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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet painting is finished.

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hang10tiki posted on 05/10/2018

Busy busy
I like

danlovestikis posted on 05/10/2018

littlegiles I like it unless I hear a pop during firing and something has blown up in the kiln!

hang10tiki a vacation right now!

hang10tiki Hawaii sounds good.


Wish List #8 the next steps for the spitting tikis that go with the Black Velvet paintings.

Once the mugs had dried from the scrubbing it was time to paint them with one layer of slate grey glaze. This will leave them feeling like rusting wood. I do the tiki and

then the outside of the mug.

I wiped the eyes so that they are white and then I glaze them with clear glaze. They will be more scary this way.

Once the mug has dried it's time

to glaze the rims is slate grey or black.

Three layers with each layer dried before the next is applied.

Four down and six to go.

I'm aiming at a full load so I can fire and ship soon. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/10/2018

Great last pic

Moai bowl guarded by 4 Disney dudes

littlegiles posted on 05/11/2018

Great last pic

Moai bowl guarded by 4 Disney dudes

HAHA....I was thinking the same thing. Looks like the Moai called a quick meeting.

hang10tiki posted on 05/11/2018

I like how 3 are listening at the meeting
and one is not paying attention

HopeChest posted on 05/12/2018

On 2018-05-11 16:56, hang10tiki wrote:
I like how 3 are listening at the meeting
and one is not paying attention

There's been at least one in every meeting I have ever been to at work. Sounds legit.

danlovestikis posted on 05/13/2018

hang10tiki I had them all facing the bowl! Once turned away all on his own. Spooky.

littlegiles I always sat in the front row and smiled at the speaker so they would feel at ease.

hang10tiki no, I think he's about to put down a heckler.

HopeChest people who don't listen out of curtesy should reap bad consequences.


I glazed from 10 am until 7 PM today. Now I'm too tired to post. Sorry guys I'm going to take it easy and read a good book.

Thank you for the comments they were fun. Wendy

rum on the rideau posted on 05/13/2018

On 2017-11-29 19:14, danlovestikis wrote:

rum on the Rideau the boat was the very best way. We tried the hike but it was so hot out and we had forgotten water that we gave up. Then on another trip we did the helicopter but we only saw steam and also the fact that the walk wouldn't have gotten us close enough to see the lava. There are poisonous gases at play too. From the boat at sunset is what our traveling companion Polynesian Paddy said was best and he was right.

If you friend me on facebook you can watch the video of the lava flow. It was such good luck and a patient captain of the boat

Finally sent a friend request on Facebook. heh I'm very easily distracted and kept forgetting (I have the Moai icon and posts about weird music). Thx for the offer and btw the work you've been posting has been amazing. Your abilty to convert what's in your mind into clay seemingly without effort boggles my tiny reptile brain.

danlovestikis posted on 05/14/2018

rum on the Rideau it's so good to know that I'm hiding the effort so well. Sometimes I think about a wish for days while trying to sleep before I do it. Working it through in my mind has always worked well. Especially for making a mold. Thank you for being my new fb friend.


Wish List #8 finishing the glazing of the spitting tiki mugs. Thank you hang10tiki and Tiki Hula for all the helpful photos for these tikis. I use them all the time when doing my Black Velvet paintings too.

I had finished four and I had these 6 to do.

I filled a dish with black satin glaze and dipped the top of each mug into it for 30 seconds.

It coated the tops really well.

While the top dried I worked on the bottom rim.

I finished off the side of the top rim and then

when the top was dry I flipped the mug over and did the underside of the top rim.

When the mug was dry I used a wet paper towel to clean off the bottom.

The last one is done and

I put them outside to finish drying. Everything on the table will fit onto the bottom level of the kiln.

Now I need to glaze enough for the top level. It's fun to pick and choose what project to do next. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/14/2018

Killin it W

danlovestikis posted on 05/15/2018

hang10tiki I could say the same about your huge tiki!


Wish List #8 is a Frankoma lamp base done with three layer of Red Satin glaze.

Starting the first layer and

here it is finished.

Did the second layer and

this time I put it outside to dry faster.

All three layers are done and it is ready to fire.

I love opening the kiln. Sometimes it's a happy day and sometimes its a moment of horror!

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/15/2018


Love that 1

Fingers will be crossed for a happy kiln day

After looking at the huge Frankoma
I had to post s pic of my lil Frankoma
Coffee time

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-05-15 05:57 ]

danlovestikis posted on 05/15/2018

hang10tiki it's not huge, it's slightly smaller than the War God mug size. Your coffee cup is full of memories as well as coffee.


