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Looking For Coco Joe's (Or Similar) Walnut Tiki Pendant

Pages: 1 4 replies

Zu posted on 10/09/2017

Hi everyone - will anyone sell me the coco joe/easter island smooth (walnut or some kind of brown wood) tiki pendant?

Been searching the usual suspects but nothing. You know the one..gaping mouth with rhinestone eyes. There are some made better than others, I'm looking for the one that has a nice gaping mouth detail, some of these don't have that nice finish around the mouth area. If the rhinestone eyes are missing, I can replace those.

much obliged

MadDogMike posted on 10/09/2017

Like the one on the left?

Bay Park Buzzy has recreated some of the old vintage pendants, hit him up here or on FaceBook

Zu posted on 10/09/2017

bingo!! that's it.

Zu posted on 10/09/2017

i'll check him out..but if I had a choice though I would rather own an vintage one..the new ones ive seen thus far just don't have the detail I'm looking for, or its too over the top for me or they seem to cut corners on the carving details.

Zu posted on 10/09/2017

a quick google search reveals my suspicion, he's made a couple tiki god necklaces but missing the details the originals have, again especially the gaping mouth detail, its just not there, so subsequently you will know his masks are repro.

phew! never looked for something for so long..this item should be crowned the "rarest tiki item in the world" or something.

at any rate, hopefully someone on this forum is willing to part with one, or two.

Pages: 1 4 replies