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The Loma Kai Sailing Club and Grotto! UPD: July 2022

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tikiskip posted on 11/08/2018

So cool, love the walk-in door!

I lived in a old walk-in in the basement of my moms restaurant for a year to save rent.
It was off and had no door so may be it went to you guys, I kid.

Reusing old stuff like that is the best.

W8N2Surf posted on 11/09/2018

Friday update- Just some shots of the overall progress, these give a bit of a feel for the whole building.

And here's a look at the Orange translucent material we will have behind our panel. This side of the bar faces away from the rest of the action, so no need to see through anything here! Apparently there are "neighbors" back there somewhere.

W8N2Surf posted on 11/09/2018

On 2018-11-08 09:37, tikiskip wrote:
So cool, love the walk-in door!

I lived in a old walk-in in the basement of my moms restaurant for a year to save rent.
It was off and had no door so may be it went to you guys, I kid.

Reusing old stuff like that is the best.

It's the same one Skip! We found your name carved on one of the lower boards, you must have done that before the door was removed.

tikiskip posted on 11/09/2018

Har! I never ever saw the door I just put a blanket up there for a door.
But the inside was that same damn, it looked like cherry wood it was really nice looking for free rent and all.

looking great!

Tikifrog posted on 11/10/2018

Killer project! I love the use of old stuff, the beefy door and the architecture.

W8N2Surf posted on 11/11/2018

Time to "wrap" some of this work up! Covering some of the hardware used.

tikiskip posted on 11/11/2018

I don't know how much rain you guys get and how much sun will be on the Bac Bac Braid areas.

But the Bac Bac Braid would not last a year here.
Rope lasts some here but even then you need to shellac it every year.

Looks good.

Hamo posted on 11/11/2018

Roof is looking good, and that door is magnificent.

Commodore posted on 11/11/2018

On 2018-11-11 14:32, tikiskip wrote:
I don't know how much rain you guys get and how much sun will be on the Bac Bac Braid areas.

But the Bac Bac Braid would not last a year here.
Rope lasts some here but even then you need to shellac it every year.

Looks good.

Thanks Skip - we don't get much rain, but it do get fog and moisture - the sun where we are at isn't too bad but its still exposed. I put some heavy heavy layers of varnish on the braids and sennit and will keep an eye on what holds up. Moving ahead!

thanks for all the great comments!


jimsflies posted on 11/13/2018

Awesome build!

That's quite a banana stand you have growing there too. Do they make it over winter in VA?

Prikli Pear posted on 11/13/2018

I am astounded and the richness of this build. That door is killer! I don't know what I could add that hasn't been said already. My only concern is that winter closing in and that might put a stop to your fantastic progress for a while--it's turned cold and wet here, and we're getting our first freeze of the season tonight. That'd driven me inside and put a hold on any work on my place for at least a week. That's bad enough on its own, but I don't want your updates to stop! :lol:

W8N2Surf posted on 11/13/2018

On 2018-11-13 06:27, jimsflies wrote:
Awesome build!

That's quite a banana stand you have growing there too. Do they make it over winter in VA?

Hey jimsflies! This build is in So. California, Commodore's back yard. Although I am a Virginia resident, I merely remain the chronicler of my brothers project. Of course, I will be there opening night, although we are some time away from that.

W8N2Surf posted on 11/13/2018

A bit more detail for today's update:

W8N2Surf posted on 11/15/2018

Aloha Ohana. Inspired by the contributions of y'all, Commodore has begun work on trim panels. Here's the first one.

The first one is always where you learn, no? We proceed:

Commodore posted on 11/15/2018

So in regards to the panels - here is something really cool that happened - my wife and I were at a bbq and I became friends with a guy that owns... a reclaimed wood business! So... long story short the Port side (neighbors side) of the structure will be a made of reclaimed Doug Fir shiplap - his guys are milling and we'll get to. Now these panels and Starboard side are all antique tongue and grooved African Mahogany. Can't believe the deal I got on these and am so fortunate! They were pulled out of mansion getting torn down and will really look awesome - the plan on these panels is to carve every other one to space them out and some of them will be the sliding doors on the starboard side - and then I have enough for some big parts of the interior. More work to come - but so pleased its coming together like it is.



W8N2Surf posted on 11/17/2018

After a long days work, it is time to begin settling in. I present to you a Don's Own Grog.

tikiskip posted on 11/18/2018

See now that is cool!