As I glaze projects I don't return the glazes to the garage shelves. I just put them in the nook. If I liked them so much for a project I probably will need them again.

The glaze tests, big Moai bowl and the 10 spitting tikis filled up the bottom level. Now I need to glaze enough for the top level. The Frankoma lamp base is the first to go on the top shelf.

The second item I picked is my Swap mug. I Dream of Hawaii mug. When I sculpted it I knew it was going to be a lot of glazing steps. I was right.

OH NO I made mistake. I wasn't supposed to do the eyes in black.

I scrubbed it all off.

The 3 layers of white under-glaze cover over the leftover black smudges.

After three layers of each color including white on the face I covered the face with two glaze layers of clear.

Once it dries it goes into the kiln to fire.

Now I'll go add this to the swap thread. Wendy

littlegiles posted on 05/15/2018

That Dream mug is going to be so amazing. The excitement builds everyday because we know a kiln firing is coming soon. :)

hang10tiki posted on 05/16/2018

Swap mug is sweet
Fire fire fire...

danlovestikis posted on 05/17/2018

littlegiles I have photos yet to post before I show the kiln shots. There were hits and some that need some more glazing. It's always like that but NO cracks so I'm happy.

hang10tiki cool. I sure love my tiki from the last swap. I wonder who carved it. Oh yeah some guy named Jon.


Wish List #8 Glazing the first of 6 O2 out Diver's Helmets. There sure are a lot of places needing glaze.

This mug needs to look like it's been in the ocean a long time. So loss of glaze will look good. So I just need to start.

The flat black was already done so now I just started with more in all the place that should look deep. Then I glazed with a metal glaze.

It's not showing up in the photos but I used a white snow along the blue glaze to show corrosion. I hope it works.

The enamel parts of the teeth will be shiny white.

The first one is always a good guide for the rest.

Fingers crossed, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/17/2018

These are awesome

hang10tiki posted on 05/17/2018

Flowers are out

danlovestikis posted on 05/17/2018

hang10tiki thank you
hang10tiki that's pretty. I walked through my girlfriends garden today. Full of flowers. Love them all.


Wish List #8 this one is for Anthony Vela to look like his wife.

The mug is filled with water and then that's dumped out, then I fill it with glaze. If you don't do the water first it will grab too much glaze and that's not good, it can crack your mug when fired.

Then after 30 seconds I pour it out and clean up any runs of glaze that went where they shouldn't go.

I glaze the three dots darker than

the rest of the mug.

Next I work on her hair front and


Next the flower and

then the first layer of skin.

Then another layer of skin colored glaze.

Then a 3rd and 4th layer on the skin and 3 layers on the nipples and then I glazed the coconut rim with white underglaze.

I did touch ups wherever I made a mistake and then I did a clear glaze over the rim.

This took 2 days and I have 17 more to do. I won't take photos unless something weird happens.

Cheers, Wendy

Hamo posted on 05/18/2018

Everything is looking great. Can’t wait for the glaze firing. The hula girls have inspired me with an idea for your next Wish List.

danlovestikis posted on 05/18/2018

Hamo I was just looking at your project for this year. Do you want to keep going with it or swap it for your new idea?


Wish List #8 is an extra. I had some parts to use up so I made this mug and then sold it to Ken Kim McCormick a very enthusiastic collector.

When you have a necklace part and a mug part you might as well hang the necklace on the mug. That's what I did. Three layers of each glaze.

I always paint upside down too so that I don't miss any spots.

The kiln is loading up, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/18/2018

Great idea

danlovestikis posted on 05/19/2018

hang10tiki I already have someone on a waiting list for one of these. That's a happy occurrence.


Wish List #8 the glazing continues.

I started with the Birdy Tiki Bob.

Three layers of glaze hides all the detail but once it fires it should all come back.

I glazed all the necklaces for firing too.

When every piece was dry I loaded the kiln and set it to fire.

I am going to do 6 glaze tests for the Sacramento Crawl mug. Then I will choose how I want to do it.

They will be black on the inside because not much shows up and I could buy the black glaze by the gallon. But the glaze tests will have red on the inside so I can easily tell the difference.

I haven't started on the outsides yet. There's so many projects looking at me from every flat surface in the house! Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/19/2018

Last pic
I thought you were making Dan-0 a Tiki protein shake

danlovestikis posted on 05/20/2018

hang10tiki don't you think it would end up being a laxative drink?


The kiln is opened and the first mug out is for Ken Kim McCormick. This is the Honu necklace mug. A necklace hung on a mug for safe keeping.

