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"Tiki Tour 33" Birthday Trip

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Starting September 7th, I begin my 33rd Birthday Trip, which started out as a trip hitting 33 Tiki Places.
The list is a bit longer now, and it's gonna be a whirlwind, but I can't wait!

I'll be posting about it on the Tiki Tour 33 blog on my site tikillama.com
Also feel free to follow me on Instagram, dreasjp, and if you're out and about when I'm at a place, let me know!
Below are all the places I plan on going to!

9/7 - Boston, MA
Tiki Rock
Shore Leave

9/11 - Tacoma, WA
Elk's Temple
Devil's Reef

9/11 - Portland, OR
Hale Pele
The Alibi

9/12- Disneyland, CA
Enchanted Tiki Room
Tropical Hideaway
Olga's Cantina
Tangaroa Terrace
Trader Sam's Enchanted Tiki Bar

9/13 - Los Angeles, CA
Tiki Farm
Bauers Pottery
Geeki Tiki Lounge
Formosa Cafe
Tonga Hut
Tiki To

9/14 - Los Angeles, CA
Oceanic Arts
Exotical Hawaiian Apparel
Tiki No
Tiki Ti

9/15 - San Francisco, CA
Forbidden Island
Trader Vic's
Tonga Room
Last Rites
Smuggler's Cove

9/16 - San Francisco, CA
Trader Sams
Kon Tiki
Pagan Idol
Zombie Village

9/17 - San Diego, CA
Humprey's Half Moon Inn
Trader Morts
Bali Hai
Grass Skirt
False Idol

9/18 - New York City, NY
Otto's Shrunken Head
Mother of Pearl
The Polynesian

Can't wait!!


I’d love to meet up with you in Tacoma! Your artifacts and additions to Portland’s tiki history are worth celebrating!

Hamo posted on Sat, Aug 24, 2019 7:24 PM

Whoa, that's quite the ambitious schedule....

On 2019-08-24 19:04, tikicoma wrote:
I’d love to meet up with you in Tacoma! Your artifacts and additions to Portland’s tiki history are worth celebrating!

Current plan is to grab a drink at Elks and then get to Devil’s Reef right at opening for a drink or two, then book it back down to Portland!

On 2019-08-24 19:24, Hamo wrote:
Whoa, that's quite the ambitious schedule....

Yes it is! Ha. My liver and wallet are going to hate me, but you only turn 33 once right?!!

Tiare posted on Fri, Sep 6, 2019 11:31 PM

Depending on where you're staying, A closer proximity grouping in the bay area might be

9/15 -San Francisco / Emeryville/ Oakland / Alameda, CA
Last Rites ( opens 5 PM-2 AM)
Tonga Room (SF) ( 5 PM-11:30 AM)
Trader Vic's (Emeryville) ( 4 PM-10 PM)
Kona Club ( Oakland) ( 2 AM- 2 PM) ( the kon tiki is closed on sundays)
Forbidden Island ( Alameda) ( Closes at 10 PM)
( or flip it the other way and start in Alameda, though the tonga room can get more difficult the later you go.
Tonga, Vic's and Forbidden Island all serve food/bar snacks, so time saved!)

9/16 - San Francisco, CA
Trader Sams ( opens at 10:30 AM!)
Pagan Idol (closed sundays, so go monday)
Zombie Village (closed sundays, so go monday)
(find nearby original Tiki bob Location )
Smuggler's Cove ( closes at 1:15 AM)
( don't flip this the other way, but end at any of the last three, tiki haven, a fun neighborhood bar with a tiki theme, is also close to tradr Sams btw and also opens early at 4 PM. Also Whitechapel is awesome, close to smuggler's and importantly, unlike the rest this day, has food)

Have a great trip! It sounds epic!


Sounds like a great trip, DixonAlibi.
Your two LA days on 9/13 and 9/14 are pretty ambitious. Tiki Farm is in San Clemente at the far south end of Orange County. Ventiki is up in Ventura. Driving around LA/OC can be a bear, particularly if you’re cross-crossing the counties.
Also Oceanic Arts is a must, but know that they have very limited hours on Saturday. 10-1 per their website.
You may want to consider doing O.A. on 9/13 after you hit Tiki Farm when they open at 9. Then start off 9/14 by driving up to Ventura Saturday and hit Ventiki when they open at 11. Get some food and head back to LA for tiki spots that evening.
Packed schedule. You’re going to need a vacation when you get back!
Have fun and post pics when you return.


This weekend I’ll post pics and reviews for all the places I visited! Taken me awhile to recover!!

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