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So, what are you going as for Halloween?? Just curious....

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thats great, wish i could join you. is the booty in the chest going to be those gold foil covered chocolate coins? by any chance are you in set construction for the industry?
speaking of rocky walls, the ms, and i will be in the caveman room at the madonna inn on halloween, but i am pretty sure there will not be any pirates or rum punch.
hope the adults and kids have a blast.


Hi TT. No, I was never formally a set builder, but I did build a few sets when I was involved in independant filmmaking over 20 years ago. And no, that doesn't mean "porn".

I built miniature sets for stop-motion animation on one film (Robocop 2!) and worked in the museum exhibit biz for a bit around the same time.

I work on a computer all day as a video game artist and building something non-virtual like this again feels sooo great.

Have fun at the MI. I stayed in the "Bridal Falls" suite many years ago and it was a blast. Getting the Cave Man room on Halloween is quite a coup. Have a great time!

The return of Ben Cooper costumes!?

Ben Cooper Costumes

Bloody disgusting: Owners Talk Relaunch of Iconic Halloween Costume Company Ben Cooper!

[ Edited by: King Bushwich the 33rd 2017-07-08 01:22 ]

The return of Ben Cooper costumes!?

[ Edited by: King Bushwich the 33rd 2017-07-08 01:23 ]

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