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The Lurid low-brow Tiki-Art of Brad (tiki-shark) Parker

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/03/2018
Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/03/2018
Tiki Shark Art posted on 02/09/2018

Tiki-Shark TV ~
A vid from the TIKI-ZONE!
Happy Aloha Friday Episode
Submitted for your approval, Brad "Tiki-Shark" Parker talks about…
• Fine-Art giclees of Low-Brow Art
• Artist Remarques - what are they?


Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/02/2018
hang10tiki posted on 06/03/2018

Very Kool

suburbanpagan posted on 06/05/2018


Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/08/2018
Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/15/2018


~"Mean Green Jelly Bean" ~ ...
Please, read about the strange tale, inspiration for, and see crude-rude sketches concerning my up-coming art show: "Mean Green Jelly Bean" this August, 2019, at the world famous birth-place of "Low-Brow Art": La Luz de Jesus Gallery.

Details @t http://www.meangreenjellybean.com


Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/16/2018
Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/23/2018

"Mean Green Jelly Bean"
The Low-Brow Tiki Art
Brad "Tiki Shark" Parker
La Luz De Jesus Gallery
Hollywood California
August 3rd to Sept 2nd


Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/23/2018
Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/31/2018
danlovestikis posted on 07/31/2018

Best Wishes always, Wendy

[ Edited by: danlovestikis 2019-06-24 10:37 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/19/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Episode 0ne of my Artist's Blog is up.
Check out my weird ramblings:

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/24/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
My semi-daily artist's blog is posted ( Episode Two)

Link :

tikiskip posted on 06/24/2019

"I was all distracted by this dag-nab-dumb copy-right law-suit where Cafe-Press stole my art. Yep...It's still going on, and I have no idea what's happening. Really, my lawyer sends me e-mails, ….and I know they are in English ….and I know I can read. ...but I still have no idea what they say. They are written in some sort of Lawyer-Secret Code… and no guy on da' street can ever figure out what they say, mean, or are about.
Well, at least I can't! "

Did this ever come to an end?

Can you fight city hall, er Café-Press?

Anyway, Good luck.

Tiki Shark Art posted on 06/30/2019

It did end.
It was a legal battle royal like none ever seen in this little town.
Things got darned crazy - you would not believe what happened.
The mouse that roared. The tiki tribe, locally and internationally, came to my rescue big time.
In the end we signed "a paper" where in I cannot tell you exactly what happened, who got what, how it was resolved, but it was to all parties mutual satisfaction or at least all significant parties cried "Uncle" by the end.
Mahalo for asking.

tikiskip posted on 06/30/2019

Good for you sounds like you got something.
Art like yours can be just flat out reproduced and ripped off over and over even mugs.

Think about just the tikibob that has been done a lot.
If that guy ever knew how many times that little mug would be copied he would flip, and yet we don't even know the name of the guy who first made tikibob, do we.

Poor guy got no money, no credit.
I think it's almost worst to loose any credit for your work than it is the money, to me.
But then for you it is how you make a living.

It's funny how if you copy a Shag the whole world falls apart and goes ape $hit, But copy some other guy and it's no big deal.

Lights are a bit harder to rip off but it's the ideas that get used and that goes on a lot in the tiki world and is kinda ok, same with mugs and carvings.

It's when you take an idea and beat the guy who came up with the art out of selling his stuff that's when it starts to get not so ok.

That's the very reason I don't do many how toos anymore.
When I'm dead do as you wish I say.

I have made dead on copies of a few Kahiki items like the table lamps, that guy has to be dead, and I made only a few.

But good luck, your art is great!

And they can't take away your abilities and skills.

Tiki Republic posted on 06/30/2019

Brad, my work is trademarked. Is there anything else that you'd recommend?

Mahalo in advance, Pierre

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/01/2019

Trade Mark is a darned good thing to do.
Copyrights are a darned good thing to do.

now, American law says every piece of art is automatically copyrighted to the artist who made it. Period!
In a perfect world that would be enough. But, sigh, things are not perfect.

