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Tiki Art Swap 2019 - Complete!

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MadDogMike posted on 04/28/2019

Crazy cool!!!

danlovestikis posted on 04/29/2019

hang10tiki the moai is terrific but I LOVE the birds. So well done. You are setting the bar high for the rest of us. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 04/29/2019

Mike- :)
Wendy- no bar, just fun


MaukaHale posted on 04/29/2019

Very well done!

hang10tiki posted on 04/30/2019

MH- thanks

danlovestikis posted on 04/30/2019

hang10tiki tiki bars are all the rage!!!

hang10tiki posted on 04/30/2019


anthonymaye posted on 05/14/2019

Hang10 that’s pretty cool wild idea.

So I’m struggling will all the freedom. I drew up something last night
I’m think of painting for the swap let me know what ya think.


hang10tiki posted on 05/14/2019

Anthony- glad you like the Easter Island piece

Yours is kool
Can’t go wrong with a growing tiki

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-05-14 10:42 ]

MadDogMike posted on 05/14/2019

He's cool, kind of a Southwest/Polynesian fusion.

danlovestikis posted on 05/15/2019

We have seen cactus growing in the Hawaiian Islands. I'm not sure how it got there but it's out in the wild. I made a cactus Tiki Bob years ago. You made one that has a lot of character. Right on! Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/25/2019

63 days to go


danlovestikis posted on 05/25/2019

Photos soon of my swap art piece. I just hope it survives the kiln. I've had some major problems lately with cracks etc.. My fault I didn't use the cones. Once I put them in I could see my kiln is firing too hot. I changed the thermal couple. Finger crossed on the next batch. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 05/26/2019

Hope it’s ok Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 05/31/2019

I will have a long story to tell. It's due to come out of the kiln for the 3rd time tomorrow. Then I will know if it's good to swap or be smashed to bits. Wendy

PS I would start again

hang10tiki posted on 05/31/2019


danlovestikis posted on 06/01/2019

Hopefully the fourth firing will work. Should have an answer by Monday. Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 06/01/2019

Go Wendy!!! I haven't started yet but I have a plan. To many things going on right now! :o

Hamo posted on 06/02/2019

I have a plan and haven't started yet, either....

MaukaHale posted on 06/02/2019

I've started but I don't have a plan.

MadDogMike posted on 06/03/2019

:up: :lol:

danlovestikis posted on 06/03/2019

I'm still dealing with glaze fails but I haven't yet given up. Wendy

danlovestikis posted on 06/16/2019

My piece is all done. I will be posting soon. I wonder who I'll be trading with. Cheers, Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 06/16/2019

Whoooohoooo Wendy!!!

hang10tiki posted on 06/16/2019


MadDogMike posted on 06/16/2019

What he said

hang10tiki posted on 06/17/2019

danlovestikis posted on 06/17/2019

Hold you pants on guys. I have to finish posting my glazing catch up photos this week and then I'll post the swap art. Glad to see your enthusiasm. I want to see all of your art too! Wendy

MadDogMike posted on 06/17/2019

:up: :lol:

hang10tiki posted on 06/18/2019

What he said

danlovestikis posted on 06/21/2019

I started work on the Swap mug on 5/23/19 and I got this far by 5/24/19.

This was actually the sculpt I did fired and then used to make a fogcutter mold. So it's the only one this large.

I used those little bottles of black under-glaze to label the bottom.

I glazed the inside with my favorite Blue Caprice Mayco Jungle Gem.

I bought this Moai from a exchange teacher in Chile. I used him for the more modern Moai style for my mug.

I used a couple of the little bottles to do some layers for the Moai. I also made it lumpy like rock.

Next I picked out all the rest of the under-glaze colors I was to use on the background.

I painted the rolling hills of Easter Island.

I used Dan's toothbrush to work the glaze into a different appearing texture.

I had a bit of colored glaze go on the Moai so I used more of the black to keep the edge black.

The perspective may be off but I wanted some pretty Bird Of Paradise flowers on the mug.

When all of these glazes were dry I did my first coat of Clear Brilliance glaze by Duncan. They do two but this one is the best.

Scrabble watched for hours and then conked out.

I ended up doing three layers of the clear.

Not bad for two days work. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 06/22/2019

Awesome Wendy
Does your swap partner get Dan-0s toothbrush too???

Can’t wait to see it post kiln

danlovestikis posted on 06/23/2019

hang10tiki, Dan's sorry but he needs to keep his toothbrush.


The making of the art for the July Tiki Art Swap by MadDogMike continues.

This is the product I used to do the Moai on the bisqueware fogcutter mug. I think it needs to go on a glazed surface.

