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Art Swap 2018 - Dream Tiki - Results Posted!!!

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MadDogMike posted on 07/28/2018

Brief delay while I re-hydrated my clay which had been neglected for quite some time. Got the clay rolled out and the bottle covered, now to pinch, push, & paddle it to an even thickness and smooth surface.

Jon, I didn't take many pics but let me see what I can round up

MadDogMike posted on 07/28/2018

I don't take a lot of sight-seeing pics on vacation, they just seem to be the same as thousands of other pics on the internet and if you need a pic of yourself pointing at Big Ben, you just Photoshop it :lol: Here are a few I found.

Me and my monkey at The Abbey Church of Saint Peter and Saint Paul, in Bath

1st Century Roman baths at Bath

Guard at Buckingham Palace

Leeds Castle

Me and my Sweetie having fish and chips in Burrough Market, London

MadDogMike posted on 07/28/2018

Smoothing up, need to let it firm up so I can cut it off the bottle

danlovestikis posted on 07/29/2018

MadDogMike I'm so happy you followed hang10tikis advise to post. I watched on fb but it's more fun to see them here. Looks like you have a good start on your project. It's fun to watch. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/29/2018

Great pics Mad Dog
Can’t wait to see the piece come together

hang10tiki posted on 07/29/2018

MadDogMike posted on 07/29/2018

Gotta Hurry!!! :o

Cut it up the sides before it shrinks enough to crack and lightly cover it for the night. I see hints of red "underwear" :lol:

MadDogMike posted on 07/29/2018

Hitting it early this morning. Clay removed from form bottle

Back together and starting to work on the neck ring

MadDogMike posted on 07/29/2018

Open bottom

Slabbed bottom added and made concave to create a "foot"

MadDogMike posted on 07/29/2018

First coat of red clay slip

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MaukaHale posted on 07/29/2018

Well, I guess its about time I need to start my project for the swap.

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MadDogMike posted on 07/29/2018

Go MaukeHale!!! It's a race between you and me :lol:

hang10tiki posted on 07/29/2018

Mike- you are on turbo speed
Mauka- all right, like that look

danlovestikis posted on 07/30/2018

Red Slip over white clay. Is there going to be some carving in that bottles future. I want to do that too.

Good to see Colorado at the starting gate too.

hang10tiki posted on 07/30/2018

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MaukaHale posted on 07/30/2018

Making progress!

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MadDogMike posted on 07/30/2018

You are right Wendy, here is Lohiau. Sleeping Pele goes on the other side
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The grey clay will fire to white so there will be more contrast

MadDogMike posted on 07/30/2018

Other side
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Now to clean up as it dries and fire!

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cy posted on 07/30/2018

Great progress Mauka and Mike!

MadDogMike posted on 07/30/2018

I wish that was my design but its from "Pele's Dream of Lohiau", a woodcut by Hawaiian artist Dietrich Varez
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tikitube posted on 07/30/2018

Looking great!! :)

danlovestikis posted on 07/30/2018

MaukaHale that's so deep. Are you using an electric chisel? I like it.

MadDogMike that's something I've wanted to do for a long time. That's really good.

You guys are knocking it out so fast.

hang10tiki where's the next countdown number. I've lost track of the days!!! Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 07/30/2018

Wendy, it's a fun technique. I think the official term is sgraffito. I would like to try it with dried clay and a Dremel tool too but not this time. I wanted to try a black bubble glaze on it go give a more "dreamlike" effect but didn't have the time to experiment :(
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hang10tiki posted on 07/30/2018

Looking good guys

Blow dem bubbles Mike

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Actually it’s 33 hours and 33 minutes

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-07-30 14:32 ]

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TikiAno posted on 07/30/2018

Talking about cutting it close! I actually thought the Art Swap finished right before Oasis, glad I was ahead of (someone's?) schedule!

I've been slowly working on the Swap piece, but using this different clay has created issues. One of the "add ons" popped off (sometimes using two different clay bodies can create some issues, not unlike a big family dinner). It was a clock, so not a momentous part. I worked around it, and it bisque fired okay. The sleeping Moai is getting some Zzzzz's. Would a Moai dream of tikis? Another Moai? A Ms. Moai? Need to have a few drinks and think this one through.

It looked like this a few days ago:

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FYI the brown clay will actually turn black when it vitrifies. It's since been glazed, and hopefully survived the glaze firing. I used a few different glazes, which will hopefully highlight this black clay. As I mentioned earlier, this darker clay body didn't get along with a great many glazes- though I fired a few test tiles and they survived.

I'm going to go down to the studio tomorrow and keeping fingers crossed! :)

Love everyone's pieces, and hope mine isn't in pieces tomorrow, hahahaha.

[ Edited by: TikiAno 2018-07-30 15:26 ]

hang10tiki posted on 07/30/2018

Ano in da house
Fingers crossed for ya

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cy posted on 07/30/2018

Whoever came up with zzzzzz to signify sleep is a genius.

MadDogMike posted on 07/31/2018

Go TikiANo!!!