The biggest problem is technology is changing FAST. I was told, by a fed, that the FEDS just could not keep up with the internet and every single case of every artist being ripped off on line. They didn't have the man power.
However, the other edge of that sword is things are changing fast and folks are quickly catching up every day. Many of these on line business's of selling merchandise on line, NOW have rather easy systems to report someone who is selling something they should not. So if you see your work on line, before you call that expensive lawyer, take the time to check out the web site and see where you report copyright infringements.

Good Luck and ALOHA!

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/02/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

What are these tiki artists smirking about?

Find out on my semi-weekly Artist' Blog

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/20/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
Check out may latest artist-blog-post - it's all bout the creation of the "KAAN TOOK" Tiki Mug.
Visit : https://facebook.com/Brad-Tiki-Shark-Parker-643256965774734

• KAAN TOOK - this project started as an artist-jam with my best art-buddy also living on the big Island...

  • Jacob Medina -
    Jacob Medina is a Tiki Artist of Mexican heritage livin' on the big island of Hawaii & painting Tiki Art with a heavy "Dia de los Muertos" flavor. (So many things I dig!) I knew we had to work on something together.

• I saw a concept drawing he had made. A drawing of Kaan Took. I couldn't stop thinking about this weird tiki creature.

Kaan Took
He told me it was a character his father used to tell him stories about when he was little.
His Dad said KAAN TOOK was an ancient Mayan King with supernatural powers. Sometimes he seemed more like a mythological god.
Sometimes a great warrior of the Mayan Empire. Sometimes a powerful priest of the snake god Kukulkan.

I never found out if Kaan Took was real. Was the "Snake-King" was a pre-historical figure, or an actual Meso-American / Mexican legend, or perhaps a bed time story his father made up to scare & thirll little Jacob.

GOOGLE the name KAAN TOOK and you get various vague Messo-American people, places, and things.
But really who cares?
It's not the point.
The point is KAAN TOOK fairly drips Low-Brow !
The point is... it's a GREAT story, it's an awesome character, an' ready-made to perfection for habitation in some Low-Brow Tiki Art.

• I knew I had to talk about this totally unique tiki-creature / being / king... some how... in my Art.

• Jacob and I did a painting together of KAAN TOOK. • It was part of my last show at La Luz: "Mean Green Jelly Bean". It sold quickly.

• Then, we went on and designed a KAAN TOOK Tiki Mug.
• We felt we had more to say about this ancient Meso-American Snake-King of the dead.
( That, plus we had many requests to create A KAAN TOOK tiki mug. )

• The Limited Edition SOLD OUT - ( signed by both artists, numbered, and certificated ) - that edition SOLD OUT in about one hour.

• A further "open ended" (kinda') edition is on the way soon (-ish ) .

• "KAAN TOOK" is coming!
The second part is not signed by both artists, not numbered, and no, they don't have a cool Certificate of Authenticity.
However, they WILL be just as full of supernatural mythological Low-Brow Tiki Art mana as the first swanky limited edition.

So, down on yer knees mortals, - get ready to a tremble in fear, - dare ye' enter the taboo temple of the snake god Kukulkanl, - and raise your mugs of rum & blood to the mighty K A A N T O O K !

Check out my latest Artist's blog about the making of the KAAN TOOK Tiki Mug. M A H A L O & A L O H A

Visit : https://facebook.com/Brad-Tiki-Shark-Parker-643256965774734/groups/

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/26/2019


My latest Artist Blog is up!

It follows "Mister Mai-Tai's wild ride from a acrylic painting to a Mai-Tai fest Tee-shirt ( or does it?! )
Check it out at:


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2019-07-25 21:01 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 07/29/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

The limited edition of the KAAN TOOK tiki mug SOLD OUT in one morning.
However there is a new SPECIAL OFFER for the regular tiki-mug run going on now.

