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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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8FT Tiki posted on 12/23/2016

I am looking forward to seeing the article online. That reporter will do a good job. I'm sure he's a great guy because he is wearing a pair of my all time favorite shoes....the Samba by Adidas!

danlovestikis posted on 12/24/2016

hang10tiki Dan is having way too much fun. One mug a day is all I can do so it's going to be very many days.

8FT Tiki I had to find the shoes and then guess they are the ones with the 3 white stripes? They were both super nice.


We went tiki hunting in Loomis, California.

Dan found two things, one is pretty special.

The lady said that a world traveler, who died 20 years ago at 95 years old, brought this back from Tahiti. She said it originally had a key to the ladies room at the hotel.

She talked them into selling it to her but the hotel kept the key. It even has the name of the person who made it. We, P. Nino. We believe it is stone.

Pretty cool, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-12-24 07:47 ]

hang10tiki posted on 12/24/2016

Kool find
Saw this online

1 more day

You two have a great Christmas


hang10tiki posted on 12/24/2016

Found another photo online

danlovestikis posted on 12/25/2016

hang10tiki it's so heavy it would give me a neck ache. Thank you so much for these and all the holiday photos. You made this season so much fun.


Merry Christmas everyone and may we all have a Happy New Year to come. Wendy and Dan

Danno posted on 12/25/2016

Merry Christmas Wendy and Dan! And Thank You Very Much for all the great pictures and stories this year!

hang10tiki posted on 12/25/2016

Wendy and Dan-0
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Have fun and relax a bit
You two are the best

danlovestikis posted on 12/26/2016

hang10tiki I'm so happy I checked today. I didn't expect it but Woo Hoo the last day is there plus my tikis with lights. So cool. I've posted the first 24 on fb and now I'll post these too.

Many thank U's for making the 25 days special. Wendy and Dan

MaukaHale posted on 12/26/2016

Merry Christmas Dan and Wendy.

TikiAno posted on 12/27/2016

Wendy, hope you and Dan had a wonderful Christmas- and everyone else here, too!

danlovestikis posted on 12/27/2016

MaukaHale did Santa wear your new hat? He would have been cute. Merry Holidays to you.

Tiki Ano I but you had the best time with your little Tiki Ari. That's what Christmas is all about. We will have kids here on the 29th for Christmas with our family and seeing the kids excited is so much fun.


A few Clay free days for me! Yesterday we took Dan's sister thrifting only to find that every place was closed. We should have guessed. So we drove on to the Roseville Antique Mall. 25,000 sq. feet of tiki hunting.

We found 4 good ones for Dan that have been put away for his March Birthday.

He didn't buy any of these. Dr. Tiki Mojo has developed a way to fix these leaning Coco Joes. Hey David share it here please.

He didn't find any in the tiki hut but it was really fun to look around in here.

I'll be back to work soon. This is a play week that will rest up my hands for the Wish List that is on the way. Cheers and Happy Holidays, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/27/2016

Glad u guys are havin sum fun

danlovestikis posted on 12/28/2016

hang10tiki so much fun you can't believe. Today we were out at lunch when the cell phone rang. It was Channel 10 ABC news and they wanted to do a story on Dan's collection. Not next week not tomorrow but TODAY, in fact right now. We begged off for one hour and ran home to turn on lights, add music and make the bed!

He arrived and spent two hours photographing and interviewing us. Here are photos we took as he did his work.

It was a fun 2 hours but I bet the spot on the news is close to 1 minute. We will be happy with however it turns out. Now it's time to go clean up a mug!

Cheers, Wendy


[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-12-27 18:59 ]

hang10tiki posted on 12/28/2016

It's about time the hardest working tiki couple in the world get on TV



lunavideogames posted on 12/28/2016

That is awesome! Hopefully they will put it online so we can link to it and watch it. You sure are getting a lot of publicity, time to up those mug prices :wink:

TikiAno posted on 12/28/2016

Wendy, I hope you and Dan were able to drop my name a few times during the filming... :wink: :wink:

Just kidding, I look forward to seeing it- hopefully they can give you a weblink so we all can check it out! (or someone (um, Jon?) will find the link for all of us lazy folk? (oh, yes, I'm on a roll today...)

