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Rain's amazing tiki art

Pages: 1 37 replies

TheMuggler posted on 10/08/2003

Rain is moving his server, so I'm editing this post. He's only got one painting up but promises to have more once the new server is ready.

Seriously -- commission something from him now before his prices go through the roof. Of all the tiki art I have in my office (including Shag and Mark Ryden), Rain's gets the biggest response.

Okay, enough cheerleading from me.

[ Edited by: TheMuggler on 2004-01-14 22:55 ]

Monkeyman posted on 10/08/2003

me likey!

Basement Kahuna posted on 10/09/2003

That's good stuff!

TikiGardener posted on 10/11/2003

Rain did the portraits of Lono and Kahona over at the Tiki Gardens Memorial, and I've got a few of his other works, black velvet tiki painting, Moai in the sunset on board ( in fact I think its the one under "organinc Maois" the one in the middle), and a couple drawings.

Once he surfaces from his school duties, I hope he'll paint a few more, some for me and some so people can own some of this great tiki artists stuff.


[ Edited by: TikiGardener on 2003-10-11 02:03 ]

GECKO posted on 10/15/2003

another artisit I gotta add to my get list

Rain posted on 10/18/2003

woah, thanks to muggler for posting this. i had no idea the creating tiki forum existed. where have i been?

[ Edited by: Rain on 2004-01-15 21:53 ]

Rain posted on 10/18/2003


[ Edited by: Rain on 2004-01-15 21:52 ]

purple jade posted on 10/18/2003

Ill-fated? Failed? Why?

Rain posted on 10/18/2003

lack of mold-making know-how.
maybe in the future!

TikiGardener posted on 10/20/2003

HEY HOLDEN!!! Cut this kid a deal!!!

Rain mugs by Tiki Farm... I'd buy one.

Good to see ya again Mr Rain....


Rain posted on 10/20/2003

hiya tg :)
hope you're well.
love those flounder paintings you had done - he's f'in great! we have a suitcase that he painted.

i have part of an oil painting to scan and post here later...

freddiefreelance posted on 10/20/2003

I love the lighting & bg in the pictures of the mug prototypes. Have you tried searching http://www.provlib.org for books on slip casting?

... Sorry, I just checked & answered my own question. Try Lindsay Books: http://www.lindsaybks.com , I remember they used to have a book on plaster casting. I can't see any difference in plaster casting versus slip casting, except the fineness & kilning of the slipcast piece when finished.

Rain posted on 10/20/2003

i understand (in theory, anyway) the slipcasting process - it was making the molds i had trouble with. one sculpt ended up half embedded in a block of plaster, never to emerge, while its other half came clean off. trying a different route, i destroyed the other sculpt removing the latex (which wouldn't have worked for slipcasting anyway, as far as i know now). thanks for the pointers, though, ff - i may check out those leads when i get some free time to try again.

MakeDaMug posted on 10/21/2003

On 2003-10-19 22:43, TikiGardener wrote:
HEY HOLDEN!!! Cut this kid a deal!!!

Rain mugs by Tiki Farm... I'd buy one.

Good to see ya again Mr Rain....


... feelin' the "Rain Tiki Love" here to Gardener. Think you're right!


TikiGardener posted on 10/21/2003

On 2003-10-20 23:38, smogbreather wrote:

On 2003-10-19 22:43, TikiGardener wrote:
HEY HOLDEN!!! Cut this kid a deal!!!

Rain mugs by Tiki Farm... I'd buy one.

Good to see ya again Mr Rain....


... feelin' the "Rain Tiki Love" here to Gardener. Think you're right!



me first in line!!!

seriously, iffin' ya work sumthin out, it'd be great. the kids got talent.

Rain posted on 10/21/2003

man, you guys would make a great PR group.
i'd be thrilled to actually do a real mug. bk's hale tiki mug is looking great - i'm jealous.

Rain posted on 10/21/2003

hey muggler - did you ever get a photo of the family portrait?

TheMuggler posted on 10/22/2003

On 2003-10-21 15:01, Rain wrote:
hey muggler - did you ever get a photo of the family portrait?

Yes, but I took the stills with my video camera and the lighting was awful so they came out crappy. In person the painting looks great, and the differences between light and dark areas are more subtle than the photo. Also, the whole piece is darker than it appears in these photos. I'll try to take a decent picture of it next week.

and a detail:

My wife gave me this "family portrait" for Father's Day. It now hangs in my office, which is slowly being tiki'd out. I'll post pics of the whole office when I'm done.