Check it out at: https://www.tikishark.com

A L O H A. !

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/03/2019

ALOHA Tiki Tribe!
...HEY guess what?! It's time for another SPECIAL ALOHA-STYLE OFFER on TIKI Shark SWAG !!

FOR DETAILS GO HERE: https://www.tikishark.com/products/kaan-took-concept-drawing-2-signed-kaan-took-tiki-mugs

Tonight, we present for your approval...

A new piece for your COLLECTOR'S EDITION of swank, rare, souvenir-art objects ~

ONLY ONE AVAILABLE ~ An original concept drawing of...the Mayan / Meso-America / Tiki-god : "KAAN TOOK" !
He climbs up from the ruins of the lost city of the monkey king seeking to live again... as a Swanky New Tiki Mug ! !

Seriously, an exquisite new piece perfect for any serious mug collection.
This new treasure is designed by Brad "Tiki-Shark" Parker based on a concept by Mexican Tiki Artist Jacob Medina.

Livin' on da' Big Island of Hawai'i, these two friends put their renown Tiki Artist's skills an' imaginations together to create a new legendary liege lord of liquor: "KAAN TOOK !"
Personal interests & historical art studies combined to raise an ancient immortal cosmocrat up from steaming primordial jungles jagged with prehistoric edifices N' lost temples.

"Oh, what sanguine-Mayan-toxicant might overflow from KAAN TOOK in quenching drafts of glorious vintage glee?!"

An iconic mystery-monarch KAAN TOOK's perfectly unique n' his folkloric nobility.
His mystery-history plus KAAN TOOK'S insane amount of Lurid detail make him worthy of "Tiki-Mug" status.

After the creation of a new mythological deity, the guys worked exhaustively with a world famous ceramic production house to create one of the most carefully crafted, abundantly detailed, and high-quality Tiki Mugs to recently make waves in the collectable mug market !

Original sketch includes: Includes 2 Signed Kaan Took Tiki Mugs, 1/1,
CONCEPT SKETCH (Framed): Pencil, ink, and acrylic paint on paper; 8.5 x 11

ONLY $495 + FREE Shipping (US)!!!

FOR DETAILS GO HERE: https://www.tikishark.com/products/kaan-took-concept-drawing-2-signed-kaan-took-tiki-mugs


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2019-08-21 14:53 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/13/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe!
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Check it out....


Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/16/2019

Happy Aloha Friday - Tiki Tribe!
This week end...
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KAAN TOOK Makes his first public appearance at the Mai-Tai Festival at the Royal Kona Resort here in Hawaii.
We got ten boxes of mugs in, however 90% are already SOLD.
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A few lucky folks at the festival will get the chance to purchase a KAAN TOOK Tiki Mug ahead of the mad rush of the rest of the shipment.

Pre-orders stop soon.
For details go to http://www.tikishark.com

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/20/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe ~

KAAN TOOK - the tiki Mug - Finally the first part of the shipment arrived!
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  • All these have been SOLD - "Whew!"
    Jacob and I carefully signed and numbered the limited edition of 100.
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    Each mug will come with a Certificate of Authenticity - which is now printing.
    BEST OF ALL - Not one mug was damaged in shipping to us.
    After hunting through three production houses, fighting endlessly with over-seas artists, we
    finally found one shop that could give us what we were looking for - quality!
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For more info please go to

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2019-08-20 01:22 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/21/2019


• KAAN TOOK the special edition has arrived!

If you purchased your LIMITED EDITION ~ KAAN TOOK Tiki Mug expect it with in, ...oh about... two weeks or less, or more. (Depending on where in the world you are ordering from. )

You will receive:

1.) One KAAN TOOK Tiki Mug ,in a custom box, - signed n' numbered by both artists ( Brad & Jacob )
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2.) A signed Certificate of Authenticity .
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PLUS, a Big Mahalo!

