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Jenny Haniver/ Dried Devil Fish

Pages: 1 12 replies

MadDogMike posted on 01/09/2009

When I was a youngster (back in the 70's), the local tiki bar had a couple of "Jenny Haviers" or "Devil Fishes" hanging from the ceiling along with the pufferfishes. I don't see them posted here, it must not have been a regular tiki decoration? Maybe just something this owner found and thought it was cool?

EDIT - PS, just saw one on e-Bay for $400! Nice profit for a dead stingray!

Blurring the fine line between art and crap.

[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2014-03-09 17:26 ]

Slacks Ferret posted on 03/08/2014

I just noticed that Munktiki is selling a ceramic version:


Ragbag Comics posted on 03/08/2014

I love these guys... a great old sideshow gaff, much like the Fiji Mermaid.

Here's ours, snagged online from a former carnival guy in FL a few years ago (my wife
is very good at finding appropriate presents around the holidays... nothin' says
Merry Christmas quite like a dried out fish mutant diorama...)

Likewise, Munktiki's fabulous Fiji Mermaid makes a fine companion piece to the
Jenny Hanniver wall pocket (for those who want the style and attitude of a
dried out fish-body sewn to half of a monkey, but don't want nightmares...)


Looks like they're out of them at the moment, but the link is still active. Ours lives on one side of our living room;
the "real" Fiji mermaid lives on the other side... we don't want 'em spawning...


danlovestikis posted on 03/09/2014

Very interesting, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 03/09/2014

Thanks guys, I had forgotten all about those.

Sofa King posted on 03/10/2014

Dude, that dried-out, mutilated skate carcass is both disturbing and disgusting.


Because it is so wrong on so many levels makes it is so right.

I must have one of these and the ceramic one just will not cut it.
I need one made of 100% skate jerky. fore sure.

It kinda looks like something I've seen washed up on the shores of the Salton Sea.

Thanks Mad Dog for bringing attention to the awesome devil fish.

Gsc posted on 03/11/2014

I own a few devil fish... here's my first and favorite.

I just ordered one of the ceramic ones also off the Munktiki website- kinda neat that they did a clay version for people who couldn't find one of the vinatge dried ones!


Slacks Ferret posted on 03/11/2014

Jenny was also once a cover-girl:

tikilongbeach posted on 03/11/2014

There's a dried devil fish for sale on etsy for $250.


Devil Fish, Mummified, in excellent condition. The Devil Fish measures 22" long, 7 1/4" at the widest point. Very intact, you can actually see the tongue through the parted lips. The back side shows the sweeping long tail. On the back side of the head you can clearly see the gill formation. Great conversation piece, and unique coastal decor.

MadDogMike posted on 03/11/2014

GSC, can you post a pic of the whole Devil Fish? Thanks

Here's pics of the etsy one that TikiLongBeach mentioned

Gsc posted on 03/11/2014

On 2014-03-11 09:59, MadDogMike wrote:
GSC, can you post a pic of the whole Devil Fish? Thanks

Currently out-of-town working for the next two weeks- when I get back home I'll snap some shots of the devil fish. I have a large one and a smaller one. One of my friends is a sideshow-gaff artist and makes them to sell from time to time. I just sent him some money for a VINTAGE 28" puffer from a shut down shell shop---it was a display piece that hung from the ceiling---he remembers seeing the puffer there as a kid--- trying to gather stuff up for when we move and I build my home tiki bar!

MadDogMike posted on 08/02/2017

Saw this one at La Bufadora in Ensenada MX, didn't check for a price. Looks like Jaws vs Predator :lol:

tikitube posted on 08/09/2017

Wow...the stuff of nightmares. :wink:

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