You go all over the place find interesting items that fit in your bar AND you get a cool interesting story to go with it.
That's what makes the best bars and people really.

I look at a tiki bar like a pirate sailing around collecting stuff and putting it together in his ships cabin.

Or like a safari hunter in his trophy room walking around talking of the time he ......

It's all about the story.

Looking good.

Hey if you look at the Kahiki page I have here they had some images like the carving you are doing in your trim there, You may get some ideas and be able to say "these carvings are from the style found at the Kahiki.

The Kahiki door handle (the first one) was really cool, I know you could make one of those.

tikiskip posted on 11/18/2018

Kahiki door handle.

This bottle wall is cool, may look good by the panel you have.

[ Edited by: tikiskip 2018-11-18 05:05 ]

tikiskip posted on 11/18/2018
Commodore posted on 11/18/2018

On 2018-11-18 04:39, tikiskip wrote:
See now that is cool!

You go all over the place find interesting items that fit in your bar AND you get a cool interesting story to go with it.
That's what makes the best bars and people really.

I look at a tiki bar like a pirate sailing around collecting stuff and putting it together in his ships cabin.

Thanks Skip! I love that quote! And thanks for all of the ideas - super helpful! - as you can see in that notebook (next to the Grog) some panel drawings - there are also about 5 more pages of panel ideas and pages and pages of drawings that show the bar and beams and sorting out everything... not quite the Kahiki line drawings but its been cool to see the ideas progress.

Mahalo! -Commodore

W8N2Surf posted on 11/21/2018

Some great reference material there tikiskip! I love the Kahiki front door handle, although it would be difficult to implement in this application as we have the original latching hardware that is on the left side of the door. Hmmmm, we must ponder.

tikiskip posted on 11/21/2018

Yeah I did not think it would be good to remove that walk in door handle as it is way cool, but then getting locked into a bar may not be so bad right?

BUT it could be used elsewhere, It is also a likeness that they put on an early mug sleeve.


W8N2Surf posted on 11/21/2018

Preparing for the commencement of ceiling and roof installation.....

And yes Tikiskip, Happy Thanksgiving to all the Ohana that make TC such a great place!

W8N2Surf posted on 11/22/2018

Today is Thanksgiving, Mahalo's all around. No construction going on today, but here are a few of the last panels Commodore has done. I like this one a lot, especially as it is being presented by the 2 Tiki Guardians:

Here's another one:

The Lauhala's been treated, coming next will be putting it on the ceiling/roof.

KonaBrad posted on 11/25/2018

This project is incredible! Keep those updates coming!

Commodore posted on 11/25/2018

On 2018-11-24 20:06, KonaBrad wrote:
This project is incredible! Keep those updates coming!

Thank you KonaBrad and will do!

W8N2Surf posted on 11/25/2018

Let's do an update then. Time to get the Lauhala up! Here it is going on.....

So from inside, here's what we can expect for the ceiling at the Loma Kai. Looking towards the front door:

And looking towards the aft:

An enormous amount of work for our Mr. Commodore, who continues to do this single-handedly for the most part. Thankfully the rum collection that will soon be housed here provides a modicum of motivation. Onward!

Bam Bam posted on 11/27/2018


Hamo posted on 11/27/2018

I love this panel.

The underside of the roof is looking great, too.

W8N2Surf posted on 11/30/2018

Alright alright alright Here's one more panel, I think these are about done.

Now let's get serious on the roof. A little R-Tech to keep the rum cool, goin' right on top of the lauhala.

And a couple more ceiling shots from the inside.

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W8N2Surf posted on 12/01/2018

Aloha to you this fine Saturday morning. Here's a couple more shots of the roof while in progress. This first one is a very nice view of our front door, which we are enjoying immensely. Also note that those "strong wall" panels really make this a rigid structure....they'll be covered up of course. You may imbibe here at the Loma Kai free from worry of structural collapse!!!

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W8N2Surf posted on 12/01/2018

Commodore's efforts know no bounds....here is yet another panel to be implemented in the build. Another great one IMHO.

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Commodore posted on 12/01/2018

On 2018-12-01 07:56, W8N2Surf wrote:
Commodore's efforts know no bounds....here is yet another panel to be implemented in the build. Another great one IMHO.