Just pimpin'

[ Edited by: TheMuggler on 2003-10-21 20:06 ]

Rain posted on 10/22/2003


[ Edited by: rain on 2003-12-19 06:19 ]

Rain posted on 12/19/2003

mary axe ms.

Rain posted on 01/13/2004

So I decided to try out this Cafe Shops thing and support mindless consumerism. Unfortunately, with the free shop, you can only have one of each type of item - meaning only one white tshirt, one grey tshirt, etc... But I'm willing to try it out. I've only got like 3 or 4 tiki things on it right now, but if anyone wants to check it out, it is:
http://cafeshops.com/amagumopress :)

hanford_lemoore posted on 01/13/2004


With Cafe Press, you can have more than one "shop" controlled from your control panel. So create a shop for each peice of art you have. That's what I did.


Rain posted on 01/13/2004

On 2004-01-13 14:44, hanford_lemoore wrote:
...That's what I did.

ahhhhh... crafty! thanks - i may try that.

SES posted on 01/14/2004

You can list them like this to get them to ALL show on one page:


Benzart posted on 01/15/2004

How come all I see is little boxes with a red X in them?

Rain posted on 01/15/2004

thanks, SES.
Benzart - I recently switched web hosts and ditched my old website, so all those links are now dead. i will get some stuff back up soon. (hopefully better than that old crap, too.)

Benzart posted on 01/15/2004

ant wait,,Hurry up already.

Thnx Benzart

kooche posted on 01/15/2004

nice...super nice...

Rain...what is your medium of choice?

sadly i can only see the first image on this thread...but i am diggin it...beautiful!

Rain posted on 01/15/2004

benzart - see the first post in this thread - link added. more to come tonight and tomorrow, i promise.

k - i use acrylic almost exclusively. i did a still life with a mug from the mai kai today in oils, but i have much better control with the acrylics.

more old crap:

[ Edited by: rain on 2004-01-16 09:07 ]

Rain posted on 01/16/2004

benzart - sorry to read about your back troubles - can't wait til your hands get back to work carving!
here is some old crap:

(i tried to even out some really bad photography with photoshop - some of the effects might be a little obvious.)

Rain posted on 01/21/2004

digital sketch for new painting (was supposed to be homework due at 1pm tomorrow - not bloody likely):

Rain posted on 02/02/2004

3"x5" each

Chongolio posted on 02/03/2004

Rain, Those are bitchin' What a cool series. The majestic sushi radiating pure wasabi tiki soul. Tasty.

Rain posted on 02/03/2004

thanks, man. very cool site you have, by the way - i'm trying to come up with something cool for my own. i may try to work in the whole sushi/tiki thing. who knows.

Chongolio posted on 02/21/2004

On 2004-02-02 21:31, Rain wrote:
thanks, man. very cool site you have, by the way - i'm trying to come up with something cool for my own. i may try to work in the whole sushi/tiki thing. who knows.

Thanks Rain for the compliment on my site. My apologize for the late repy. Have you started any more paintings for the sushi series?


Rain posted on 02/21/2004

no, but i did some like those last year as well. i have to find photos of them if i can. there will be more to come as soon as i can pry my ass away from the computer for a few minutes.
i did some vector art sushi stuff for the site http://www.rain-art.com/main.html and for tshirts at cafe shops: http://cafeshops.com/amagumopress

RevBambooBen posted on 02/22/2004

On 2004-02-02 10:55, Rain wrote:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/proxy-image.php?user_id=558&url=http%3A%2F%2Frain-art.com%2Fstorage%2Fartwork%2Fst3right.jpg&w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=32059b457767dfff1ea4a6a55872cc32

3"x5" each

3 inch? x 5inch? each? I see 3'ft. x 5'ft. easy!! Dig it man! In some hip ass sushi joint in Hollyweird. Any designer lurkers out there?? Rain-rocks!!!

P Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/4e64d9627054170f50c30a9e98fc47d2?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
pablus posted on 10/14/2009


After having met Rain at Ohana, I looked up this original post where the Muggler (Whom we haven't heard from in quite some time now) first introduced many of us to Rain's work.

I don't think he's been painting much the last few years, at least I kind of remember that from the conversation. It WAS the last room at the room crawl... so...

Anyway - I had forgotten some of these and wanted to remind myself - and some of you - about Rain.

Pages: 1 37 replies