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Wendy Cevola - Began on 01/10/2025 - Todd Locker's black velvet wish in progress. New photos often.

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danlovestikis posted on 07/15/2018

hang10tiki you have us spoiled we are ready for you to go on another island vacation right now!


We will have another tiki garage sale Saturday July 21st. If you need our address just ask or send a message.
We have been asked if we are getting out of tiki. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Dan just needed to get his album collection
out of the garage. Since I wouldn't give up my Asian living room he had to make a space in his jungle room. It's
sad but he is very happy and along the way a lot of people got tiki art that they desired. We are fine with the

The sacrifice.

The beginning of the changeover.

All the records are gone. However it's tiki from the top shelf up.

Dan in his album heaven. A very happy man.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/16/2018

Another vacation I wish

Dan-0 looks very happy in album heaven

Makes my 300 or so albums look like a drop in the bucket, or pool



danlovestikis posted on 07/16/2018

hang10tiki I wish you music joy at all times.


Time to get back to the Wish List #8. I have completed the hardest project I have ever tackled. I've already posted the sculpting of the I Dream of Jeannie project. Now I'll be posting the next steps.

I made the bottle cap and when it was almost dry I finished it off.

I opened up a hole to

hold a huge diamond.

It will tie in better once the diamond is in place and all of this is glazed.

Once all the pieces are completely dry they are bisque fired.


Skipping the glazing and firing part let's get to the last part for the little bottle.

Since I was doing a small statue of Jeannie and she is too large to fit into the big bottle I made a small bottle for her so she could be a stand alone art piece as the huge bottle can also stand alone.

The best gold I could think of is auto pin-stripping paint.

I still wouldn't scrub it.


Skipping the drying, sanding, fine tuning and then firing I'll go straight to glazing.

It was time to glaze the huge bottle. He desired sparkles so I used Duncan's Shimmer Black Diamond Glaze.

By the end of three layers, drying between each one, I decided to ask permission to do an experiment.

After it dried again (you can see Jeannie waiting her turn) I

did a fourth layer of Shimmer that has no color just glitter. Hopefully it would just add more glitter and the

black diamond color will still come through.

The last step was to do the inside of the bottle. The outside will have large red gems so I added extra red crystals to the glaze.

This is a project that you do because you love a challenge. The number of hours in these pieces would break anyone's bank so it's more a gift than a sale.

More photos soon, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-07-16 09:30 ]

danlovestikis posted on 07/16/2018

Here are photos of our second garage sale that will be held this Saturday July 21st, 7 am until 11 am. After that we will make appointments for people to shop what is left over.

Bring your own boxes, bubble wrap and cash for me. We are out so if you have extra to donate we would love to get it.

I am not selling anything you see in these photos until the day of the sale. However we are still adding to these tables. I hope you can make it. Just visiting with tiki friends is a blast. Cheers, Wendy and Dan

danlovestikis posted on 07/17/2018

Wish List #8 the I Dream of Jeannie project for Bulkmar is complete. It's one of those that just takes months to do but in the end it was worth the effort. I'll never make this again.

There were so many steps to make this and then to finish it. Maybe 100 hours. Just guessing. Here are some of the finishing steps.

It worked. The fourth coat of Shimmer glaze did just leave it black but it did all more glitter.

I used pin striping paint for the gold accents. I glued on jewels

so that Jeannie would be happy with this new home.

In 1958 my mother made a Halloween outfit for me. I still had the thread and was able to use it for this project. It brought back memories of my mom who could do absolutely anything. She could shake shingle a roof or paint a beautiful scene in oils. Anything.

I took apart an Eisenberg earing and use the stone on the top of the bottle cap. The big diamond I bought elsewhere.

I painted the little bottle.

I glazed Jeannie with 3 layers of color and four layers for her skin. All Duncan CN glazes. They do not move when fired and gloss over.

It wasn't easy getting the scarf to drape just right but after a few sticks of the needle I got it to work out.

Done at last and ready to be boxed and shipped to Florida.