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Thanks for the kind words! inspiration from this panel came from a big carved post @ SF's Tonga Room - a favorite from when we lived in the City many moons ago. Love the swirls! photo credit - Critiki

ok back to work!
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Sandbartender posted on 12/01/2018

All the details are amazing and inspiring! I'm loving this thread.

W8N2Surf posted on 12/02/2018

Another weekend full of hard work, time for a reward. Kane's and Wahine's, I present to you a Far East and a Pineapple Bramble. Have a restful Sunday evening, more updates here from the Loma Kai coming soon.

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W8N2Surf posted on 12/04/2018

Happy Monday! Couple things going on here. Note the subroof going on, followed by the felt. Close to getting this roof on....rain will come! Also note the sliding door support beam being put into place. Upgraded original to something more substantial so the doors will be open to slide all the way across the structure.

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tikiskip posted on 12/04/2018

That is a death grip you have on that Drink!

Looks good.

Commodore posted on 12/04/2018

On 2018-12-04 05:33, tikiskip wrote:
That is a death grip you have on that Drink!

Looks good.

Haha! Its not so much the drink my wife is trying to hold on to as it is the puppy in her lap with her other hand. Good times!

W8N2Surf posted on 12/06/2018

Small update today. Sneak Peak! Roofing choice required a bit of research. Settled on these green roofing tiles....we think they'll look great.

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Here's some of the raw reclaimed lumber we are looking at for walls, etc.

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And just a couple views of our interior so far. The temple guardians are enjoying it.

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Hamo posted on 12/06/2018

I was wondering what you were going to do for roofing material....

I also dig that Tonga Room inspired panel.

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tikitube posted on 12/06/2018

Looking great! Those roofing tiles are interesting...metal? Where'd you find those?

tikiskip posted on 12/06/2018

Fiberglass I would say.
Last forever.

Wind will be the only thing that can mess with your build so far.

Commodore posted on 12/06/2018

A lot of thought went into what kind of roof to do... As the Loma Kai is on our lower deck we actually will look out from our house and see mostly the roof structure we want it to look really good and also blend in with the plants as much as it can. Grass roofs look great, but the open spider invitation would be too much for me and especially my arachnophobic wife! I was thinking fiberglass, but the dogs and I went on a couple of reconnaissance walks down on Shelter Island and really liked the looks of this Humprhrey's building with its green slate tiles. See photo... The BaliHai also has a metal roof of a similar color and looks good as well.

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The tiles above would be way too heavy so the tile that W8N2SRF showed are the ones we are using - metal tiles that are made to look like green slate. Made by McElroy metals, "Milan Green Slate"... It took some time to find and order them but they look great and will be super durable and will bend slightly with the curve of the roof.

Thanks all!

tikiskip posted on 12/06/2018

Those three option are great ones as they will last forever.

Damn, they got that metal to look like slate.
The slate can break so metal is a good choice.

This room is going to cost about as much as the average house does in Ohio.

Commodore posted on 12/06/2018

On 2018-12-06 12:37, tikiskip wrote:
Those three option are great ones as they will last forever.

Damn, they got that metal to look like slate.
The slate can break so metal is a good choice.

This room is going to cost about as much as the average house does in Ohio.

Skip I would seriously doubt that!! One thing that is hard to tell at this point is the small size of this build. The interior square footage is less than 110 sq ft and this will amount to essentially a 3-4 seat bar with little extra room. We would love to have a larger place (a big lounge!) but don't have the space but we are working to make sure its cool, legit, and works for us. Cheers!

tikiskip posted on 12/07/2018

Ha! I exaggerate but that is some pretty wood, it's looking great!

Damn the fence we are building is not cheep using cedar.

Wood is costly these days.
Good wood even more so.

W8N2Surf posted on 12/08/2018

Hey! See y'all at the Bali Hai today! Let's get a move on!!

Meanwhile at the Loma Kai, we need to get smart about lighting and electricity. Let's get some wiring done before we put the roofing tiles on. Hmmmm, what do we want going where? Something seems sacrilegious about poking holes in lauhala. Ouch. Have to do it.
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[ Edited by: W8N2Surf 2018-12-08 06:45 ]

W8N2Surf posted on 12/10/2018

The roofing felt, etc. is getting pretty thick, so we are using copper tape to mask all the edges before we put the roofing tiles on.

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