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Tiki Central / Tiki Carving

Tangaroa carving

Pages: 1 12 replies

I had some scrap cedar left over from my shelving project, and now that I can be in the garage for longer than 10 min and still feel my fingers
I decided to do a little Rarotongan - Tangaroa the fishermen's god. I did it flat rather than a freestanding statue so I could mount it on the wall of the bar.

I went back and forth on the finish but ended up deciding on a shou sugi ban treatment, since cedar takes it so well.

Finished off with a couple of coats of semigloss lacquer.
He stands about 10" tall.

cy posted on Wed, Apr 17, 2019 4:21 PM

Well done SandBartender!

Love it!


That’s excellent!

Way kool

Beautiful! Really like that.


Love it. very classic.

I like it!

I dig how you carved him crossing his leg and....wait....that's not a leg!


nice carving and treatment!

Turned out great!

Perfection. I too love the woodgrain you brought out. Your carving shows your talent. I had no idea. I hope you keep on going, Wendy

Perfection. I too love the woodgrain you brought out. Your carving shows your talent. I had no idea. I hope you keep on going, Wendy

Thanks for the kind words, gang! Sorry for the radio silence on this. It was sort of a "Fire and forget" post, and somehow I haven't seen notifications pop up of new replies.

He's currently hanging on the wall of the bar under a big red float lamp with a basket shade, but we've got a HUGE new print coming that may upset the apple cart (it's large enough to take up almost the entire bar back), so some of our other stuff may be getting thrown about in the rearranging.

I've got a few new sketches I'm considering carving (when I can find the time) and a neighbor just cut down what LOOKS (at a distance) like a soft maple, so I may stroll on over and offer to take a huge branch or two off their hands for some possible poles in the future.

Hamo posted on Mon, Jun 17, 2019 8:28 PM

You should consider joining the Art Swap.

Pages: 1 12 replies