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Grogalizer V3.0! Mobile phone friendly!

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Hamo posted on 01/19/2018

Whoops. I’m having internet problems, too—double post.

[ Edited by: Hamo 2018-01-18 18:43 ]

Prikli Pear posted on 01/19/2018

Swanky's da man! Grogalizer's back up an running. I speak for a lot of folk in saying we appreciate the effort you've put into this!

Swanky posted on 01/19/2018

3-4 hours later, I got it all worked out. MySQL deprecated in php7.

We back!

Swanky posted on 01/29/2018

There was an issue with the email verification function as well. Registration is now working again.

mikehooker posted on 02/02/2018

Tried to leave a comment and got this error message.

AceExplorer posted on 02/02/2018

Mike, that means your comment sucked! :) Just kidding.

A few minutes ago I sent email to Swanky. I'm not getting any recipes when I hit "Go." If you're having problems too, then there may be some maintenance going on.

I was gonna try that Undead Gentleman you spoke highly of in another post....... Am just too lazy to pull out my copy of Martin's book.

mikehooker posted on 02/02/2018

Ace: It’s well worth the effort of pulling your book out. I promise you will not regret it.

Swanky: I didn’t see Undead Gentleman in the database and I’d like to rank it. I guess not all of SC is listed yet?

Swanky posted on 02/02/2018

Probably more MySQL commands deprecated. Thanks for showing me the error. That helps me find these things!

Not all recipes are there. If they aren't it's because it has some rather obscure ingredient. I made the choice not to grow the ingredient list o much and when an ingredient is only in 1 recipe, I just skip the recipe.

Hopefully today I'll find time to do more fixing...

Swanky posted on 02/02/2018

Comment posting fixed...

mikehooker posted on 02/08/2018

On 2018-02-02 05:03, Swanky wrote:

Not all recipes are there. If they aren't it's because it has some rather obscure ingredient. I made the choice not to grow the ingredient list o much and when an ingredient is only in 1 recipe, I just skip the recipe.

Just realized I never added the SC category rums to my bar, which is why Undead Gentleman wasn't showing up in my initial search.

My two cents, for what it's worth: I know the website is well established in its current format and no doubt you've put countless hours into the ingredient portion of it which we applaud you for, but for me I'd assume just bypass that altogether and instead have a listing of all the drinks from all the sources that could be searched alphabetically, by highest ranking, etc. The ingredient list makes more sense in the Total Tiki app that has the actual recipes and can encourage us to purchase new things to try more drinks. It seems a little redundant to have to go through that process again on Grogalizer, especially if certain drinks are completely omitted because you don't want to add ones with obscure ingredients. For my purposes anyway, I like to sort by other people's rankings, which gives me motivation to try out drinks I maybe hadn't considered, and helps me avoid ones that no one seems to like. Likewise, I try to rank and comment on many of the drinks I've made to allow others the same courtesy. Often times I find I can't find a drink that I'm specifically looking for when going through the list of ones I have all the ingredients for, only to realize it's not there cuz I haven't updated my bar. Just seems an unnecessary step for me personally. Maybe an easy fix would be to have another option in the drop down menu to search the entire database, regardless of ingredients. Again, just my take, others mileage may vary. It's a great resource and I'm happy you still keep on top of it.

Swanky posted on 02/08/2018

On 2018-02-07 16:03, mikehooker wrote:

On 2018-02-02 05:03, Swanky wrote:

Not all recipes are there. If they aren't it's because it has some rather obscure ingredient. I made the choice not to grow the ingredient list o much and when an ingredient is only in 1 recipe, I just skip the recipe.

Just realized I never added the SC category rums to my bar, which is why Undead Gentleman wasn't showing up in my initial search.