I'm thankful that all of your press visits have given you some time to rest in between all of your creative clay work, but, at the same time, I can't wait to see the next steps in the latest projects!!!

danlovestikis posted on 12/29/2016

hang10tiki thank you. I had thought about doing these but I was too lazy. Then they just started showing up. I'm going to have to get out my scrap book and update it.

lunavideogames that's a good idea, how many mugs did you want???

TikiAno I dropped so many names but I'm not sure they picked them back up. We will be edited until we are barely there. Clay begins with the New Year.


So for everyone in Sacramento the TV interview will be tonight at 11 PM and again on their morning program which comes twice at 6 am and again around 8:30 or 9 am. I've already forgotten. My TV is programed to get them.

The Bee interview and video will be out on Sunday. I was hoping for Monday so I could buy a couple of dozen, oh well I probably will anyway.

It will be fun to see what they come up with. The reporter John Bartell got on the bed in the Buzzy Bedroom and ogled the tikis!

I will post whatever I get when I get it.

Here's our fun with the Bee photographer today as we made the video with a Go-Pro camera.

I walked him through the entire collection in 10 minutes, talking the entire time. It will be edited down to 3-4 minutes.

He said we had to follow his commands or he would whip us with his light saber!

Dan was hanging up my newest spoon.

Time to work on a mug, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 12/29/2016

We got up this morning to watch the news to see our segment. It wasn't there. Bummer!

We were bumped for a segment on a body found in an abandoned gold mine in the hills.

Bigger bummer for that person. I hope it was quick and that the person didn't starve to death.

It was an opening that in the dark just dropped straight down. Very unstable.

I'll have to phone today to see when it "might" show up. Meanwhile the Sacramento Bee called to say it will be Sunday's paper.

Back to the clay, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-12-29 07:17 ]

MaukaHale posted on 12/29/2016

That's show biz!

little lost tiki posted on 12/29/2016

Such wonderful news that you're getting SO much well deserved publicity!
Well Dan too,of course! Hope you had the Merriest Christmas,art-sister! :)

danlovestikis posted on 12/30/2016

MaukaHale now it must be next week because he said he would know the date by 3 PM today but no message came in for me. Oh well. Sunday's newspaper is for sure.

little lost tiki thank you so much art brother. It is fun and I'm such a ham. When they would turn to Dan to ask a question he would say can't she answer that. He doesn't care like I do.


Today we celebrated Christmas with our family and I'm too tired to post. I'm off to bed to read a good book. Soon I will start to post the Wish List items that I have made.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 12/30/2016

Maybe u will be on Good Morning America

danlovestikis posted on 12/30/2016

hang10tiki Channel 10 news hasn't given us a date yet.


THE SACRAMENTO BEE NEWSPAPER put the article on-line. Here is the link.



Are we nuts or what? Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-12-30 14:52 ]

hang10tiki posted on 12/30/2016

Wow guys
That's awesome

4,000 albums

I only saw one mistake in the article,
It said hundreds of mugs,
I'm thinking hundreds of thousands of mugs


kingstiedye posted on 12/30/2016

that video is so awesome! you were definitely ready for your close-up! new nickname: silent dan. i'm not as good as jon at this!

[ Edited by: kingstiedye 2016-12-30 15:41 ]

danlovestikis posted on 12/31/2016

kingstiedye you are better at it than I. Dan cracked up when he saw the video. He said he didn't know he was being filmed and was just watching us go by.


THE SACRAMENTO BEE NEWSPAPER put the article on-line. Here is the link.



Are we nuts or what? Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2016-12-30 20:06 ]

hang10tiki posted on 12/31/2016

A tour of the Tiki Taj Mahal
That was great

Dan-0 looked right at home
He was

I heard the word for the contest
But I'll let someone else win the prize
I just won one :)

Again that was Kool
Thanks for sharing

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

Edit: King- good 1

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2016-12-31 08:11 ]

Joshua Bell posted on 12/31/2016

"...fire them and get them ready for molding." Wait... that sounds like the wrong order...

I was afraid we wouldn't see Dan at all on the tour!

hang10tiki posted on 12/31/2016


danlovestikis posted on 01/01/2017

hang10tiki you are such a nice guy. Did MadDogMike get Traveling Jones lamp that you also abstained from? I never saw the end of that contest.

Joshua Bell Congratulations the word molding should have been glazing. You win. Send me your address and I will ship you one of my necklaces. That was a straight shoot with no practice or re-takes. I was lucky that was the only mistake.

This is the email I sent to family today.