If you missed out on the SPECIAL LIMITED EDITION and want one KAAN TOOK Tiki Mug, you can find out more info on a purchase of the regular tiki mug run by paying a visit to ~ http://www.tikishark.com

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/23/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Submitted for your approval:
We made a ( very ) SHORT FILM to explain why I make "Tiki -Art".

Check it out at this link to my FB page:


Big Mahalo n' ALOHA!
Brad Tiki-Shark Parker

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/23/2019


Hey my new tiki mug "KAAN TOOK" has arrived!
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Remember, Mystical Mayan KAAN TOOK comes in Two Meso American colors !
1.) BONE : "Boney Brown"
2.) AZUL FANTASMAL! : "Ghostly Blue "

First limited edition SOLD OUT, but for more info go to:

Or my Regular FB page:

Or http://www.tikishark.com

Big Mahalo and ALOHA!

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2019-08-25 16:53 ]

Tiki Shark Art posted on 08/25/2019


Submitted for your approval,
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the wonderful art of the best carver on the Big Island of Hawaii:
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Kevin Murray
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We expect Kevin will again be selling his awesome idols at this years Tiki Festival on the Island of Hawaii
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Check http://www.tikishark.com for up dates on Tiki Fest #3.

Contact Kevin at

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/02/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

Happy LABOR-DAY Tiki-folks! Hope you are having a great holiday week-end!

Q: Hey, what's a good way to celebrate "L A B O R ~ D A Y" n' the great union workers of America?
A: Why, with a great Big Rockin' S A L E of Tiki Art, of course! ~ YOU WORK HARD ~ You deserve it!!
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Go to my website right now http://www.tikishark.com and grab on to da' Big Throbin' Rock Hard SALE !!
ALL Da' swanky stuff is 20% OFF ! • Everything Cool is 20% OFF ! • YOU WORK HARD Labor Day SALE!
http://www.tikishark.com ~ 20 % O F F !! ~ YOU WORK HARD ~ http://www.tikishark.com ~ 20 % O F F !! ~ You're ROCK HARD Sale ~
~ 20 % O F F !! ~ YOU WORK HARD ~ you deserve a big ol sweaty manly sale! !! ~ 20 % O F F !! ~ ~ YOU WORK IT HARD SALE ~

( http://www.tikishark.com! - However, this awesome Sale only lasts the holiday week end - so don't delay! )

• Here's an extra-swanky featured piece: " Original Art - Framed pencil sketch for a NEW PAINTING "The Mummy's Mai-Tai"
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“The Mummy’s Mai-Tai” Original Pencil Study

Pencil / graphite & white acrylic paint on heavy rag paper. Framed.
Art area -11 1/4” x 8”
Frame - 16” x 13”

Torn from my artist’s sketch book: an original pencil on paper study for the painting “The Mummy’s Mai-Tai”.
Following the first four classic monsters:

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The Werewolf, the Creature, Dracula, Frankenstein, ...here finally is the design of monster number five (5) for the on going series very popular “Monsters on Vacation” series.
I am placing the low-brow spot-light of my weird-o character driven art style on the mummified Egyptian high-priest "Im-Ho-Tep" !
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That's right: THE MUMMY!

  • inspired by the brilliant portrayal by Boris Karloff in 1933.
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    Monsters Boris Karloff played the Frankenstein's monster, the Mummy, Dr. Frankenstein, and a bunch of other scary guys that I can't remember right now!! ( WOW! )
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    “The Mummy’s Mai-Tai” painting is about that love for the Universal horror films that so heavily influenced my childhood, and continues to be part of my particular flavor of Tiki-Culture art ! ( GOSH! )
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    sketch~ "pencil study - Da' Mummy's Mai-Tai"
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    Sketch~" pencil study - Da' Mummy's hand!"
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    Sketch~ pencil study - Da' Mummy's Mai-Tai #two with more detail n stuff
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    Sketch ~ pencil study - "The Mummy's stink-eye!"
    As a small boy, my week revolved around Saturday morning cartoons, plus Saturday Night (when I got to stay up and watch ) "CREATURE FEATURE"
    In glorious black & white, with the horror host Dr, Sanguinary!
    “I watched in gleeful terror as Boris Karloff was buried alive for 3700 years, ...til the tomb was opened, the seal broken, ...and the Mummy came to LIFE to fulfill it’s dreadful mission!”