My two cents, for what it's worth: I know the website is well established in its current format and no doubt you've put countless hours into the ingredient portion of it which we applaud you for, but for me I'd assume just bypass that altogether and instead have a listing of all the drinks from all the sources that could be searched alphabetically, by highest ranking, etc. The ingredient list makes more sense in the Total Tiki app that has the actual recipes and can encourage us to purchase new things to try more drinks. It seems a little redundant to have to go through that process again on Grogalizer, especially if certain drinks are completely omitted because you don't want to add ones with obscure ingredients. For my purposes anyway, I like to sort by other people's rankings, which gives me motivation to try out drinks I maybe hadn't considered, and helps me avoid ones that no one seems to like. Likewise, I try to rank and comment on many of the drinks I've made to allow others the same courtesy. Often times I find I can't find a drink that I'm specifically looking for when going through the list of ones I have all the ingredients for, only to realize it's not there cuz I haven't updated my bar. Just seems an unnecessary step for me personally. Maybe an easy fix would be to have another option in the drop down menu to search the entire database, regardless of ingredients. Again, just my take, others mileage may vary. It's a great resource and I'm happy you still keep on top of it.

Thanks for the input. It was just my personal opinion that I didn't want the ingredient list to explode. It started with those weird one off recipes in the back or one of th ebooks. I forget. Had a smoke Mai Tai or something?

Anyone who doesn't care about lots more ingredients if it gives more options and info, chime in here.

I do need to get in and tweak more. I noticed some weird behavior the other day.

I also like your idea. I've know people who just check every ingredient, which is counter productive. A "Show All" option.

AceExplorer posted on 02/08/2018

I'm in favor of adding more ingredients and here's why. I thought about this a bit and concluded (realized that for me at least) that as we get more serious about our home bars we need to "curate" the contents more. But if 90% of Grogalizer users would be hampered by adding all the other esoteric ingredients, adding the one-off stuff could make the tool less fun. Then maybe this could be solved by adding an "advanced" section in each of the "my bar" categories for those who care to go more thoroughly into the book. You could make it a drop-down sort of option where it would stay collapsed if the user chooses not to go there. Then this might serve both relative newcomers and those with bigger bars (or broader aspirations) equally well.

Thinking out loud here, thanks for listening. It's a great tool.

Prikli Pear posted on 02/08/2018

I also think a "show all" recipe list with the associated books could be useful. Of course, it's pretty darn useful as it is!

Swanky posted on 04/06/2018

It has caught up with me. I have needed to upgrade the Captcha for a while and now it is dead. New users can't register. I'll get it fixed when I can get to it...

Swanky posted on 04/11/2018

Registration is working again.

Grogalizer 3.0 is coming soon!

blacksheep uncle posted on 04/18/2018

OMG...how am I just finding this now! this is awesome!

Bam Bam posted on 04/19/2018

It is indeed an awesome utility, especially for the novice tiki mixologist. Even if you don't have the books referenced, at least you can get to a starting point for what you can make with what you have. I really appreciate the "missing one/two ingredients" filter, since it gives me an idea of what other ingredients to shop for to make my bar as functional as it can be given limited resources.

Swanky posted on 04/20/2018

The new version makes that stuff even easier, and it's smart phone compatible! Very excited about the new release!

JCorduroy posted on 04/20/2018

I've got an inkling that I'm either completely overlooking something or just, overall, being a big dummy - is there a way to view a drinks recipe that I can make?

AceExplorer posted on 04/20/2018

JC - the app is for folks who already own the books. It helps you use the books better by providing a number of electronic views which are very helpful. It also allows you to track our inventory and then it suggests recipes based on what you have available. And much, much more.

J Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/e3906da6fa3419d30449c12155af6691?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
JCorduroy posted on 04/20/2018

On 2018-04-20 11:28, AceExplorer wrote:
JC - the app is for folks who already own the books. It helps you use the books better by providing a number of electronic views which are very helpful. It also allows you to track our inventory and then it suggests recipes based on what you have available. And much, much more.

Ah, so the 'being a dummy' aspect was definitely in play. :wink: I do own the books, but for some reason got it stuck in my head that the recipes would be on there as well. Thanks!

