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Mai Kai, Fort Lauderdale, FL (restaurant)

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AceExplorer posted on 06/14/2016

Nice update, HH! Many of us noticed the tremendously improved lighting with the addition of LED technology. The hanging lamps in the main A-frame room were beautifully lit. The Mai-Kai certainly is a grand tiki palace!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/15/2016

Also worth mentioning, thanks to Tiki Kiliki and her Kickstarter campaign, The Mai-Kai received a donation of 40,000 swizzle sticks during The Hukilau ...

The new swizzles are based on the classic design, and also feature one of the famed cannibal Tikis at the end of the longer one ...

They were quickly put to use on Sunday during The Hukilau's Finale, where they were featured in the three "lost cocktails" from the 1956 menu, served at a large event for the first time in decades ...

Set your VCRs for tomorrow! If you haven't seen this, you'll want to check it out ...

Jim Stacy returns to The Mai-Kai in a rerun of his Cooking Channel show ... http://www.cookingchanneltv.com/shows/offbeat-eats-with-jim-stacy/100/day-at-the-beach.html

howlinowl posted on 06/15/2016

Set your VCRs for tomorrow! If you haven't seen this, you'll want to check it out ...

Pray tell....what is this "VCR" that you speek of???

Sorry, had to yank yer chain, couldn't resist!!!


bigbrotiki posted on 06/17/2016

Cannibal swizzles, yesssss! Save me sum, please.

TheParkCollector posted on 06/20/2016

Can anyone recommend a cheap hotel that's close? Thinking about spending out anniversary there for our first trip to the Mai-Kai.

Swanky posted on 06/20/2016

On 2016-06-19 20:40, TheParkCollector wrote:
Can anyone recommend a cheap hotel that's close? Thinking about spending out anniversary there for our first trip to the Mai-Kai.

Close? Not much within walking distance. I recommend anything in North Beach Village, but if you want really close, The Ramada Oakland Park is your best choice.

bamalamalu posted on 06/20/2016

Not exactly "cheap," but we've stayed just up the street a couple times at the Marriott Courtyard Fort Lauderdale East.
I believe we got AAA rates under $100 a night. It's been clean and quiet (we asked for rooms on the back side to avoid road noise; I don't know how necessary that is.)

It's probably a bit too far to walk, but they have a free shuttle bus that will drop you off at Mai Kai (or the beach, etc.) So we only had to pay for a short cab ride back. I'd stay there again next time.

Marriott Courtyard Fort Lauderdale East.
5001 North Federal Highway

TheParkCollector posted on 06/22/2016

Thanks guys!

GoGoFlamingo posted on 07/29/2016


I plan on visiting the Mai Kai sometime later this year (possibly mid-September) for my big 3-0.

Any recommendations or tips? I'd like to catch the show and I'll have my 6yo and 2yo children in two.


AceExplorer posted on 07/29/2016

On 2016-07-29 10:36, GoGoFlamingo wrote:
Any recommendations or tips? I'd like to catch the show and I'll have my 6yo and 2yo children in two.

You're all gonna have a great time! To get you started, the kids will enjoy seeing the Molokai bar, and they serve non-alcoholic drinks for them as well. Take 'em out to the gardens too and take pics there.

Ft. Lauderdale itself is full of stuff to do and see, and you can find that all online. If you go south of Ft. Lauderdale you can have lunch at Le Tub, and if you get seated on the water, you may see some friendly iguanas crawl along the rail and look for lettuce handouts at your table. The kids would love that!

Read others comments in this thread, and do some other searches here on TC. And ask more specific questions. You should find plenty to see and do. The place really is great fun, has good food and drinks, and a top-notch show.

Have fun!

Swanky posted on 07/29/2016

On 2016-07-29 10:36, GoGoFlamingo wrote:

I plan on visiting the Mai Kai sometime later this year (possibly mid-September) for my big 3-0.

Any recommendations or tips? I'd like to catch the show and I'll have my 6yo and 2yo children in two.


Come the weekend of the 17th for my Book Release Event. Special Lost Cocktail offerings with the Atomic Grog's Jim Hayward and Pablus of the Crazed Mugs playing in the Molokai. Your first chance to the get my book, and get it signed. There are 50+ in the party so far, and more signed up for the presentation at 2PM that Saturday.

