as i enjoy gettting them down on paper!

On 2017-07-06 06:40, Prikli Pear wrote:
Simply astounding, so much creativity bursting forth. SO MUCH! Wow.

Yeah Prikli,it gets annoying sometime,but waxes and wanes like any cycle, it's just when it "hits", one must ride that bronco til all the ideas are shook off onto the sketchbooks to become paintings if and when the time is right...it makes me happy that i can take people to other places...

On 2017-07-06 08:29, MaukaHale wrote:
Your creativity is endless. I enjoy looking at your art every time you post.

Thank you MaukaHale/ I will make an effort to post more frequently. Sometimes the fever hits and i must follow and submerge myself in pure art for a spell.

On 2017-10-05 07:40, danlovestikis wrote:
Shock and awe! Cold water shock and all the awesome art!!! Beautiful and creative. Our Sacramento Crawl starts Friday night but we will all be thinking of you. Bask in the glory of being a art genius. I just love all that you do.
Wishing you a successful and fun exhibit with all the tiki greats, Wendy

And it was a FUN and Incredible exhibit!Felt so lucky to have so many talented friends
and signing books and talking to so many kind folks was well worth the carpal tunnel!
Also sold three paintings that night! Very exciting!Hope you all had a great time at the Crawl!

On 2017-10-05 08:44, hang10tiki wrote:
Sharing a cocktail
Wow, love it
Awesome bruddah
Made me thirsty

hang10!That was a fun environment to paint...an outdoor jungle bar! I wanna go there!

Well, as if this hasn;t been an exciting enough year
i'll be going to Hawaii next week to exhibit and partay with my art brothers Doug Horne,BigToe,and Brad Parker! And we're going to the Bishop Museum!!!!
Here's the info....
This is for the #CaliforniaCastawaysInHawaii #ArtShow on Kona in November with my Art brothers @Doug_Horne_art and @tikisharkhawaii and @bigtoe. Produced by @kozakthemagician.We start off at the Royal Kona Resort on Nov 16th at the Don’s Mai Tai Bar which should be quite the party with Henry Kopono and LT Smooth providing the ambiance and Chef Sam Choy will provide some samples of his famous poke.The party will continue on the 17th and 18th and land at Kozy’s Tiki Palace in the Shops in Mauna Lani for an art reception Meet and Greet Friday and a Tiki Festival on Saturday with a multitude of artists and creators celebrating Tiki!
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The boys are posting their offerings on Instagram and Facebook
so go check em OUT!
In the meantime,here are the eight paintings crafted specifically for each of our chosen categories....

Hawaiian Myth/Legend/Cryptozoology
"the Night Marchers"
20 x 16" Acrylic on wood
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Undersea/Tiki Kai
"Kanaloa's Hut"
16 x 20" Acrylic on wood
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16 x 20" Acrylic on wood
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"Quiet Village"
16 x 20" Acrylic on wood
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Tiki Bar
"Last Call at the Kahuna Room"
16 x 20" Acrylic on wood
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And What a Cool Bar! They have a ton of kinny Mugs! :)

Pop Culture Tiki
"the Mouth of the Cave"
16 x 20" Acrylic on wood
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This painting is a nod to my youth and to those two Tikis that harassed and Imperiled my favorite Television characters....
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Four Primary Tikis
"Four Hawaiian Gods" with detail
20 x 16" Acrylic on wood
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Kapu Tiki/Forbidden island
"Pool of the Ancestors"
16 x 20" Acrylic on wood
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This painting also has a special surprise attached...
it willbe the cover of the next tiki magazine!
That's all i can say for now...

Anyways,i have a lot still to do before the trip.
Thank you all for the visits and the comments.
you kids are the BEST!

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hang10tiki posted on 11/07/2017

Another great lineup sir

Thanks for making it easy

Love 3,5,6


Have fun at the Bishop
Anxiously awaiting pics


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little lost tiki posted on 03/17/2022

Oh my Goodness! It's been ....what? 5-6 years since we gathered here and got to share art and chat and all that! So.... I'll just start with some Art! Will start with Newer work, and will fill in those lost years in future posts...like a surprise! Been doing some interiors... playing with colors....gettin all fine arty with Still Lifes... "the Red Alcove" Acrylic on masonite/artboard 9 x 12" Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 6.50.28 PMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/62329424796d5.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=43cc1859800888816c6b275330290f99

"The Last Round" Acrylic on masonite/artboard 9 x 12" Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 6.50.10 PMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/623296bad2a1b.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=068f8b33774614e3727d9bd266a9b91b

