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Any Info On Paul Page?

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bongofury posted on 09/03/2004

I have these 2 lps by Paul Page. No dates on either, but in the photo from the 2nd lp he looks a little older and a little pissed off. Mostly original songs, with some nice steel from Bernie Kaai Lewis. The interesting part is that he does a lot of poetry over the music, kind of like Eden Ahbez.

Some interseting info on the back of the second lp. The youngest newspaper editor, semi-pro basketball in Ohio, a radio show in Alaska, worked for NBC in Chicago, a photo model, published a nationally distributed Polynesian newspaper (The Beacon) monthly from his office in San Pedro, a prize winning artist (he did the art on his albums) hosted a nightly all stereo, Polynesian radio show (KMLA) in Los Angeles, and wrote, directed, and starred in the very first Polynesian televesion show in 1949. Whew!

There is also a reference to being featured in a Lon Chaney Jr., Universal mystery "playing the part of a Hawaiian and singing a chant he wrote for the film". Anyone know what film?

First lp says entertains nightly at the Hammond organ in Bill Leveloff's famous Turf Club In Pico-Rivera, CA. Also has an ad for an astrology record by Paul Page.

[ Edited by: bongofury on 2004-09-02 20:58 ]

naugatiki posted on 09/03/2004

He also wrote a song about the defunct Tahitian Lanai.

by Paul Page © 1973

Across the alley from the Ilikai
There's a tavern
And I can't deny
It's like home away from home to me

There beside a blue lagoon we knew
Be it morning, noon, or nitetime too
You will find me
Underneath a coconut tree

Follow the sound of a happy song
Follow the pathway
You can't go wrong
'Round the piano bar, how time goes by

Ia o ra na my friend
And aloha 'til we meet again
'Til we meet again
At the Tahitian Lanai

Waikikian Tiki Gardens walking tour


Selector Lopaka posted on 09/03/2004

Some more info about Paul Page within this past thread.


Kailuageoff posted on 09/08/2004

I just saw this thread. I posted some info on Paul Page in the Main Forum under Interesting Tiki Reads. Check it out.

bongofury posted on 09/11/2004

Thanks naugatiki, Selector Lopaka, and Kailuageoff. Looks like the "Let's Have A Luau" lp was released under several different titles, Pieces Of Eight, etc.

vegasvic posted on 10/10/2004

I just picked up a MINT (sealed) copy of The Big Island Says Aloha. Great stuff -- should have some cuts on the air very soon.

vegasvic posted on 09/29/2007

Calling all Paul Page fans -- the latest podcast episode of Vegas Vic's Tiki Lounge is a Paul Page retrospective, featuring tracks from all of Paul's rare LPs, including *Let's Have a Luau, Passport to Paradise, Hawaiian Honeymoon, I Remember Blanding, * and The Big Island Says Aloha. You can subscribe here. A full hour of bliss.



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[ Edited by: vegasvic 2007-09-29 10:45 ]

Jeff Central posted on 09/30/2007

Just subscribed to the feed!!

Thanks Vegas Vic!!!

The Paul Page Retrospective is wonderful. You did an incredible job of putting this together.

Thank you very much!! :)

I am still looking for ANY Paul Page albums and have been looking for a loooooong time!! This will have to do for now!!

Cheers and Mahalo,

Hakalugi posted on 05/30/2010

Maybe it was already mentioned elsewhere but...very good Paul Page article here:

bigbrotiki posted on 05/31/2010

Maybe not mentioned here on TC, but very recently here :)

I am hoping that the inclusion of TWO Paul Page songs on my Sound of Tiki CD will get this under-appreciated genius more exposure and will cause more material to surface.

That one is gonna be on my next CD, if.

Jeff Central posted on 06/01/2010

Kudos for including Paul Page on your compilation Bigbro.

Anytime we can shed light on these relatively unknown artists the better!

Cheers and Mahalo,

DMayL posted on 12/25/2017

Found a Paul Page bio, which includes playlists for several of his albums at http://shop.klicktrack.com/subliminalsoundswebshop/artist/383899

Would love to know how I can get a copy of "Across The Alley From The Ilikai." If you know how, please let me know!


HopeChest posted on 12/26/2017

On 2017-12-25 10:23, DMayL wrote:

Would love to know how I can get a copy of "Across The Alley From The Ilikai." If you know how, please let me know!

Unfortunately, I think the only "copy" you can get is sheet music. I don't believe this was properly recorded (at least not by Paul Page, as the copyright date is much later than any of his recordings), merely published.

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