This next mug is the Birdy Bob. There are Bird beaks, Beaks with heads and whole body birds all over the mug. Sold.

It's always fun to open the kiln more photos on the way soon, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-05-20 19:55 ]

hang10tiki posted on 05/21/2018

Finished pieces
So Rewarding

littlegiles posted on 05/21/2018

Ahhhhhhhhh....tiki mug satisfaction sweeps over me like a wave of pure bliss. Beautiful as always!

danlovestikis posted on 05/21/2018

hang10tiki when the kiln opens and something comes out and looks as I imagined I am so happy.

littlegiles that was poetry!

Thank you men for making my day special.


More out of the kiln. The huge Moai bowl is for Dan. The popped out area I repaired has disappeared as if it never happened. MadDogMike told me about Magic Mend and it WORKS!

The Frankoma Lamp base is another project without any problems. First two photos with a flash.

No flash used for these.

This is when Dan is shipping boxes left and right. Wendy

littlegiles posted on 05/21/2018

If you call me Dan, I'll answer. I'm in love with that Moai Bowl. That is incredible. :o

Hamo posted on 05/22/2018

Everything’s looking great. Glad they turned out right the first time.

On 2018-05-18 07:43, danlovestikis wrote:
Hamo I was just looking at your project for this year. Do you want to keep going with it or swap it for your new idea?

Yes, let’s please keep going with the original idea. I’ll just hope to make the cut for the next Wish and build a collection of Wendy masterpieces.

Oooo, is one of those puffers mine?

Bam Bam posted on 05/22/2018

Echoing the love for the moai bowl. That is awesome.

hang10tiki posted on 05/23/2018

Great colors

danlovestikis posted on 05/23/2018

Bam Bam thank you. I'm really happy the bowl turned out so well in the end. I was it's lifeguard.

hang10tiki was that a message to Bam Bam? The satin red was perfect. A very happy day.


Time to unveil the I Dream Of Hawaii mug for the Tiki Central Swap being run by MadDogMike. I'm done and ready to ship on the swap day.

I think I messed up. I jumped in and glazed these necklaces and now I think someone ordered on in a specific color. They are on TC. My binder is so thick I need the person to let me know who they are fast so I can cast another one. Or you can choose from these. I do mess up on and off.

Cheers, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 05/23/2018

What a beautiful Dream mug.

hang10tiki posted on 05/24/2018

Dreaming of the dream mug
Would look great in my Wendy area
Just sayin

danlovestikis posted on 05/24/2018

littlegiles we all should have beautiful dreams!

hang10tiki I always think that of your cravings. It's going to be fun watching all the projects.


Wish List #8 This is for Anthony Vela and is customized to look like his wife.

When a Hot Tub Hula Girl comes out of the kiln she has no face. I paint it on with enamel.

24 hours later the enamel is set by baking it in the home oven for 45 minutes. I had an extra nude girl so I painted her too.

All done and ready for inspection.

Thank you all for keeping me inspired to work hard to make this tiki/Hawaiian art. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/25/2018

Is she swimming in hot water or boiling in really hot water?

Hamo posted on 05/25/2018

On 2018-05-23 10:46, danlovestikis wrote:
I think I messed up. I jumped in and glazed these necklaces and now I think someone ordered on in a specific color. They are on TC. My binder is so thick I need the person to let me know who they are fast so I can cast another one. Or you can choose from these. I do mess up on and off.

Could it have been me? I was interested in a puffer but hemmed and hawed on the color before settling on blue....

danlovestikis posted on 05/25/2018

hang10tiki if you drank hot chocolate from this mug it would look yucky.

Hamo I looked through your file for your custom mug and didn't find a note for the puffer. However if you remember talking to me about one then you are the person because only one person talked to me about a puffer.

I can put a blue on top of one of these when I glaze next. What color blue? I just found that one of your photos you sent would have helped me with one of my Black Velvet paintings. Your photo was better than any I found on-line.

So many projects so little time. So if you can post a photo of the color blue that will help.

Thank you, Wendy

Hamo posted on 05/25/2018

Sure. It wasn’t a part of my Wish; we were posting here back in January.

On 2018-01-10 22:46, Hamo wrote:
Also, I would love a puffer fish necklace if you have any available.

On 2018-01-11 09:07, danlovestikis wrote:
Hamo I have cast some puffers that are not claimed. I will be glazing them during this Wish List. For something this simple I will add your name. What color would you like it to be? You can go to the Gallery page and find those I've done before if you need a reference.

