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Art Swap 2018 - Dream Tiki - Results Posted!!!

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hang10tiki posted on 05/31/2018

No pressure


TravelingJones posted on 06/01/2018

Wendy - Yes, I'm picking up supplies and will begin my project in the next week or so...

H10 - Mahalo'z for da reminder!

TikiAno posted on 06/04/2018

Wendy, wow, amazing! I'm still aiming towards starting a Swap project, dealing with some family health stuff which is a bit distracting. Besides, whenever I wake up I never remember what tiki I've been dreaming of... I keep going to sleep though, and assume that one of these times I'll remember and then I'll get going! :)

Mike, congrats on the house (better late than never for this), missed this on other social media postings, if there were any, too!

Okay, time to go to sleep, hopefully I will be: a) inspired b) sleepy c) remember something when I wake up.

Full disclosure: I'm a heavy sleeper, and only wake up when the alarm goes off. Apparently I sleep through my son's night time screams when they happen- though (I admit) I did hear someone trying to break into our house a month ago. If I was dreaming of tiki, I admit that the distraction made me forget any dreams happening that night.

hang10tiki posted on 06/04/2018


tikitube posted on 06/05/2018

Wow, Wendy! That Bob mug is stellar. :)

danlovestikis posted on 06/05/2018

hang10tiki I am feeling none whatsoever!!!

TravelingJones tic tock tic tock

TikiAno it's like the good ol times with you here. How did you scare the intruder away?

hang10tiki time for another countdown?

tikitube thank you, I appreciate that remark. This is a really fun event in which to participate. I hope you do a project.

TikiAno posted on 06/07/2018

Wendy, sorry been AWOL from TC. They made the noise and ran away. I stuck my head out the window and couldn't see them. We now have a full alarm system installed. My first instinct was to make sure Tiki Ari was okay. The old guard dog slept through it all, though. His one time to shine, and ... didn't. Sleepy old dog, what can you do?

MadDogMike posted on 06/07/2018

Give him a break, he's only got three legs! :lol:

tikitube posted on 06/08/2018

On 2018-06-04 23:02, danlovestikis wrote:
tikitube thank you, I appreciate that remark. This is a really fun event in which to participate. I hope you do a project.

Thanks, I'm working on it! My work is basically digital vector collage and experiments with typography, so "tiki" as an art theme is new to me. That being said, I have this image which was my first attempt at something tiki:

I printed it on canvas and stretched it. Then I picked up a vintage frame for it, and refinished it. It looks pretty good, but doesn't really qualify as something created specifically for this art swap. Sooo...I decided to try something brand new. Since the theme this year is "Dream Tiki", I first tried to think of what that could mean to me.

I was watching that Attenborough in Paradise series that someone recommended on here not too long ago, and in the Easter Island episode he is basically trying to find the origin of a rare wood carving that he picked up at an auction. He would get so excited about it as he traveled around the world, hunting through museum collections. It dawned on me that it wasn't so different from those of us who regularly go thrifting. In my part of the country, I get giddy and excited when I find anything remotely tiki. It's always exciting to try and find out where items came from. I would even admit to "dreaming" of finding something so rare and authentic as the carving he found!

And so, his carving has become the inspiration for a new piece of art, representing the "birth" of the tiki dream.
Here's the source inspiration - Attenborough's Easter Island carvng:

And here's what I've got so far:

I'm still working on the "birth" aspect of the design...playing around with a foetus idea.
Now I just need to get past the fact that it reminds me of Admiral Ackbar...it's a trap!



Joshua Bell posted on 06/09/2018

I'm still working on the "birth" aspect of the design...playing around with a foetus idea.

Oooh, the Star Child from 2001 meets tiki...

Now I just need to get past the fact that it reminds me of Admiral Ackbar...it's a trap!

Glad you said it first! My need to make jokes can't repel a setup of that magnitude.

MadDogMike posted on 06/10/2018

Admiral Ackbar :lol:

Very cool TikiTube, glad to see you jumping in.

danlovestikis posted on 06/10/2018

TikiAno you'll would have needed to nudge him into action but the alarm system is a great idea. We put ours on at night and sleep peacefully. I'm really happy to see you pop in here.

MadDogMike four with the kickstand!

tikitube I envy anyone who can do art with a computer helper. I can barely do email. Now I have a notice to change my browser or lose Paypal access. I think I may need the Geek Squad! I really like the first tiki style, very cool.

Joshua Bell humor is so welcome. I love to smile.

MadDogMike its going to be another fun swap. Thank you for the "step up to the plate" and get it going you do so often.

hang10tiki time for another count down update.


Hamo posted on 06/17/2018

Stopped at the craft store and dollar store today for some supplies.

MadDogMike posted on 06/17/2018

Go Hamo!!!!!

danlovestikis posted on 06/17/2018

Hamo those supplies are intriguing! Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 06/18/2018

Lookin good everyone


TikiAno posted on 06/20/2018

Been a while, but finally got started. Fingers crossed that this here thing will work!

