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What AreYou Drinking- Right Now?

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The Below Decks posted on 04/18/2017

Brennan's Roost Bar (New Orleans) Ojen Frappe!

hang10tiki posted on 04/19/2017

Rum old-fashioned

The Below Decks posted on 04/19/2017

Latitude 29 Pontchartrain Pearl Diver!

hang10tiki posted on 04/20/2017

The Below Decks posted on 04/20/2017

Latitude 29 Paul of the Jungle!

The Below Decks posted on 04/21/2017

Latitude 29 Navy Grog!

hang10tiki posted on 04/22/2017

Attempt at
Lost Lakes Tic Tac Taxi

hang10tiki posted on 04/22/2017


3 Rum Scum(s)

hang10tiki posted on 04/22/2017

Then a

Burnt Choco Porpoise :)

hang10tiki posted on 04/22/2017


A Porpoise Wearing a Ginger Lei

2 oz your favorite rum
2 oz water
Tiki bitters
1/2 oz ginger honey syrup

Early Landed Larry posted on 04/22/2017

Hi all, this is my first post! (Except for my intro post.) This is a kind of rum and rye old-fashioned. I'm convinced there is a real classic drink somewhere with this mix of ingredients, although I haven't quite nailed it yet.

This has:

2 oz 100 proof rye
1 oz Rhum JM Gold
1/4 oz Bonal Gentian
1/4 oz dry white vermouth
Barspoon or so simple syrup
Small dash of chocolate bitters. Stirred over ice and strained over a death star ice cube :)

It was really tasty. Next time I think I'd drop the vermouth and up the bonal by the same amount. Pretty boozy too - it would be fine with a half oz less rye!

I know this is not exactly tiki, but the JM rhum is a real big gun ingredient for me, and I love drinks that show it off.

EDIT - If anyone's interested, I think I nailed the ingredients for this tonight!

1.5 oz rye; 1/2 oz Bonal; 1.25 oz Rhum JM Gold; small squirt of simple syryp to taste (err on the side of caution); and a shy shake each of chocolate and lemon bitters.

[ Edited by: Early Landed Larry 2017-04-27 14:18 ]

hang10tiki posted on 04/22/2017

ELL- welcome and cheers...

Hamo posted on 04/23/2017

Mai Tais for my sister and me

Hamo posted on 04/23/2017

Now my own rum barrel recipe

Hamo posted on 04/24/2017

And now a round of South Pacific Punch

The Below Decks posted on 04/24/2017

Compere Lapin (New Orleans) Andromeda!

The Below Decks posted on 04/25/2017

Broussard's Ramos Gin Fizz!

Early Landed Larry posted on 04/26/2017

Beautiful! Hamo, would you mind sharing your rum barrel recipe?

Hamo posted on 04/27/2017

A Wicked Wahine while listening to an episode of Inside the Desert Oasis Room podcast with Bamboo Ben

Hamo posted on 04/27/2017

On 2017-04-26 04:06, Early Landed Larry wrote:
Beautiful! Hamo, would you mind sharing your rum barrel recipe?

Sure. I've posted it on the "Best Rum Barrel Recipe" thread:


FYI, I've tweaked the recipe since the above photo and removed the orgeat.

hang10tiki posted on 04/27/2017

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 04/27/2017

Painkillers. Don’t know what happened to the coconut creme but the taste was ono.

The Below Decks posted on 04/27/2017

Rib Room (New Orleans) Queen's Park Swizzle!

(Not great.)

Hamo posted on 04/28/2017

Bermuda Rum Swizzle

The Below Decks posted on 04/28/2017

Bar Tonique Last Word!

Twikisi posted on 04/28/2017

Hi all. This is my first post since joining the site ... and most definitely digging it!

So, this isn't exactly "right now," but I couldn't resist sharing this photo. This is a pour of Black Tot that I got to try at False Idol in San Diego, shortly after it opened. Drinking this, I felt like a mini celebrity!

hang10tiki posted on 04/29/2017


hang10tiki posted on 04/29/2017

bamalamalu posted on 04/29/2017

Beer today - Frankie's tomorrow!

Hamo posted on 04/29/2017

Chartreuse Swizzle

PalmtreePat posted on 04/30/2017

Colonel Tiki's Dark Magic

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 04/30/2017

Had a Blue Moon followed by a Saturn. no pic of the Saturn. Bof Delish.

HopeChest posted on 05/01/2017

This weekend seemed like one long bar crawl...

Singha with a shot of 11 Tigers Rum at Osha Embarcadero:

This stuff is BIZARRE. The bartender told me that "the old people back in Thailand make this." They take either rum or whiskey and put it in a container with herbs like lemongrass, galangal, etc. and let it infuse for about a month. The first sip was how one would imagine butterscotch Robitussin would taste and each sip after that tasted different - I could see someone not liking it at all but drinking the whole thing trying to suss out if they did or not. I told the bartender that I was glad I tried something so unusual but that it was really not to my tastes. He closed his eyes, shook his head firmly, and said, "I do NOT like it."

Winter Tiki Holiday at the Hotsy Totsy in Albany:

Ridiculously good. We're going to get the Samsara next time.

The Below Decks posted on 05/01/2017

Bar Tonique (New Orleans) Boulivardier!

The Below Decks posted on 05/02/2017

Palace Cafe (New Orleans) Painkiller!

hang10tiki posted on 05/04/2017

Double Egg whiteless Pisco Sour

hang10tiki posted on 05/04/2017

Burnt sugar Porpoise

hang10tiki posted on 05/04/2017

Just enough left for 1 small sip

Hamo posted on 05/04/2017

Finishing another original rum barrel recipe (and too tipsy to post a photo...):


The Below Decks posted on 05/04/2017

The Below Decks Sloe Gin Fizz!

The Below Decks posted on 05/05/2017

The Below Decks Leapfrog!

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Early Landed Larry posted on 05/05/2017

Two Finkelgrogs (from the Smuggler's Cove book) at home with Mrs Larry:

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Instead of the "Napa wine syrup" I used a 75:25 mixture of Bonal and simple syrup because I'm lazy (and the aromatic wine, with a touch of gentian, works quite well in this). One of my favourites.

PalmtreePat posted on 05/06/2017

The Caribbean from POTC. Didn't feel like making a batch of ginger syrup so I replaced the regular cola with some ginger cola I saw at the grocery store.

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hang10tiki posted on 05/07/2017

Dr. Funk

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Hamo posted on 05/07/2017

Mai Tai and Missionary's Downfall at Adrift in Denver. No drink picture, but here's one of tikis and fire.

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nui 'umi 'umi posted on 05/08/2017

Lapu Lapu’s and Mai Tai’s at the Royal Hawaiian in Laguna Beach, California. LL's on the sweet side-Mt was o k.

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mikehooker posted on 05/08/2017

On 2017-05-07 22:41, nui 'umi 'umi wrote:
Lapu Lapu’s and Mai Tai’s at the Royal Hawaiian in Laguna Beach, California. LL's on the sweet side-Mt was o k.

Was listening to Adrian's podcast discussing the new Lapu they're making with the old recipe. They seemed real proud of what they're serving. Would love to see pics of the new interior.

The Below Decks posted on 05/08/2017

The Coconut Club Smog Cutter, Ambrosia Salad, Pineapple Upside-down Old Fashioned, and Velvet Turtle at Clifton's Pacific Seas!

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