I spent the whole afternoon blowing on the bottle trying to speed up the drying so I can fire it :o :lol:
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hang10tiki posted on 07/31/2018


hang10tiki posted on 07/31/2018

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MaukaHale posted on 07/31/2018

Wendy, do you remember when I had lunch with you and Dan? That following weekend I attended a three day workshop with a master carver in Grass Valley. We used gouges and wooden mallets. I'm using the same tools for this piece. (Gouges have curved blades and chisels have flat blades)

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These are the tools I'm using.

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The wood is Butternut wood which makes it easier to carve.


danlovestikis posted on 07/31/2018

TikiAno this is going to be fun to see you pull this off. I'm so glad you are with us.

hang10tiki I love the countdown changing to hours.

MadDogMike I just watched an episode of Naked and Afraid and they spent every hour keeping their fire going. They sure could have use you as a bellows.

hang10tiki tic tock tic tock.

MaukaHale I have all those tools but I use them with clay. I've never heard the name gouges for these curved tools before. I will try to remember that term. Thank you. It's looking great.

This is so exciting. Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 07/31/2018

Wicked cool MaukaHale!

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TikiAno posted on 07/31/2018

Mauka, killer!

Mike, I wish I lived closer- just because I'm a big FAN of your work- and that might help. :wink:

MadDogMike posted on 07/31/2018

Here's what I find for participants, am I missing anyone?

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In Progress
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MadDog Mike
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[ Edited by: MadDogMike 2018-07-31 17:50 ]

hang10tiki posted on 07/31/2018

Mauka- lookin good

Tick tock
Tick tock

Just over 16 HRs to go

MadDogMike posted on 07/31/2018

Pele and Lohiau are "chillin'" outside today. A little cooler today, only 110 but it should finish drying.
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On 2018-05-30 19:52, hang10tiki wrote:
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This seemed so long ago but now it's here and I'm not going to finish on time :( Best case scenario, I will bisque fire tomorrow and glaze fire Thursday, pulling it out Friday morning. I am checking with MaukaHale and TikiAno to see if they need an extension too. Anyone object to pushing the deadline back a couple days? Will that interfere with packing for anyone going to Tiki Oasis? Please put a response here or PM me. Thanks and sorry

danlovestikis posted on 07/31/2018

No Tiki Oasis for us this year so we are fine with waiting. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/31/2018

I’m fine with waiting.
It’s black tot day after all

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MaukaHale posted on 07/31/2018

On 2018-07-22 15:43, cy wrote:

The middle one shows what happens after you wire brush them.
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Cy, what size wire brush do you use to take off the burned area?


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tikitube posted on 07/31/2018

Hey Mike,

I just finished framing mine today, so it's ready to go, but I'm cool with waiting a few more days.

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Oh, and you had mine attributed to Hamo in the list above.



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cy posted on 07/31/2018

The frame really finished the design tikitube, nice. Mauka I'm a big believer in using what you got, I grabbed my 12" barbecue wire brush and went at it, then an old toothbrush to get into the deeper areas. I'm fine with adding time so everyone can complete their projects MadDog.

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TikiAno posted on 07/31/2018

I'm good with adding more time.... but I'm done. Well, sorta.

The mug didn't crack, as I thought it might, but something odd happened in the glaze firing.

First, the weird mug- as a reminder, this is a brown/ black clay, with glaze on top...

Lid for da mug, with straw hole (I'll include some new fangled paper straws we just got in for my business):
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Of course, the firing didn't go perfectly, and I had something happen that I didn't know could happen with clay- a piece that WAS attached (through the bisque firing) decided to pop off during the glaze firing (for those that don't do ceramics, first it goes into the kiln for a bisque firing, then again for a (in my case a higher temperature) another firing. I didn't know a piece can come apart after it's been bisqued, unless it cracks? Here's where one of the dream clouds was supposed to go:

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And me holding up the missing piece:

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My plan, if it's okay with everyone, is to super glue this on- it probably wouldn't be the best food safe thing to do, but it's on the outside of the mug. There is an unglazed area that was underneath this cloud.

Glad to (pretty much?) make it in by the buzzer- though I admit I've been MIA during the Swap due to kid/ work/ work/ work.

MadDogMike posted on 08/01/2018

Guys, thanks for the extention. My plan is to do the draw at 9am on Friday. Hopefully I will be done by then. My kiln sustained some damage in the move. But looks repairable, on my way to the hardware store now.

TikiTube, sorry about the wrong attribution - I will correct that. Your art looks great framed. Does Hamo have an entry that I missed?

TikiAno, I have had good luck with E6000 glue. It sticks well, it's clear, and it's a little flexible. They have it at WalMart as well as other places

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Hamo posted on 08/01/2018

Here I was going to get on tonight to apologize for not being able to finish my piece in time, but with Mike’s reprieve, I should be able to make it happen. Then again, my work really looks crude in comparison to everyone else’s quality offerings....

hang10tiki posted on 08/01/2018

Lookin good all

The countdown has been extended

59.5 HRs

MadDogMike posted on 08/01/2018

Hamo, I'm glad I'm not the only one late :lol: Besides, one more will bring us to an even 8.

danlovestikis posted on 08/01/2018

A small swap of quality art. 8 Tiki Central people having a fun summer together. Wendy

PS I like those circle swaps where no one trades across we just all get a piece

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