No better time to explore the Mai-Kai and be there amongst fans and enjoy the place properly and get added experiences.

GoGoFlamingo posted on 07/29/2016

On 2016-07-29 11:26, Swanky wrote:

Come the weekend of the 17th for my Book Release Event.

That's actually my birthday and the day I was looking at going! Also cool because I've had your book on my Amazon wishlist since April :P

Swanky posted on 08/25/2016

Oh the wondrous age we live in! You can now wander most of the Mai-Kai interior and gardens via Google maps! Can't get behind Samoa it seems though. But it is nice. This was done when the 1956 fernwood tikis were by the drive. You can see them if you turn around at the entrance. And the 1956 carving is in the gardens that was in the Surfboard Bar.

JenTiki posted on 08/25/2016

On 2016-08-25 05:31, Swanky wrote:
Oh the wondrous age we live in! You can now wander most of the Mai-Kai interior and gardens via Google maps! Can't get behind Samoa it seems though. But it is nice. This was done when the 1956 fernwood tikis were by the drive. You can see them if you turn around at the entrance. And the 1956 carving is in the gardens that was in the Surfboard Bar.

I checked out the walkthrough yesterday. It's very cool! But I did check to see if the new tall tiki was in the gardens so I could figure out when it was shot. I do have a question about the booths in the middle of Tahiti. Are those portable? Wasn't that where Tikiyaki was playing during the Hukilau? They look awful big to just be moved about.

bigbrotiki posted on 08/26/2016

It's a little too brightly lit for my taste, but then you get to see all the details better. It's good to see that the original Cannibal Carvings are still in situ in their little alcove:

And what fun to have time to explore the exotic splendor of the Bangkok Room!:

Hurricane Hayward posted on 09/05/2016
Hurricane Hayward posted on 09/15/2016

If you have even a passing interest in the various rums employed by The Mai-Kai, you'll want to check out The Atomic Grog's latest blog update on all the recent changes in the cocktails ...

Comparing the rums in the 151 Swizzle.

Thortiki posted on 09/16/2016

We've been at the Mai Kai the past two nights and its great to be back at Tiki's Mount Olympus. Great drinks, food and people. Walking into the gift shop seeing Swanky's great new book on display and guess what Martin Cate's book right next to it. ONE Tiki nation and those historic words "In RUM we trust"!!! (-:

Hurricane Hayward posted on 09/16/2016

FYI, tomorrow's special presentation and book signing event is sold out, but you can still some down to happy hour tonight and meet Swanky, or buy a book and get it signed during normal restaurant hours tomorrow.

Also, we're having a pre-party tonight in The Molokai with a lost cocktail from the 1956 menu. Happy hour begins at 4 for special event guests, 5 p.m. for the general public.

Saturday's schedule
(Sold out: You must have reservations to arrive before 4:30)
1 p.m. - The Molokai bar opens (no happy hour)
2 p.m. - Swanky's presentation begins
3 p.m. - After presentation: Book signings and happy hour until 7 p.m.
4:30 p.m. - The restaurant opens to the public

Limited appetizers available from 1-3 p.m. (only classics, no tapas menu), then after 3 the full appetizer menu is available.

Lost cocktails available from 1 p.m. through the end of happy hour at 7. Many of the event guests are attending the first dinner show.

The Mai-Kai Cocktail Guide

The official blog of The Hukilau

[ Edited by: Hurricane Hayward 2016-09-16 10:24 ]

Hurricane Hayward posted on 09/19/2016

Mahalo Swanky (and Stephanie), plus the entire staff of The Mai-Kai for a memorable weekend ...

Swanky leads a special waking tour on Friday.

Tiki Diablo and his re-creation of a historic Mai-Kai bowl.
Available at http://tikidiablo.bigcartel.com/product/tupaupau-bowl-book-release-bowl

The first of three lost cocktails: The Demerara Float

Swanky's sold-out presentation on Saturday.

Saturday's book signing. (Photo by Marina the Fire Eating Mermaid)

Mai-Kai legends Toti and Fles perform. (Photo by Tom Duncan)

Saturday's show is the perfect finale. (Photo by Stephanie Romer)

mikehooker posted on 09/19/2016

Me and a couple friends in Austin are strongly considering flying in for 60th anniversary party. Any details yet as to what is planned to mark the occasion?