The Channel 10 ABC news came on last night and is due to play tonight at well. But here is the link. It's fun that it is a completely different style of video.

Hi family, here are the two video links. We are in tiki interview mode and we didn’t even ask for it! The first one is the Sacramento Bee Newspaper and the second one is Channel 10 ABC news. It will be on the TV again today. The videos are very different styles.



Tomorrow we will be in print in the Sacramento Bee. We are having a lot of unexpected fun. We were even a top Google news story yesterday.


hang10tiki posted on 01/01/2017

Another video

Dan-0 and his bird calls

CongraDs you 2

Happy New Year

danlovestikis posted on 01/01/2017

hang10tiki it all came at once including the Sacramento Bee newspaper to come out today and then a Blog being written by Ray Wyland. After that nothing will happen until I retire in 5 or 10 years.



It's time to start posting the Wish List #7 plus misc. items I started early. Today was the scheduled start day but I love being ahead.
Since last night most people were up late I will start with using up a little bowl I didn't have a use for on the Wish List.

I love those mid-century cats so I made a cat bowl.

It's been three days since I could post photos here. I'm going to re-boot again and if that doesn't work I will write to Hakalugi. Wendy


Nothing works. I'm going to see if I can post a photo someplace else.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2017-01-01 08:48 ]

danlovestikis posted on 01/01/2017

I was able to pull up this one photo, taken by someone else, to post but skipping around to other photos it still didn't work. I contacted TC with my problem.

I think I'll try again with another one.

I couldn't do my own but I was able to do this one by Psycho Tiki D and it's even on end like the other one. He has the KISS mugs I made for him displayed on a top shelf.

Now I'll try again. Nope. I tried to post a photo from Kauai that I'd posted before and that didn't work.

Now I tried to do one I pulled from the internet and that didn't work.


I posted a simple mid-century cat bowl on facebook. I hope I can do it here soon. Not a good start to 2017 for me )=: Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 01/01/2017

It took five minutes but this one finally came up.

At that rate it would take forever to post. Help me TC management, I need you! Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 01/01/2017

Another five minutes and it came up. So there's hope. Maybe this site is just overworked during the past three days I couldn't post.

I found this brand new coat at the Cancer Society Discovery thrift shop for 15 dollars. I won't be cold any longer!


danlovestikis posted on 01/01/2017

Bullet Dan knew that that was the guy from Clerks that never spoke. He loves that movie and your photo! Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 01/01/2017

I am hoping that this will soon be fixed so that loading photos is faster than five minutes for each one. I worked on taxes so that I wasn't just sitting looking at the screen.

During the time I make the Wish List and the crawl mugs I end up making other things as well. Either someone claims them or I sell them to Mahalo Tiki and he sells them at his booth at Tiki Oasis in August.

So I picked the project with the least number of photos. I had a little bowl left over and I made a simple mid-century cat bowl.

I like to make my art thick so I can carve deeply.

I just started with the rolling three balls of clay and putting them on the bottom as legs. Then I shaped them with my fingers and did a bit of carving.

Next came the cat.

Once I finished the outside I flipped it over and did the bottom.

I added my name etc.

There are three cats that look like this and

three sides that look like this.

Just a quick fun project. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 01/02/2017

Tiki Central is back to 10 seconds per photo to post today. I am so HAPPY!


Congratulations Joshua Bell. You have won one of my puffer fish necklaces for finding the wrong word (mold) in the Sacramento Bee video.
If the rain doesn't stop us it will ship to you today. The word should have been glaze.


The paper version was out in the newspaper yesterday. The photos on-line are so much sharper but this is still a thrill. It ran in all the Bee editions and I gained a fb friend from Fresno because she read the article.


Progress Report Wish List #7 Antonio Abdo drew this picture for me to copy.

It is based on his favorite movie Total Recall.

I started by casting and cleaning up a Hot Tub Hula Girl.

Then I cut her chest open.

I made a slab of clay with a breast as shown above and added it to the opened up area.

I cleaned her up and added nipples.

Aerial or areola view.

I set her aside and cleaned up a bowl and added flames.

Then I did the handles.

I copied his spaceman.

More detail.

This is days later after adding her hair down the back.

This time I am opening up the hula girl on the bottom. This is scary because if I miss I ruin the girls leg and I can't fix it.

I finished off the alien.

Now it takes weeks to slowly dry this Wish or it will all crack up.