Here's two with a Black Velvet look.... "The Cannibal King's Throne" Acrylic on Black Suede matboard 16 x 20" Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 6.54.05 PMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/623294e1de32b.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=fad79ef611c33cc78567864a82dc9c08

"the Constant Crier" Acrylic on Black Suede matboard 20 x 16" Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 6.55.23 PMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6232956b47fe0.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=7a48cbfa049f95952cabc6b9a71a2ca4

and one with a little more Modernist feel and Colors "the Light Sleeper" Acrylic on masonite/artboard 20 x 16" Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 6.57.28 PMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/623295b4e46e6.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=f8a47b59772469d41b6f3830e61404e8

and one with a little rough and fast style... "The Warm Hut" Acrylic on masonite/artboard 16 x 20" Screen Shot 2022-03-16 at 6.57.38 PMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6232967968b8a.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8704094d2abf67d7a2ba6715f9a04c7d

Well... That's all for NOW... I'll try and pop in every few days to answer any questions and to chit chat with y'alls! SO happy Tiki Central is BACK! Let's get them Glory Days BACK! Ciao for Now! Kinny Ruzic (Little lost Tiki)

[ Edited by little lost tiki on 2022-03-16 19:04:10 ]

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Hi Kinny!

I've been following you on FB but I'm SO excited for the TC Revival. Can't wait to see your newest works!

:-) Lori

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Hi Kinny!

I've been following you on FB but I'm SO excited for the TC Revival. Can't wait to see your newest works!

:-) Lori

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little lost tiki posted on 03/18/2022

Thanks Lori! It's been awhile and I'm excited to start posting on Tiki Central again! I need a refuge from all the Non-Tiki stuff on the other socials..... What better place to post Tiki art than here?

"The Tall Hut" Acrylic on gessoed repurposed Arrow shaped chalkboard 35 x 14"

Found an arrow shaped dry erase board at the Thrift Store and immediately KNEW it was going to be a HUT! Here's the sketches and finished product.... Also....it is UV activated! This one was adopted FAST and is in a loving hut with a wonderful family.... My job is DONE! :) ADVENTURE! Here's the Thrift Store SCORE Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.09.03 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a516080ab.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=e88d5c9938b8d1ba50ee98fa5a21f4e6

and here's some shots of the sketchbook studies,finished piece and details... Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.09.10 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a6fd53dcf.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=0ae995e0c2de9944695da075acc6d9b4 Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.09.18 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a5588fb25.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=4446670ebecca05fabe5198135c9b674 Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.09.25 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a56cf2095.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8f33acf3b6316e6a6b8a830ffece8d3f Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.09.31 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a5c2be2c0.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=263c2556211213f6575c73381e4f8cad Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.09.38 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a60186265.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=f624c384756b854b523c95d7635f5005 Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.10.03 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a609d59d7.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ebf5754474c7b51aff6ac238af8ac12f Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.10.10 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a63ebf982.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=be6ad09ce53c911066be39991530eb85 Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.10.17 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a63584561.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=28b37d8b9fce21cd609c46f92057a95d Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.10.24 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a6563b7bd.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=022d1d4db74767c1f1e6cbfdc11162aa Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.10.30 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a6516c6b5.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=71e469d3d596ad5d58ecc94ae06f0438 Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.10.42 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a650cc307.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=a30c76bf8568bbdc53383499c6e56728 Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.10.49 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a65a7997a.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=eaf366c446e04f108d601cdff7f39d3a Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.10.56 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a659c2b03.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=602b3508c46cf974899e4d16bf1819e8

and here's some horrible shots of it under a UV light (screenshots from the video of it.... Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.11.59 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a64debfe7.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=b126c405474db201511282774119d27a Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.12.09 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a6217678b.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=26e398ec008663ace8e90f75dc74a40d

Enjoy! Screen Shot 2022-03-18 at 8.39.58 AMImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/6234a7ebcd377.png?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=e269082656e1174c20e4c8ecfac23b1b

[ Edited by little lost tiki on 2022-03-18 08:40:43 ]

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ZeroTiki posted on 03/22/2022


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little lost tiki posted on 04/17/2022

ZeroTiki! AROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Happy that a lot of us old-Schoolers are still at this after SO many years! This movement is a well that is always filled to the edges with creativity and enthusiasm and refreshing new takes around every corner! So.... What's New?

*THE SPIRIT OF THE DRINK ETSYImage Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/4956/625b90abc8eed.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ae80487e50fd4bf0b272bad7d211e4f4 "The Spirit of the Drink" 12 x 18"" original drawing Ink and Sharpie on hot-press Aquarelle watercolor paper Enjoy!

[ Edited by little lost tiki on 2022-04-16 21:00:43 ]

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