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The Tiki paperback cover art thread

Pages: 1 2 3 102 replies

VampiressRN posted on 04/13/2013

Wonderful thread...inspiring.

Mister Naufrago posted on 04/16/2013

Some from Spain

I wourl really appreciate any info about this carving:

Greg_D_R posted on 06/24/2014

Just got done making the rounds of ebay, only to discover what this thread already knew - There are no, or practically no pulp sleaze "Good girl art" covers that also feature a tiki! This blows my mind, frankly. The subjects seem made for each other: fantastic gods and fantasy women, the tropical sex fantasy that is still a part of our culture, but no tiki covers. Wow. In any case, doing a search for "sleaze" in the antiquarian book category is a fantastic way to kill time. I dare you to read down one page of titles and not at least chuckle!

Dustycajun posted on 03/28/2016

Jack London's South Sea Tales.

And the newly released Ritual of the Savage by Jay Strongman.


Dustycajun posted on 07/12/2016

Sex Sea, enough said.


Dustycajun posted on 11/18/2018

Don't think I saw this one in there.


TIKIWAGON posted on 11/28/2018

Here are a couple more from my collection

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