Any comments? Wendy

Joshua Bell posted on 01/02/2017

There's more than usual to enjoy about the last post!

hang10tiki posted on 01/03/2017

Glad u can upload fast now

Like the triple decker

What's next?


JBell- CongraDs on da win

danlovestikis posted on 01/03/2017

hang10tiki I am so happy to be able to post again. It must have been that TC had many working to post at the same time.

Next up will be a Blog by Ray Wyland on facebook. He is also coming to Sacramento to visit us and the Jungle Bird in March.

What are you doing for Janelle's birthday on Sunday? Photos to share? Wish her a happy one from us.


Wish List #7 progress report. Since I got a head start I am able to post the sculpting from start to finish in one long post on some of the projects.

The Wish was to have a volcano bowl made with the name and log of this hotel bar on the side. I can't reveal the name of who ordered this bowl.

I started with cleaning a bowl and then using a shot glass to cut a center hole. This will open the volcano to outside air for drying and releasing gasses when fired.

I cast and cleaned up a fogcutter mug and cut off the top.

I attached it to the bowl with sticky clay and

then I built a floor inside the volcano for a rum and sugar cube for lighting.

Once this had firmed up overnight I worked on the sides of the volcano.

Side view.

Top View.

About a week later I could turn it upside down to finish off the bottom.

Time for the name and logo. I found some stiff hair curlers at a thrift shop. They were in 6 sizes and perfect for pressing into clay to make a circle.

I carved the circle deeper and then the logo.

Now it was time for the name of the hotel. I used the photo and a stick to press along the words.

Now I have a guide.

I sanded a stick to the right size and shape for carving the letters.

I'm always so happy with this part is done.

He requested a wood-grain on the bowl so that's what I carved.

A few days later I did the smaller lines.

As the grains of clay dry I will be able to brush them off.

Another week of drying one hour in the plastic bag and one hour out it was finally dry enough to turn over onto a plastic tub so I can do the bottom as well.

The bowl is now completely dry after almost a month. It is just waiting until I can fire. Cracking is always a possibility. I never say a piece is safe until it is in the hands of the Wisher.

Cheers, Wendy

JenTiki posted on 01/03/2017

Your article made it all the way down to the San Luis Obispo Tribune. My mom sent it to me.

danlovestikis posted on 01/03/2017

Any chance your could take a photo of it for me? The article made it to Fresno but I don't know where else. This is such fun. Thank you, Wendy

bamalamalu posted on 01/04/2017

I finally had a chance to read the Bee article and watch the videos - fun! You did a great job leading the tour. What a collection and so much impressive work going on! Congrats on being properly recognized. :)

JenTiki posted on 01/04/2017

On 2017-01-03 15:33, danlovestikis wrote:

Any chance your could take a photo of it for me? The article made it to Fresno but I don't know where else. This is such fun. Thank you, Wendy

She just sent me a link. I don't know if it was in the print edition.

lunavideogames posted on 01/04/2017

Happy New Year!

RVICTOR posted on 01/05/2017

Wendy - I think I know the flamethrower that ordered that bowl. Great job on the sculpt. Love it.

danlovestikis posted on 01/05/2017

JenTiki thank you so much for the link. It's fun seeing it move around. They never told us that it could happen so this is a surprise.

bamalamalu We are having a wonderful retirement with fun projects and trips. Dan and I both were fortunate to be employed from age 16 until retirement. That's probably why I can't stop working. But I am having so much fun. I love all the challenges of peoples ideas.

Thank you for watching and reading and for letting me know.

JenTiki I am such a ham I pulled it up and took a photo. Thank you.

lunavideogames this is by far the creepiest photo of my work I have ever seen. How will I sleep tonight?


Wish List #7 the KZAP cat for Bullet aka kingstiedye.

I just started adding clay and

more clay.

I worked to build the cat face.

Getting closer.

When I showed this to Bullet he wanted to know if I could pull the face back so it wasn't jutting forward.

I couldn't do that but I could build out the body until it was under the head. So I just started adding clay to each part.

All done and ready to spend a month drying in and out of a plastic bag. Bullets suggestion made the entire mug better. I'm always open to these comments.

Every part of this cat was worked and re-worked to get it right. The shape of the sign, with bottom lip of the cat, every part changed over time.
Clay is a wonderful medium because no one has to settle, you just have to keep at it until it is right.

Cheers, Wendy

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