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“I also remember the Midway at the Nebraska State Fair an’ trying to win these silly-looking inflatable monsters. I had them all in one form or another. As a kid, my room looked like a miniature Madame Tussauds wax museum chamber of horrors. With these paintings I suppose I’m still perfecting my own ultimate collection of monsters.”

Don't delay, now is YOUR chance to collect the awesome N' ever-growing "MONSTERS on VACATION Series" from me, and Tiki Shark Art Inc.
YOU WORK HARD ~ you deserve a big ol swanky sale! !!
Go to my Web site right now AN' OOGLE all Da' 20% OFF everything cool Labor Day SALE!
http://www.tikishark.com! - Sale only lasts the holiday week end so don't delay - or it's gonna be gone like a mummy back into it's tomb for the next 3700 years!!!


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Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/08/2019

Aloha tiki Tribe,

Submitted for your approval...


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Tiki Shark Art posted on 09/17/2019

ALOHA Tiki Tribe!

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So, one beautiful Hawaiian day I was moving some piles of papers, small crates of old bones, and strange boxes of unknown objects (for drawing reference) around in my art studio and I found...
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"Wow! It's Mister Mai-Tai! I've been out of stock of these for a long time. It's such a pleasant surprise to find one!"

Just then, my Art Agent Abbas was walking past the art-studio ...and saw it.
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"Oh Boy! That would be perfect!" Abbas madly grinned. He grabbed the "Object-D'Tiki-Art" n' ran off towards the Tiki Shark web-site offices.
There, Abbas handed the precious collectable item over to our "head-web-mistress & web-designer-trix; MISTRESS BOURGEOIS.”
Her purple hued eyes narrowed as her satin gloved hands caressed the hard wood Mini-Surf Board.
A smile crossed her scarlet lips.
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She rose a' moved, swift as a jungle cat, to place this special, LAST-ONE-OF-IT'S-KIND, Tiki Item up for SALE on the Tiki Shark web site. ~ http://www.tikishark.com
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Back in the Art Studio, I clenched my paint splattered fist in consternation.
"Oh jeepers creepers! That was a really cool one, an' I kinda' wanted to hang it up an' gawk at it for a while."
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~ I grumbled through broken teeth.
"But," I sighed, "Too may things in my art studio already!"
"I gotta' make some room in here to think and get inspired by big time tiki artists da' likes of Eric October & Tom "Big-Toe" Laura!
We're all going to Forbidden Island!!

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I smiled an' dreamed of that strange FORBIDDEN ISLAND as I swigged from a bottle o' rum.
"Hey, you know what?" I slurred towards a blurry shape that might have been my cat,
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"It's better if the MINI SURF BOARD goes out into the world and decorates someone's home Tiki Bar."
The cat's green eyes watched me as I scratched it's furry, over-sized head.
"That's the BEST PLACE any of my TIKI ART can ever end up!"
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So... get IT, if ya' dig IT!
'Cause IT won't Last Long.
ONLY ONE, no others of this design be LEFT!

"Mister Mai-Tai"
~ printed on a custom-made miniature Wooden Surf Board.
It’s adorned with a special, one-of-a-kind, Artist's Remarque!
It’s wooden sleek wooden shape is personally signed by…
~ the artist ~ Brad "Tiki-Shark" Parker.



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Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/13/2019

Aloha tiki Tribe
Another episode of Brad "tiki-Shark" parker's art blog is up!
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Check it out here:

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/25/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe,

• It's that time of year for a MONSTER S A L E !
~ Fine Art Prints: HALF PRICE !!! ~

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• Fine Art Prints: HALF PRICE !!! ~
• High - Museum Quality / Giclee Art-Prints
• Printed with FADE RESISTANT Archival inks,
(Life long color never will dull or loose saturation.)