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-07-17 11:21 ]

coldwarspacemonkey posted on 07/17/2018

Nailed it! Jeannie is perfect! Beautiful piece. Is Tony's Mercury capsule next?

hang10tiki posted on 07/17/2018


Amazing I dream of J
Came out awesome
Looks great

Hamo posted on 07/18/2018

I was at Hidden Idol in Denver on Sunday. They were playing “I Dream of Jeannie” on the TV, and I thought of you.

danlovestikis posted on 07/18/2018

coldwarspacemonkey thank you. That wouldn't have occurred to me. Don't suggest that to Bulkmar I need to move on to the next set of projects.

hang10tiki Thank you. It took so much time it put me behind for the whole year.

Hamo I loved this show as a kid and now I'll always feel connected.


Bam Bam posted on 07/19/2018

Absolutely fantastic!

Danno posted on 07/19/2018

Haha!! Love it!

hang10tiki posted on 07/22/2018

How was the HUGE sale?

danlovestikis posted on 07/22/2018

Bam Bam and Danno thank you. It was one looooooooong project to complete. I'm so happy it worked out.

hang10tiki gosh, we slept 12 hours last night. I guess having a sale wore us out. It went very well. Now this week we will concentrate on selling everything that was left over.


I sure get behind in posting. I hope to recover from the sale and get back to posting soon. Thank you everyone. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 07/23/2018

The HUGE Tiki Garage sale was a success. We still have four tables full that we will sell by appointment. So if you want to shop just send me a message and we'll set up a visit time.

Everyone lined up as planned.

No shoving just an orderly entrance into our garage.

At the end of today we condensed what was let into one garage section and we were able to park both our cars in the garage.

Here's what's left. Not bad at all. I just hope enough people come this week to clear it out.

Cheers, Wendy

littlegiles posted on 07/23/2018

So glad your 2nd sale was a success. I'm sure you won't have any problems clearing out the rest.

OceaOtica posted on 07/23/2018

ooooohhhh my god i love the I Dream of Genie bottle!!!!!

danlovestikis posted on 07/23/2018

littlegiles it was a lot of fun and now for a week or so we'll have people who missed it on Saturday stop by to shop. It's a great way to be rewarded while having fun visits.

OceaOtica ah, thank you so much. I'm so sorry to hear of your accident and that you are leaving ceramics. Maybe in the future you'll take it up again. I didn't start until 2010. We have enjoyed your art since the very beginning. I wish you a speedy recovery and a good future.

Thank you all, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 07/24/2018

7/24/18 the sale is still going on. Dan doesn't want to ship so come to our home to shop. Just ask if you need our address or phone number.

Just make an appointment by posting a message. We will deal if you buy enough or just come to get a couple of the already super low priced items. Many vintage mugs. Wendy and Dan

danlovestikis posted on 07/26/2018

Wow it's been so hot here, 105 degrees today, that not a single person has come to our home to check out what's left from the garage sale. Maybe it will happen this weekend.


Wish List #8. The Maori Lamp for Mondo-By-The-Bay.

Even though I was very careful and did the three layers of glaze I had to re-glaze some areas and fire this lamp a second time.

It goes on in this color but when it fires it is green.

This is now in Florida waiting to light up. Wendy

tikitube posted on 07/26/2018

That turned out stunning! Really beautiful.

If I lived closer, I'd definitely be visiting your garage sale...heat be damned! :wink:

[ Edited by: tikitube 2018-07-25 20:26 ]

hang10tiki posted on 07/26/2018

What TikiTube said
Great color

Hamo posted on 07/26/2018

Another great Moari, Wendy.

I’m with tikitube; the heat wouldn’t keep me away. A thousand miles however....

danlovestikis posted on 07/26/2018

tikitube, hang10tiki and Hamo it's such a joy to log on and to find your comments. Mondo picked her color and it worked out really well. She'll be happy to see people agree with her choice.


Wish List #8 continues each day, I just can't post enough. Here is a fun and fast one I did for Shan Shan Singer.

Woody Bob with a beige face.

I did a layer of glaze and then

it was a fast dry outside in the heat. If the glaze cracks when glazing then it will separate along those lines when it fires. So the layers can't be too thick.

All done and posing.

It's nice to have an easier project now and then. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/26/2018

I wonder how many Bobs you have made
I wonder if it’s more than the original

danlovestikis posted on 07/27/2018

hang10tiki I have made a lot of them and every one is on the Gallery pages. I bet they still have made more but did they survive?


