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Tiki Trader at Bali Hai San Diegos Premier Tiki Marketplace June 2 2018

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mimi le meaux posted on 04/23/2017

Tiki Trader San Diego at the iconic Bali Hai Saturday June 2nd 2018 10 am - 3pm Hope to see you all there for our summertime shopping party, featuring dance tunes by Tiki Tronic and DJ Captain Coconut spinning tunes !

[ Edited by: mimi le meaux 2018-05-03 13:42 ]

lunavideogames posted on 04/25/2017

RevBambooBen posted on 04/26/2017

If I was in town I'd be there!

Have a good Tiki Trader Time at the Bali Hai!!

TikiAno posted on 04/26/2017

Tis true, I am over 35.... and then some! :wink:

This is going to be good...

skootiki posted on 05/03/2017

This is gonna be a fun day!
I'll bring some TiKis

TikiAno posted on 05/03/2017

Dig that center carve, Skoot!

I'll bring some mugs...

and a drinking bowl or three...

plus a whole bunch of Tiki Coasters...

some Tiki Tiles...

and some Ceramic Masks..

Bringing a lot more than those pictured...

Going to be a fun day to Tiki in SD!

mahalomo posted on 05/08/2017

Looking forward to this, and hope it becomes a regular event!

TikiVato posted on 05/10/2017

I finished making over forty Tiki Lamps during the past week. Here's some of the Tiki goodies I will be taking. I love San Diego, looking forward to a Tikirific weekend.

HopeChest posted on 05/10/2017

I hope you get a chance to bring your wares to the SF Bay Area sometime soon - I love your stuff!!

TikiAno posted on 05/11/2017

Bump- a few days away!

Tiki Vato, awesome!

bamalamalu posted on 05/12/2017

Looks like I'm gonna have to go the bank again before Saturday.

bamalamalu posted on 05/13/2017


Even more vendors have been added, this should be a really fun day. Everybody come on down!

Cammo posted on 05/13/2017

Just got back, this was an amazing event; beautiful day beside the water, lots of fun people, great vendors, excellent music!

I got a Mean Gene glass and some Deadhead Rum swag - Deadhead is going to have an amazing new product at Tiki Oasis, nuff said.

Thanks to everybody who organized this!

bamalamalu posted on 05/14/2017

Holy cow. This event was truly SPECTACULAR.

Mahalo tons to Mimi, John, Bali Hai, and all the vendors, entertainers, & shoppers who made this such a success.

I'm not usually much of a shopper but absolutely hit the mother lode. We got treasures from TikiAno, Tiki Vato, Tiki Tony...and that's just the "Tiki" named sellers! I'll try and post the rest when I can wrap my head around it (good thing that extra stop at the bank happened en route!) Would have been even more if we hadn't run out of time.

Mahalo Nui Loa; can't wait to do this again!

CosmoReverb posted on 05/14/2017

Echoing what others have said. I'd say the event was indeed a smashing success.

Great folks, great wares, great tunes, potent mai tais… great fun!!!

Came home with our bags full and our wallets empty.

Mahalo to Mimi and everyone else who worked so hard to pull it off. Can't wait for the next one!!!

nui 'umi 'umi posted on 05/14/2017

What a great event. Mahalo to all of you. So nice to see so many of the San Diego Ohana as well as their northern neigbors.
Here’s a bunch of random pix as well as a few posed ones in no particular order. We got there late and I’ve tried to capture some of the vibe.

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hang10tiki posted on 05/15/2017

Great pics
Thanks for posting Nui

RevBambooBen posted on 05/15/2017

Wow! Packed house!! Awesome!!!.

Looked awesome!!


bamalamalu posted on 05/15/2017

Yeah, lots of great pics there (plus a couple shots of some goofy looking folks :P )
Great to see you & CeCe yesterday, Nui. Sorry we missed having a drink with you upstairs afterward.

Keep thinking about all the vendors we didn't get a chance to go back to & buy from, too. Next time! Can't wait.

lunavideogames posted on 05/15/2017

Hey bamalamalu, who are you calling goofy :)

I think it was a huge success! So much fun and the perfect weather. Can't wait for the next one!!!

TikiAno posted on 05/16/2017

Great pics! Look forward to seeing more photos.

Most importantly, I never noticed Denise's/ Retro Ruthie's Cat Shirt Hanger!

Love it when a great event comes together- awesome venue, picture perfect weather, cool customers, groovy vendors (myself not included, of course), and all around a great community feeling- definitely what the SD Ohana represents!

Congratulations and Thank you to Miranda and John- as well as all to of the SD Ohana who volunteered and helped pull off an event of this magnitude- and success, for the first one.

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Hairball posted on 05/16/2017

Cool event!
This was my first time as a vendor anywhere and the Tiki Trader set the bar pretty high!
Folks were lined up outside before the door opened and even arrived by boats and jet skis....on a day that could not have been more beautiful.

Thanks to all the organizers and all the vendors trading!
Most of my paintings found a new home and hopefully bring joy to the new owners!



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Dock and Shop!

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