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• 1.) “Dracula Drinks a Zombie”, 16” x 20”, ~ Now In stock ~

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• 2.) “The Werewolf off Waikiki”, 16” x 20”, ~ Now In stock ~

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• 3.) “The Creature from Kona”, 16” x 20”, ~ Now In stock ~

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• 4.) “Frankenstein goes Hawaiian”, 16” x 20”, ~ Now In stock ~

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• 5.) “All Four Monsters”, - on one Giclee Art Print, 16” x 20”, ~ Now In stock ~

Limited Edition in Stock - First Come First Serve
S A L E only good through October 31st !

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• PLUS the rare ’secret monster’~ “The Invisible Surfer”, 16” x 20”, ~ Only ONE In stock ~
• Limited edition - only 1 left - signed by the original owner of Body Glove; “Uncle Bob Meistrell“- (now deceased )

• Regular gallery priced - $120.00 Each ~ SPECIAL HALF OFF • MA-Ha-LO-Ween Price $65.00
• PLUS ~ Each Art-Print comes with a special Halloween TREAT from Brad “Tiki-Shark” Parker!
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Shipping to continental USA - Only $10.00 USD
(for international shipping please check with seller )
I take P A Y P A L
~ Send Payments to ....PAYPAL
My registered PAYPALl email: brad@tikishark.com
I take P A Y P A L
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~ Fine Art Prints: HALF PRICE !!! ~

WEB-SITE? - No Thank you ! Direct to ME? YES SIREE!
My regi$tered PayPal email: brad@tikishark.com

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2019-10-27 15:07 ]

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 10/27/2019

ALOHA Tiki Tribe!

~ Fine-Art-Prints: HALF -PRICE ! ~

• I know you're gettin' ready for your big HALLOWEEN party,
however, I had a couple folks ask some questions about...

...that just had to be answered. OKEE... ?

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~ Fine-Art-Prints: HALF-PRICE !!! ~

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A.) The BEST you can find.

• All gallery-quality art-prints on museum quality thick-rag-content paper.
~ Even when these MONSTERS are in the DIRECT righteous LIGHT-o-DAY, they will NEVER FADE AWAY!~

Q.) WHO Printed them? Kinkos?
A.) No. My Art Prints are crafted by the some one considered the very Best.
He is the same printer who created all the gallery and museum prints for Hawaii's most famous artist/historian "Herb Kawainui Kāne".
Never heard of "Herb Kawainui Kāne"? Google him & be surprised.
Fine Art Curators have told me the quality of these "giclee Art-Prints" simply does not get any better.

Q.) How big a discount is this sale?

To purchase these Art Prints the normal cost is $120.00. The MAHALL-O-WEEN offer them at 1/2 PRICE! $60.00 !

Q.) I can't find this sale on your Tikishark web site! Where on it is it?
A.) Its NOT on the Web Site. It is RIGHT HERE!

Looking for this sale on my WEB-SITE? You won't find it there.
Cause, It's RIGHT HERE! Just for you - you lucky Tiki Room Browser!

1.) Just go to PAY-PAL.
2.) Tell me which print you want - or how many. - N' pay er em at that great sale price!
3.) Pay ten bucks per print shipping to the USA,( Overseas buyers contact me & we will calculate it out. )
4.) U R DONE!

Official WEB-SITE? No Thank you! ~ Direct to ME? YES SIREE!
My registered PayPal email: brad@tikishark.com

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2019-10-29 06:19 ]

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/04/2019

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Mele Kalikimaka Tiki Tribe!

My good friend, Alex “the Art of Detail” Gupton, and me; Brad “Tiki-Shark” Parker have decided to give you fine folks a real Christmas treat this year!
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It’s our very FIRST COLLABORATION SPECIAL, & you are NOT gonna’ wanna’ miss out on this one!
Here’s what it is:

• Four (4) High Quality Super-Luxurious Micro-fiber Art towels!