First, pulled out a bag of B-3 Brown clay. This is the clay body that turns black when fired- almost like lava. While I think it's beautiful, it isn't too accepting of many glazes. I thought it was time to give it a try...

I then rolled out a slab, and added texture with my handy stone textured mat...

I quickly hand built a cylinder. and didn't take a photo of it.

I thought it might be funny to dream about tiki in a dungeon, then thought whoever was in the dungeon would need an alarm clock...

I used a different (white colored) clay body, and attached it to the brown clay. I've done this before, and it's worked okay. Fingers are still crossed. It's 5 o clock... somewhere, so they say.

Some dream clouds were added, along with a Moai snoozing....

And a few "Zzzzz's" for clarity.

Now it dries and sets up. I plan on carving into the dream clouds- and figure out how to glaze this thing without it exploding. Due to the ingredients in the brown clay, it makes it quite finicky when firing it glazed. I've had multiple discussions with Laguna Clay about this, but I have a few ideas I'm going to try. Hopefully it will be done (or crack) in time for me to make another one in time for the Art Swap deadline!


MadDogMike posted on 06/20/2018

How exciting TikiAno! Hope it makes it!

hang10tiki posted on 06/20/2018

It’s 5 o’clock here

cy posted on 06/27/2018

Tikitube, Ano looking good mates! Any progress is good progress, I have an idea for a set of floats, a variation of the cannibal carvings "catcher, eater, digester," mine being sleeper, dreamer, awoke (awake?). I have been working on finishing things for next months Tiki Kon, but will start them after that.

[ Edited by: cy 2018-06-27 08:54 ]

MadDogMike posted on 06/27/2018

Great plan Cy!

MadDogMike posted on 06/29/2018

We moved into the new house this past weekend (don't ask me about Home Depot screwing up our tile order TWICE and the fact that we are moving into a half tiled house :x ) Welcome to the "Mud Room" it's a double entendre since it's clay studio with lots of storage on one end and laundry room on the other end, one of the things we really liked about this house. It is also a dumping place for things we haven't figured a place for yet :lol: Now to get it cleaned out and set up in time for a dream project.

hang10tiki posted on 06/29/2018

CY- sweet, more Frog Island floats in the making
MDM- that’s a huge room
Or is it?

danlovestikis posted on 06/30/2018

MadDogMike, which one of you likes Roosevelt? I've never hung a presidents photon in my home.

It's wonderful to see you have a home where your creative nature will take off running. This will be fun to watch. Wendy

tikitube posted on 07/01/2018

Cool idea, CY! I love repurposing vintage/distressed items into art!

Mike, hope you get settled in soon and get that tile project out of the way!



tikitube posted on 07/01/2018

I've been super busy lately with other projects, but had some time to work on my weird Attenborough tiki foetus. I studied some pictures here and there, and here's what I've come up with:

I like the idea of this tiki being birthed by the sea, in the same way that Pacific islands are born by volcano. Soooo, I'm feeling inspired by this antique plate of the "Crater of Kilauea" and I'm thinking of incorporating something similar into the design. Maybe my foetus is inside a crater, percolating until he's ripe and ready? Oh, and that's not blood flowing through the umbilical, but lava. :wink:

Cheers, Jeff

MadDogMike posted on 07/02/2018

Jon - :lol: Actually that room is about 10x20 feet, it's AWESOME!!!!

Wendy - Sorry, no Roosevelt. Jon was referencing an old April Fools prank I pulled several years ago

On 2009-04-01 06:36, MadDogMike wrote:
Thank you Sam and Queen KamehamAMY :)

I have always admired the work of the TC Micro-Masters like Bowana & Benzart - I decided to give it a shot myself. I wanted to make a little Marquesan Tiki Ivi Po'o, so I started with a chicken bone (KFC)

Next, I got a hold of a pair of surgical binocular loupes and a Dremell

After some carving, some wiped-off stain, and some varnish, here's the result, about 1/2 inch diameter and 3/4 inch tall

This was the real piece, I used an oversized dime :lol:

Jeff - Looks very cool, your imagination is running overtime!

hang10tiki posted on 07/02/2018

TikiTube- up from the lava tube he comes

Mike :) :) :)

danlovestikis posted on 07/03/2018

tikitube that one eye staring at me is made of nightmares. I recognized the umbilical cord so I was happy when you said that was what it is.

MadDogMike you had the Roosevelt Dime from your wall shrunk! Love the bone carving. You totally got me.

It's all looking good. Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-07-02 18:38 ]

MadDogMike posted on 07/17/2018

About 2 more weeks to the end of the Swap!!! :o How is it going?