On 2018-01-21 19:38, Hamo wrote:
I’ve looked though all of your Gallery pages, which was quick compared to the these pages, and found some examples of your puffer fish. I really like the colors that look like the puffer is lit up and glowing. For my necklace, I’m torn between the three colors I’ve circled below, though I’m leaning toward the blue. You can surprise me.

On 2018-01-22 06:46, danlovestikis wrote:
Hamo, the blue glaze has glitter in it that sparkles in the sun? Does that help you decide on that one?

On 2018-01-25 23:10, Hamo wrote:
Now, as for the color of that puffer fish necklace, let’s go with the blue glaze. I was looking at some of Doug Horne’s art yesterday, which always seems to include a blue puffer fish, so I’m considering that a sign to go with my initial instinct.

On 2018-01-26 08:13, danlovestikis wrote:
Hamo that was fun to read. Blue glitter it will be.

danlovestikis posted on 05/25/2018

Hamo you would make a good detective. I know I made a note for your request but I've got a whole stack of notes to file in the Wish List Binder. This is a warning to me that I'd better do that before I proceed. Thank you. Blue Glitter Glaze it is. Next glazing load fired your puffer will be in there.


Wish List #8 has requests for six O2 out Diver's Helmets. This is the first one glazed. I've had a request for non-flash photos that I will take and post when I have them. Here are the flash pictures.



I'll be back, hopefully today with the non-flash photos. Wendy

littlegiles posted on 05/25/2018

:o WOW! That looks great. Just right level of distressing on the helmet.

OceaOtica posted on 05/25/2018

Looking great Wendy!

danlovestikis posted on 05/26/2018

littlegiles I'm going to work on this a bit more and re-fire. I asked for suggestions and a fellow on fb pointed out that the skull was too white. He's right. I'm going to fix it.

OceaOtica I touched one of your mugs today so it's a fun coincidence that you wrote. I heard you moved to Georgia. I hope you are very happy there. I'm sad I never got to meet you in person after all these years. Oh well how about in our next lives?

hang10tiki posted on 05/26/2018

He’s Kool lookin

danlovestikis posted on 05/26/2018

hang10tiki coming from Mr. Kool himself I'm honored and I'll say thank you from the bottom of the sea.


Wish List #8 continues on with the spitting tiki mugs that mostly go with the Black Velvet paintings that have that tiki. However this go round there were a few wishes for the tiki mug along as well.

Stepping back in time to the day I opened the kiln. Top rack and

then the bottom rack. That's just light refection on the Moai bowl.

Stephen Steaton requested these mugs with no upper rim and red bursts on the inside for his custom version. Each of the tikis are hand built.

All three of the tops of his mugs needs more glaze. So back in the kiln they will go.

Here are the rest of the mugs. They are all spoken for, even hang10tiki has one coming.

Only one had dust that made the glaze skip. This is and easy fix. More glaze layers and when it fires again it all melts together.

So out of this load I will re-glaze four of these mugs in a few minutes of work, then do some upgrades on the O2 out mug and I'll change the colors on a couple of puffer fish.

This is how I line them up for the photography. There's always something to do.

I'm working on the glaze tests for the Sacramento Crawl mug so I'll be firing really soon. Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-05-26 08:53 ]

danlovestikis posted on 05/27/2018

Wow I'm doing a second post on the same day. I must have run out of work to do...NOT!

Wish List #8 continues.

A while back I set up the kitchen to do glaze tests.

They were in the kiln and this is how they look. At the bottom there are 3 layers of glaze, then moving up 2 and then 1. I use these when I glaze.

I messed up the color for Hamo's puffer fish.

So I'm re-glazing three in hopes that one will turn out in a good color for him.

I re-glazed the tops of four mugs and

touched up the O2 out Diver's Helmet.

I also did some glaze tests for the crawl mug that I'll post later. I have a full load to fire tomorrow.
Lot's of fun ahead. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 05/27/2018

Hello Friends. Today is our 40th wedding anniversary. So once again I am going to show our wedding day.
We were married in my mother's backyard. Dan wore a Croatian Wedding outfit that my mother and I sewed for him. Nope he's not Croatian but we both loved foreign clothing. My dress came from Capitola by the sea. Our wedding cake was by a baker friend at Safeway Stores and cost only $15 the price of the ingredients. Dan and I made the decorations for the yard and we played Cat Stevens Morning has broken as our intro song.

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and we are living happily ever after in our tiki home.

Love always, Wendy and Dan

PS I would say here we are today but since we are recovering from colds here we are on this day last year.
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[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-05-27 07:04 ]

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