Sometimes you make something and it doesn't looks as good as you hoped. Can it be fixed? Dark can go over light but I've never been able to lighten something dark.

This fix turned out far better than I could have hoped for. These photos will skip about as I tell what I did.

I took a bowl I made many years ago. I didn't like how I glazed it so I covered it with Pingo Black.

I dried it outside and

painted another layer on.

I fired it and then to the eyes I added some red enamel.

Photo with a flash and

without the flash.

Here's how it looked before I re-glazed it.

I'm really happy. I even like the bits of white that show through.

Top View.

Now I'm happy. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 07/27/2018

Nice fix
Are you sure you didn’t send it to Hawaii
Put in the path of lava
And let nature fix it lava style


danlovestikis posted on 07/30/2018

hang10tiki instead of skinny dipping are you suggesting lava dipping? I just prefer sour cream and onion dip! I was happy with the result glad U like it too.


Wish List #8 glazing the Tiki Boobette for Fred Ferrer. When I do these there are a lot of jars of glaze to open and close over and over again. These take a long time since I have to do 3 or 4 layers of each color.

All done and ready to pose.

Cheers, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2018-07-30 13:49 ]

hang10tiki posted on 08/02/2018

She’s a cutie pie

danlovestikis posted on 08/03/2018

Dan and I are transforming our home by downsizing our tiki collection. As we age we want to have a well decorated tiki home but not a huge collection. It's been fun so far with two tiki garage sales. Now in each room we place what we may keep and make it the best it can be.

Dan had a Maori lamp with a shade that's been navy blue and white. I hated it. So today

I took it without asking, I'm so bad and began to paint it with a red brown acrylic paint.

Before it could dry I used a wet paper towel to rub it into the fabric.

Once it dried I put it back on the lamp. Here it is lit and

then unlit. Now I'm happy and Dan was happy when I showed it to him. So much better.

We are making our dining room a Maori room. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/03/2018

Lamp came out great
Can’t wait to see pics of the Cevola downsized Tiki house.
Funny, when ya downsize a bit I think you see more of your finds
Sold a bunch of common mugs myself recently


I see why you kept this piece

danlovestikis posted on 08/03/2018

hang10tiki you got a laugh from Dan. I saved this in a file. Who knows when I could use a photo like this one.


Wish List #8 a Tiki Bob for Cole Unger.

The first firing was a disaster. I had missed many specks of dust when I scrubbed the mug before glazing. The glaze then crawled away from each spec as it fired.

So I scrubbed each spot with a stiff paint brush and glazed it again and re-fired. Success, not a spot was missed.

This photo is without a flash so you can see the depth of the carving better.

I am producing more than I'm showing. One day I will catch up again. Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/04/2018

Once in awhile I do a Tiki Bob for fun during the Wish List. Here is one I've just finished.

Tiki Bob Cat.

Back to work, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/04/2018

Kool eyes

danlovestikis posted on 08/05/2018

Wish List #8. I'm glazing the O2 out Diver's Helmet mugs.

After scrubbing them well it's time to put black underglaze into all the deep areas.

I let these dry overnight or longer before I scrub off the excess glaze.

I have completed two others but I'll show them all finished together.

danlovestikis posted on 08/07/2018

Wish List #8 the next two steps for the O2 out Diver's Helmets.

It's time to take each one and to scrub off all the excess black underglaze. It is left in all the recesses.

I left these to dry for a couple of days and now it's time to start again.

The next step is to paint each mug with a metal glaze. One layer to start because I need the helmet to look battered.

It takes so much work to make one of these I have to be careful not to ruin one with a wrong step or glaze.

Cheers, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/08/2018

Wish List #8 finishing up the O2 out Diver's Helmet's.

I think I forgot to take photos. I only found these three of the last stages of glazing. I did really work hard for a few days after the first coat of metal glaze was applied.

I spent some time again removing glaze where I planed on re-adding it later with a different color.

Then on these areas I put blue green glaze and then highlighted it with white snow glaze. Then I did the tubing and nuts and bolts with whatever pleased me at the moment.

I glazed the skull and then I went back and added more metal glaze so that the surface would look distressed.

