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CincyTikiCraig posted on 03/09/2017

A round of Black Magics

CincyTikiCraig posted on 03/09/2017

On 2017-03-08 20:05, CincyTikiCraig wrote:
A round of Black Magics

It was so good that it turned me sideways.

I'll show myself out....

CincyTikiCraig posted on 03/09/2017

Mai Kai's Cobras Kiss

The Below Decks posted on 03/09/2017

Officine Brera cocktails! (I wish I had properly noted the names. They were great, that I recall. This place is just down the street from the Lost Spirits Distillery in downtown LA. I ate and had cocktails here before my distillery tour. Highly recommend the restaurant and the tour.)

JenTiki posted on 03/09/2017

Last night I attempted to make a Rum Old Fashioned contained within an hollow ice sphere. Unfortunately, the ice wasn't quite thick enough and sprung a leak while I was funneling the cocktail into it. This was my first attempt, mostly to figure out how long to freeze the sphere before dumping the excess water. Now I know I need to freeze it longer.

AceExplorer posted on 03/09/2017

Very nice, Jen! Thrillist did a video on this a while back, and they said 2 hours of time in the freezer. It depends to some degree on how cold your freezer is. But hey - I'd would make "mistakes" a few times in order to have to drink up the mess, and then finally "get it right!"

The Thrillist video involves flame to melt the ice shell, and then the whole thing gently comes apart in the glass and mixes with the bottom spirit. This is a very cool effect!


The Below Decks posted on 03/10/2017

Manuela Lavender Sour!

hang10tiki posted on 03/11/2017


Spousal unit won 400.00

hang10tiki posted on 03/11/2017

Hamo posted on 03/12/2017

On 2017-03-07 19:31, hang10tiki wrote:
Thank you,
I have been looking for a way to use the bourbon I have.
Very good.

Glad you liked it, hang10.

This afternoon it's my first Navy Grog:

No pilsner glass or Beachbum Berry ice cone mold, but I improvised.

hang10tiki posted on 03/13/2017

Hamo- :)

Dig da Porpoise constitution

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2017-03-12 19:26 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/13/2017


The Below Decks posted on 03/13/2017

Manuela Last Word!

PalmtreePat posted on 03/13/2017

A Nui Nui to wash down a dinner of Chinese takeout.

JenTiki posted on 03/13/2017

On 2017-03-09 11:20, AceExplorer wrote:
Very nice, Jen! Thrillist did a video on this a while back, and they said 2 hours of time in the freezer. It depends to some degree on how cold your freezer is. But hey - I'd would make "mistakes" a few times in order to have to drink up the mess, and then finally "get it right!"

The Thrillist video involves flame to melt the ice shell, and then the whole thing gently comes apart in the glass and mixes with the bottom spirit. This is a very cool effect!


Two hours isn't enough in my freezer. That one was about 3 hours. I tried 5 hours the next day and that was too long, only leaving room for about 1.5oz liquid. Still working on finding the perfect time.

hang10tiki posted on 03/15/2017

PalmTreePat- nice Cyclops eyece

Killin pain

Hamo posted on 03/15/2017

Finishing another original drink created one evening to use Don's Mix after I decided I could only handle one Zombie:

The Beachcomber's Shanty
(Name courtesy Tiki Bar Name Generator)

3/4 oz light Virgin Islands rum
3/4 oz gold Jamaican rum
1 oz Don's Mix
1/2 oz pineapple juice
1 dash Angostura bitters

Shake with ice and strain into a cocktail glass.

The Below Decks posted on 03/15/2017

Manuela Rye Sour!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 03/16/2017

On 2017-03-14 21:31, hang10tiki wrote:
PalmTreePat- nice Cyclops eyece

Killin pain

Nice bowl Jon. Should not dat Painkiller have two straws?

The Below Decks posted on 03/16/2017

The Below Decks Night Tripper!

The Below Decks posted on 03/17/2017

R&D Bees Knees!

Hamo posted on 03/17/2017

Before the traditional whiskey, a little tiki for St. Patrick's: a Fu Manchu and Song of the Islands.

HaleTiki posted on 03/18/2017

I too, decided to go the green route. Making myself a standard grog of lime, demerara, and rum. Just added a little Blue Curacao to the mix to get the color.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 03/18/2017

Barrel O rRum’s (with green umbrellas) and a green cake. Happy St. Paddy’s to all.

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 03/18/2017

[ Edited by: nui 'umi 'umi 2017-03-17 21:27 ]

hang10tiki posted on 03/18/2017

David- that was a selfish painkiller :)

David- nice Barrels

It's early:
Strong coffee

PalmtreePat posted on 03/19/2017

Tiki Puka Puka, in a fish mug for no particular reason.

Hamo posted on 03/19/2017

Just finished a Trader Vic Grog and still have lemon juice to use up.....

Hamo posted on 03/19/2017

Maybe it's a bit late in the evening for this one, but to finish the lemon juice I settled on a Mid-century Zombie.

hang10tiki posted on 03/20/2017

The Below Decks posted on 03/20/2017

The Below Decks NoMad Mai Tai!

Hamo posted on 03/21/2017

Plantation Pineapple Daiquiri. This rum is phenomenal.

The Below Decks posted on 03/21/2017

The Below Decks Bumble Bee!

hang10tiki posted on 03/22/2017

Porpoise constitution
(Yep, I like these)

JenTiki posted on 03/22/2017

On 2017-03-20 21:53, Hamo wrote:
Plantation Pineapple Daiquiri. This rum is phenomenal.

I did a similar daiquiri last night with the same rum, but honey syrup instead of simple. It was delicious!

The Below Decks posted on 03/22/2017

p.y.t. Almond Joy!

The Below Decks posted on 03/23/2017

p.y.t. Jalapeno Business!

The Below Decks posted on 03/24/2017

Bar Clacson And for the life of me I now can't recall now what it was called. :( I can say that this is a great place for craft cocktails, that the bartender was great and they know the business and service of well-made cocktails!

HopeChest posted on 03/24/2017

I am SOOOOOOOOOO in love with that Bar Clacson logo. Oh my days. That is a thing of beauty.

I think that drink is called The Separatist.

uncle trav posted on 03/25/2017

Sven -Tiki

And multiple Miehana

And other tasty goodies

hang10tiki posted on 03/25/2017

UnkaTrav- your pics look great
Made me thirsty

Double ...-

hang10tiki posted on 03/25/2017

Porpoise constitution

hang10tiki posted on 03/25/2017

Hamo- love the Plant Pineapple rum
Sucks, can't find in Vegas anymore

hang10tiki posted on 03/25/2017

Spin on the Porpoise
Substitute burnt sugar for falernum

hang10tiki posted on 03/25/2017

Porpoise C with chocolate bitters added

Hamo posted on 03/26/2017

On 2017-03-24 20:37, hang10tiki wrote:
Hamo- love the Plant Pineapple rum
Sucks, can't find in Vegas anymore

Hi Time shipped my bottle, but maybe that's not an option in Navada.

I'm enjoying another Pineapple Daiquiri as we speak.

hang10tiki posted on 03/26/2017

The mob blew that option for us long ago

The Below Decks posted on 03/27/2017

On 2017-03-24 09:30, HopeChest wrote:
I am SOOOOOOOOOO in love with that Bar Clacson logo. Oh my days. That is a thing of beauty.

I think that drink is called The Separatist.

That's the name I was grasping for! Thanks! Great place and bartenders!

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