PremEx posted on 10/05/2016

Batten down the hatches, folks. Looks like there's a mighty wind a comin' your way. Let's all hope the Mai Kai and her crew weather the storm well.

AceExplorer posted on 10/07/2016

Does anyone have a hurricane Matthew damage assessment for the Mai-Kai?

Today it's our turn to hunker down here in NE Florida. It's a good thing the bar still works if we lose power!

mikehooker posted on 10/07/2016

On 2016-10-07 04:46, AceExplorer wrote:
Does anyone have a hurricane Matthew damage assessment for the Mai-Kai?

Today it's our turn to hunker down here in NE Florida. It's a good thing the bar still works if we lose power!

PremEx posted on 10/07/2016

Great to hear! :)

Hurricane Hayward posted on 10/28/2016

There's a new Facebook group dedicated to the appreciation of The Mai-Kai, perfect for sharing photos, stories and keeping up with all the news:

If you're on Facebook, please join us. We already have 350+ members on he first day!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 10/31/2016

Hulaween 2016, the eighth annual Halloween party, was a another big success. Here are a few choice photos ...

The Molokai bar was all decked out for the partygoers.

The Molokai Maidens got into the spirit of the event.

Slip and the Spinouts performed in the suitably spooky Molokai bar.

An Evil Minnie (The Mai-Kai's Pia Dahlquist) meets Don the Beachcomber's acquaintance.

The Mai-Kai Snowglobe placed third in the costume contest.

Accepting a bottle of 12-year-old rum from Charlie Kleinicke of Appleton, the first-place winners (Mai Tai and a Bottle of Rum) also took home $300 cash and a $50 Mai-Kai gift certificate.

Check out the full recap and photos on The Atomic Grog:

Hurricane Hayward posted on 11/20/2016

A few more "lost cocktail" reviews and recipes that have some great old history attached to them ...

Hanalei Bay


Dr. Fong


Also, plans for the 60th anniversary party on Dec. 28 are coming together. Here's the latest on Facebook:

Hurricane Hayward posted on 12/02/2016

SPECIAL EVENT: The Mai-Kai’s 60th Anniversary Symposia Series & Customer Celebration Party – Wednesday, Dec. 28. Featuring presentations by authors Sven Kirsten and Tim "Swanky" Glazner brought to you by Tiki Kiliki Productions. Plus enjoy dinner shows, live music, and food and drink specials all night. Doors open at 1:30, symposia begin at 2, happy hour at 3:30, signings at 4, live music at 6, dinner shows at 7 and 9:30 (not included in ticket for symposiums! Call The Mai-Kai to make your reservation).

You must buy a ticket to attend the symposia. Available now at http://TikiKiliki.com/ and at The Mai-Kai. For dinner reservations, call (954) 563-3272.

Full event preview from The Atomic Grog: http://wp.me/p1xHjT-3z4

uncle trav posted on 12/02/2016

Wish I could make it to this event. It sounds like a great time.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 12/15/2016

In a special ceremony on Dec. 13, the Broward County Commission declared Dec. 28th to be "Mai-Kai Restaurant and Polynesian Show Day" in the county. The owners, management and performers attended the signing of the proclamation at the commission chambers in Fort Lauderdale ....

"Be it proclaimed by the board of county commissioners of Broward County, Florida: That the Board hereby designates Wednesday December 28, 2016 as "MAI-KAI RESTAURANT AND POLYNESIAN SHOW DAY" in Broward County, offers its gratitude for 60 years of historical hospitality."

Watch the video (fast forward to the 4:00:00 mark)

Hurricane Hayward posted on 12/24/2016

The special presentations on Dec. 28 are sold out. To get on the waiting list in the event of a cancellation, email pia@maikai.com.

If you miss out, you can still attend the book signing afterward in The Molokai. Early happy hour starts at 3:30. Mele Kalikimaka!

Hurricane Hayward posted on 01/16/2017

Fort Lauderdale's historic Polynesian restaurant turned 60 on Dec. 28 with special presentations by authors Sven Kirsten and Tim "Swanky" Glazner, its famous dinner shows, live music, plus food and drink specials all night. Photos by TheAtomicGrog.com ...

The line forms early with doors opening at 1:30 p.m.