Now they just need to dry out completely and then fire. Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/09/2018

Truly awesome Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/09/2018

Hope you had a great day Wendy

Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-08-08 21:46 ]

danlovestikis posted on 08/09/2018

Shhhhhhhhhhh it's a secret. I don't want anyone to know that I'm getting older. PS thank you hang10tiki you sure have a good memory


Wish List #8 continues but first here's a trick I figured out.

The glaze called Ink Spots has black chunks. Sometimes they are still sharp after firing. So I do a layer of clear glaze on top and it helps to prevent this. If they are still sharp then I dremmel them smooth and then do a clear glaze over them and re-fire.

This next wish is for Melissa Natt Sangiacomo. She came to our garage sale and while here picked out colors for her Tiki Bob supercarved mug.

When starting to glaze I made a mistake and started with a layer of green. OH OH. Well with fingers crossed I added the next two layers of blue green that she had chosen.

The inside of the mug is called Tear Drops.

The effect of layering was wonderful. The green showed up on the edges and the blue green on the flat surfaces.

She like it too so all is well.

Another wish has been granted. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/10/2018

Cool glaZe effect


danlovestikis posted on 08/10/2018

hang10tiki not all mistakes turn out badly. This is something I will have fun with in the future. Thank you.


Here's a Tiki Bob I made on spec. I layered two glazes for this one. To get it right I had to glaze and fire it twice.

I glazed it first with three layers of a CN Caribbean Blue. Then I went back and added some Mayco Tear Drop Jungle Gem glaze to add the spots.

It looks even better in real life, Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/13/2018

Wish List #8. This is for Vance Klinke. War God Island. His choice of colors.

I start from the inside out.

To have the war god blend in to the volcano I added yellow and orange crystals to the lava.

I have a shoulder problem and I'm going to PT. They said not to look down so I built up my table.

It's now ready to set aside to dry.

I hope this looks like what he has in his mind. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/13/2018

Lookin good W

Back from Oasis
Just noticed
I took 1 pic
Here it is

danlovestikis posted on 08/13/2018

I love this photo but I was hoping for a few more like Gecko and little lost tiki just to mention a couple.


Another wish in progress for Todd Sieber. He requested browns and greens in flat non-gloss glazes. I hope he likes what I chose.

I always start by going around the face.
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To outline the mosaic I chose a very dark brown.
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Three layers for each color. I open a lot of jars for one of these mugs.
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Tiki Bob has personality.
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The last step is the clear glaze over the face.
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Another Tiki Bob. I know him so well. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 08/14/2018

There are tiki art swaps on Tiki Central run by MadDogMike right here on the "other crafts" page. They are really fun and anyone can participate. I'm sure sometime before Christmas there will be another one. Hint Hint.

This is what I made.
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Names were drawn and my swap partner CY stopped by on his way to Tiki Oasis 2018. He and I swapped art. His photo is better than mine for showing detail so I've put it here again. This is what he made.
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Dan loves me to swap and takes whatever I get. This went into his man cave where he will see it each day.
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Thank you MadDogMike for running another fun swap. Thank you CY for making such great tiki art.

Cheers, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/14/2018

The CY piece looks right at home

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2018-08-26 12:22 ]

danlovestikis posted on 08/19/2018

hang10tiki MadDogMike is so cute that this must be a photoshopped picture. I need it shrunk and fast or I'm calling him an ambulance.


Wish List #8 has me a bit overwhelmed so I don't post every day. I'm working as fast as I can but it's hard to make a dent in the orders. I'm grateful but I'm also having to go to PT for a left painful shoulder problem and that's not helping to get things done.

I had orders for 5 O2 out Diver's helmets. I also have a waiting list. I managed to make 6. Here are photos of the 5, the last one comes out of the kiln tomorrow.

This one is for Vance Klinke.
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This one is for Savage Tiki aka Eric Jorgensen.
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This one is for Eric Gabrys.
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This one is also for Eric Gabrys
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This one is for Alex Dulude.
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They are a bit bleached by the flash but close enough. I start with a bowl and then sculpt all the parts so that each one is unique. I hope you like them, Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 08/19/2018

Those look great Wendy
5 more killer Cevola creations

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