Good news on my end, house tile is FINISHED!!! 1800 square feet of it

Now on to some fun stuff! Leaving this week to go out of the country for a week, hopefully will be able to get'er done before the deadline

hang10tiki posted on 07/17/2018

Tile looks good mike
Can’t believe you are giving away a newly tiled dream tiki house for the swap
Very nice of you

danlovestikis posted on 07/17/2018

MadDogMike that floor is beautiful.

hang10tiki I love your countdowns, it really builds up the excitement.


TravelingJones posted on 07/22/2018

:( Regrettably, I'm throwing in the towel on this one. I had a design, tools, and materials, but unfortunately no time. So, I'll be watching from outside the looking glass at your wonderful creations presented at the end of July. :(

:drink: :) Kindest regards and best wishes to everyone participating in the swap. I look forward to seeing your art! :) :drink:

Joshua Bell posted on 07/22/2018

I'm also, sadly, bailing from this one. Too much going on, including a vacation, new dog, work travel, kitchen remodel... and building out a proper tiki bar! (Pics to come on an appropriate thread some day.)

My idea was to build a PNG-style "dream mask" with wooden frame and paper, but it didn't get past the concept stage.

cy posted on 07/22/2018

Jeez, well I have some progress, almost finished with my take on Dream Tiki. Instead of catcher eater digester, it's sleeper, dreamer, awoke.
I used cedar floats that have never been in the water.

After some fine tuning I torched them. Something about this ritual is satisfying and I find myself looking forward to it.

The middle one shows what happens after you wire brush them.

Still more to do but getting close.

The backs have a T, C, and 18

Sleeper looks like his is snoring.

I cut the Dreamer all the way through in the eyes.

The wide awake guy.

danlovestikis posted on 07/23/2018

Wow guys by dropping out you just made it easier on the rest of us to snag art by hang10tiki, CY and all the rest. So while sad it's also going to be OK. I hope you get all your honey dos and project finished soon.

CY that's a wonderful piece. I love seeing the steps. That's a lot of work and it's very much appreciated.

Hugs, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/23/2018

TJ and JB- your art will be missed

CY- love dem floaters

tikitube posted on 07/25/2018

One week left...here's where I'm at. A bit more comic book-ish than I anticipated. In fact, it looks like a comic book cover, sans the big title print. The tapa pattern on the left is copied from a pattern I saw on a vintage sewing pattern. At first, I tried muting the colors a bit to make it feel more classic, but it just didn't have the same effect, nor did it give the same "volcano" feel without the glowing red/orange.

I think I'll print it on canvas and mount in a vintage frame.

Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/82438/5b57dfdc.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=447cbb720878664c8d8556b57530d867

[ Edited by: tikitube 2018-07-25 07:30 ]

[ Edited by: tikitube 2018-07-25 07:33 ]

tikitube posted on 07/25/2018

Alternate version - hahahaha.

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cy posted on 07/25/2018

Different and cool tikitube!

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8f5088418f70de46f901538b3580a3c4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MaukaHale posted on 07/25/2018

You definitely have the basic tiki brown colors.

Hamo posted on 07/26/2018

Just so everybody knows, I’m still planning on getting my entry started and finished by the end of the month.

cy posted on 07/28/2018

Go Hamo Go! I'm finished with mine, a week or two to spare.
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/54811/5b5bb547.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=8d55e811fca4aa3f719416357eeedc11
Top is Awake.
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Middle is Dreamer.
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Bottom is Sleeper.
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And a view of Frog Island from the bridge.
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danlovestikis posted on 07/28/2018

tikitube it's pretty funny that if you look at your art the tiki is floating in a black inner tube so his nickname is tikitube! His middle name is inner.

Cy those stains of green are beautiful on the wood. Looks great.


[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-07-27 18:56 ]

M Image Missing: https://www.gravatar.com/avatar/8f5088418f70de46f901538b3580a3c4?d=blank&s=192&fit=fill
MaukaHale posted on 07/28/2018

Cy, magnificent work!

hang10tiki posted on 07/28/2018

Tiki Tube- bamm, done
Hamo- get er done, lol
Cy- bamm, done

MadDogMike posted on 07/28/2018

I'M BACK!!!!! Some very cool stuff going on in here. Looks like it may be a smaller Swap this time but that's OK.

Time to get crackin' now. My clay area is still an "Chuck Room" (place where you chuck everything you haven't found a place for)
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/8801/5b5cc5a9.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=ee05926352625f10e41e2820ea2fd951

So I cleared off some counter space
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I covered my macadamia liquer bottle in several layers of tissue paper (red is what I found). Since it was a full bottle, while it was drying, I mixed up a Nutty Ocho Rios :lol:
1 oz White Rum
1 oz Gold Jamaican Rum
3/4 oz Orgeat
1/2 oz Macadamia Liquer
1/2 oz Lime Juice
1 pinch of ground Nutmeg

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hang10tiki posted on 07/28/2018

Welcome back Mike,
feel free to post some travel photos.

Drinking on the job i see,
Can’t blame you


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