Guests are greeted by holiday decorations ...

... and an uncluttered view of the beautiful dining rooms.

Tahiti features several paintings of owner Mireille Thornton, a native of that island. This black velvet ...

... plus this painting above a comfy corner table.

A famous portrait of original owner Bob Thornton with his silver 25th anniversary Rum Barrel greets arrivals in the garden dining area for the special presentations.

Also on display, Broward County's proclamation declaring Dec. 28 to be "Mai-Kai Restaurant and Polynesian Show Day."

Founding owners Bob and Jack Thornton hold a prominent position on stage.

Christie "Tiki Kiliki" White, who produced the special Symposia Series for the 60th anniversary, introduces author Sven Kirsten ("The Book of Tiki," "Tiki Pop").

Sven Kirsten discusses the infamous "cannibal trio" of Tahitian carvings that can be found in many mid-century Tiki establishments, tracing The Mai-Kai's signature logos back to Tiki bar pioneer Don the Beachcomber.

Hurricane Hayward of The Atomic Grog introduces the next speaker, Tim "Swanky" Glazner.

Swanky, author of "Mai-Kai: History and Mystery of the Iconic Tiki Restaurant," takes a look back at the early years of the restaurant.

After the symposia, the line stretched out the door of the gift shop as the authors signed books and greeted guests.

The Molokai opens early for an extended happy hour ...

... featuring the music of Rose Marie ...

... along with lost cocktails from the 1956 menu.

Tiki Kiliki greets special guests ...

... while owner Mireille Thornton welcomes a former Mai-Kai dancer, Lehua Nani.

The symposia participants gather for the first dinner show.

Please welcome to the stage, The Mai-Kai's Polynesian Islander Revue ...

... the longest-running authentic South Seas stage show in the United States, including Hawaii.

This evening marked the official debut of the 2017 version of the Revue.

Diners in the front row have a perfect view of the show.

The Polynesian Islander Revue is based on the authentic dances of the Polynesian islands.

The new costumes are spectacular.

The performers do up to three shows a night during peak season.

One of the most spectacular parts of the show is the traditional Samoan fire knife dance.

You have to hand it to these performers. ...

... They know how to entertain the audience. ...

... And their skills at twirling the fire knife ...

... are always among the elite in their field ...

... and the routines are impeccably performed.

The torches are lit for the fire-dance finale ...

... which gives new meaning to the term "hot foot!"

While this impressive routine ...

... is truly a spectacular maneuver performed ...

... by the seat of their pants!

The wahines return for the finale ...

... to join the kanes in their colorful new costumes.

The show wraps up in a whirlwind of dance and colors from the South Seas islands.

In honor of the anniversary, the Islanders then welcome a former member of their ranks: Viriamu, a master drummer from Tahiti.

Viriamu, who performed on The Mai-Kai stage for years, dedicates a special tribute to The Mai-Kai. His son, Kasai, is the lead male dancer in the current Polynesian Islander Revue. Kasai's wife, Hokulani, also dances in the show.

As the evening winds down, surf guitarist Skinny Jimmy Stingray and Hurricane Hayward join the many guests admiring the newly installed Tiki.

Hiroa Nui, a traditional Tahitian carving by Fort Lauderdale artist Will Anders, joins the exotic outdoor garden as its newest icon and photo op.

More photos and the full story on Hiroa Nui on The Atomic Grog:

More photos and details on the lost cocktails on the Okole Maluna Society thread:

Gallery of 75 photos from Miami New Times:

Story and video from WSVN, Channel 7:

Facebook gallery from Weekend Broward:

Be sure to join us on the Friends of The Mai-Kai group on Facebook:

aquarj posted on 01/18/2017

Outstanding presentation, thank you for sharing!

Tiki Nate posted on 01/24/2017

Planning a trip to the Mai Kai, but have been "flummoxed" trying to figure out a good place on the beach to stay............I am assuming that you don't really need a car if you are staying near the restaurant?? I think the beach area there is called the "Grand Strand?" is that correct?

I would be flying down from Maryland, probably in October - is that a good time of the year (not too hot in other words?) - just trying to pick anyone's brain to help me out.

Email me at megweilo@yahoo.com or post here, I'm open to lodging suggestions, etc. (Looking for decent lodging but nothing extravagant).