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 04/23/2018

Justin Bird, gooneybird here on TC, undertook the task of bringing the design of the Grogalizer into the new age. He did a fantastic job!

Now v3.0 is mobile friendly!
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Give us your feedback if you find any issues.

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Hamo posted on 04/24/2018

I think it looks great, especially on my phone. I like that we can see all recipes from a specific book or for a specific ingredient, in addition to the color coding based on whether we have all ingredients (green), missing one ingredient (yellow), or missing two or more ingredients (red). Thanks for providing this great service!

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mikehooker posted on 04/24/2018

Fantastic update. Good work guys.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 05/09/2018

Just added the creator of the drinks. You can select them and see all their drinks listed.

I also have been doing some clean up and adding ingredients to fill out Smuggler's Cove recipes. I am also adding in the recipes from other books like Mr Lemon Hart's Tropical Treats and Phoebe Beach's drink book.

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AceExplorer posted on 05/09/2018

Swanky, you are providing a true service to humankind! Both me, and my liver, thank you! :drink:

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Prikli Pear posted on 05/09/2018

Swanky is a giver. He gives! That's what he does! :)

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 05/11/2018

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/112/5af5e0c0.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=05c591b2143e60aa62bfa47d3850b235

FYI: You can add the Grogalizer to your phone's home screen and run it like an app.

iPhone instructions

Android instructions.

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mikehooker posted on 05/11/2018

I truly love all the updates and overall look of the new version and find myself checking it out much more frequently now. The one annoying thing is that it doesn't keep me logged in on my phone, or even have my username and password saved like the web version where it's just one click and in. Not sure if that's user error on my part or something with my phone or if that can be remedied easily, but even an hour after I've been on, if I go back to check something I have to enter all my log in info again.

One other idea for a possible future update is a "search" function. I appreciate all the different ways to sort and manipulate the drink list, but it would also be great to just be able to type Zombie and all the versions show up rather than sorting alphabetically and having to scroll all the way to the bottom.

Regardless, this excellent tool is way better than ever.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 05/13/2018

On 2018-05-11 14:34, mikehooker wrote:
I truly love all the updates and overall look of the new version and find myself checking it out much more frequently now. The one annoying thing is that it doesn't keep me logged in on my phone, or even have my username and password saved like the web version where it's just one click and in. Not sure if that's user error on my part or something with my phone or if that can be remedied easily, but even an hour after I've been on, if I go back to check something I have to enter all my log in info again.

One other idea for a possible future update is a "search" function. I appreciate all the different ways to sort and manipulate the drink list, but it would also be great to just be able to type Zombie and all the versions show up rather than sorting alphabetically and having to scroll all the way to the bottom.

Regardless, this excellent tool is way better than ever.


Apple or Android? I'm guessing Android because my iPhone offers to auto-fill my password when I launch from the home screen.

Search is a good idea. I tweaked some recipes recently for their names, like "Tribute to the Mai-KAi Mutiny" to "Mutiny Tribute" to make them easier to find alphabetically. Too many recipes named "The Whatever" that are somewhat an issue...

H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/81752/6232869dd2cbf.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=bc1f160b34a2f2d289f879012477d3d2
Hamo posted on 05/13/2018

Speaking of drink names, I noticed this misspelling: “Cheif Lapu Lapu.” Also, in “My Bar,” Cognac is listed under Liqueurs, but I think it should be under Liquors.

And a couple of things that might be related to updated recipes from Grog Log and Intoxica to Remixed (I just have Remixed): even though I haven’t checked “Fresh Pineapple,” it says I can make a Boo Loo; and even though I have lemon juice and simple syrup, it doesn’t recognize that I can make a Lapu Lapu without Sweet & Sour.

Anyhow, these are minor things. In general, it works great, and I’m very appreciative of your work and generosity.

M Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/79079/623024dd26bb0.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=d472138c8f34c8aa9e8efd49ac39ebb5
mikehooker posted on 05/13/2018

On 2018-05-13 06:57, Swanky wrote:


Apple or Android? I'm guessing Android because my iPhone offers to auto-fill my password when I launch from the home screen.

Weird. I have Apple. Plus I have it on my home screen now. Maybe there's a setting somewhere in my phone but every other thing I have saved on my home screen retains my info.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 05/16/2018

On 2018-05-13 09:00, Hamo wrote:
Speaking of drink names, I noticed this misspelling: “Cheif Lapu Lapu.” Also, in “My Bar,” Cognac is listed under Liqueurs, but I think it should be under Liquors.

And a couple of things that might be related to updated recipes from Grog Log and Intoxica to Remixed (I just have Remixed): even though I haven’t checked “Fresh Pineapple,” it says I can make a Boo Loo; and even though I have lemon juice and simple syrup, it doesn’t recognize that I can make a Lapu Lapu without Sweet & Sour.

Anyhow, these are minor things. In general, it works great, and I’m very appreciative of your work and generosity.

It was my intention to remove Sweet and Sour as an ingredient in favor of lemon and syrup, but that gets messy in some ways, so it remains it's own ingredient.

H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/81752/6232869dd2cbf.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=bc1f160b34a2f2d289f879012477d3d2
Hamo posted on 05/26/2018

Any plans to add the 10th anniversary edition of Sippin’ Safari?

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 05/27/2018

On 2018-05-25 21:30, Hamo wrote:
Any plans to add the 10th anniversary edition of Sippin’ Safari?

I asked them for a review copy for that purpose and got no response. I don't have the book, so for now, I can't add those recipes. But I will eventually if I get the book!

HH Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/9164/623bea9d23be2.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=3c2f4c821ec3569d0273a67e80f9d0a1
Hurricane Hayward posted on 08/12/2018

Mahalo Swanky for all the added functionality and features. The site is looking great!

For those not paying attention, we've finally been adding more Mai-Kai tribute recipes from The Atomic Grog. Swanky just posted the Black Magic, S.O.S., K.O. Cooler, Suffering Bastard, Shark Bite, and Bora Bora. These join the previously added Mutiny, Zombie and Mai-Kai Swizzle. Those latter two recipes will soon get an update, so hold off before you rate them.

The Mutiny just got a major update, and I was stoked to see it crack the top 10 ...

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Please, add more votes. I'd like to find out if it's truly that good.

Note to Swanky: The new Sippin' Safari is definitely worth adding ASAP. If for nothing else than the newly published Mai-Kai and Mariano Licudine recipes.

Okole maluna!

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Hamo posted on 08/13/2019

Say, Swanky, when did you add the Amazon link to help support the Grogalizer? I hope the order I just placed worked.

S Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/0019c44037542f96e77f50c73123eb25?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
Swanky posted on 08/13/2019

On 2019-08-12 20:51, Hamo wrote:
Say, Swanky, when did you add the Amazon link to help support the Grogalizer? I hope the order I just placed worked.

Just a couple of days ago. Book links to Amazon were already supporting the site, but this way anything you buy via Amazon, if you click that link first, it gives 4% to the Grogalizer (and Swank Pad, et al).



5 items ordered yesterday, so maybe yours is there? Beard comb? Lightning cable? ...

[ Edited by: Swanky 2019-08-13 04:48 ]

[ Edited by leevigraham on 2022-03-31 16:02:29 ]

H Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/81752/6232869dd2cbf.jpg?sharp=10&fit=crop&w=96&h=96&s=bc1f160b34a2f2d289f879012477d3d2
Hamo posted on 08/14/2019

Sounds like it--a couple of cables and a citrus peeler (which I hope will make better citrus twists than my channel knife.) Glad I can help give back it this small way.

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Swanky posted on 03/31/2022

FYI: Minimalist Tiki was added to the Grogalizer a while ago and there have been a few other tweaks and things.

Check it out. Free online drink making site that works on all devices like an app.

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