It did not work on bisque. It fell off in the kiln.

The parts that stuck I removed or tried to remove with a pick.

Once I got off all that would come off I

re-glazed it with Black Pingo which is just a great glaze.

I did a second layer and

Then I let it dry.

All of a sudden glaze fell from the sky leaving a large defect here and


So I used the pick to make sure nothing else was loose and then I re-glazed the sky.

Just before I put it in the kiln I decided to re-glaze the Birds Of Paradise. I let them dry then into the kiln.

A few days later when out of the kiln I rubbed the mug all over. The only defects were two tiny spots at the lip.

I got out the right colors and I painted these until they disappeared.

Even though I think it's fine to use and long as the edge isn't scrubbed or subjected to hot water, this mug could be called a painting.

24 hours later it went into the home oven to set the paint. I had jazzed up the flowers on this Tiki Bobette so in she went to. Hot Tub Hula Girl faces are always done in enamel. Sometimes I do an eyebrow 14 times before it looks good with the opposite one.

Here is the Finished Swap mug. I also did some more enamel clouds in the sky to blend the colors better.

I'm all done and ready to ship it to my Swap buddy. I hope no one else ran into to many problems. Cheers, Wendy

MaukaHale posted on 06/24/2019

Hi Wendy,

I haven't run into any problems yet. I'm still in the early stages.

Your finished mug came out really well! I like the sparkles on the inside. It makes you think twice about what you're drinking on the inside!

danlovestikis posted on 06/24/2019

MaukaHale and the gate opens and they are off and running..... don't slow down. I love to see the photos show up. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 06/25/2019

Wendy- makes me want to travel to Easter Island
Mauka- what she said
off n running


Worst sound ever, slurp of an empty tiki mug through my straw!!!

[ Edited by: hang10tiki 2019-06-24 20:44 ]

anthonymaye posted on 06/26/2019

Makua I’m excited to see that take shape..
Wendy the mug looks amazing...as always!

I got after my project the other day, once I started I really couldn’t stop
working on it. I finished it earlier today, hope you all like
it as much as I do. Mahalo

17”x11” quarter inch plywood cut out.

danlovestikis posted on 06/26/2019

anthonymaye can we trust MadDogMike not to save your swap art for himself. You know he lives in the desert. Well done but I swear you already did another piece. Once day I will look back at all the pages to see if I can find it. Wendy

anthonymaye posted on 06/26/2019

Hey Wendy that was just a sketch
I was planning out the painting with.

danlovestikis posted on 06/27/2019

AnthonyMaye I went back and found it. Looked good enough as a sketch but even better as your painting.

MDM how may people are in this swap? One month to go. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 06/27/2019

AM- good one
I think I live in a desert too

danlovestikis posted on 06/27/2019

hang10tiki yes you do. How funny is it that I didn't realize it. Wendy

hang10tiki posted on 06/27/2019


Joshua Bell posted on 07/01/2019

Yay, vacation time! Time to roll up my sleeves...

A PNG tiki from the Mai Kai on the first page caught my eye, and served as vague inspiration.

Bust out the craft supplies:

Rough sketch:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5465/5d1a8f99.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=6338d7a89e8b45210ffa10bceb8597ae

Initial parts:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5465/5d1a8fa6.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c5f19f437a3cf8bd7ed62db7713256fc

Internal bracing with hot glue - my first builds like this were so inefficient!
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Details for the face:
Image Missing: https://tikicentral.com/resize.php/uploads/5465/5d1a8fc4.jpg?w=1280&h=1280&fit=max&sharp=5&s=c6a01e44ffd5503901e58468bcec7479

Face assembled; I decided it needed more details:
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Assembly done! Ready for skinning:
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I might do a bit more relief on the torso, though. Elapsed time: 2 hours.

MaukaHale posted on 07/01/2019

Its shaping up and looking good!

danlovestikis posted on 07/02/2019

Joshua, you are so good at this. It's fun to see all the steps too. Wendy

Joshua Bell posted on 07/04/2019

Day Two: beefed up the outer structure a bit to avoid the paper mache "sinking". Super easy, will use this technique again. Added a bit of definition, too:
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"You're going to do what to me with that?"
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Into the convection oven to quick-dry. Oh, pro tip: the hot glue from Day One will melt if the oven is hot... no disaster, fortunately:
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"I'm beside myself..."
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Day Three: a some sanding and paper mache touch-ups, then it's time to paint...
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And... done!
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danlovestikis posted on 07/05/2019

Joshua you are so good at this. He turned out beautifully. It was fun to watch too. Wendy

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