Swanky posted on 01/24/2017

On 2017-01-24 10:58, Tiki Nate wrote:
Planning a trip to the Mai Kai, but have been "flummoxed" trying to figure out a good place on the beach to stay............I am assuming that you don't really need a car if you are staying near the restaurant?? I think the beach area there is called the "Grand Strand?" is that correct?

I would be flying down from Maryland, probably in October - is that a good time of the year (not too hot in other words?) - just trying to pick anyone's brain to help me out.

Email me at megweilo@yahoo.com or post here, I'm open to lodging suggestions, etc. (Looking for decent lodging but nothing extravagant).



First, October is a great time of year. Not too hot.

My first suggestion is to look at North Beach Village Resorts. They have a wide variety of hotels which are all Mid Century Modern and well renovated and at various prices. You can usually get in at $130 a night or so. Just realize some of these places are clothing optional gay hotels, so, read the description! And not all are walking distance to the beach.

You might also check the Best Western Oceanfront to be right on the beach. Also maybe the Bahia Cabana if it is still open. Not the nicest, but you’re just sleeping there right? Great locals hangout, good food. Right across from the beach.

You can easily Uber or take a taxi to the Mai-Kai from any of these.

Hurricane Hayward posted on 03/19/2017

Just added to The Atomic Grog ...

The Mai-Kai is here to stay: 10 reasons why we love the historic South Florida restaurant


mike and marie posted on 03/20/2017

On 2016-11-20 11:09, Hurricane Hayward wrote:
A few more "lost cocktail" reviews and recipes that have some great old history attached to them ...

Nice photos -- and recipes.

Maybe you can help solve a longstanding mystery for us. For years the Mai Kai restaurant web page has talked about the Shark Bite recipe, but it's a dead link and no amount of contact to the webmaster address seems to be able to fix or change this. It's especially tantalizing because he Shark Bite is one of the very best drinks on the regular menu, in our semi-humble opinion. We've tried to reverse engineer it, with some consultation with Jeff Berry, but what we want is the real deal, the actual recipe in use at the Mai-Kai. Any ideas?

Hurricane Hayward posted on 03/21/2017
Swanky posted on 03/30/2017

I was excited to get this shirt thanks to Martin Hemmel.

When it arrived and I dug into my archive and found it was from 1959 and the real style of their work shirts and not just the same material, I was really flabbergasted!

The full story here.

mikehooker posted on 03/30/2017

Super awesome. Congrats!

hang10tiki posted on 03/31/2017


Hurricane Hayward posted on 04/23/2017

A gathering of Florida artists on April 19 in front of the latest creation by Fort Lauderdale's Will Anders:

From left: Tom Fowner, Will Anders, Rod North, Jeff Chouinard

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/04/2017

I'm honored to be doing a special presentation during the finale of The Hukilau on June 11. We'll also be enjoying three "lost cocktails" from The Mai-Kai's 1956 menu, plus live surf tunes from Skinny Jimmy Stingray.

Full preview on The Atomic Grog:

Also, if you're going to The Hukilau, be sure to also check out the symposiums "The Mai-Kai’s Untold Stories" with Tim "Swanky" Glazner on Friday and "Nautical Tiki" (featuring exclusive info on The Molokai bar) with Mike Skinner on Saturday at Pier 66. Swanky’s presentation will include a number of Mai-Kai legends.

Latest on The Hukilau:

Official site, ticket info:

Hurricane Hayward posted on 06/07/2017

Here's the link to follow for the daily schedule, news and updates, plus live coverage from The Hukilau ...

Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/04/2017

Click the link above for a photo and video recap of The Hukilau, including Saturday night's main event featuring The Surfajettes and all the other cool bands. The story on Sunday's symposium is also updated with new photos. Lots more to come soon ...


Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/04/2017

Did you know that The Mai-Kai now has an online store on Facebook? Check out some of the same cool stuff you can get in the Mai-Kai Trading Post, including signature mugs ... https://www.facebook.com/MaiKaiTradingPost/app/?sk=app_189977524185

Hurricane Hayward posted on 07/04/2017

Representatives of The Hukilau and The Mai-Kai presented a check from the "See Aloha" charity efforts to the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Association on June 29 in The Mai-Kai’s outdoor gardens.

Get more info here:

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