• Towels so gorgeous you may never wanna’ to use t’em, but frame ‘em as Swanky-soft Art instead!

• Alex and I’ve worked many sleepless nights putting the perfect combination of four art pieces together for you - our beloved Art Patrons.

• This is a Limited Edition Run, Tiki Tribe, so grab ‘em up quick!

• They’re gonna’ go as fast as cute-flying-reindeer ‘cause they’re the ultimate Holiday Gifts!

As always, Tiki-peeps, from our holiday home-tiki-bar to yours;
“A Big Mahalo for all your support, patronage and ALOHA !
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You R A W K !”

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/09/2019

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/10/2019

ALOHA Tiki Tribe!~

Fresh from "product testing" at the beach on the Big Island of HAWAII... !!

The "T I K I " beach towel

"H A W A I I " beach towel

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A L O H A ! !

[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2019-12-10 01:28 ]

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/18/2019


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Check out the X-MAS sale with the F R E E Shipping!
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( while supplies last! )

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JUST go to the Web Site ...


[ Edited by: Tiki Shark Art 2019-12-17 19:30 ]

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/18/2019

Aloha Tiki Tribe!

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Alex Gupton
Brad “Tiki Shark” Parker

It’s n’ ART-OFF! -

Da’ Artist who sells da’ most ART gets to STAY in da’ GALLERY, n' da’ artist who sells less... DON'T !!!!

YES - Brad "Tiki Shark" Parker ...and 'some other guy'
It's a Two Man ART show at the Kona Oceanfront Gallery
Dec 28th,

5 to 9PM.
When “The Art of Detail”
Meets “Low Brow Tiki Art”

• FREE Food & Drink,
• FREE artist REMARQUES on each piece sold.
• FREE Art give-away at da' end of da' night!

Big Mahalo!

M E L E - K A L I K I M A K A
for you at...


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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/24/2019

Mele Kalikimaka Tiki Tribe!
Come to a'big art show ( if you happen to be in HAWAII !)
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If you can't be in paradise this holiday season...
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Check out the great Christmas savings on...
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A L O H A ! !

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 12/27/2019


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Check out da'with a humongous M E G A S A L E on http://www.tikishark.com !

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Check out the bitchin' Hawaiian Tiki carving of Kevin Murray - https://www.facebook.com/kevinscarvings

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Celebrate the end of 2019 like it's 1999 Tiki Tribe!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/23/2020

E Komo Mi - Welcome to Low-Brow University!
Today’s topic is “Hawaiian Mythology: The Myth of The Magic Talking Spear”.

The Spear talks to who’s welding it, telling them how to win in battle.
Prince Ka-ui-lani uses the spear to defeat a notorious sea-kupua (sea monster).
The prince wins by carving several wooden warriors
which the spear brings to life. Together they out maneuver the monster.

Recently I came across the Hawaiian word “Ka-koa” meaning “warriors” but koa can also mean “wood”.
Made me wonder if there was a connection.

Koa is a certain type of tree that grows only in Hawaii.
It is the most abundant native tree in Hawai’i and Koa wood is prized for it’s deep luster.
However, Ka-Koa is “warriors.” Could it be many Hawaiian warriors standing resembled a grove of sturdy Koa trees?
Or, is the myth of “The Magic Talking Spear” describing a connection of the word for “Koa tree” to the word for “Koa (warrior)”?

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Hmmm, good question, heck if I know! Remember, no one wrote down all these things and most true Hawaiians were wiped out by disease so hardly anyone was left an' passed down the clear verbal Hawaiian culture. 99% of folks are just making most of this up.


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cy posted on 01/23/2020

Excellent art and story Tiki Shark!

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Tiki Shark Art posted on 01/23/2020

On 2020-01-23 08:09, cy wrote:
Excellent art and story Tiki Shark!


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